Something About Nothing............ #14

Good morning all. Still raining off and on here in Orlando and the temperature is about 50F right now.

I think it is supposed to end and move on some time this afternoon but still be on the chilly least for us. :)

Carole...I haven't been to Vegas since 1994 but it was a lot of fun back then. My mother and I saw Siegfried and Roy at the Mirage but sadly they are gone now. That was a fantastic show! We saw several great shows in our three trips in the 90s...I think you would have a great time but only stay for a few days.

I hope everyone has a great day!

We have a very good friend at Royal Pacific that adores Vegas, and is always telling us how much fun we`d have there, he`s given us so many ideas of how we`d fill our time.....we are tempted for sure. We`d love to have seen S&R, but yes, sadly no more.

I think we could pass time just wandering around the hotels alone! And yes, the shows sound amazing, would love to see Ms Celine Dion.......or of course Barry Manilow...stop laughing!!!

Think we have about the same temps as you today, but with 40-50 mph winds, not a day to be out and about. Kyle still went with work friends to do the 5km run they do most Saturdays......I thought they`d give it a miss, but no, they`re

You have a great day too.
Yeah was in Vegas when the kids were young, But have to say we have no desire to go back there. Was neat to go into the dam before they stopped the tour that we did. We are not the gambling type, and yep, we saw the tigers too. Will say was something to see all the casinos, during the day and at night,

Ah, with the time change still not here yet, the English football game I like to watch is earlier by an hour. Nice, as then earlier for me. But yeah, not looking forward to going back to standard time. And yeah:

Hehe, and maybe even some kids, and adults. LoL
Good Saturday morning everyone :wave2: Hope everyone is well and life is
Treating you very good.




That is one cute little baba there Robbie.......he`s gorgeous......and glad the party was a big hit.

Thank you Carole. He is a sweet little fella.

Hope your dad`s visit was a tonic for you and you had a lovely time with him, and hope the leg isn`t giving you too much grief now. Not pleasant at all......but good to see you, hope you`re doing ok.

We had a nice visit with dad. He is a little more frail. He turned 85 the 20th of October, but overall he is doing well for his age. My younger sister and I will probably go up to see him first week December like we usually do.

I cannot believe how quickly the holidays are approaching....ack! I'm hosting quite a few times, I need to get it into gear!

I know it seems like Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner. I will be hosting Thanksgiving and Christmas. I have been picking up things as I see them at the store. I have my turkey for Thanksgiving haven’t decided on the meal for Christmas yet.

Barney will get all the snuggles today!

Hope your little Barney is feeling better.

received a phone call earlier in the week asking for a second interview - which is this afternoon :cheer2: So I'm pretty excited, as this is a federal government job position. It's only for a 2 yr contract, as it is a new creation, but is very probably for it to be extended. So I'm super excited. I am ready to tackle a new position, new systems, and able to give my all to a new frontier. Hoping I can sell myself and answer what questions they may have!

Hope you get the job Pumpkin.

Ooh, and I can say I now have a 24 year old boy. Was a glorious sunny day, when the doctor said he’s a fine looking boy, 24 years ago today. Older one is working tonight, so we’ll celebrate his birthday at lunch today. He wants Chinese, so sounds good to me. The place we use has a week day free small soup or egg roll with entree, so soup for me with my order. Yay!

Happy belated birthday to your son Lynne.


And my godson attends college at UW-Madison, so I took him out to lunch!! Always welcome to have a nice lunch when you're on a college budget.

I bet your godson was thrilled to have lunch with you. Nice photo of you both.

Well, we did get our favourite hotel in Scotland booked today for Christmas....well, there aren`t a lot of hotels up there we`d stay in, but we do like this one. Going up for 3 nights, travelling up Christmas Eve.....mum was over the moon when I told her on the phone today. Will be having Christmas Day, well from mid afternoon at my sisters house, she tends to host every year. Looking forward to it.

So glad to hear you will have Christmas with your family in Scotland. Nice you were able to get the hotel you like to say at. As our parents get older all time spent with them is precious. Hope your mum is doing well.

