Will this end up being the pandemic that cried wolf?

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I'm saying that it was a bit jarring to us to be dealing with two elderly people, who only consume conservative news, and hear them all of the sudden pull a complete 180....purely because the people who deliver the news that they consume....told them that the virus was no longer a hoax. All of the sudden, to them the virus was real.

Their news feed wasn't telling them to self-isolate early on in this thing. Their son and daughter-in-law told them to do that, but they didn't believe us until their news told them the virus was real. It became very real for them when two acquaintances of theirs and my father-in-laws best friend friend ended up in the hospital. Even more real when 2 out of the 3 of them died.

First it was a hoax. Then it was the "Wuhan Virus". Now it's "We need to follow in Sweden's footsteps!!". I wish they'd make up their mind over there.

Like I said, I haven't heard "Sweden" yet, but I probably will eventually because, they don't watch CNN.
CNN is the network news of choice in the areas hard hit by the virus which is puzzling since those areas didn’t seem to fare better from their reporting.

At the start the hardest hit Burrough was Queens and then maybe Brooklyn even though the first reported case(s ?) were in Manhattan. Do you have any thoughts on why Queens out of the Burroughs was especially hard hit?

I know Manhattan slightly but nothing about the other Burroughs.
Well, it is and it isn't. I'm honestly not too happy about it. First, it is in violation of the governor's order. His plant isn't producing anything even remotely essential (interior door panels for cars/trucks). Second, he told us today that they're not taking any extra precautions at all. It is just back to business as usual, no distancing or masks or even extra time to wash hands often. And third, I think the Big Three being allowed to reopen as planned is wishful thinking so this is putting employees at risk for a fantasy. I expect to see the governor easing some restrictions on May 1, when our current order expired, but I don't think that's going to include factories going back to business as usual.

But he really didn't have a choice, so back he went. If he'd refused he couldn't keep claiming unemployment, and his car insurance and other bills aren't going to pay themselves.

Best of luck to your husband, and his coworkers. Kind of mindboggling that they think the rank and file is going to report to work in the same conditions they were protesting before they finally shutdown, particularly after hearing the news of how many of their colleagues have died from the virus.
https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/20/cor...an-reported-cases.html?&qsearchterm=la county
So, if you take the lower end of their estimate (30 times the number of cases) - the rate of fatality is .14% (1/10th of 1 percent) and the rate of hospitalization is .84% (8/10th of 1%). And that includes all the vulnerable. If we tell the vulnerable to be more cautious we don't have the big bad boogie man the media and certain officials are making this out to be.

I don't know about your areas, but people are definitely taking this less seriously than they did a few weeks ago. I know several people going to see their hair dresser or even having their parents over to their house. Life is for living not hiding under their bed. Yes it can be risky, but life is not without risks.
https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/20/cor...an-reported-cases.html?&qsearchterm=la county
So, if you take the lower end of their estimate (30 times the number of cases) - the rate of fatality is .14% (1/10th of 1 percent) and the rate of hospitalization is .84% (8/10th of 1%). And that includes all the vulnerable. If we tell the vulnerable to be more cautious we don't have the big bad boogie man the media and certain officials are making this out to be.

I don't know about your areas, but people are definitely taking this less seriously than they did a few weeks ago. I know several people going to see their hair dresser or even having their parents over to their house. Life is for living not hiding under their bed. Yes it can be risky, but life is not without risks.
Anyone else find it ironic that this post criticizes the media for saying the pandemic is bad WHILE citing a media source (specifically one that says it may not be as bad as we thought)?
Anyone else find it ironic that this post criticizes the media for saying the pandemic is bad WHILE citing a media source (specifically one that says it may not be as bad as we thought)?
The article points out that far more people have antibodies to this virus then expected. I can’t imagine that being bad news for anyone.
There have been 600 deaths attributed to this virus in LA county thus far so very very low compared to NY and other major metro areas.
https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/20/cor...an-reported-cases.html?&qsearchterm=la county
So, if you take the lower end of their estimate (30 times the number of cases) - the rate of fatality is .14% (1/10th of 1 percent) and the rate of hospitalization is .84% (8/10th of 1%). And that includes all the vulnerable. If we tell the vulnerable to be more cautious we don't have the big bad boogie man the media and certain officials are making this out to be.

I don't know about your areas, but people are definitely taking this less seriously than they did a few weeks ago. I know several people going to see their hair dresser or even having their parents over to their house. Life is for living not hiding under their bed. Yes it can be risky, but life is not without risks.

Yes! Life is NOT without risks, but everyone I know would draw the line where their risk would threaten someone elses health.
I'm saying that it was a bit jarring to us to be dealing with two elderly people, who only consume conservative news, and hear them all of the sudden pull a complete 180....purely because the people who deliver the news that they consume....told them that the virus was no longer a hoax. All of the sudden, to them the virus was real.

Their news feed wasn't telling them to self-isolate early on in this thing. Their son and daughter-in-law told them to do that, but they didn't believe us until their news told them the virus was real. It became very real for them when two acquaintances of theirs and my father-in-laws best friend friend ended up in the hospital. Even more real when 2 out of the 3 of them died.

First it was a hoax. Then it was the "Wuhan Virus". Now it's "We need to follow in Sweden's footsteps!!". I wish they'd make up their mind over there.

