Marathon Weekend 2022

I am a bit of an under packer, and "just" ran the marathon. For the 6-day trip I brought a carryon roller for non-race stuff and a medium/large gym bag for my running stuff. I ended up not wearing all of the stuff I brought and had room going home (thanks to some throw away corral things) for a couple of my DD's purchased 10K souvenirs. Not intending to brag.. I just guess traveling internationally for a living for many years taught me how to travel light.

I also tell myself that any non-running thing I forget (other than a drivers license and a credit card) can be purchased when I get there.
Hey all, sorry if this has been answered, but does anyone know if you can access the Marathon tracker after the race? My friend is trying to get to the map where he can zoom in and stuff.
Hey all, sorry if this has been answered, but does anyone know if you can access the Marathon tracker after the race? My friend is trying to get to the map where he can zoom in and stuff.

If you mean the course map....the easy way to get to it is through the event guide, which is currently available. But they use the same link for all race weekends, so get it now before they switch to Princess. Or here is a direct link to the google map,-81.56616950000002&z=13
After reflecting on this year's trip (and, who am I kidding, in preparation for some runDisney event next year) I have a few follow-up questions:

- I'm looking for some packing tips and tricks for runDisney events, particularly multi-day events like Dopey.

Second for packing cubes, or those space bags that @Herding_Cats mentioned. My family uses cubes for every Trip now. We have color coded sets so each family member has a color and each set comes in a few different sizes. The small one gets socks/underwear/bathing suits then medium or large ones get other clothes. Sometimes I pack them by stacks of corresponding outfits and other times I organize by tops and bottoms. For trips where we are switching hotels or things like road trips, the outfit method works well because then you can just open one of the clothes cubes and pull an entire outfit without having to open everything in the suitcase. For places where you can unpack clothes completely, the tops and bottoms method works well. Then I use an extra one if I need to pack sweaters or coats. Those compress a lot so you can fit several in 1 cube. The only problem with cubes is that if you use a big suitcase, the cubes compress things down so much that the weight of your suitcase can get over limits pretty easily. For trips w multiple pairs of shoes, I stuff socks into and between the shoes. Fill in all the dead space…
Maybe not as applicable for Dopey where you are trying to carryon most if not all of your stuff, but for flights where you are checking most of your clothes, we mix the colors of cubes between suitcases so it 1 gets lost, everyone has at least some of their clothes at the destination.
- I'm looking for some packing tips and tricks for runDisney events, particularly multi-day events like Dopey. I wound up packing everything and the kitchen sink in my luggage, a lot of it I didn't use but was brought "just in case." On the way down (flying Southwest), I checked one bag and had a rolling carry-on with most of my important running gear plus one handheld "personal item" where I put the things I wanted accessible on the plane and my primary running sneakers (which I was taking NO chances with). On the way home, I checked my second bag (since I no longer cared much if it got lost), but with everything that I bought, my bags were full to bursting. How does everyone else do it? Do I check two larger bags, give up the carry-on bag, put the minimum in my personal item, and cross my fingers? Two wheeled bags and a personal item is the max that is to feasible get to the rental car and to the hotel room by myself.

I wouldn't beat yourself up, context is pretty important here. How many days did you stay in addition to the races? Were your souvenirs bulkier? (I know I needed a larger bag the trip I brought home 3 Trader Sams tiki mugs, including the Nautilus...) If your clothes size is taller/larger, you'll be able to pack less than others who are shorter/smaller.

For me, personally, I'm pretty similar to @Kerry1957 in the amount I pack. I was running Goofy, and came down with a backpack and roll-aboard for 4nights/5 days.
I had separate costumes for both races, and had a lot of just in case items that I didn't end up using and had to bring home (such as a running hydration backpack, extra sweaters, lots of extra snacks, throwaway clothes for the races ect.) I also had an inflatable inner tube which took quite a bit of space.