A busy Friday for me!
After many visits to the AP rates link, I was able to modify my reservation to add one more night!! And got a much better flight home.....Mummy dust was sprinkled upon me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice to hear you were able to extend you vacation stay and scored a better flight home.

I then treated myself to a pre-bday facial. I went all out with the 1.5 hour treatment, which included a head, neck, hands and feet massage. I was so relaxed, I almost drifted off....

It always nice to get some pampering.

Happy 50th birthday Lori




Shout out to Tink and Janet :wave:

Mac hope your weather warms up for you.

It’s cold this morning 38 degrees, but the sun is shinning. It’s suppposed to warm up to 59. We will warm up to 70 by Monday then back downI to 50’s.

I had some help getting Halloween things put away. My great nephews carried things up stairs for me. It helped a lot. I have the house switched over from Halloween to Christmas.

I did go out and have a look at the stores yesterday. It’s seems everyone is out and buying Christmas decorations and buying gifts early. I did see some analysts on a stock program warning that everyone should do their shopping early as there could be possible shortages do to shipping issues. Time will tell.

I’am having some issues with right leg and left foot. I will try and rest for a couple of days. I fractured my foot a few years ago and it gets sore with over use sometimes. I call it the acting like your 25, but not syndrome....LOL.....then pay for it later.

I have been very busy for past few weeks so now things will hopefully quiet down a little.

The house is cheerful with Christmas decorations. In the evening I have all the trees on and it so nice to look at. Puts me in the Christmas spirit for sure.

My plans this week are to go through my gift closet and start wrapping gifts. I also need to get Christmas cards together.

Have a great Saturday everyone.
Yay, Robo post. Sorry to hear mobility issues, but hope leg and foot are doing better very soon. Yeah, pumpkins are gone, and Christmas wreath on my front door. With this cool feeling weather, is feeling like Christmas. Your decorations are beautiful.

Time for that chicken lunch.
Sounds lovely Lori......and yes, glad to hear you got the extra night! You`ll have a lovely trip......

There used to be a very good British Fish and Chip place in Kissimmee, but it shut down a good few years ago.

Gordon Ramsay has opened a so called Fish and Chip place at the Orlando Eye....but it`s another "fries" place, not real chippy chips......nothing like the real thing. We won`t be going there.

We`re joining you in a glass of wine tonight.....trying a new white we haven`t tried before.......not sure yet, will have to have another to make your evening tonight.
I haven't had a white wine in years.
You'll have to let me know if you enjoyed it!

Me too Metro, that was from the castle holiday show. Admittedly, I’m not that good with my old phone camera.

Ah, no fuss, car back and ready for the wintertime. Was a 50,000 mile checkup, with oil and filters changed, tires rotated and balanced. All good to go.

Ooh we have an English pub very close to us, and besides being best known for its wings, has very good fish and chips.

Hehe, where we go to the car shop we use, we go through these little country towns, and little one remarked as we went through the one, look at all the churches. Well, have to cover all the religious, lol. Is neat to see, as many houses you could tell could be 100 to almost 200 years old. Some beautiful old brick, Victorian, some with turrets, and those white clapboard farm houses, as we also passed a few farms. Ah, yes my state has had people settling in it since before William Penn was gifted land that is most of what is our state. And most of the state is rural. Not where I am though. Suburban living. Close enough to the City, yet far enough away.

And so, it’s a ladies dinner tonight, with both men working, so I’m guessing it’s a soup night. Maybe chicken noddle. I have some chicken breast that need to be cooked, so will cheat and use them in the soup. Off to cut carrots, no celery, oh well, and penne pasta not noodles. Close enough. I do have chicken broth, so that’s a good cheat too. Ah soup it is. And came home with a baguette, as stopped at grocery store to buy bread, as DH complained we did not have any white bread. Picked that and the baguette up. Will toast the baguette, so will be warm to dip in the soup. Off I go, as I’m getting hungry even if little one is not yet. Will make the house a bit warmer and smell good.

Yeah, no wild Friday nights here. 😊

Pajamas the dress for tonight.
Sounds like a cozy Friday night! I often improvise recipes with whatever is in the fridge/oantry.

And we have a very special :bday: today........

The lovely Lori is celebrating today and I know she is going to have the best day and be very spoiled by her lovely husband too........

