Orlando Sentinel article...CEO says park goers happier now than before Covid

We've been to WDW several times since the reopening.

With the exception of masks, we are much happier at WDW than we have been in years.

I do miss several shows but the reduced attraction list and lower crowds allow us to experience everything at a park without having to go crazy commando style, joylessly marching from attraction-to-attraction to try to squeeze everything in.

The last few trips have reminded me how much I dislike FastPass+ and crowds blocking walkways. In many ways, today's WDW feels like a return to earlier times when you didn't have to microplan every moment of your day.

I suspect there are many others who feel the same way.

FP+ was a cancer, when it was introduced it was obviously an attempt to avoid building new attractions and yet Disney blew the price of another gate (from other sources 2.5 to 4 billion) on the IT infrastructure which still does not work reliably

there was nothing really wrong with the old FP system unless you were the FP runner that day. But if the parks were normally busy you could miss your window and use a bit later. Or if the parks/heat too much you could spread a bit of pixie dust by giving them to another guest.

now everything is rigid rukes and regulations
I think we all have a different thought on the parades...what you bring up about the flow is a big deal, it can be a nightmare.

but i'll tell this story to the day i die. My father inlaw is a retired national guardsman, spent his civilian career inspecting navy ships. Doesnt like a lot of things that arent needed, if that makes any sense. He and my mother inlaw went with us to disney when my kids were really little, i think she sort of drug him there. I'll never forget watching main street electrical parade, looking over at my father in law and him trying to record it. If you tried to watch that recording, youd get dizzy, he was too busy dancing to the music and waving to the characters. Id never seen that side of him before, it was really cool as hell to see.

I was never a fan of the day time parades...too hot to sit around and watch, but i do love the night time ones. so many people watch them, that you get a shorter wait time on rides during them also.

thats the thing about parades they provide a capacity of thousands and take pressure off rides and dining. At AK we used to schedule our lunch during jammin jungle parade. Had Tusker House virtually to ourselves and while i liked the parade it was a bit long but made for great lunch esp if near a Harambe side window
Yeah, but they are rolling out and testing the barges for a big fireworks show. The idea that "fireworks are never coming back" is what I take issue with. Clearly they will. You can pontificate on what they are or are not spending on and why you hate everything they do, but I am pretty sure that HarmonioUS will happen.

Every 3 nights.
I wouldn't say it was a better experience than before, with all of the missing entertainment and short park hours, but I was so happy to get an actual vacation that I may have been happier overall on this past trip than on pre-Covid ones.

Yeah I think most of the good feeling is that after lockdowns people are just so happy to be on vacation. I know if my vacation in August goes ahead (from UK) I'll be estatic. They could put me in leg irons around the resort and I wouldn't mind hsha
I'm an American what is this thing called 'vacation' that one speaks of... Yes the US is the only developed nation WITHOUT paid holidays even China has them. In the dreaded private sector holidays are rapidly becoming a thing of the past esp since covid.
I'm an American what is this thing called 'vacation' that one speaks of... Yes the US is the only developed nation WITHOUT paid holidays even China has them. In the dreaded private sector holidays are rapidly becoming a thing of the past esp since covid.

I get five weeks and a day two more years I get six weeks and I don’t even work for the government. It takes 30 years to get six weeks and it’s non union.
I think they will bring some of that back. I have said it before, while some people here LOVE the streetmosphere stuff, I would be willing to be that Disney's resaearch on the matter shows that more guests would rather have new rides instead. Certainly I like both, but if streetmosphere doesn't move the needle for most guests, then scaling it back isn't unwarranted.

I am a lifelong WDW visitor and fan. I have been a DL annual passholder for almost 20 years.

I couldn't care less about streetmosphere. It just doesn't float my boat. Never has. No one in my immediate family cares for it, nor does anyone in my extended family or the friends I typically travel to WDW with.

