Remy's Ratatouille Adventure and Motion Sickness *SPOILERS*


DIS Veteran
Dec 8, 2017
I wanted to quickly share that my CM daughter and her DCP boyfriend attended a CM preview of Remy yesterday. They both really enjoyed the ride, said it was very cute and fun. Unfortunately, my daughter got motion sick. My daughter is low-mid level in terms of motion sickness. She can ride most rides. She loves ROTR which has similar ride vehicles. However, Remy also has 3D glasses/visuals and a section of spinning. My daughter said that she became ill almost instantly during the spinning. I'm extremely prone to motion sickness (I got sick on ROTR and would never ride it again). My daughter told me not to even attempt to ride Remy. She doesn't plan to ride it again. (She usually takes Dramamine before riding rides that make her slightly ill, but she felt Dramamine might not be enough for Remy)
I wanted to quickly share that my CM daughter and her DCP boyfriend attended a CM preview of Remy yesterday. They both really enjoyed the ride, said it was very cute and fun. Unfortunately, my daughter got motion sick. My daughter is low-mid level in terms of motion sickness. She can ride most rides. She loves ROTR which has similar ride vehicles. However, Remy also has 3D glasses/visuals and a section of spinning. My daughter said that she became ill almost instantly during the spinning. I'm extremely prone to motion sickness (I got sick on ROTR and would never ride it again). My daughter told me not to even attempt to ride Remy. She doesn't plan to ride it again. (She usually takes Dramamine before riding rides that make her slightly ill, but she felt Dramamine might not be enough for Remy)
Thanks for this. I have an AP preview and spinning can make me feel queasy if the conditions are right. I’m determined to ride it, so I’ll make sure to be well-hydrated, not to have an empty-stomach, and take a Dramamine.
Thank you for the heads up! My preview is Labor Day. I’ll wear my Sea Bands. I wonder how it compares to the spinning in the cat in the hat ride? That gets me. My son will love it! He’ll take spinning over hills any day.
I have not been on the Cat in the Hat ride (at Universal, right)? My daughter is an AP at Universal... I'll ask her if she's ridden Cat in the Hat and will ask her if it's similar. I don't know though. The trackless ride vehicles for ROTR and Remy are pretty unique.
I have not been on the Cat in the Hat ride (at Universal, right)? My daughter is an AP at Universal... I'll ask her if she's ridden Cat in the Hat and will ask her if it's similar. I don't know though. The trackless ride vehicles for ROTR and Remy are pretty unique.

Thanks! I think it’s at Islands of Adventure at Universal. The spinning on that was about as much as I could handle.
I have not been on the Cat in the Hat ride (at Universal, right)? My daughter is an AP at Universal... I'll ask her if she's ridden Cat in the Hat and will ask her if it's similar. I don't know though. The trackless ride vehicles for ROTR and Remy are pretty unique.

Cat in the Hat is a dark ride and I would imagine nothing like Remy. It is not trackless and has no 3D effects. It's closer to something like Winnie the Pooh (but without the bouncing vehicle effects).
Cat in the Hat is a dark ride and I would imagine nothing like Remy. It is not trackless and has no 3D effects. It's closer to something like Winnie the Pooh (but without the bouncing vehicle effects).

I’m just asking about the spinning.
Yeah I really dislike the Simpsons Ride as well, I'm curious how Remy stack's up. Especially if we are paying for an IAS to get on-board.
I don't remember there being much spinning on Cat in the Hat. The car turns, but I don't remember actual spinning.
Cat in the Hat swings back and forth more like Toy Story Mania most of the time, but there is one, or even two 360 spins. If you have a strong stomach, you would not notice this at all.
If this Remy is identical to the one in Paris, then there was ONE 360 degrees spin that resembled the one I experienced on Spiderman at Universal, which I thought was more intense than the spin in Cat in the Hat.
Cat in the Hat swings back and forth more like Toy Story Mania most of the time, but there is one, or even two 360 spins. If you have a strong stomach, you would not notice this at all.
Cat in the Hat used to spin like it was on the spin cycle in a washing machine. To my knowledge, it no longer spins like that, and hasn’t for many years.

Thanks everyone! It’s been years since we were at Universal. Those spins, and Men in Black spinning got my stomach while spinning but didn’t make me sick. I could handle that kind of duration if it’s like that. More intense spinning like Primeval Whirl and I’m out!
Thank you for the warning. I have a big group going and I have been going thru what folks and ride and what they cant. I was assuming this was going to be not more than the jerky movement of Dinosaur.

Really appreciate the honesty.
My daughter texted that Remy is not similar to Cat in the Hat in any way. Regarding the motion-sickness... I'm also on a DCP parent board where many parents have said that they've received the same feedback from their CM and DCP kids. Things along the lines of "Mom, you can NOT do this ride - don't even try." I have no idea how it compares to the Paris version. My daughter's description to me was that there is spinning "around and around". She described this segment of the ride to me in detail, and just listening to it made me want to puke! I'm leaving the detail out for those that don't want ride spoilers. The fact that Remy was bad enough to make it to my daughter's "never again" list, along with about 3 other rides, is enough for me. As previously mentioned, she loves many rides that make me horribly motion-sick, and she has talked me into riding several of them, telling me I would be fine (wrong). So... if she's giving me the full-on NO WAY, then there's no way I'm even attempting Remy. And I'm perfectly okay with that. I'll never forget riding Expedition Everest (a great ride) and being sick for five hours afterward. The backward motion - brutal. I felt like I wasted half a day.
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