Spinoff of Mail Delivery Thread


Sea Level Lady
Sep 10, 2015
Exactly where is your mailed delivered?

Mailbox by the curb, attached to your house near the front door, a central pick up spot for all the homes on your street, lobby of your apartment/condo building, collect it at the post office, or whatever.

I have a mailbox at the end of my driveway.

When I was growing up in the city, we had a slot with a hinged metal flap on the front door for mail. The delivery person would knock or ring the doorbell for larger packages. If no one answered the door, the package was usually left with an at home neighbor.

When my parents first moved to a newly built subdivision, we were one of the first families there. No at home mail delivery for about 4 months until more people moved in. We had to drive to the post office.
We have a walking route and mailboxes are on the porch for most homes. I prefer a street style mailbox with lots of room, so I put one in, except it is right at the bottom of my front step instead of at the curb.
When we finally got mail delivery in that new neighborhood, the mailbox was by the curb. About 5 years later, the mailman got out of his little truck and knocked on our door.

Our mailbox wasn’t there. Apparently someone removed it from the post. Who would steal an empty mailbox? It wasn’t stormy or windy the night before.
Our mailbox is mounted on our house—right next to the garage door. Other people in our area have them in the same general area, but others have them right by the front door or even mail slots that the mail gets deposited into.
Our current house has a mailbox at the end of the driveway.

Our previous house had a central pick-up spot for all the houses in our section of the neighborhood. I think there were 4 pick-up spots in the entire neighborhood.
Our mailbox is on the wall next to our front door. The mail carrier always knocks if there's a package he has to deliver and then he leaves it on our landing.

We had the same slot in the door in all the houses I lived in in Philly.

The worst carrier has been FedEx. We find packages all the time that have been sort of aimed in the vicinity of our house.
My mailbox is at the curb by the end of the driveway. Our mail gets delivered by truck. People are good about not blocking mailboxes so the truck can pull up to it without the driver having to get out.
My mom has her mailbox attached to her house by the front door. She lives in NY and her mail person pushes a mail cart and has to open the gate to her airy (sp?) to get to the mailbox.
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Ours is in a cluster mailbox at the end of our driveway (well technically on the sidewalk in between our house and the neighbors) and there's several cluster mailboxes spaced out on the streets depending on how many homes and cul-de-sac offshoots there are (I think there's something like 8 or 9 mail slots with 1 oversized box per cluster mailbox). When we lived in the rental house coincidentally we also had the cluster mailbox at the end of the driveway.

My mom's is attached to her house by the front door, she uses a potato chip clip for outgoing envelope mail lol.
We have a cluster box across the street from our front steps. 12 houses get mail in there. Pkgs have a bigger box, but the door on it has been broken for 2 years. Someone keeps breaking it everytime they fix it. So the carrier just walks across the street and leaves our pkgs on our front porch
Mailbox is at the end of our driveway. Our mail gets delivered here as well as to other people's mailbox at the end of their driveway in our subdivision. We get other people's mail too. It's rare that a week goes by that we only get our mail.


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