I feel like it is a niche thing that SOME people really love, some might notice and keep walking, and others just flat out ignore it and don't care about it. It certainly doesn't directly put more money into Disney's coffers.
We returned to WDW in September 2020. It was great not that it was not so crowded. We were also there in October, November, December and most recently 3/21-3/26.

It was crowded last week but not terrible. The food booths at EPCOT were great and overall we had a great trips last year and last week. I wish Jambo house was fully opened and more restaurants, but I would go back next week :)
I am a lifelong WDW visitor and fan. I have been a DL annual passholder for almost 20 years.

I couldn't care less about streetmosphere. It just doesn't float my boat. Never has. No one in my immediate family cares for it, nor does anyone in my extended family or the friends I typically travel to WDW with.

I feel like it is a niche thing that SOME people really love, some might notice and keep walking, and others just flat out ignore it and don't care about it. It certainly doesn't directly put more money into Disney's coffers.

I would say that I like it and certainly don't mind seeing it, but I probably hardly ever stop for it. Some are real classics, like The Dapper Dans, and they should always be around, but others, it's not as big of a deal. It depends on what it is. I just don't like the assertion that becuase they are cutting streetmosphere, they aren't spending elsehwere. They have built a ton of new rides (new lands even) and that probably moves the needle more. I can undertsant not wanting it to feel like any other amusement park and the special touches matter, but I think we are VERY far from that actually being the case.
I get five weeks and a day two more years I get six weeks and I don’t even work for the government. It takes 30 years to get six weeks and it’s non union.

I'm in tech theoretically we get 'unlimited' vacation, yet no one in my group has been on vacation for at least 3 years except for the odd day off.
I would say that I like it and certainly don't mind seeing it, but I probably hardly ever stop for it. Some are real classics, like The Dapper Dans, and they should always be around, but others, it's not as big of a deal. It depends on what it is. I just don't like the assertion that becuase they are cutting streetmosphere, they aren't spending elsehwere. They have built a ton of new rides (new lands even) and that probably moves the needle more. I can undertsant not wanting it to feel like any other amusement park and the special touches matter, but I think we are VERY far from that actually being the case.

Usually you are one of the more thoughtful people here, But I'm sorry WDW has closed more far more rides shows and attractions in the last 10 years than they have added in that same time period. Disney marketing is just hoping you are not counting. Heck they are demolishing much of EPCOT's core so it is not quite so obvious. Thats not the spin of course but people do notice closed pavilions but if they are gone... You mean there was something there before...
Usually you are one of the more thoughtful people here, But I'm sorry WDW has closed more far more rides shows and attractions in the last 10 years than they have added in that same time period. Disney marketing is just hoping you are not counting. Heck they are demolishing much of EPCOT's core so it is not quite so obvious. Thats not the spin of course but people do notice closed pavilions but if they are gone... You mean there was something there before...

Well, I appreciate the sentiment, but it's not just about counts. They removed some things at HS, but gave us Toy Story and Star Wars - even if the count isn't equal, I think most people are pretty happy about the two lands as they seem very popular despite having only two rides each. They are adding things where the largely unused core of Epcot was, or at least they had planned to. Covid obviously threw everything out of whack. The Communicore/Innoventions buildings were going to be replaced, maybe not with attractions, but it wasn't nothing.
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Well, I appreciate the sentiment, but it's not just about counts. They removed some things at HS, but gave us Toy Story and Star Wars - even if the count isn't equal, I think most people are pretty happy about the two lands as they seem very popular despite having only two rides each. They are adding things where the largely unused core of Epcot was, or at least they had planned to. Covid obviously threw everything out of whack. The Communicore/Innoventions buildings were going to be replaced, maybe not with attractions, but it wasn't nothing.
I wasn’t expecting HS to become one of my favorites. Last trip we had such a great time. We did Ropedrop rides and RotR then took a break. Came back and closed with Smugglers Run, MMRR and SlinkyDog. It was so much fun. Big stupid smiles on our faces 😁 HS is solid now... something I doubted could ever happen back in 2017/18.
Well, I appreciate the sentiment, but it's not just about counts. They removed some things at HS, but gave us Toy Story and Star Wars - even if the count isn't equal, I think most people are pretty happy about the two lands as they seem very popular despite having only two rides each. They are adding things where the largely unused core of Epcot was, or at least they had planned to. Covid obviously threw everything out of whack. The Communicore/Innoventions buildings were going to be replaced, maybe not with attractions, but it wasn't nothing.

