Retheme Splash Mountain?

Should Splash Mountain be re-themed?

  • Keep the rabbit - a classic!

  • Bring on the Frog!

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Petition to bridge Splash/BTMRR to HM and create a Florida version of New Orleans square (which is a city a heck of a lot closer to FL than CA anyway) complete with a NEW PatF ride.

OOOOH I like.

Start pumping some NOLA jazz into the streetmosphere, gimme some mardi gras beads and add jambalaya to the menu! I'm sold!
Petition to bridge Splash/BTMRR to HM and create a Florida version of New Orleans square (which is a city a heck of a lot closer to FL than CA anyway) complete with a NEW PatF ride.

OOOOH I like.

Start pumping some NOLA jazz into the streetmosphere, gimme some mardi gras beads and add jambalaya to the menu! I'm sold!

You mean, like New Orleans Square in DL? Not quite sure I know what you mean by "bridge to HM" - you mean across TS Island? That would be a heck of a bridge to get over the riverboats. DL re-routed the RoA and built SWGE around the back in the same area. I didn't think that was possible, but it was, and WDW has more room. Not opposed to that idea...
You mean, like New Orleans Square in DL? Not quite sure I know what you mean by "bridge to HM" - you mean across TS Island? That would be a heck of a bridge to get over the riverboats. DL re-routed the RoA and built SWGE around the back in the same area. I didn't think that was possible, but it was, and WDW has more room. Not opposed to that idea...

That's what engineers are for! Change approved, expect to see this in 2025.

....oh wait they cut CapEx by $900million and killed the Mary Poppins ride just kidding guys there's no budget for our dream :(
That's what engineers are for! Change approved, expect to see this in 2025.

....oh wait they cut CapEx by $900million and killed the Mary Poppins ride just kidding guys there's no budget for our dream :(
Indeed. Given that it took years of begging and pleading just to get a footbridge so people can walk between the GF and MK, it's hard to imagine Disney spending billions and committing to years of massive disruption for something that, based on this thread, there is a very small demand for. Changing the Hall of Presidents, though, into an attraction celebrating the American civil rights movement and its leaders, one that does not shy away from the more unpleasant aspects of American history, would be vastly cheaper, much more feasible, and send a powerful message of inclusivity.
Sure they can. Pirates are an affront to all women as they are known to be rapists, along with being murderers and thieves. But let's not stop there. Peter Pan should go as it is very much racist against indigenous people. Dumbo needs to go as it celebrates the circus, and we all know they abuse animals. The Haunted Mansion should go as it celebrates the occult. The Hall of Presidents needs to be shut as many of the Presidents were slave owners, and there is only one black man shown, and no women. The Living Seas needs to go as they have animals in captivity. Living with the Land needs to go as they have fish in tanks, which is cruel. Test Track needs to go as we know cars are bad for the environment, or needs to be switched to E cars.

I could go on and all. And it all is every bit as ridiculous as re-theming a ride that is not racist, and shows nothing at all racist in it, because the movie from which it was derived (which hardly anyone knows) was racist.

If we all want Disney to be totally politically correct then they need to close the parks down.
We could also throw in Autopia (for its glorification of fossil fuels that contribute to global warming), Main Street USA (for its zealous depiction of the United States during the early 1900s when segregation was legal and racial oppression was even greater than what it is today), and Tom Sawyer Island (for Mark Twain's racist depictions of People of Color and Native Americans in other works). The list could easily go on. We have to grow as a nation from the challenges of today and embrace that all black lives matter, but also understand that if we look hard enough we can find that any attraction can be considered offensive to any group. After all, it was Walt Disney himself who pushed for the production of Song of the South (he negotiated with the Harris family for almost 5 years for the rights to make the film), so should we cast away all elements of the Disney company as a product of a racist past?
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You mean, like New Orleans Square in DL? Not quite sure I know what you mean by "bridge to HM" - you mean across TS Island? That would be a heck of a bridge to get over the riverboats. DL re-routed the RoA and built SWGE around the back in the same area. I didn't think that was possible, but it was, and WDW has more room. Not opposed to that idea...

