Marathon Weekend 2022

a podcast i was listening to this summer talked about night-before-the-race sleep and they were discussing how it's really common to sleep horrible the night before because of nerves, etc and that you should try to make sure you sleep well TWO nights before so you at least have one good night of rest going in to it. that's going to be my goal. Good sleep Thursday. Early-ish bed Friday night. Nap Saturday. Survive Sunday.
This is a really great point. Thank you for sharing this. When I ran my first-ever half marathon in August, I was SO nervous the night before that I likely only got five hours of sleep when I should have gotten a minimum of seven. I will be utilizing your strategy next month for sure!
Nice job @Sara W I thought about you when I went out for my long run on Sunday. I started in piedmont park and crossed the half course a few times. I like that race because it is close for me. its got hills but I like it better than other courses in atlanta. With the injuries I passed this year. Weather was not terrific but it could have been worse.
1. Looking at your signature, what is significant about the 2003 race?
2. I was there for the 2011 Goofy. I'm sure you remember me waving. ;-)
3. You are a better runner than I am going out in the cold and wet on Sunday. Ick. As it is, I'm eyeing the sky and temps today and thinking I might need to do treadmill time.
Ok so I’m pretty excited about the possibility of getting dark-sky pics AND daylight pics in front of the castle. Might have to go out a little fast in the half to try to ensure the dark and then slow waaaaay down for the remainder.
One of my best memories from when I've done this before was nearing the Magic Kingdom and seeing the sun rise over Space Mountain. I know, total geek territory, but it was cool.
:wave: Hiya - Floridian here with the reminder: no weather forecast is to be trusted until it's an hour before race time! Pack for anything between 20* and 90*; have hot, cool and cold weather plans for costumes; assume rain will be in the forecast for at least one race, even though it may not rain at all or may rain every day; if you're driving, know that credit cards can double as ice scrapers. I'll totally obsess over the forecast for the next couple weeks with all of you, but I won't actually make any decisions about what to wear/bring for each race until the night before, and that still may change when I look at the weather when I get up each race morning.
As someone who is leaving on Tuesday night and not running until Saturday, this means my suitcase is gonna be FULLLL. All of the leggings. All of the layers. Because it's not just race costumes that we have to plan for.
This is a big part of why I rent a place with a washer & dryer: I wind up bringing a billion race options, and, like, 2 non-race outfits that I can launder between wearings, lol! The 6 "free" Dopey shirts help, too.
Has anyone stopped there during the marathon before? If so, did you regret it? DH wants to stop for a beer if it's open, but I'm on the fence. I'm concerned about drinking beer then having to run quite a bit longer. Our goal is just to have fun, stop for characters, and (most importantly) finish.

We've stopped there a couple of times for a beer. I love having a beer during a race. It's refreshing and a bit of bonus carbs. :) With all the running you do, seems to me the alcohol just burns right off. I never feel any effects from it. We also usually stop for a beer and pretzel in Germany to finish off the race. You know yourself more than anyone, but if you think you can tolerate it, I'd definitely encourage it. This was from the marathon portion of our Dopey race back in 2018. My sweet husband purchased the beer while he waited for me to ride EE.

YES! We rented DVC points and will have a washer and dryer in our room, which will definitely help a TON, especially if it's rainy!
Pro tip: jeans take up a TON of space in luggage: wear one pair, bring one more, and launder as needed to rotate. The great thing about running clothes in their packability and usefulness when not running, too: I've layered a couple pairs of running tights and a few running shirts/jacket to wear outside of races when it's been cold - just washed what I'd already worn for previous races!
1. Looking at your signature, what is significant about the 2003 race?
2. I was there for the 2011 Goofy. I'm sure you remember me waving. ;-)
3. You are a better runner than I am going out in the cold and wet on Sunday. Ick. As it is, I'm eyeing the sky and temps today and thinking I might need to do treadmill time.
Ha i had to go back and look. 2003 because it feels soooo long ago. It was also my first disney marathon (second one over all) as an extra bonus it was the 10th anniversary and i had no idea.

Yeah i was with @Sara W i ran on sunday thinking well its cool, windy, cloudy and drizzly. Pretty crappy good opportunity to see how things work. I found out my sports bra was not so good. I thought i put on enough glide but the answer to that was NO.

For the women, if my sports bra is chewing me up does that mean it is too loose? i feel like it is really tight but again am chewed up. Already planning a different one than i wore on Sunday.
Assuming everyone saw the preview of some of the new rD merch? It looks like I can't post the link, but it was on the Disney Parks Blog yesterday.

For some reason, this of all things, made the race feel real and close - not the email from rD this week! 😅
And the question is about my pace. I ran a half on Sunday and then added 7 miles for my 20 miler. Granted I probably ran that half a bit faster than I should have for a training run, my overall pace for the 20 was around 9:15 (8:45 average for the half, and then I forced myself to slow down for the extra 7 to around 10min miles). I'm thinking I should aim for 9:15-9:30min/mi on the marathon? (I may also beg and plead at number pick-up to see if I can be moved to a POT corral bc I hadn't done a race before the cutoff and now I have 3 POTs. It was really, really nice not to jockey for space at the half on Sunday)

My advice, wait until at least 3 days prior to the event to solidify pace goals. The weather at a race, but even more so Disney's possible swing in temps from 20s to 80s, will dictate actual race day pace to a significant degree. So coming up with a solid pace plan this early could lead to unrealistic expectations come race day. Because you'll start imagining what could be now based on current data, and then not appropriately adjust those goals when adverse weather conditions come up.

