The ABCs of Starting Over- OR to KY Roadtrip + WDW 50th Ann. Trip 9/28-10/4; Day 6 and REPORT COMPLETE!

Off we went to take in all of the amazing artwork that was displayed inside. Folks, this museum is so, so worth it. The quilts are absolutely amazing in detail and craftsmanship. There are hundreds of quilts, and the exhibitions are both permanent and rotating with some rooms displaying themed exhibits. When we were there, a touching display of quilts made in honor or remembrance of 9/11 was there.
These quilts are spectacular! I would love visiting this museum.
So I paid $12 to see... no bison. However, we could hear some elk bugling in the distance and were very hopeful. The loop drive is just gorgeous and indeed, we did come across this majestic beast around one of the bends. So beautiful and so BIG!!
The highlights were sleeping on Navajo Land and falling asleep to drumming and chanting in Monument Valley, the Slot Canyons, the Bayou Swamp Tour and meeting Vanessa (@vamassey1 ), feeding wild donkeys, all of the live music we got to hear, and just mother/son travel time.
Lifelong memories that you will cherish forever.
It's almost a year on now, and I’m just now getting around to even looking at the photos that I took. I have absolutely ZERO notes from this trip as I simply committed myself to being in the moment and enjoying all the 50th had to offer, the exquisite hotel rooms I was treated to compliments of some very good friends, and the company of wonderful folks! It wasn’t a long trip, but I did take my camera and did take the usual million photos.
I'd love to read all about it! Totally jealous about the Poly bungalow!
I’ll leave off here before diving into my lovely day which involved eating a gazillion calories, watching the very last ever showing of Illuminations, (But not just any viewing…. ;) ;) ) loads of Festival fun stuff, and just being in my solo zone doing my own thing. So, stay tuned. These chapters may come rapid fire, so buckle up, Caballero(a)s! Ye-haw!!
Yay! Sounds perfect. :)
Tapping in through the AP lane, it was time to conquer the park. Since most crowds had moved on to WS for lunch, I found some pretty short lines for everything I wanted to go on in Future World. SE just happened to be right there, so I took a spin through the history of human communication. I never get very good photos in here (well, unless I have the right lens on) but love the ride because I always seem to find new little details. And I guess I’m easy to amuse because the animation selfies always crack me up. I look like a complete dweeb in them every. single. time.
I always love SE!
Just as I got done using my Imagination, I had a bit of the real world intrude. In a good way. I received a message from my recruiter that a job had opened up in Bowling Green in the exact department I wanted and for the pay I was hoping for. It certainly put a spring into my step as I launched my conquest of Food and Wine. Basically, I spent 3 or 4 days negotiating and waiting for an interview (which I got and did on the Gorilla Falls Trail later in the trip) and then had to find a drug testing place which sucked the joy out of an entire day a couple of days after that. (More to come...)
You always get good job news at Disney! I think it's a lucky spot for you.
This was HUGE! I literally couldn’t even finish it all and just like that, my hopes of trying a whole bunch more stuff went up in flames. Did I love it? It was probably my favorite dish of the entire Festival. I adored it! I just wished I’d had someone to share it with. Did it stop me from getting 2 more drinks and 2 more dishes. No. But for that you’ll have to wait, as I’m trying to keep these very short so you can read a whole chapter in one bathroom trip.
Yum! Jack enjoyed one of the pho dishes during our Mom and son trip last summer. I remember how generous the serving was.
This trip was a year ago. A YEAR AGO!! :faint: If you think I remember ANY details whatsoever, you are about to be grossly disappointed.
We were at Disney at the same time and all I remember is that we stayed at WL. ;)
dumped my bags off in the room quickly then high-tailed it off to the Highway in the Sky which zoomed me to EPCOT in no time. No doors were damaged in the transit of this passenger. Passing the Magic Kingdom, I wasn't one bit sorry. I like that park, but it's not my favorite and it's so crowded lately that it just feels very claustrophobic. See ya later MK, another day.
We like to go to Epcot on arrival day, too. The other parks are all too crowded by the time we usually arrive at WDW.

I took off for my 2nd favorite FW attraction- Living with the Land. I adore how they change it up to the season and Festival.
We used to ride this while waiting for our Soarin' FF time to begin, back in the old days. ;) Now we ride it because we like to see what is growing in the greenhouse. It is always something different.
I received a message from my recruiter that a job had opened up in Bowling Green in the exact department I wanted and for the pay I was hoping for.
You also got one when we were with you last winter. I think you need to go to WDW whenever you are job hunting. :)

I don't know where your travels will lead you, but we will be at WDW next week. :)
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These quilts are spectacular! I would love visiting this museum.
They truly are works of art! Even Zach, a 20-something ooohed and aaaahed his way through with me.
Lifelong memories that you will cherish forever.
For sure!
I'd love to read all about it! Totally jealous about the Poly bungalow!
Your wish has been granted!!