Lori, hope you have a wonderful day, enjoy dinner tonight and welcome to the club..... :hug:







Have the best day Lori :flower3:


Thank you so much Carole, and thank you for the lovely email too!!!

Hey, where did you find that school photo of mine?? LOL!!!!

You do get the best weather`ll pass soon and you`ll be back to normal......I`d love some of your temps at times......:sunny:

Even managed to sleep a little again today which is always lovely.........

No plans today except catch up with friends and do some housework......just opened a bottle of real ale which I detest, no I haven`t started drinking in the morning. Marinading short ribs all day in Old Peculiar ale, will cook them overnight in the slow cooker for Sunday and they taste beautiful once the ale is all incorporated with beef stock and all the other ingredients, but the smell of it on it`s own is not so nice, especially at this time of the morning.

Lasagne tonight, will make the cheese sauce topping before it goes in the oven. I noticed a lot of American recipes use ricotta cheese, not a fan of that way. I was surprised again how different some dishes are served between the two countries. But, looking forward to it as we haven`t had it for a while, one of the few pasta dishes I ever make, just need to check I have fresh lasagne sheets now. Have to make some garlic bread today too.

Looks not a bad day, cloudy but wind will be almost 50mph this afternoon. Certainly a day to stay in.




Have a wonderful weekend 🥂
I'm sure those ribs will fall apart from the ale and overnight lush!!

Ah, good morning Schumi. Ah, yes using alcohol in cooking. Not an ale fan either. But I am sure it will make your short ribs more tender. Hope you enjoyed some breakfast tea before opening that ale. Yep, my Saturday will be generally the same. Doing wash and house work. Errands too, as have to also get a bit more groceries. Then relaxing. No cooking for me yet. Not even sure what dinner or lunch will be. Made some bacon and eggs for me, as was hungry. Think the kids won’t be up for some hours, so by then, I can also eat brunch with them.

A very happy birthday to Paris. 🎈🎉🎊🎁. Hope you have a wonderful birthday weekend.

Super nice Saturday homies.

And, yeah Mac, I’ll take 70 degrees. 31 degrees out now, 55 our high temp. But will be a most gorgeous sunrise, as clear skies until the clouds arrive in the afternoon. But happy they are not rain carrying like Metro has been having. Saw VB was closed yesterday due to stormy weather.

Tea time, as also heard the dryer buzz, so time for more wash to be done. Yay, weekend time!
Thank you Lynne! It's gonna be a super weekend!

Yeah was in Vegas when the kids were young, But have to say we have no desire to go back there. Was neat to go into the dam before they stopped the tour that we did. We are not the gambling type, and yep, we saw the tigers too. Will say was something to see all the casinos, during the day and at night,

Ah, with the time change still not here yet, the English football game I like to watch is earlier by an hour. Nice, as then earlier for me. But yeah, not looking forward to going back to standard time. And yeah:
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Hehe, and maybe even some kids, and adults. LoL
OMG, that's too cute!! And that is exactly my pups, lol!!!

Thank you Mac!!

Good Saturday morning everyone :wave2: Hope everyone is well and life is
Treating you very good.

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Thank you Carole. He is a sweet little fella.

We had a nice visit with dad. He is a little more frail. He turned 85 the 20th of October, but overall he is doing well for his age. My younger sister and I will probably go up to see him first week December like we usually do.

I know it seems like Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner. I will be hosting Thanksgiving and Christmas. I have been picking up things as I see them at the store. I have my turkey for Thanksgiving haven’t decided on the meal for Christmas yet.

Hope your little Barney is feeling better.

Hope you get the job Pumpkin.

Happy belated birthday to your son Lynne.

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I bet your godson was thrilled to have lunch with you. Nice photo of you both.

So glad to hear you will have Christmas with your family in Scotland. Nice you were able to get the hotel you like to say at. As our parents get older all time spent with them is precious. Hope your mum is doing well.

Nice to hear you were able to extend you vacation stay and scored a better flight home.

It always nice to get some pampering.

Happy 50th birthday Lori
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Shout out to Tink and Janet :wave:

Mac hope your weather warms up for you.