Where I saved space was I banked on hot races. My race costumes were designed for hot weather (ergo less bulky) and I planned that if either of the races were cold, instead of the costumes I would wear the race shirts. I only packed one pair of cold weather tights, and brought along supplies to do multiple loads of laundry when/if needed. (I didn't NEED to, but I did 1 load anyway because I don't like packing dirty clothes.) My souvenirs from the trip were either items I accounted for when I packed (race shirts) or smaller items (pins and magnets), so didn't really take up much space coming home. Whenever I catch myself starting to overpack I always remind myself I've proven I can survive with much less and Disney/Amazon will be happy to take my money if I forgot something I truly need.

Another thing to keep in mind, is if you ever need to ship souvenirs home to save space, the front desk should be able to help you arrange it (done this many times at OKW). Or if you keep all the receipts from your Disney purchases, you should be able to arrange it with your resort gift shop.
I used packing cubes for the first time ever on this past trip for MW. I was pleasantly surprised in the amount of stuff I could fit in them and how much room I had left over in my suitcase and carry on. I used one cube to pack all my running gear for the Dopey and put that in my carry on along with my shoes. All other clothes went into the suitcase. Because I had so much room, I way overpacked. LOL.

I am a huge fan of packing cubes! I think I also got trapped into that "I can throw one more thing in this bag" when originally packing, which came back to bite me when we were coming home.

I am an over-packer. We probably looked absolutely ridiculous at the airport because we had: myself, DH, DD(2yo), her stroller (gate checked) and carseat, 3 backpacks, and 3 carry-on rolling suitcases. And we checked 2 suitcases. DD was in a carrier on my back, backpack on my front, pushing one suitcase and pulling another. And DH had everything else piled up in the stroller, plus wore a backpack and pulled a suitcase. We had so.much.stuff.

I bow down to you on being able to manage everything!

Also remember that there are washers/dryers at all of the resorts if you're staying on-site. And some of the off-site hotels have them also. So no need to pack 4 pairs of pants when you can just wash 2 pairs and wear them again, etc. But that's the mom in me saying that. Pants and jackets/hoodies take up lots of space. Tank tops do not.

I had actually planned on doing laundry one of the days, but wound up being able to (barely) get away with the clothes that I brought with. Once we hit Sunday and Monday, I just didn't have the energy or want to take the time to deal with doing laundry.

For the 6-day trip I brought a carryon roller for non-race stuff and a medium/large gym bag for my running stuff. I ended up not wearing all of the stuff I brought and had room going home (thanks to some throw away corral things) for a couple of my DD's purchased 10K souvenirs. Not intending to brag.. I just guess traveling internationally for a living for many years taught me how to travel light.

I am seriously impressed!

Second for packing cubes, or those space bags that @Herding_Cats mentioned. My family uses cubes for every Trip now. We have color coded sets so each family member has a color and each set comes in a few different sizes.

I've done the color coded thing when traveling with my mom. It works out well.

The only problem with cubes is that if you use a big suitcase, the cubes compress things down so much that the weight of your suitcase can get over limits pretty easily.

YES!!! Coming home I was about 4 pounds away from the weight limit.

Where I saved space was I banked on hot races.

And this is where I think I went wrong. I had a heavy sweatshirt (which I needed to have because it was my "going to and coming from the airport" outerwear), a lighter fleece and two running jackets PLUS a long pair of running pants, two pairs of running capris, and three pairs of jeans. I wound up using one running jacket and one pair of capris. But given the reports of Orlando's notoriously fickle weather, I was wary of getting caught off guard.

My souvenirs from the trip were either items I accounted for when I packed (race shirts) or smaller items (pins and magnets), so didn't really take up much space coming home.

The six race shirts and the jacket and shirt that I bought are what probably put me over the edge. And because the race shirts were long-sleeve (and the forecast was for so not long-sleeve weather), I couldn't even count on wearing them when originally doing my packing.

