Something About Nothing............ #14

Our latest puzzle - vintage movie posters.

Cool puzzle!
Will try to go to bed early tonight so I can get up early on Monday to work on my rose bushes before it is hot outside.

I love roses! I only have the knockout roses because everything else seems like too much work. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately??) the deer have helped me keep mine VERY trimmed this year.

and our Governor makes the call on what is going to happen on schools next week.....

Good luck, hope you get a decision soon! Sometimes the waiting is the worst. Just ask Tom Petty. :)

I have loads of rosemary to use up, so think I`ll make some bread with it today

Sounds delish! I think Macaroni Grill had a bread like that back in the day and I used to love it.

Ah, a good morning it is, Schumi. And a bit warmer for me. I’m in the mid 70’s right now. A cloudy start to the day, but the clouds have parted, and glorious sun is shining through the window. Sunny day, until the clouds again form again, later in the day, with an increasing unlucky chance of thunderstorms and it rain this evening.

We are having a cool couple of days here - only a high of 70 today! Hopefully your weather doesn't get too bad and you don't get those flash floods.

I ended up calling the embassy in Poland and was transferred to Ottawa and they were so helpful!!!!!! He was fine. It was such a tense few hours. Both my husband and I didn’t want him travelling overseas during a pandemic as so much can happen ( or borders close) in an instant!!!!!

Yes that must have been a stressful couple of hours! Glad everything is ok though. And hope you start feeling better too!

This week is going to feel long I think. One more week till vacation! Will be packing and finishing up the new shirts I'm making so should keep the nights busy.

Not sure what to make for lunch and dinner. With it being colder and cloudy out it almost feels like I need to make soup....maybe a good chicken tortilla soup is what the doctor orders for today. And since the bacon was so good this weekend do some BLT's to use up garden tomatoes. Mac I will save you a couple of pieces!




Have a great day peeps!
So enjoy reading what for meals. Yours sound great, Elsa. Yeah, we have a 90 degree day before the rain comes.

Mac, love roses, but once my very old, huge one did not make it through a winter, no new one lives where the old one was. So I gave up, and just plant bulbs instead. Easier. For years, had to keep dusting for the icky bugs it would attract. Had many a beautiful creamy white tea rose flowers from it. So hopefully you got to trimming before it got to hot.
@jump00 hope your teeth heal well. We still can’t get appointments unless emergency but hopefully soon as I have a bone growth that they monitor every three months - not been for eight now.
Home after our short break and we all enjoyed it so much. Gave us all chance to just enjoy making memories.

We weren’t happy with the crowded areas but found places for the children to play on the beach that were quieter. It’s proved we aren’t in the right headspace to be among crowds and we are lucky to live where we do as people here are following guidelines.

Washing machine on second load and a few more to go!

Weather was good and although cooler today apparently more heat heading our way by Thursday.

Talking of sharks - I started to write to the daughter of one of Dad’s colleagues in the US in 1965 - she grew up in Rochester NY but we lost touch when she got married - reconnected through Facebook about 10 years ago. One of her daughters is a research scientist studying sharks - she’s been on a few Shark Week tv programmes and we always watch them - she’s currently in Australia doing further work that’s had publicity - not a career I could handle!

No idea what we will eat tonight - grocery delivery in the morning.
Ah, a good morning it is, Schumi. And a bit warmer for me. I’m in the mid 70’s right now. A cloudy start to the day, but the clouds have parted, and glorious sun is shining through the window. Sunny day, until the clouds again form again, later in the day, with an increasing unlucky chance of thunderstorms and it rain this evening.

Then, like Kfish, a Tropical Storm warning has been issued where I live too. You would think we live North enough, Hurricane type storms don’t come. Eh, nope. Any one remember Sandy? And some snowy Nor’Easters that give us feet of snow? Yeah. Well, at least this one is not as strong as a Hurricane, but hey 4 to 6 inches of rain on a land which has now not had a lot of rain. Oh I can see flooding, and yes, a Flash Flood warning issued through tomorrow too. And lucky me, hair appointment tomorrow. Well, no matter, I don’t mind her not drying my hair, as if raining, would be wet hair anyway. So ready to be legally blonde once more. Ah, a somewhat back to routine for hair. Yay.

