Worst part of your job

As a retired state employee, I hated all the drama, the favortism, managers not knowing what was entailed in doing your work. It's always wonderful to have a manager or supervisor enact a new requirement when they have absolutely no idea how to do your work. I've had managers enact a new requirement that went completely against the rules and regulations of our requirements. But, if you tried to question them, you were a troublemaker. Of course the people who towed the line and never read the laws got promotions and were doing things illegally. Can finally say....looking at you the nursing boards in California!
I get annoyed by the favoritism in the company but that is common everywhere. We have been affected by large layoffs and cut hours so that has been my bigger issues this year. I just hope to come out of it with a job and hopefully hours restored.
I really enjoy my work and the people I work with, although it helps that there are not many of us. The most challenging thing lately is meetings where some of us are together in the office and some are online. Due to distancing, we cannot have everyone in the building at one time. We have this hub device that allows the people at home to check-in and participate, but it is not very intuitive. I would rather everyone be online or everyone be in person. I have great sympathy for teachers who have to do the hybrid classes right now.
Number one with a bullet....

When exceptions become expectations...Nothing bothers me more than when you go the extra mile to meet a deadline, close a project/deal, and then that becomes the expectation. Now it becomes the norm that everything has to be under a time-crunch and have unrealistic expectations because you've become the "guy who gets it done"....

Well yeah...If I didn't "get it done" I wouldn't be getting a paycheck....

But overall my company is pretty good. They are European based so we get a small amount of those European perks and work/life balance. I mean we don't shut down for Holiday in US, but the bennies are good and they do try to grow their talent. Which is more than I can say for alot of companies.
I teach pre-k. Right now, due to Covid, we are doing in person AND remote all within a standard 7 hour day (that's 7 paid hours). With Covid, we are expected to clean the entire room between our AM/PM classes, We also have to have separate toys for each session and clean those as well. We are supposed to get a 1/2 hour lunch, but with all the cleaning..... it's a joke and admin doesn't care because they want the kids LIVE and in person to learn!!! And we have to fit in the remote learners (yes on line remote pre-k it's a hoot) Our days are a hot mess and no end in sight.

My other peeve? parents. We ask the remote kids to send in work... well by golly those parents are really good at drawing! and the ones who say "I don't have email" really? you have an Iphone... no email?? facepalm...
More work that can fit in the time to do it. I should work 40hr but usually work 50-55hrs per week. And when I try and tell them that we need another team member they say that we don't because we did not need one 15 years ago. The "big wigs" can't grasp that we do more work today than we did 15 years ago.
The parents who called to complain that their child should have gotten an “A” instead of the “B” he/she/they earned. Happened all the time.
I'm a SAHM who also helps out both our moms (both dads have died). One lives with us and the other lives within 10 minutes of us. I'm almost always on the clock. While my kids need me less, the elder generation needs me more. It's draining.
Talking to people, especially on the phone. I'm an introvert with a phone phobia, but I somehow can't escape customer facing positions. I guess I have pretty good communications skills for an engineer, so I'm the one that "gets" to talk to people most.
Grading lab reports. My frustration is not even over the lack of understanding of chemistry. It's depressing that so many college students cannot write a complete sentence or construct a paragraph, and let's not talk about spelling and grammar. Grading and commenting online, through grading packages for remotely-taught labs, makes it all more difficult, but I hate grading lab reports however it has to be done!
i hate being treated differently because of my sex. Not the company I work for but The customers who feel they can bully me when they hear my voice (female) - they can’t. Or they think they can charm me into doing something I shouldn’t do - they can’t. Treat me like a normal human being and I’ll do all I can to help. But accept when I say it can’t be done, don’t have the same conversation with my coworker (male) and accept the response no problem.
There are a couple of things. It gets exhausting trying to keep up with everyone's ongoing saga and in turn, having to tell each client the exact same story 6 or 7 times over when they ask me, "what have you been up to?" I forget who I've already told things to and I feel like my co workers get sick of hearing the same story over and over.

The other thing is kind of strange. I find that 100% of the time, if I do a client a favor by going in on my day off to do their hair for a family emergency or funeral, they will ALWAYS, almost immediately stop coming to me. Every single time I have not even charged for my service because I feel that it's "one less thing to worry about" but it doesn't matter if they have been long time clients or someone relatively new. They quit me. I've found in every aspect of my job, the kinder I am to people and the more discounts or whatever I do to be nice, the more they expect it and the more likely they are to stop coming to me when I can't come in early or stay late etc. No one cares about anything other than themselves.
Trying really hard to help people who need it because they're in terrible situations and then having to watch as they decide to burn their lives down anyway, especially when their choices seriously impact their children's lives.
Teaching kids to play the violin online. The kids are great but it is so hard to not be able to play with them or all together. Also hard to not be able to help move fingers/arms into the correct position. I tell a kid to pull her wrist back and she swings her elbow. Kids are not very body aware at 9 years old.
Trying really hard to help people who need it because they're in terrible situations and then having to watch as they decide to burn their lives down anyway, especially when their choices seriously impact their children's lives.
God bless you...I couldn't deal with that for one single second. :scared:
I'm a teacher and the other teacher's at my school are very cliquey and won't hesitate to throw someone not in their clique under the bus.


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