Cruise and Theme Park Operational Updates due to Coronavirus

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That’s part of my concern too. I do not touch my face while out. At all. If I have to wear a mask in the fl heat, I’ll have to touch my face constantly to adjust it with the sweat. I also wonder how even less effective they are when wet with sweat. Dh sweats way more than me in the heat so his will be soaked by the time we get down Main Street. In the Shanghai video, another thing that stood out to me was that it showed mostly young adults in the parks. I wonder if that’s the typical demographic there or just who they used to shoot the video. I didn’t see any families in the video.

From reading trip reports and such from the Asian parks it does seem to be different, does seem much less families especially with young kids.
Toilet paper and snoopy face mask cakes at Knotss Berry Farms (please lets not go into an argument about how all of them are constantly touching their masks) I forget who said we might see a mask specialty cupcake at WDW lol
"Pandemic-appropriate bakery items!" :rotfl2:

I can imagine WDW playing a safety video in MDE, their website, magical express, park entrance, etc., that has characters illustrating appropriate and inappropriate safety measures. Like Goofy not putting on his mask correctly, not following social distance procedures, forgetting to wash and sanitize hands, and Mickey showing how to do it right.

If they use their amazing imagineering skills, they can open and get it right - get visitors to comply with the rules and have it be in the fun, Disney spirit.
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See to me, the date specific thing doesn't really bother me that much. It really isn't that different from what we already had to do - choose a specific park 2 months in advance for a specific day, in order to book FP+.
I'd rather not have to deal with that as we always get park hoppers and we use them. I'd say we visit at least two parks in a day about 75% of the time.
The reason I have been saying it's too early to open Disney and theme parks in general is cause of people. A lot of people are already ignoring physical distancing or wearing masks. Imagine when Disney opens, within a week people will go back to ignoring the rules the Mouse put out.

I'm not saying we should stay home til a vaccine comes but it would help if people would continue practicing physical distancing.
If people aren't going to follow the guidelines now, they're not going to magically start following the guidelines in the future. There's never going to be a world where everyone socially distances. It's an unfortunate reality.
in my area many say just wear gloves not worries about it getting on your hands but when out they just wear the same pair of gloves at all their stops that trip
That's a bad idea. The risk from the virus is touching your face with dirty hands. Wearing gloves doesn't alleviate this risk and if you're taking them off and putting them on, your hands will be contaminated as well.
I watched FB and Adam the Woo’s videos yesterday. I was surprised to see they were allowed inside the restaurant to order food. The toilet paper cakes were amazing, and look rather delicious
That's been the norm around here (Indiana), you just can't stay there to eat it. Are people barred from going in to restaurants at all where you live? I'm genuinely curious.
When a poor decision affects the health and lives of other people at the place, yes they can.

Let’s just ignore the legalities of denying entry based on your health. I’m assuming you think someone who can’t wear a mask due to autism should be banned too? How about just a plain old fashioned phobia about having your face covered that will throw you into a panic attack? Ban them?

Can you saw lawsuit waiting to happen? What you’re suggesting isn’t even in the realm of possibility.
Yes I do. Because if you have a medical reason that a mask affects you that bad, you shouldn’t be going to these places until it’s safe and masks aren’t needed anyway.

As someone who used to work in hospitality and understood the laws on this sort of thing....a business CANNOT demand proof of someone's disability. That is illegal. And even if it was, no company's legal team would advise the company to start getting into those sorts of judgement calls. It's a lawsuit waiting to happen.
Let’s just ignore the legalities of denying entry based on your health. I’m assuming you think someone who can’t wear a mask due to autism should be banned too? How about just a plain old fashioned phobia about having your face covered that will throw you into a panic attack? Ban them?

Can you saw lawsuit waiting to happen? What you’re suggesting isn’t even in the realm of possibility.

Once again, if I had those conditions, and I saw the REQUIREMENT of facemasks, I wouldn't be going because I know I can't do it. Once lifted, I would be going.

I also wouldn't be going because I know I would be putting other people at risk due to the fact I can't wear one, and that is selfish of me.

And stop with this " banned " stuff

This would be a temp measure to protect all guests. Not BANNED FOR LIFE

If someone wants to " sue " Disney for having to comply with wearing required facemarks due to safety, shame on them.

EDIT: Took out the private property part, as I was informed and pointed out to that, yes they still have to adhere to ADA rules, so I don't think the private property thing matters.
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I wonder how many ppl who think they would be willing to wear them live in similar climates. Even if you have been to wdw in the summer before, it’s easy to forget just how miserable it can be if you don’t also live in a similar climate.
I live in the South and my last several trips have been in June to Disney. Frankly, after the first 5 minutes, I'm soaked anyway - having on a mask isn't going to matter too much :) Plus, if you get the masks that are made out of the 'quick dry" material, it actually has somewhat of a cooling effect (like the long sleeves golfers wear to protect from the sun - they also have a cooling effect).
Disney is private property. Once again, if I had those conditions, and I saw the REQUIREMENT of facemarks, I wouldn't be going because I know I can't do it. Once lifted, I would be going.