I think they mean more bridging the theming between HM and Splash/BTMM rather than a physical bridge. I'm imagining walking from HM toward Splash - keep the Americana theming on your left side, past Liberty square, then have it morph into a NOLA theme starting with the riverboat staging area. Create a NOLA square near where the trading post and Jamboree are, and continue that to Splash.
Indeed. Given that it took years of begging and pleading just to get a footbridge so people can walk between the GF and MK, it's hard to imagine Disney spending billions and committing to years of massive disruption for something that, based on this thread, there is a very small demand for. Changing the Hall of Presidents, though, into an attraction celebrating the American civil rights movement and its leaders, one that does not shy away from the more unpleasant aspects of American history, would be vastly cheaper, much more feasible, and send a powerful message of inclusivity.
Ooooh...disagree vehemently. If you want to stop the HoP from being political, just stop people form cheering when the presidents are introduced - they are the ones making the attraction political. Speaking for the silent majority, the people who are cheering (and jeering) are the only ones who care - honestly. It's a celebration of US History and that's it. If you don't like our history then the power is in your hands to change our future. That's the message I take from it anyway.
I think they mean more bridging the theming between HM and Splash/BTMM rather than a physical bridge. I'm imagining walking from HM toward Splash - keep the Americana theming on your left side, past Liberty square, then have it morph into a NOLA theme starting with the riverboat staging area. Create a NOLA square near where the trading post and Jamboree are, and continue that to Splash.

You know, I meant a physical bridge but this actually works better I think?? Especially with the big steamboat that's so NOLA. Ok we're back on, guys!
Splash is a great and classic ride. There are many great Disney stories that don't get much representation in the parks. Perhaps someday they will but, throwing out the iconic ties to classic Disney is not the answer.
Sure they can. Pirates are an affront to all women as they are known to be rapists, along with being murderers and thieves. But let's not stop there. Peter Pan should go as it is very much racist against indigenous people. Dumbo needs to go as it celebrates the circus, and we all know they abuse animals. The Haunted Mansion should go as it celebrates the occult. The Hall of Presidents needs to be shut as many of the Presidents were slave owners, and there is only one black man shown, and no women. The Living Seas needs to go as they have animals in captivity. Living with the Land needs to go as they have fish in tanks, which is cruel. Test Track needs to go as we know cars are bad for the environment, or needs to be switched to E cars.

I could go on and all. And it all is every bit as ridiculous as re-theming a ride that is not racist, and shows nothing at all racist in it, because the movie from which it was derived (which hardly anyone knows) was racist.

If we all want Disney to be totally politically correct then they need to close the parks down.

Obviously anything could be offensive to someone. But is it your argument that NOTHING could be so offensive that it warrants removal from a Disney park?
So we get rid of Splash and replace it with a New Orleans themed area? Replace an animatronic rabbit with a city that had a huge slave market? Makes perfect sense.
I just went on Splash for the first time since my childhood, riding it with my eldest on our most recent WDW trip. I hadn't remembered there being so many scenes with the characters and my son found them cute and the music charming (of course, he has no reference point for the film, being 8).

I grew up in Georgia and and have recently begun to think about how field trips to blatantly pro-Confederate memorials, like the Cyclorama and Stone Mountain, may have affected my black classmates. In my opinion, anything that treats slavery with a nostalgic view needs to either be shelved or presented with a lot of context beforehand, which they have done in recent years with the Cyclorama and which HBO Max will do before future presentations of Gone With the Wind. I don't see a way to do this with Splash Mountain that would make much sense to young kids, however. I think they should retheme Splash to PATF and at some point open a museum, maybe in Disney Springs, that features sets and animatronics from old rides as they are phased out, with descriptions of each.
Never been on Splash but all the hulaboo makes me want to try it next trip!
I have a odd reason for not wanting to see it rethemed. A number of years ago I went to a program in Williamsburg, VA during Storytellers weekend on the differences between Native American, Black, and English/European storytelling and the woman teaching the origins in African culture of the slave stories used the B'er Rabbit stories for her examples. The anthromorphication of animals and using them to teach lessons was a deep part of the culture that was brought over and kept living with additions by the slave culture. I don't want to lose that. That said, if it is hurting people, it is time to look at a change.
A problem with converting it to Princess and the Frog as well would be that the movie itself also has it's own controversy that could be stirred up just as much for the depiction of Ray in the movie. It brought up controversy shortly before it's release and seen it brought up since. So it's kind of that same issue of where do you draw the line with cancel culture. There's probably something that could be pointed out for about an given attraction or IP in the parks that could be viewed as offensive to someone.
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