Keep the tips coming! But it does feel good to know that I'm not alone in my struggles.
I’m normally a relatively reasonable packer (never check), but I try to fly Southwest on this weekend on purpose- I don’t feel the pressure of the extra fees and commit to checking two bags (hugely missed Magical Express/resort check in this year though). I put everything for my races (just two) in my carryon, organized in giant ziplocs by race and category (fuel, craft supplies, etc). If my bags didn’t make it I know I could survive with local/delivery clothing in a pinch. I have done laundry there when I flew direct from a two week vacation, but didn’t need to this time. One of my bags was pretty random- I fit a yoga mat and toaster, plus some lunch/dinner food so I wouldn’t have to be in public that much. Other years I’ve had Amazon deliver a $5 yoga mat and then left it, but I didn’t get my act together in time/everything fit. I also wear a million layers on the plane so I don’t have to pack them- I definitely resemble the Christmas Story kid but it works because I’m the coldest person alive (even in Florida).
My family of 4 typically flies Spirit to WDW (definitely spent more on dinner at Boma than on our flights!) so the limiting factor is the 40-pound weight limit, not the suitcase space. I packed light for my one race -- even bought Gu at the Expo rather than pack it -- and we only packed 5 days of clothes for our 10-night trip with a planned laundry day. I imagine that if I ran Goofy/Dopey I'd have to pack a whole other bag for shirts and medals coming home!
One person: 2medium suitcases, one large tote of toiletries, etc., 2 bags of groceries, 1 tote full of shoes, a cooler bag, and a yoga mat/foam roller tube... I drive and bring ALL THE THINGS!!! :teeth: #noregrets I did go home with less than I brought in terms of bulk, though - sure, I had the 6 race shirts, but I left behind 3 fleece blankets, 2 pairs of old PJ pants, an old hoodie, and a couple old race shirts. I only bought a mug and an ornament.
I generally get by with one large suitcase and a backpack on my Marathon Weekend trips. I'll generally put a packing cube with things like compression shorts, knee brace, Garmin, and maybe one racing shirt, shorts and pair of socks in my backpack. Everything else goes into the suitcase. I'm secure enough in my shoe choice these days that if something were to happen to my suitcase, I could buy most anything I need at the expo in the event of loss. I also overpack and have a gallon ziplock bag with "cold and wet weather gear" for emergency conditions that has a poncho, shoe covers, Mylar blankets, Hot Hands, gloves and a fleece headband. 2017 isn't going to sneak up on me again!
I travel a lot, so like @Kerry1957 I'm usually a pretty efficient packer. (For our 16 day trip around the world to every Disney park in 2019, my husband and I packed everything in carry-ons only!) For race weekends, I still use packing cubes and space bags, and thankfully my airline status gets me free checked bags of any weight, but I just really hate the inefficiency of checked luggage. That said, there are times it's just unavoidable.

I did Dopey, but I managed to get all of my running gear, costumes, bathroom stuff, PJs and a change of clothes into my carry-on. DH flew in a few days later, so the rest of what I needed went into his carry-on. My carry-on expands, which makes it too big to fit in the overhead, so I checked it going home as I added my souvenirs and what I accumulated over the week. I have less of a mental block about checking going home.
Count me as another person who uses packing cubes although I'm not sure they really save me any space, I just like having my clothes compartmentalized.

I tend to go on one or two long vacations a year (+10 days) and struggle with the need to pack running gear, daytime activity outfits and dinner attire (nothing fancy, just not the shorts and tank that I wear hiking). I also hate bringing a large suitcase because I'm a small person and it's just difficult for me to handle. Because of this, I will NOT pack 10 days worth. Instead, I just to plan to do laundry. This could mean sending it out for someone else, using the accommodations machines, or even just hand washing and line drying. I know it might sound like a lot of work or time, but I usually need a bit of downtime to myself and the <5 minutes it takes to start laundry isn't a problem either.
Another vote for packing cubes! I was able to fit everything for Dopey, including two pairs of shoes and toiletries (sunscreen, makeup, lotions etc), into my carry-on. I packed everything else in packing cubes in a large suitcase. I try to really limit myself to only one sweatshirt, pair of jeans, long sleeve...things that I can wear more than once and take up a lot of space. I didn't do it this trip, but when I travel with my kids and husband I intentionally do not pack enough clothes for all the days we are there so I have to do laundry. I also always do a grocery order so I won't bring things I know I can order (say, if I'm doing a target order via shipt). For the "just in case" items I always ask myself if I end up needing it is it something I can easy buy once I'm down there. If the answer is yes, then I don't bring it.
Another vote for packing cubes! I was able to fit everything for Dopey, including two pairs of shoes and toiletries (sunscreen, makeup, lotions etc), into my carry-on. I packed everything else in packing cubes in a large suitcase. I try to really limit myself to only one sweatshirt, pair of jeans, long sleeve...things that I can wear more than once and take up a lot of space. I didn't do it this trip, but when I travel with my kids and husband I intentionally do not pack enough clothes for all the days we are there so I have to do laundry. I also always do a grocery order so I won't bring things I know I can order (say, if I'm doing a target order via shipt). For the "just in case" items I always ask myself if I end up needing it is it something I can easy buy once I'm down there. If the answer is yes, then I don't bring it.