It’s cold this morning 38 degrees, but the sun is shinning. It’s suppposed to warm up to 59. We will warm up to 70 by Monday then back downI to 50’s.

I had some help getting Halloween things put away. My great nephews carried things up stairs for me. It helped a lot. I have the house switched over from Halloween to Christmas.

I did go out and have a look at the stores yesterday. It’s seems everyone is out and buying Christmas decorations and buying gifts early. I did see some analysts on a stock program warning that everyone should do their shopping early as there could be possible shortages do to shipping issues. Time will tell.

I’am having some issues with right leg and left foot. I will try and rest for a couple of days. I fractured my foot a few years ago and it gets sore with over use sometimes. I call it the acting like your 25, but not syndrome....LOL.....then pay for it later.

I have been very busy for past few weeks so now things will hopefully quiet down a little.

The house is cheerful with Christmas decorations. In the evening I have all the trees on and it so nice to look at. Puts me in the Christmas spirit for sure.

My plans this week are to go through my gift closet and start wrapping gifts. I also need to get Christmas cards together.

Have a great Saturday everyone.
Thank you Robo!!!!! Love all the images :hug:

Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes!! I feel beyond blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life:lovestruc

I won't hide it....I was dreading turning 50....
But it is going to be a super day after all!
DD surprised me by showing up unannounced last night. I was at a neighbors house having a glass of wine, and she just walked in. Brought me to tears!! She's such a thoughtful daughter...I'm so lucky!!

She and DH are taking me out to dinner tonight....they won't say where, so that's a surprise too...

And.....they gave me my gift this morning....
Tickets to see Pentatonix in Chicago!!!!!! I absolutely love Pentatonix!!!! We are seeing their Christmas concert in December. This really blew me away, and I was touched that they did this. They are coming to the concert as well, so what a great night it will be!!

The sun is shining brightly, and will warm up near 60 degrees today. The dogs and I will take a long walk before I get ready for the evening.

I guess 50 isn't so bad after all!!!!:love:
Robbie glad you had a nice visit with your dad and nice you`ll see him soon too. Yes, my mum will be 87 in March, but we are so lucky with her, she is fit as a fiddle both physically and mentally, sharp as a tack really.......I`m lucky she has my siblings close by her too.

And hope your leg improves soon, it`s been quite a long haul for you with that issue, plenty of rest.

Goodness you are sharp with the Christmas decorations 🎄.......I know how much you love them though. Usually December 1st for us, but this year we`ll be putting everything up the Friday, Saturday and Sunday before we hopefully leave. Too early for us really even though we adore Christmas, but don`t want to come back to do it all. Look forward to your pictures if you show them this year again.

Have a lovely weekend Robbie and keep well...... are so welcome my friend!!

I did wonder if your daughter would turn up last night or today.......what a lovely surprise!! I`d have been in tears too........and you`ll have an amazing night tonight, I can`t wait to hear where you end up for dinner......

I have to go Google Pentatonix after I post this...... don`t have a scooby doo who they are :blush:...but glad you`re pleased with the gift and ideal they`re coming with you for it!!

The wine is unusual for us, as we both usually don`t ever drink French wine, red or white (only champagne) but we ordered a 2012, Francois Cotat Sancerre, Cuvee Paul as someone from one of the wine groups suggested we try it knowing we aren`t fond of French wine. He thought it was worth it.....have to say I had to eat (or drink) my words.....the Sancerre was lovely! Glad we ordered it and will order a case next time. We do tend to drink more red, but we do enjoy white too and bubbly of course.

Yes, 50 isn`t bad at all.....I`m 55 next year and plan to celebrate my *** off along with our 30th wedding anniversary ::yes::......although one of my friends is 57 the same month and she is depressed about

Have a super birthday deserve it, and to be surrounded by family who adore you is the perfect day......:hug:
Good afternoon all. Did my chores and will just relax the rest of the day....not really in the mood to head out anywhere so I'll just curl up and watch college football today. Boring huh?

Have a nice afternoon!

We`re watching Shrek!!!

I can watch the odd game of American Football.....especially the Steelers thanks to not interested at all in British Football weirdly.....I`d rather have my toenails removed without anaesthetic than watch it! But, then I`m not a fan of most sport unless it has an engine.