Ah, Kfish, yes, what a year it has been. Yep, warmer summer seas brings the sharks around. That was a rather large bull shark. Eek. Yeah, our City schools went from a hybrid to all online. I hope you find out soon, what your school district says. My local school district has said, online only for awhile now. Makes sense, and with our local schools not doing school sports, even more reason to not have the kids go in. I will say, kinda sad. While I am very thankful my kids are now college kids, I always look forward to hearing the marching band practice, as we live very close to the senior high school. None will be heard this August.

And so, back to routine continues, and that includes a cup of tea in my hand. Ah, nice.

Happy Monday everyone.

Abd have to say, not a rosemary fan. So, some food I won’t swing by Schumi’s for. Fresh baked shortbread, yes. LoL

Shortbread is always worth visiting for!! Hope your nice weather continues......oh I love rosemary in many dishes, but again, not for everyone.......

Good morning everyone!!!!! Rain yesterday but July was the hottest we’ve had in 20 years so can’t complain with one poor day. Spent the day sleeping as my teeth were throbbing again after so much dental work on Thursday. I thought I had such a good recovery............ ooops I did too much and paid for it. My son flew to Latvia ( via Warsaw Poland) on Friday and called me while in Poland panicked he would have to self quarantine for 14 days before entering Latvia. I ended up calling the embassy in Poland and was transferred to Ottawa and they were so helpful!!!!!! He was fine. It was such a tense few hours. Both my husband and I didn’t want him travelling overseas during a pandemic as so much can happen ( or borders close) in an instant!!!!! He overheard people talking about being quarantined so even though he checked before he left multiple times he wanted to be sure. My best friends husband is Latvian so they have family there if he needed help. Thank goodness.
So why would he travel during COVID 19?????? Great question!!!!
His girlfriend is from Latvia originally and they had planned to visit her brother and friends. Her parents live here in Toronto but she goes back often. He works in a high stress job and needed to take a break and after some research he and his girlfriend thought Latvia would be a safe place to visit. ( very low COVID cases).
Sorry for the long rant............ I am a worrier. Thanks for listening:wave:

Hope he has a lovely visit there Brenda.......and glad he has someone to help if need be.....he`ll be fine I`m sure. Of course you`re his mum.....:)

Cool puzzle!

I love roses! I only have the knockout roses because everything else seems like too much work. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately??) the deer have helped me keep mine VERY trimmed this year.

Good luck, hope you get a decision soon! Sometimes the waiting is the worst. Just ask Tom Petty. :)

Sounds delish! I think Macaroni Grill had a bread like that back in the day and I used to love it.

We are having a cool couple of days here - only a high of 70 today! Hopefully your weather doesn't get too bad and you don't get those flash floods.

Yes that must have been a stressful couple of hours! Glad everything is ok though. And hope you start feeling better too!

This week is going to feel long I think. One more week till vacation! Will be packing and finishing up the new shirts I'm making so should keep the nights busy.

Not sure what to make for lunch and dinner. With it being colder and cloudy out it almost feels like I need to make soup....maybe a good chicken tortilla soup is what the doctor orders for today. And since the bacon was so good this weekend do some BLT's to use up garden tomatoes. Mac I will save you a couple of pieces!

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Have a great day peeps!

lol....I`m picturing deer nibbling on your`s quite a pretty picture.....

Never been in a macaroni`s a bread that goes with many dishes, including my version of voodoo shrimp from House of Blues.......ended up not making it after all.......

mmmm....bacon and tomato....lush!!!

Home after our short break and we all enjoyed it so much. Gave us all chance to just enjoy making memories.

We weren’t happy with the crowded areas but found places for the children to play on the beach that were quieter. It’s proved we aren’t in the right headspace to be among crowds and we are lucky to live where we do as people here are following guidelines.