I super hope I still have all the photos I took of the bungalow. I took about a billion of them, but finding them....
Yay! Sounds perfect. :)
It was absolutely lovely!
You always get good job news at Disney! I think it's a lucky spot for you.
Indeed! This was the 2nd time and it's like.... hmmm, I need a job, probably should schedule a trip to Disney! LOL!

Yum! Jack enjoyed one of the pho dishes during our Mom and son trip last summer. I remember how generous the serving was.
I really was very impressed at how giant it was! I do plan to get another, and maybe Kari will help me eat it this time around.
We were at Disney at the same time and all I remember is that we stayed at WL. ;)
I do remember that, and loved our few hours we could hang out together. Let's do it again soon, Sue! :hug:
We like to go to Epcot on arrival day, too. The other parks are all too crowded by the time we usually arrive at WDW.
Generally, my go-to 1st park is AK, and will be on the 13th again, but for this trip (the current TR) I knew I'd have a short day and would be hungry right away. Plus, it's open way later than AK so could get more park hours.
We just to ride this while waiting for our Soarin' FF time to begin, back in the old days. ;) Now we ride it because we like to see what is growing in the greenhouse. It is always something different.
I love the slow pace of it, the technology of it, and to me it's really interesting.
You also got a when we were with you last winter. I think you need to go to WDW whenever you are job hunting. :)

I don't know where your travels will lead you, but we will be at WDW next week. :)
Exactly! I got the one for Tucson in January as well! Seems to be my lucky place at job hunting time! I won't be working again until next April or May with my classes being just too intense to work and study, Hmm, a Flower and Garden trip... :cool: To be honest, I'm not sure when I'll be able to afford another trip, but do love F&G.

I'll miss you by a couple of weeks. I'll be there again from Sept 13-19th. :)
I’m joining in to hear all about your 50th trip!
I miss the Disney luggage retrieval, DME, and airport checkin!
Nice first day. We tried the noodle exchange last year and loved the vegetarian noodles, yummy!
C is for: Can I Eat Anymore?!

Time for the 1st of a few F&W Crawls! Let’s get our Eat on.

Generally, my favorite way to cruise is counter-clockwise starting in Canada, but today I made an exception because I had a sudden hankering for a margarita. And what better way to conjure up a thirst than to eat the saltiest snack on the circuit? I made a stop a The Swanky Swine and ordered up some:

Crispy Barbecue Pork Rinds with Pimento Cheese– $4.75

Did I like it? It was okay. To be honest, it was just too rich and heavy for having just horked down a gigantic bowl of Phở, so I ate about 1/3 of it and tossed the rest in the trash. I wouldn't get that one again. Sigh…. Ah well, I’d find a way to drown my Food and Wine Fail with a:

Tropical Mimosa with Sparkling Wine and Passion Fruit, Orange, and Guava Juices – $6.25

I have had this a few times now and do really like it. It’s refreshing and not too big that it’ll knock you out right off the starting line. I wasn’t in any hurry whatsoever with the only “deadline” of being at the Yacht Dock by 7:30, so I had the entire day to kill and make the most of. So, I ambled. Along the way I loved seeing the 50th Celebration statues which add such a fun touch to the parks! The day was just picture perfect with puffy clouds in the sky and a nice warm, Florida breeze in the air.

Before getting too much further into the loop, I stopped in at the Port of Entry to grab a Remy Hunt. These are such a fun little game! Yes, I found them all; yes, I got my cute little water tumbler that I use in Arizona.

I’d normally stop at La Choza for my favorite WS snack of the empanada with corn salad, but I’d have to pass today in lieu of other Festival goodies. Instead, I sidled on up to La Cava and for probably the first time since like 2010 there was no line! Holy Smokes was this my lucky day! Table for 1, please! Within 5 minutes I had a luscious Smoky Pineapple Marg, which doesn’t seem to be on the menu at the moment. I know it’s a rotating menu but I’m going to guess you might be able to order one if it’s not on there. I sat for 20 or 30 minutes savoring my little quiet corner of the world doing some power people watching and just soaking up the time to relax.

A bit lighter on my feet, it was time to move on. But not without being just silly enough to actually enjoy It’s a Small Mexico. Yeah, I sing in that one too. Best part? I had the boat to myself. I really miss the empty parks of Covid Days.

Next up was Norway where I bypassed Frozen but took a few snapshots.

Then I came across something kinda cool…. A sign was out for the “Florida Blue Lounge”. Huh! Was this some new lounge I’d never heard of? Exclusive? Nice? What was this?!! A CM was outside as gatekeeper, so I asked her what this was all about. Basically, it was a giant advertisement for Blue Cross Blue Shield, and I was told that if I just download the app, I could get in. It was nothing fancy I was told, but there was free ice water, some basic snacks and a cool place to sit for a few minutes. Okay, sure, sign me up! I downloaded the app (which I promptly deleted after I walked out) and was gained entry to the former Akershus.