Like I said, I haven't heard "Sweden" yet, but I probably will eventually because, they don't watch CNN.
Actually Sweden is not forcing social isolation like the rest of its neighboring countries and has a much higher death rate for this reason.
CNN is the network news of choice in the areas hard hit by the virus which is puzzling since those areas didn’t seem to fare better from their reporting.

At the start the hardest hit Burrough was Queens and then maybe Brooklyn even though the first reported case(s ?) were in Manhattan. Do you have any thoughts on why Queens out of the Burroughs was especially hard hit?

I know Manhattan slightly but nothing about the other Burroughs.
Poverty, folks very close together, housing projects, social isolation almost impossible in stores, public transportation...
Yes to above post by @mjkacmom

I said this in another thread but will put it here too. Instead of just waiting for a vaccine or treatment, we can be doing other things -

We need to work on the socioeconomic issues that are facing minorities and low income households in our country who are among the largest death population of Covid. If we can help there, it would go a long way to lowering death rate from Covid. Better access to healthcare, more affordable healthcare better trust in leaders, need better options for groceries, need better investment in the neighborhoods and education.
Yes, this disease can strike down anyone, but majority fall into certain comorbidity groups. If we can help everyone get healthier, stay healthier, prevent the development of HTN, kidney disease, heart disease, DM and the like before they happen. Yes, some will still get those diseases, but prevention is KEY in helping a lot of others.

I really think the above will be an important factor of how will deal with Covid from here on out. And I feel like this important point is one a lot of people like to ignore. Social distancing is all well and good but you still need to address the root cause of the deaths from Covid - the comorbidities (in most cases, obviously there are outliers).

(and I feel like most people don't really care to address this part)
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Actually Sweden is not forcing social isolation like the rest of its neighboring countries and has a much higher death rate for this reason.

Yes, I know this. But there's a video loop running in conservative circles showing people sitting outside with coats on at cafes in Sweden....drinking beer and champagne, and that's super appealing right now. So that's what the alternative news feed is running with right now. Fox News has changed its collective mind (again), and would like us to go the "herd immunity" route at this point....and let this thing rip. Thanks, but I'll pass. And so will millions and millions of others.

Also, I'd like the footage of Sean, Laura, Tucker, Rush and the rest...out in public, this weekend, in say...Atlanta, getting hair cuts, bowling, massages, manicures......the whole nine. *That*, I'd watch.
CNN is the network news of choice in the areas hard hit by the virus which is puzzling since those areas didn’t seem to fare better from their reporting.

At the start the hardest hit Burrough was Queens and then maybe Brooklyn even though the first reported case(s ?) were in Manhattan. Do you have any thoughts on why Queens out of the Burroughs was especially hard hit?

I know Manhattan slightly but nothing about the other Burroughs.

E.R. Is the guy that gave us . . .


W.S. is the guy that wrote Naked Lunch.

Now you know some Burroughs.

не за что
CNN is the network news of choice in the areas hard hit by the virus which is puzzling since those areas didn’t seem to fare better from their reporting.

At the start the hardest hit Burrough was Queens and then maybe Brooklyn even though the first reported case(s ?) were in Manhattan. Do you have any thoughts on why Queens out of the Burroughs was especially hard hit?

I know Manhattan slightly but nothing about the other Burroughs.

One big thing multigenerational families living together in smaller houses/apartments, unsurprisingly similar to northern Itlay
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There's a reason that Sweden keeps coming up over and over in the handful of posters here who are ready to throw caution to the wind. Big government, huge safety net-high taxing Sweden....is all of the sudden the darling in all conservative circles, from the internet, to radio to television.

Some people believe only what they want to believe. And that works, for awhile.

It worked for my in-laws, until the middle of March. They are ages 88 and 85. We love them very much, and vice versa. But we don't get our news from the same places they do. We don't vote the same way that they do. We don't talk about any of that, and this is how we've all managed to stay close and get along. They weren't changing our minds, and vice versa, and we all knew it. And that modus operandi worked just fine for all of us until right around the third week of February.

That's about the time my husband began first urging, then begging his father, the far more active of the two, to stop going to stores, etc. He explained what was happening and how we were already operating in our household. That we'd already stocked up and that they were both in a very high risk category, just by being in their late 80s. There were no fights, or anything like that. But my father in law ended those conversations abruptly in a "yeah, yeah, I don't want to hear it" kind of way.

Then...right around March 13th or 14th....everything changed in their tone. My mother in law was suddenly terrified and begging her husband to not go out. He was not completely buying it, but sounded scared. Then we realized that their news feed had done a 180...and all of the sudden, the virus was real. And about a week after that, two acquaintances, husband and wife, in their 55+ community were hospitalized. Two days later, his best friend was hospitalized. Now, those two acquaintances are dead. And his best friend is on a ventilator. My father in law was bowling his best friend 10 days before he went to the hospital. So....you know, that kind of changes your perspective on these kinds of things.

I haven't heard the code word "Sweden" just yet. I probably will eventually, and I'll bite through my tongue to keep the peace, as I drop off groceries because it's impossible to get a delivery for them from their own grocery store.
It is already about to swing 180 degrees back. Keep in mind news/media today is about extremes, that is what sells. The real truth usually falls in the middle of those extremes.
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