Washing machine on second load and a few more to go!

Weather was good and although cooler today apparently more heat heading our way by Thursday.

Talking of sharks - I started to write to the daughter of one of Dad’s colleagues in the US in 1965 - she grew up in Rochester NY but we lost touch when she got married - reconnected through Facebook about 10 years ago. One of her daughters is a research scientist studying sharks - she’s been on a few Shark Week tv programmes and we always watch them - she’s currently in Australia doing further work that’s had publicity - not a career I could handle!

No idea what we will eat tonight - grocery delivery in the morning.

Glad you had a nice trip.

I think there`s people the same all over....some comply, some don`t. Shame.

Well we ended up out for the day......just after lunch a friend called and asked if we fancied meeting up with them. So we did......went for a long walk along the beach which was just beautiful today......almost deserted apart from a few families scattered here and there. Must have walked about 5 miles.......yes, not exactly a marathon, but long enough.

Then went to one of the fish and chip restaurants on the front and had an early dinner around 5.30ish as they close earlier than usual now at 7, used to be about 9.30 they shut. But, things are much quieter of course.

But, it was such a nice day.......haven`t had plain old fish and chips for a while......and it was lovely seeing friends and just walking along the beach. I did take pictures but can`t get on smugmug......deserted beaches always look good.

Now my legs

Planning feet up with a cup of tea......and some tv.
@schumigirl sounds like our sort of day! Which is your beach? I like unusual beaches, coves and estuaries to explore. We are both tired this evening and will be earlier than usual to bed.
@schumigirl sounds like our sort of day! Which is your beach? I like unusual beaches, coves and estuaries to explore. We are both tired this evening and will be earlier than usual to bed.

I`m on the East Coast.

I`ve just had a call from my friend who was getting her new dog soon......she`s getting it next week......not sure I can go down with her, but I will if I can......she is so excited!!!

Time for tea.......
Always time for tea, Schumi. I just had another cup. Sun still out, so I want to go out too. Kids picked up some fresh pasta, so guess what I am having for dinner?
Jump, hope your teeth are not as painful now. Scary, but glad all worked out in the travels.

Sun is shining. More tea for me.

Yeah, McK, hope the hockey is better this year. Though I have to say, any time they beat the Bruins, is a good thing. One of the opposing teams the City loves to hate. Yeah, I assume we will have a rainy night and bands of rain tomorrow. They are still saying we will see some sun though. But like most storms, gone by tomorrow night, and a full day of sun Wednesday. Hotter too, then.

View attachment 515543Morning is dragging. And oddly, though not that oddly, older one is up. Like Real’s gaming guy, mine realizes easy to control remote when little one is not up, and DH and I are busy. Monday. Yeah.🐶
Thanks @Lynne G !!! It has been very stressful. I love all the cute memes you post. Keep them coming!!!
Cool puzzle!

I love roses! I only have the knockout roses because everything else seems like too much work. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately??) the deer have helped me keep mine VERY trimmed this year.

Good luck, hope you get a decision soon! Sometimes the waiting is the worst. Just ask Tom Petty. :)

Sounds delish! I think Macaroni Grill had a bread like that back in the day and I used to love it.

We are having a cool couple of days here - only a high of 70 today! Hopefully your weather doesn't get too bad and you don't get those flash floods.

Yes that must have been a stressful couple of hours! Glad everything is ok though. And hope you start feeling better too!

This week is going to feel long I think. One more week till vacation! Will be packing and finishing up the new shirts I'm making so should keep the nights busy.

Not sure what to make for lunch and dinner. With it being colder and cloudy out it almost feels like I need to make soup....maybe a good chicken tortilla soup is what the doctor orders for today. And since the bacon was so good this weekend do some BLT's to use up garden tomatoes. Mac I will save you a couple of pieces!

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Have a great day peeps!
Thanks @Elsaspiritanimal - I am feeling better. No heavy lifting and lots of rest!!! Enjoying your memes as well:flower:
Shortbread is always worth visiting for!! Hope your nice weather continues......oh I love rosemary in many dishes, but again, not for everyone.......