Have fun and no, not boring at all!!
@J'aime Paris Happy Birthday!!! Sounds like it was a good one.

We have a very good friend at Royal Pacific that adores Vegas, and is always telling us how much fun we`d have there, he`s given us so many ideas of how we`d fill our time.....we are tempted for sure. We`d love to have seen S&R, but yes, sadly no more.

I think we could pass time just wandering around the hotels alone! And yes, the shows sound amazing, would love to see Ms Celine Dion.......or of course Barry Manilow...stop laughing!!!

We like Vegas and have been multiple times. Haven't had the urge to go lately since covid. However, we will probably go back at some point, especially since we have friends and family that live there. We gamble a little but mostly visit resorts, bars, restaurants, and shows.

Yeah was in Vegas when the kids were young, But have to say we have no desire to go back there. Was neat to go into the dam before they stopped the tour that we did. We are not the gambling type, and yep, we saw the tigers too. Will say was something to see all the casinos, during the day and at night,

Love the dam tour :rotfl2: It was cool.

I’am having some issues with right leg and left foot. I will try and rest for a couple of days. I fractured my foot a few years ago and it gets sore with over use sometimes. I call it the acting like your 25, but not syndrome....LOL.....then pay for it later.

I hope it starts feeling better. Let it rest. My left knee causes problems for me sometimes. I had an accident on my Vespa several years ago, hit it on the pavement, and caused a bunch of soft tissue damage. It's usually fine, but sometimes I push it. I totally know the feeling about thinking my body can handle more than it really can now.

Yes, 50 isn`t bad at all.....I`m 55 next year and plan to celebrate my *** off along with our 30th wedding anniversary ::yes::......although one of my friends is 57 the same month and she is depressed about

Another year is better than no year. I think turning 30 bothered me more than others. I feel pretty comfortable now with who am I and my age. Congratulations for next year.
We like Vegas and have been multiple times. Haven't had the urge to go lately since covid. However, we will probably go back at some point, especially since we have friends and family that live there. We gamble a little but mostly visit resorts, bars, restaurants, and shows.

Another year is better than no year. I think turning 30 bothered me more than others. I feel pretty comfortable now with who am I and my age. Congratulations for next year.

I think we would certainly have some fun gambling a little.....but yes, I think we`d focus more on other things, but you have to gamble a little in Vegas!

I agree. We lost one of our best friends in 2016 who was like a sister to me to cancer a few weeks after she turned 50, always reminds of the saying about old age being a privilege not a right......yes, embrace it. Yes, I have felt more comfortable with me the last 20 years than my younger years looking back......and certainly put up with less bull from others than I did when I was younger too. Growing up has it`s benefits........😉

Lasagne was lovely, didn`t eat much of the garlic toast, so most went in the trash, but lasagne was very filling.

Watched Shrek earlier, now having a Pirates of the Carribean movie some Captain Jack Sparrow.....opened second bottle of wine, well first one was finished with dinner.


Still blowing a hoolie outside, glad we`re in and nowhere to go. Can hear some fireworks in the distance again, but the high winds seem to have put some off, they`ll keep it for tomorrow night.......
We`re watching Shrek!!!

I can watch the odd game of American Football.....especially the Steelers thanks to not interested at all in British Football weirdly.....I`d rather have my toenails removed without anesthetic than watch it! But, then I`m not a fan of most sport unless it has an engine.

Have fun and no, not boring at all!!
Shrek is good...I like the film.

I would rather watch college football than professional because the fans are into the more it seems.

There wasn't a lot of interesting games on today so it wasn't as fun but that's the way it goes.

I'll probably see what's on television and take a shower and hit the sack soon.

Have a good night!
Have a good night Metro.

Well it was another little one and me. So what did we have? Yep, grilled in my pan chicken, mashed taters, and cooked carrots with a tad bit sugar in the water. Yum. And, since both of us like corn muffins more than any white bread type, had a small box of mix for it, so made just 6 small muffins, which, 3 left over for older one. Little one had to have two. With butter, they were a perfect bread side warm from the oven.