Here's the problem EPCOT 10 years ago although a shadow of itself in the 80-00's was still alive and vibrant you had Miyuki, the temple drummers, comic waiters etc, Even in innoventions yes there were a lot of sponsored exhibits which were amazing and educational Segway for one, but they also had the weather exhibits and what kind of houses were more resistant to hurricanes, smart houses with energy management systems - I took some notes there and some of those features have been incorporated into our house. You even had street shows with the Green Army Men. The Sum of All Thrills virtual coaster that was always good for a at least half day with my family most of whom unlike me are rabid coaster fans.

Education is fun when presented in the right manner, One of the best intro to mechanical engineering texts that I have is 'Engineering FUN Da Mentals' or for the mathematically inclined 'Calculus for Cats'

Education is only dull when the presenter is intent on showing their students how smart they are, The best instructors are in it for the love of their subject and it shows. Sometime watch a musician the very best ones are having fun making music the expression tells it all, While the hacks look like they are smelling something bad while playing.

Now all that's left is rubble and Soarin' which is a pale shadow of the one in Disneyland and the optical distortions in the east coast movie make it unrideable for me unlike the the one in CA where you really feel like you are hang gliding over parts of CA the carrier scene was incredible. Heck even Captain EO was amazing and the film on the tech made to me at least sad that it was not more widely used as it puts Imax to shame and seeing a young michael jackson in 3D really drove home what a giant talent the world has lost.

All this is because management got lazy and instead of running a park, they decided to run the worlds largest outdoor bar.
Here's the problem EPCOT 10 years ago although a shadow of itself in the 80-00's was still alive and vibrant you had Miyuki, the temple drummers, comic waiters etc, Even in innoventions yes there were a lot of sponsored exhibits which were amazing and educational Segway for one, but they also had the weather exhibits and what kind of houses were more resistant to hurricanes, smart houses with energy management systems - I took some notes there and some of those features have been incorporated into our house. You even had street shows with the Green Army Men. The Sum of All Thrills virtual coaster that was always good for a at least half day with my family most of whom unlike me are rabid coaster fans.

Education is fun when presented in the right manner, One of the best intro to mechanical engineering texts that I have is 'Engineering FUN Da Mentals' or for the mathematically inclined 'Calculus for Cats'

Education is only dull when the presenter is intent on showing their students how smart they are, The best instructors are in it for the love of their subject and it shows. Sometime watch a musician the very best ones are having fun making music the expression tells it all, While the hacks look like they are smelling something bad while playing.

Now all that's left is rubble and Soarin' which is a pale shadow of the one in Disneyland and the optical distortions in the east coast movie make it unrideable for me unlike the the one in CA where you really feel like you are hang gliding over parts of CA the carrier scene was incredible. Heck even Captain EO was amazing and the film on the tech made to me at least sad that it was not more widely used as it puts Imax to shame and seeing a young michael jackson in 3D really drove home what a giant talent the world has lost.

All this is because management got lazy and instead of running a park, they decided to run the worlds largest outdoor bar.

So you're really just upset that it's different but you didn't make a case that they are offerning less. "Now all that's left is rubble and Soarin'...." That statement is patently false. There is Test Track, Mission: SPACE, and all of the stuff in Future World West (Nemo, Seabase, Living with the Land, new movie in the Land, Imagination). There is Three Caballeros and Frozen in the World Showcase and Guardians of the Galaxy and the Play Pavillion coming, plus Ratatouille. Now, I'm sure you can come up with a reason why NONE of that new stuff is as good as a plate-spinner, but for a lot of people it is going to be must-do stuff. They are making changes, but they are still creating a lot of great stuff.