With that being said, I would be very careful trying to evaluate training runs into race paces. Most runners are notorious for "racing" their training runs. So they get a false sense of possibilities.

For example, let us reverse engineer the 20 mile training run. The final average was 9:15 mm for 20 miles. According to my calculations, a 9:15mm LR pace is associated with someone who can run a 23:12 5k, 48:23 10k, and 1:46:45 HM. So do any of those predicted race times come close to the POTs you've recently run? Or do you have any reasonable belief that if you "A" raced right now that you could hit those times? If no, then it suggests to me that your 9:15mm long run was closer to a race effort than you'd want in training. There could be some worry that you blew your peak on a training run instead of saving it for race day. For someone who had those times above (23:12 etc) I would put their equivalent marathon effort somewhere around 3:48-3:56 based on training.

Now let's take the training run from the other angle and assume the 20 miles at 9:15 was a max race like effort (even though it very well may not have been). What we're doing is creating a bracket. The 3:48-3:56 is best case scenario based on actually being a 9:15mm LR fitness, and the opposite will tell us the low end assumption. That looks to be something like a 25:39 5k, 53:29 10k, and 1:58:00 HM. For that profile and based on the training, the marathon would be around a 4:13-4:22. So the bracket is 3:48-4:22. A pretty wide range based on a singular data point.

If you provide me the following, I can probably give you a more accurate range.
-Your three recent race results.
-The three highest training duration weeks and mileage during them as well (so I want time and mile). And when they occurred.
-Your three longest training runs in terms of time and miles.
-When looking at the time spent training on the three longest runs compare it as a % to the total time spent training that week. For instance, someone who did 2 hrs for the longest run and trained for 6 hrs that week has a 33% LR.
-How many weeks in total did this training plan encompass?
-Lastly, what do you want for your Disney marathon experience? Are you hoping for a maximal effort? How much risk are you willing to incur? In a theoretical world, if I said you had a 10% chance of 3:58 and 90% chance of 4:20 based on an aggressive pace strategy, vs a 40% chance of 4:08 and 60% chance of 4:12 based on a conservative pace strategy, which would you choose?
I guess I screwed up my waiver somehow. My wife registered me the day it opened up because I was wrapped up in work. Last week we did the thing that was supposed to allow me to sign my waiver. I sent the link to my most used email (and pretty sure also to my disney login email). I sent the link multiple times because there was a decent lag before it hit my inboxes. Anyways, later on I clicked on the link and tried to sign my waiver. I don't recall what message I got, but NOW my registration does not show in my wife's account and it does NOT show in my account. So not entirely sure I'm even registered now. We've reached out to RD, but not sure how long it might be before anyone gets back with us.
Assuming everyone saw the preview of some of the new rD merch? It looks like I can't post the link, but it was on the Disney Parks Blog yesterday.

For some reason, this of all things, made the race feel real and close - not the email from rD this week! 😅
Link here, which should work.
I guess I screwed up my waiver somehow. My wife registered me the day it opened up because I was wrapped up in work. Last week we did the thing that was supposed to allow me to sign my waiver. I sent the link to my most used email (and pretty sure also to my disney login email). I sent the link multiple times because there was a decent lag before it hit my inboxes. Anyways, later on I clicked on the link and tried to sign my waiver. I don't recall what message I got, but NOW my registration does not show in my wife's account and it does NOT show in my account. So not entirely sure I'm even registered now. We've reached out to RD, but not sure how long it might be before anyone gets back with us.
Same exact thing happened to me and my family!
I guess I screwed up my waiver somehow. My wife registered me the day it opened up because I was wrapped up in work. Last week we did the thing that was supposed to allow me to sign my waiver. I sent the link to my most used email (and pretty sure also to my disney login email). I sent the link multiple times because there was a decent lag before it hit my inboxes. Anyways, later on I clicked on the link and tried to sign my waiver. I don't recall what message I got, but NOW my registration does not show in my wife's account and it does NOT show in my account. So not entirely sure I'm even registered now. We've reached out to RD, but not sure how long it might be before anyone gets back with us.
Same thing happened with my daughter's waiver (I registered her). The good news is that I called them, and they could still see her registration (so the registration should still exist); the bad news is that I told them her account email address and they supposedly moved the registration to her account; however, it still doesn't show there. I may have to call back.
For the women, if my sports bra is chewing me up does that mean it is too loose? i feel like it is really tight but again am chewed up. Already planning a different one than i wore on Sunday.
I think it depends where it's chewing you up at. I got some chafing this weekend right where the band is designed to sit because my sports bra was too tight. Conversely, I'll get chafing in spots where my bra shouldn't be if it's too loose.
I hope that makes sense. I'm purposely trying to avoid any specific details 😳
The good news is that I called them, and they could still see her registration (so the registration should still exist); the bad news is that I told them her account email address and they supposedly moved the registration to her account;

Did they actually answer when you called or did you leave a message and they called back? My wife had to leave a message as they did not answer at RD.


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