Hope he has a lovely visit there Brenda.......and glad he has someone to help if need be.....he`ll be fine I`m sure. Of course you`re his mum.....:)

lol....I`m picturing deer nibbling on your`s quite a pretty picture.....

Never been in a macaroni`s a bread that goes with many dishes, including my version of voodoo shrimp from House of Blues.......ended up not making it after all.......

mmmm....bacon and tomato....lush!!!

Glad you had a nice trip.

I think there`s people the same all over....some comply, some don`t. Shame.

Well we ended up out for the day......just after lunch a friend called and asked if we fancied meeting up with them. So we did......went for a long walk along the beach which was just beautiful today......almost deserted apart from a few families scattered here and there. Must have walked about 5 miles.......yes, not exactly a marathon, but long enough.

Then went to one of the fish and chip restaurants on the front and had an early dinner around 5.30ish as they close earlier than usual now at 7, used to be about 9.30 they shut. But, things are much quieter of course.

But, it was such a nice day.......haven`t had plain old fish and chips for a while......and it was lovely seeing friends and just walking along the beach. I did take pictures but can`t get on smugmug......deserted beaches always look good.

Now my legs

Planning feet up with a cup of tea......and some tv.
Thanks Carole!!! You always say the nicest things!!!:love:
@jump00 hope your teeth heal well. We still can’t get appointments unless emergency but hopefully soon as I have a bone growth that they monitor every three months - not been for eight now.
Hello @Realfoodfans and thanks. Like you I was so worried when they stopped all dental appointments (except emergencies). Hope your teeth issues don’t get any worse..:flower3:
Thanks Carole!!! You always say the nicest things!!!:love:

Aww.....thank you......:flower3:

I think people underestimate how bad you can feel after having work done ur mouth/teeth. And yes, resting is essential.....hope you`re being good......::yes::

I have my check up appointment sorted for was July, but obviously cancelled.........up till now only emergencies only, but back to normal in the next few weeks.....

Hope you`re almost back to normal now and in no pain.......
The storm has passed. I think we are still getting a little rain, but the worst is over. I stayed in the office until the thunder stopped. On a good note, I finally got through to the insurance company i was on hold with for 2 hours last week.

Charade, great puzzle. So colorful. I am still working on mine. Sparkling pieces, so one of the harder ones. I am not spending as much time with it.
We have one more to complete before everyone goes back to school. I'm not so sure about this one. When I ordered it I did not realize that it was a cheap knock off of a Thomas Kincaid puzzle. All of the pieces are cut to the same shape and size. Should be interesting.

shark sightings at our beaches for the past five days....and a 400 pound bull shark was caught at the same beach my brother lifeguards at....good times

and now a tropical storm watch....

and our Governor makes the call on what is going to happen on schools next week.....
This is one of the reasons I stay out of the ocean. Hope you get good news on the schools. I think ours are going to a staggered start time, but I'm not really sure.

I love that puzzle!
Thanks! Several of the movies i have not seen or even heard of. I feel like I should watch some of them now.

Nice light........
Thanks. It was supposed to blink.

I always look forward to hearing the marching band practice, as we live very close to the senior high school.
When we lived in our old house we could hear the band practice. I kind of miss it.

Spent the day sleeping as my teeth were throbbing again after so much dental work on Thursday.
I hope you get some relief soon. Glad to hear everything worked out for your son. Hope he gets to relax.

One more week till vacation!
Have a great time.

B's new Captain America/Winter Soldier mouse ears arrived today. They look great. She is going to love them. Now I just have to hide them until Christmas.
Charade, happy you got the ears for B. She will be so excited, I bet. Yeah, I had a puzzle like that. This one has some very odd looking pieces. Still at it.

Ah, had to mail some things, oh my, every one wanted to be at the post office. And ack, so hot out.
Sad news from a pal, I guess more layoffs are supposed to be coming at UO.....:sad2: I think the chatter has been going around but many didn’t want to believe it.


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