And now it’s what I feel like watching, as already changed into my pajamas. Nothing needed tonight to go out for. Little one is online gaming with her friends. Probably until the wee hours. She’s also not fond of us falling back into time to be on standard time tomorrow.

Saturday night already. Hope all get a good night’s sleep. 💤
Have a good night Metro.

Well it was another little one and me. So what did we have? Yep, grilled in my pan chicken, mashed taters, and cooked carrots with a tad bit sugar in the water. Yum. And, since both of us like corn muffins more than any white bread type, had a small box of mix for it, so made just 6 small muffins, which, 3 left over for older one. Little one had to have two. With butter, they were a perfect bread side warm from the oven.

And now it’s what I feel like watching, as already changed into my pajamas. Nothing needed tonight to go out for. Little one is online gaming with her friends. Probably until the wee hours. She’s also not fond of us falling back into time to be on standard time tomorrow.

Saturday night already. Hope all get a good night’s sleep. 💤
Thanks Lynne. I hope you have a good night too! :)
Shrek is good...I like the film.

I would rather watch college football than professional because the fans are into the more it seems.

There wasn't a lot of interesting games on today so it wasn't as fun but that's the way it goes.

I'll probably see what's on television and take a shower and hit the sack soon.

Have a good night!

College football certainly is incredibly popular, I had no idea till we visited the first time and heard everyone seemingly talk about it.

Did you find anything to watch? Tv over here usually sucks......Netflix or any of the other streaming options are usually what we end up watching if it`s not dvd`s at night. Don`t really know why we have so many tv`s!

It`s a beautiful day here, but we`ve still got high winds up to 45mph......didn`t really stop many fireworks last night in the distance it seems. And I think there are some organised displays tonight for some reason.

Lazy relaxing day ahead.......short ribs cooked overnight, Tom in his infinite wisdom, decided to wake me at 3am to let me know he could smell them and the smell was delicious. :confused3

He was right though.

Bacon for sure this morning, with a huge pot of tea.

Today is a day for catching up with friends and family and some reading I think.....and maybe a snooze as it`s Sunday...




Have a lovely Sunday :)
Good morning Schumi. Ooh could smell that bacon and tea! You definitely have a very windy day. Hehe, is nice when you can smell good food cooking away. Relaxing day sounds perfect for a Sunday.

Well, for us, not nearly as windy as Schumi, but with a clear overnight, it’s 32 degrees out. But oddly, going to be a beautiful sunny start, but clouds are to arrive quickly after sunrise and be a mostly cloudy day. But they are not rain or snow carrying, as we are in a dry spell with the low weather system staying more out to sea then expected. But as the low comes closer, rain is expected Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Eh, as the low moves closer, it’s letting that Southern air flow up, and in the 60’s will be the highs, with close to 70 Friday’s high. Yay, as shorts will then be worn by the end of the week. But today, with the high as 57, shorts are not on, pants are. And a jacket will be too.

But even with the time change, I’m up early. And our typical Sunday, the start of this week, includes getting as much trash out to the curb as can, and getting ready for week day routine. Yay, it is a holiday week.

Well, alarm has been set, clock changed. All electronics automatically switch the time. Will see if I have to change the car clock. I may not, as it’s the most computerized of the ones we have. Older one has to push a little button to change the hour on his car. DH’s? I don’t think DH ever cares to change his truck’s clock. So at least he’s right half of the year.😊

So, yes, tea for me this morning. No bacon, I don’t think, but we have eggs and potatoes. Though I saw oatmeal, so on this cool morning, that sounds good. So a warm little breakfast before the kids get up hours later again. I don’t know when either went to bed, as I was in bed before the midnight clock sounded about an hour later. Then we are having a birthday dinner out, as older one does not work today, and he’s wanted to try a newer opened steak place that opened not too far from us. Looked at the menu, and think it has plenty all should enjoy.

Super Sized Sunday homies. Make it a most lazy one too. And hope it finds all doing well.
College football certainly is incredibly popular, I had no idea till we visited the first time and heard everyone seemingly talk about it.

Did you find anything to watch? Tv over here usually sucks......Netflix or any of the other streaming options are usually what we end up watching if it`s not dvd`s at night. Don`t really know why we have so many tv`s!