That is my thought process also, one sweatshirt and pair of pants. Most of the time I don't even end up wearing them. I learned my overpacking lesson again this trip. For the 7 days I was down at WDW, I packed 7 different pairs of shorts to wear at the parks. Plus 3 extra pairs to change into after cleaning up afterward. I kept rotating the same 3 pairs of shorts at the parks. So that is my new strategy going forward. Also, I ended up wearing the race shirts they gave to us on Saturday, Sunday, and the plane ride home. That is going to also be my strategy for next year. Only bring shirts needed until checking in at the expo and then just wearing those shirts the rest of the week. It did get a little warm on Sunday, so I had the sleeves rolled up. But definitely a learning experience on what is actually needed and what is extra baggage.
I did Dopey and had one large suitcase (almost packed to the max- 48 lbs going home) and a backpack. The only hard thing was rolling that suitcase was rough for me. It was heavy! I have an old-fashioned two wheel roller. I need to get one of those fancy 4 wheel ones. I fit in 3 pairs of shoes, 2 throwaway sweats and all my clothes and toiletries for 5 days. I don't have a lot of extra running stuff like foam rollers etc. I'm also not particular about my gear, so I don't worry about losing my luggage. I rented a car this trip so replacing anything would have been easy at Walmart or the Expo.
Dopey 2020 here, DD and I each had a carry-on backpack with extra pairs of running shoes, some race clothes (two outfits each), refillable water bottles, Minnie ears and race fuel/gel/chews. We had space to add our sweatshirt and Winter coat once arrived in Florida. We also shared a large suitcase with packing cubes with pyjamas, undies, toiletries, other race outfits, more running shoes, 4 warm “disposable” blankets, some throwable clothes, Milar blankets, rain ponchos, other clothes (dresses and sandals), duplicate set of fuel (in case it was refused at the airport), jar of Nutella and PB, roll of paper towels and utensils. Maybe the latter were with DH.

We did end up leaving some blankets and clothes for charity on the 5k/10k mornings. The remaining food and utensils went to my mom who was staying and extra week in Florida. My husband and other DD who arrived later and left earlier took some of the bulky items or dirty laundry back. We brought back the race shirts and medals in our carry on. And, we bought a new suitcase at the airport which we checked-in empty:rotfl2:
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I packed a carryon and a checked bag. I stuffed my carryon so my checked bag was quite light. I packed cold weather gear in the checked bag to be prepared for anything. I also have a half size foam roller that fits in the bigger suitcase, and I brought more pre-race stuff like Epsom salts. My carryon had everything else. At least I was able to lift it into the overhead bin.
Keeping an eye on Youtube for MW vid uploads, not sure if anyone is interested in that sort of thing but want to give a shout out to Jar Oxandspoon, who has done a really solid job in the past and posted a vid for the 5k, guessing he'll be posting the other races as he finishes editing. Another account posted *full* vids for the 5k, 10k, and half, using a iPhone XS attached to a gimbal, and the quality is surprisingly good (I used to have the XS and often had trouble with getting good quality in the dark).


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