I also wouldn't be going because I know I would be putting other people at risk due to the fact I can't wear one, and that is selfish of me

Whether it’s private property or not is irrelevant. It’s perfectly fine if YOU choose not to go. It’s not fine if you try and tell someone else they can’t. Not all conditions that prevent you from wearing a mask put you at higher risk medically.

if Disney ever tried to block someone from entering based on their health, they should be sued. It’s illegal. You can’t violate someone’s rights, whether it’s temporary or not.
Whether it’s private property or not is irrelevant. It’s perfectly fine if YOU choose not to go. It’s not fine if you try and tell someone else they can’t. Not all conditions that prevent you from wearing a mask put you at higher risk medically.

if Disney ever tried to block someone from entering based on their health, they should be sued. It’s illegal.

Yet if everyone else in the park is wearing their required mask, and someone else isn't, it puts themselves medically at risk more so, and puts every other person at the park wearing one more at risk, God forbid they were asymptomatic, so where is the middle ground in this conversation?

These would be the questions asked, and I don't think Disney has those answers, if it was implemented
Disney is private property. Once again, if I had those conditions, and I saw the REQUIREMENT of facemarks, I wouldn't be going because I know I can't do it. Once lifted, I would be going.

I also wouldn't be going because I know I would be putting other people at risk due to the fact I can't wear one, and that is selfish of me.

And stop with this " banned " stuff

This would be a temp measure to protect all guests. Not BANNED FOR LIFE

If someone wants to " sue " Disney for having to comply with wearing required facemarks due to safety, shame on them.
It doesn't matter that Disney is private property and it doesn't matter what you or everyone thinks they should do. Disney has to follow the ADA law and what you want them to do clearly violates those laws. Disney just can't do want you want them to.
I hope they send surveys out to ppl who actually have trips booked in June, July & Aug not just random surveys out to random ppl who are have no intention of going but want to feel good about their self-righteousness & vote for what other ppl should be doing when it really doesn’t affect them.

The thing about WDW is that people come from everywhere and then go back home afterwards. As such, what people do at WDW could affect everyone.

I'll leave the rest of the loaded comments alone and just hope I get a survey too.
It doesn't matter that Disney is private property and it doesn't matter what you or everyone thinks they should do. Disney has to follow the ADA law and what you want them to do clearly violates those laws. Disney just can't do want you want them to.
As my gift to the birthday boy, I give up on trying to explain that it’s illegal to do what is being discussed. :)
The thing about WDW is that people come from everywhere and then go back home afterwards. As such, what people do at WDW could affect everyone.

I'll leave the rest of the loaded comments alone and just hope I get a survey too.
You can affect everyone going anywhere so that’s not a valid argument. You are not more likely to contract at wdw than anywhere else.
Not Disney but I have a trip booked (booked in October of 2019) to Europe to go to Europa Park & Efteling in September/October 2020. I just saw that Europa Park (similar to EPCOT & located in Germany) is opening May 29th. They are employing some of the same operational changes that Shanghai is employing. From the Europa Park website:

Dear guests and friends of Europa-Park and Rulantica,
from 29.05.2020, Europa-Park will be open again for you!
The six themed hotels, the Camp Resort as well as Europa-Park Camping will also be welcoming you from 29.05.2020.
The hotel restaurants will be re-opened step-by-step from 18.05.2020, beginning with the outside areas only. Only the water world Rulantica will remain closed until further notice.
We welcome the national easing of Coronavirus related restrictions announced by the Baden-Württemberg government on 6th May 2020 and have been intensively preparing for a re-opening of Europa-Park, our accommodation offering and the gastronomy, in close cooperation with the authorities.
Health and safety of our guests and employees have always been our highest priority. It is our goal that you continue to feel safe and comfortable when visiting us. We have therefore decided to start the season with a limited number of visitors from 29.05.2020. We will be offering date-specifiy tickets for the 2020 summer season from 13.05.2020 via our online ticket shop. Our park area is large and spacious which means there is enough space for all visitors and employees to keep the mandatory minimum distance.
We kindly ask you, dear guests, to observe the manditory minimum distance as well as the additional hygiene requirements which apply until further notice at Europa-Park.
We look forward to also welcoming our international guests as soon as travel from and to our neighbouring countries is possible again.

So this could give more insight to what WDW will do and I would think Disney would watch how things go at Europa Park as it is one of the biggest theme parks in Europe.

Food for thought!
I also just saw that Efteling in The Netherlands is opening as well on May 18th. They are also doing date based tickets, masks & no indoor theatres/shows. I think looking to these parks will help to show us if these measures will increase virus spread or be neutral. They could inform Disney if they are okay to open as well as to ease peoples fears of increased spread if they go to a theme park.
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