I do agree that Captain EO is amazing! 🙂
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So you're really jsut upset that it's different but you didn't make a case that they are offerning less. "Now all that's left is rubble and Soarin'...." That statement is patently false. There is Test Track, Mission: SPACE, and aall of the stuff in Future World West (Nemo, Seabase, Living with the Land, new movei in the Land, Imagination). There is Three Caballeros and Frozen in the World Showcase and Guardians of the Galaxy and the Play Pavillion coming, plus Ratatouille. Now, I'm sure you can come up with a reason why NONE of that new stuff is as good as a plate-spinner, but for a lot of people it is going to be must-do stuff. They are making changes, but they are still creating a lot of great stuff.

I do agree that Captain EO is amazing! 🙂

My beef is Disney's replace instead of expand strategy,

I'm not going to say an attraction sucks because I don't like it, the expansion pads exist and had Disney increased the number of overall attractions the crowding would be a non issue because of more places to go rather than less. Actually the chair stacking was more entertaining than the plate spinning but hey it's just me.

The new attractions you mention will all garner devoted fans. Did you ever see the concept art for the Space pavillion, Horizons was the centerpiece, a Mission Space type ride was included overall it was simply incredible.

While we are on Incredible, remember the part of the incredibles where Edna Mode demonstrates how tough Baby Jack's new super suit is (and completely machine washable) you could have a attraction that shows off what new super fibers can do and I can't think of anything that was not possible in Edna's demo. I'm not an anti-IP guy as heck my job involves creating IP but IP can be merely plopped down where it has no business being or it can be leveraged to express a point.
Here's the problem EPCOT 10 years ago although a shadow of itself in the 80-00's was still alive and vibrant you had Miyuki, the temple drummers, comic waiters etc, Even in innoventions yes there were a lot of sponsored exhibits which were amazing and educational Segway for one, but they also had the weather exhibits and what kind of houses were more resistant to hurricanes, smart houses with energy management systems - I took some notes there and some of those features have been incorporated into our house. You even had street shows with the Green Army Men. The Sum of All Thrills virtual coaster that was always good for a at least half day with my family most of whom unlike me are rabid coaster fans.

Education is fun when presented in the right manner, One of the best intro to mechanical engineering texts that I have is 'Engineering FUN Da Mentals' or for the mathematically inclined 'Calculus for Cats'

Education is only dull when the presenter is intent on showing their students how smart they are, The best instructors are in it for the love of their subject and it shows. Sometime watch a musician the very best ones are having fun making music the expression tells it all, While the hacks look like they are smelling something bad while playing.

Now all that's left is rubble and Soarin' which is a pale shadow of the one in Disneyland and the optical distortions in the east coast movie make it unrideable for me unlike the the one in CA where you really feel like you are hang gliding over parts of CA the carrier scene was incredible. Heck even Captain EO was amazing and the film on the tech made to me at least sad that it was not more widely used as it puts Imax to shame and seeing a young michael jackson in 3D really drove home what a giant talent the world has lost.

All this is because management got lazy and instead of running a park, they decided to run the worlds largest outdoor bar.
I know its been brought back as the CA version for a couple very brief stents, but you know Soarin has been the World version at DL since 2016 right?

Couldn't possibly disagree more with all of your posts, just want the opinions to at least be based on facts.
I know its been brought back as the CA version for a couple very brief stents, but you know Soarin has been the World version at DL since 2016 right?

Couldn't possibly disagree more with all of your posts, just want the opinions to at least be based on facts.

Considering that my last visit to DL was in 2014 no, And as a photographer the extreme distortions in the FL version make me ill. So If I ever visit DL again I'll know I can skip Soarin


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