this is such a sad sick world

Why would we want monuments to people who wanted to destroy the Union and wanted to hold on to slavery. They were traitors. I don’t see Germany putting up monuments to Nazi generals
No, we don't put up monuments, and Nazi related memorabilia, actions, etc are against the law.

However, Germany does an amazing job of acknowledging our history and learning from it to hopefully never have that happen again. It wasn't taught in schools until in my generation but now is definitely included in the curriculum and there are memorials, museums, etc all over Germany which acknowledge what happened, and force us to question and discuss.

It's a good way actually not to erase the past, but to learn from it. The top selling books (each about 700 pages, 9 so far) and highest rated television, in the last few years is the 'Babylon Berlin' series, which starts in the Weimar Republic and is now moving into the rise of the Nazis in the mid-1930's. It's really helping to show people the 'how' things came about (and is a very well written series of novels, and an amazing television production) It's on Netflix so hopefully the American Netflix and I cannot rave enough about it.
Well ok. If you don't want your romanticized monuments down, I suggest we replace the romanticism with some real history. I mean if you're genuinely interested in real history.

Here are but a few suggestions for some brand new accurate historical markers and monuments.

I think we should put this one up on a battlefield that has been all but forgotten.

Forrest got his rump kicked here.
On August 29, 1862, Forrest, despite having a 9-1 advantage and having cavalry, and despite leading 3 charges himself was decisively routed in a humiliating defeat. Forrest was commanding Tennessee, Kentucky and Alabama Cavalry along with Terry's Texas Rangers while union forces consisted of just 2 regiments of the 18th infantry, Ohio.

How bout this one in Murfreesboro also notably absent. Terrorist Forrest Murders Free black guy that did absolutely nothing wrong here.

How bout this one in Memphis. Treasonous Dog Forrest slaughters surrendered troops here.

Now THAT'S real history. And there are myriad more real history monuments we could put up all over the place. Heck. We could change the plaques on some of the existing ones. But you'll never see that by visiting any of those precious confederate monuments. Because those are romanticized history and they say more about the times they were put up than they do about the civil war.
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first we got "the virus" to deal with--which is sad in itself since in this day and age it shouldnt have happened in the first place--

now we have groups that are trying to re write history--or pretend like it never happened--

statues are being taken down or destroyed--even disney is changing some of there classic rides that have been around since the beginning

its history--it cant be changed re written forgotten about--it happened-case closed

was some of it right--no-- but way back in time they did what they thought was right for that time--but things happened

my dad used to say when things were going wrong stop the world I want to get off--I wish he would have told me how to get off now that the world is stopped

and all the unrest--why is it ok for some people to break the law--then resist arrest--but no one ever says if they would have done what they were told to do--like when a cop says to stop and freeze--the person would still be alive--sitting in jail but still alive

we just had a issue near a shopping mall--some kids were caught shop liftening so when the police came they caught them and one of the kids spit on the police while he was trying to restrain him--I guess thats ok and the police are just supposed to take it

well my word the protesters that came out of the woodwork were insane!!! they that this was just terrible--oh the kid was only 13 I can only think what he'll be like by the time hes 18

sad sick world
Good grief. 🙄
first we got "the virus" to deal with--which is sad in itself since in this day and age it shouldnt have happened in the first place--

now we have groups that are trying to re write history--or pretend like it never happened--

statues are being taken down or destroyed--even disney is changing some of there classic rides that have been around since the beginning

its history--it cant be changed re written forgotten about--it happened-case closed

was some of it right--no-- but way back in time they did what they thought was right for that time--but things happened

History ABSOLUTELY needs to be rewritten because the full unbiased history is NOT TAUGHT. We do not need to change the past, but we certainly need to stop telling the "White Man's version of the history of The United States". We need to acknowledge the truths about the people that are upheld in history and we need to do this to move forward. Do not erase the past unless the "past" is false. How much time is spent in schools talking about what the white men did and continue to do to Native Americans?
Not much. We talk about Native Americans at Thanksgiving time and it's all fun and glory and hand shaking and peace and when that time if the year is over we move on and don't talk about the Native Americans until next Thanksgiving @@

We need to start at the beginning of the takeover of this country and acknowledge how wrong it was using today's voice and today's truths.

I don't care one way or the other about statues. Rip them all down for all I care. The real issue is what we are teaching in schools and the fact that we have a very biased history as a country.
first we got "the virus" to deal with--which is sad in itself since in this day and age it shouldnt have happened in the first place--
First, this day and age a novel virus can still exist. I don't understand how you feel it shouldn't have happened. Scientists have been saying for years that a new pandemic could happen. Our government even had a mock testing in August of 2019 about a new virus and unfortunately we failed and no tweaking had been done.

And Bill Gates warned everyone back in 2015 that pandemic could happen and how we should prepare. Thank God he didn't do an "I told you so," and take all his money and hide his family in some panic bunker somewhere until whatever is left of the world. But, the Gates Foundation is actively funding massive research to get the world past this. Not just complain about it all or go into denial about it.
Its funny how Disney said they are going to change Splash mountain.... someday.
They seem to know how to get themselves quickly off the hot topic page.
My children have never seen Song of the South and they probably never will.. they didnt even know there was anything racial about it untill people brought up the topic. As far as they were concerned it was a ride down a river...
It probably needed updating like so many things at Disney. My kids have not seen most of the movies they reference. Some because they are boys and some because they are so old the movies bored them.
History ABSOLUTELY needs to be rewritten because the full unbiased history is NOT TAUGHT. We do not need to change the past, but we certainly need to stop telling the "White Man's version of the history of The United States". We need to acknowledge the truths about the people that are upheld in history and we need to do this to move forward. Do not erase the past unless the "past" is false. How much time is spent in schools talking about what the white men did and continue to do to Native Americans?
Not much. We talk about Native Americans at Thanksgiving time and it's all fun and glory and hand shaking and peace and when that time if the year is over we move on and don't talk about the Native Americans until next Thanksgiving @@

We need to start at the beginning of the takeover of this country and acknowledge how wrong it was using today's voice and today's truths.

I don't care one way or the other about statues. Rip them all down for all I care. The real issue is what we are teaching in schools and the fact that we have a very biased history as a country.
I noticed this in elementary school and even in church. When you are young history is rainbows and butterflies by the time you get to college they add a lot of things that were previously left out.


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