It`s a beautiful day here, but we`ve still got high winds up to 45mph......didn`t really stop many fireworks last night in the distance it seems. And I think there are some organised displays tonight for some reason.

Lazy relaxing day ahead.......short ribs cooked overnight, Tom in his infinite wisdom, decided to wake me at 3am to let me know he could smell them and the smell was delicious. :confused3

He was right though.

Bacon for sure this morning, with a huge pot of tea.

Today is a day for catching up with friends and family and some reading I think.....and maybe a snooze as it`s Sunday...

Have a lovely Sunday :)
Good morning!

I watched a little of this and a little of that before heading to bed and watching videos on YouTube.

WOW...strong winds again...what were the fireworks in aid of?

Short ribs sound wonderful for dinner...even if Tom woke you up.

Another lazy Sunday ahead for me. My neighbor made chili and gave me some...can't wait to heat and eat!

Have a good day!
Time change and did not sleep in with that extra hour of sleep today
Awake at 6:15 for cat feeding time

Mr Mac still snoring away, good for him
He gets cranky when he does not get enough sleep

did not find Luna cat until ten minutes ago
She was whining and had to follow the sound
She was locked in the closet again
She missed a meal and made up for it when she saw her food bowl

silly kitty
This happens frequently…

warm weather returns Monday and will last for maybe 3 days
I’ll take it !!

Hope all the homies enjoy the last day of this weekend!
Good morning Metro. Hope this finds you enjoying the day. Hope rain not in the forecast today.

Mac, silly cat. Glad you released her from the closet. Though have to say when see paws under the door, cute. Hope you are doing well.

Keisha, hope all is good out your way, and you’re doing well.

Still not a peep, but think a long, hot shower is just what I need.

Be ever that happy homies.
Hey all, sure glad to see this time change.

Other than this lovely youngin’ qualifying for state competition on her 1st meet of the season
All around meet champion. 1st floor, beam & 2nd vault and bars :)

Very glad to cross off the past busy week. Jr’s main refrigerator died a lingering death. Who knew there was a covid shortage of replacements? Scrounged thru lowes inventory online and was able to snag a nice one to be delivering in a few days. installation was a pip, old copper pipes running to ice maker. Can’t say I’ve ever seen that. All worked out well after 6 hours there. Glad the mr is such a handy man & no plumber was harmed

Day 3 from the derm surgery on back i.e. I can finally get it wet & take a proper bath. Feel as tho I’ve been primitive camping.

And don't worry about the same dress...I probably had the same underwear on in both pictures! :rotfl2:
Yeah, I’ve been known to wear same clothes year after year. Well, as like something I like to wear, I wear it more often.
i have specific park clothes, uniform of sort. all either goofy stuff branded to whatever park or wicking stuff...things I rarely wear at home.
Yes, the Boulangerie was much better than The Today Cafe now
Took Barney to the vet early this morning for a dental cleaning. Poor guy has some bad teeth at his advanced age. I can pick him up in about an hour.
poor baby, hope he rebounds soon.
will add them this evening. Hope you took some pictures of your decorations and share them with us.
hate to say it, not much this year really enticed me to pull out my phone. Do look forward to checking yours out as you do have such a good eye
My niece and sweet great-nephew.
he’s absolutely precious
I bought some t-shirts and hoodies for my husband and son, but I haven't done any other xmas shopping
i multi-tasked before last week’s medical appts & snuck in a bit of Xmas shopping prior as many unique stores
Ooh, and I can say I now have a 24 year old boy
happy, happy birthday to him!
Why I’m going to be blonde once again next week, no gray or white hair for me yet. LoL
Woo hoo, will be looking sharp for the holidays.

i actually love whatever I’ve got going on with the top layer of my hair. Several stylists agreed. it’s more of a ‘fade’ from the dark brown I have underneath & allows me to go quite a long time between coloring. Well, it would but, I’ve been going every 3 months since things opened back up just because I feel like being pampered :).
Although, to be honest. the phone did this right after 1 year. I got a new battery for free from Apple back then, but it still would do it sometimes. Something lousy in the software I think, that's keeping it in an infinite loop and draining the battery.
i went thru that too on a 7. apple store installed a new battery that lasted all of 5 minutes. They wound up just handing me a new phone in the store as I pitched an witch as was leaving on vacation in a few days lol.
Don't wait until your phone dies if you plan to buy the newest one.
so true. Will agree it’s so convenient to order phones online & have them show up at the door. know you are a techie, it made me feel just a bit smrter to read u had a few moments in the actual setting up process. do think if you’re not a methodical sort, probably is better to go into the store, can’t skip any steps, ‘fear sure lol
It seems the little dogs can be prone to bad teeth.....Barney is doing much better today, thanks for asking!
And my godson attends college at UW-Madison, so I took him out to lunch!! Always welcome to have a nice lunch when you're on a college budget.
absolutely, great pic!


Well, we did get our favourite hotel in Scotland booked today for Christmas....well, there aren`t a lot of hotels up there we`d stay in, but we do like this one. Going up for 3 nights, travelling up Christmas Eve.....mum was over the moon when I told her on the phone today. Will be having Christmas Day, well from mid afternoon at my sisters house, she tends to host every year. Looking forward to it.
so nice to hear!!!
Dropped off the car after having to scrape the windows of ice.
so glad the mr went out to get the newspaper yesterday & handled that for me lol. Was unexpected TBH. See it’s on there again this am. Can melt off
A busy Friday for me!
After many visits to the AP rates link, I was able to modify my reservation to add one more night!! And got a much better flight home.....Mummy dust was sprinkled upon me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yea! Enjoy.
ve had to go into present overdrive now we know we`re going up to Scotland. I went smaller when I was posting gifts up for convenience, but now.......full blown present time!!
or of course Barry Manilow...stop laughing!!!
No giggles here, wasn’t a fan until i saw him ahem decades ago. Put on a killer show. Was surprised he didn’t (ironically) pen this song:confused3

We had a nice visit with dad. He is a little more frail. He turned 85 the 20th of October, but overall he is doing well for his age. My younger sister and I will probably go up to see him first week December like we usually do.
aw, that’s nice to hear.
I have my turkey for Thanksgiving haven’t decided on the meal for Christmas yet.
full blown shortage here, no large breasts to be found…turkey that is:rolleyes1

i shot & scored when out shopping this week.
E6B43BFE-63F9-43A0-B3AE-405F766984AC.jpeg Thanksgiving & Xmas, check. If i could only find a couple of hams…
I’am having some issues with right leg and left foot. I will try and rest for a couple of days. I fractured my foot a few years ago and it gets sore with over use sometimes. I call it the acting like your 25, but not syndrome....LOL.....then pay for it later.
oh no! I am not amused mine is seriously barking after 5 or 6 hours now. Not sure if it may be the weather or increased activity.
The house is cheerful with Christmas decorations. In the evening I have all the trees on and it so nice to look at. Puts me in the Christmas spirit for sure.
i may use this as a visual aide when I lobby to have our main tree put up later this week. The mr is off work, GD is coming to stay overnight, would be perfect activity to decorate. Not sure I can pull that request off tho. His people never put up the tree before Xmas eve, old SKool. Took time for him to wrap his head around the weekend after Thanksgiving.
I can watch the odd game of American Football.....especially the Steelers thanks to Janet..
oh & they can be decidedly odd lol. as an update, we are playing on Monday night this week & somehow have managed to win a few games after Lori’s team crushed us earlier this season. Worm has possibly turned there now as their QB is out on covid mandate against Kansas Ctiy (just one recent, surprise loss).

DSs‘ team went down in flames on Friday, still great they made it to the playoffs As such underdogs. Always next year!
Love the dam tour :rotfl2: It was cool.
the more extensive one is really fascinating. I didn’t understand most of it mind you as to the engineering but, still appreciated it.

My suggestion to folks is to keep driving east & spend a night on the rim at the Grand Canyon, although the park system’s hotels are a tough grab.
always reminds of the saying about old age being a privilege not a right......yes, embrace it.
never heard that one, love it.
All electronics automatically switch the time.
one time I am glad to be vertically challenged and unable to perform that task For the non auto ones. My story & I’m sticking to it.


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