Caution, rant ahead…

The Akershus- A once glorious dining experience from EPCOT’s Hay Day of authentic explorations of culture. Long ago, in a galaxy far removed from Chapek, you could get pickled herring, light and fluffy lefse, potato pancakes, and lingonberry jam from a delightful smorgasbord. My parents STILL talk about what a travesty it was when they changed it to chicken nuggets and crappy ravioli character dining.

Now, just a shell of its stupendous former self, the venue is still well done in its design, but…. Water? Pretzels? Sad.

Satisfactorily hydrated, I hit the road again aiming for China where I’d have another Food and Wine FAIL. Are you laughing at me yet? Hey, join the crowd; I deserved it. Why? Hang in there, Dear Reader. I was apparently on a noodle kick that day and the:

Crispy-fried Pepper Shrimp with Spicy Sichuan Noodles for $7.50 sounded pretty darned good.

Sadly, this was NOT the same noodle dish from the Festival of the Arts that Mikki, my daughter, and I had before. Anyway, I ordered up my little dish and, like all good Trip Reporters do, I held it up for a cute little photo of it untouched. Sadly, I suck at that, and one of my (2) shrimp rolled off onto the ground. I quickly looked around to see if anyone saw my stupidity and sure enough a Millennial couple stood there busting up hysterically and gave me a nice thumbs up.


Irritated I found a little piece of curb-ish real estate and dejectedly sat down, wherein my 2nd shrimp promptly rolled off onto the ground. There may or may not have been a well-placed expletive used. To add insult to shrimpy injury the noodles weren’t even very good. Clearly, God was punishing me for my blatant gluttony.

Here's the photo of my NO-Shrimp Version :rolleyes2 :

I consoled myself with a few moments of non-food-destroying photography and finding Remy.

I also managed to hold off of my eating binge until Spain where I picked up this little ditty:

Seafood Salad with Shrimp, Bay Scallops, Mussels, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, White Balsamic Vinegar, and Smoked Paprika – $6.25

And washed it down with the Wine Flight for $6.25.

I was pretty full by now, but Disney has a way of burning off calories pretty well and most portions are fairly small so you can try a few things. Except for the gigantic bowls of Phở. Then again, Food and Wine Piggery is best left to the experts. Do not try this at home. No damage was done in Germany or Italy but I did happen across some railway amusement. This guy has worked at Disney for decades and his ultimate dream job was Mini Railroad Keeper and he stuck it out with the company long enough to score it. He clearly adores his job and waxed on and on and on and on about how he maintains it, keeps it looking great, etc…. He told the small crowd that was gathered about how often he has to come out and fix de-railings and how often he switches out which trains are running each week. Count me in the Geek Crowd, I LOVED listening to him. There’s little more satisfying than to hear someone so obviously enamored with their job. Passion is such a great quality!

I’ll leave off with a few last Remy finds and pick it up again with The American Adventure next time. Until then…. auf wiedersehen!!

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D is for: Dawdling Through World Showcase

Sorry, Folks, for tearing through these updates, but after finishing up Day 1 I'll give it a rest for a day or two. Honestly, if you're going to get a TR from my 50th Anniversary Trip at all, it's going to have to be this way. Once I hit the road and start classes again, there won't be time for the DIS for a spell again. So, let's trudge on, shall we?

I left off in Italy eating a Spanish snicky-snack with a lovely view and, by now it was early afternoon. I was beyond full and couldn't even think about trying anything else. But for just little ol' me, I think I did pretty good. 4 dishes (one that probably counted as 2 or 3) and 3 nice drinks/flights. Not bad!

The rest of my afternoon and early evening was just slowly wandering seeing what I would see. Since I had oodles of time, I popped into the American Pavilion, but just missed the VOL. Sadness consumed me. But it'd been a few years since I'd seen the American Adventure so decided to enjoy it while cooling off. I LOVE this show! It's just so well done at telling our story. I also love the "Spirits" of America around the theater. These two always seem to resonate most with me and my personality.

Somehow I ended up in, what was then a new, exhibit in that pavilion that is located in the "Gallery"... a little area off to the side of the big foyer. It is incredibly well done with displays of many of the Native Tribes of the US by region that includes art, clothing, lifestyle artifacts, musical instruments, etc... and some was interactive or had a multimedia presentation. I was very impressed with how sensitive and respectful it was in presentation. Here are a few glimpses of the things I particularly enjoyed:

I kept on with my Remy Game while moving on to Japan. After finding him, I cruised through Mitsukoshi. Did you know it's been in business since 1673? I think the drummers were back but I missed them this time around. In hindsight, I should have grabbed a drink, but didn't want to risk getting too "happy" in view of what I was going to be doing later that evening. Had I known I would have restraint during that activity, I'd have enjoyed a sake cocktail up in the beautiful, quiet little Japanese garden above the koi pond. Oh well....

Instead, I made my way into the Moroccan pavilion to check out what further decimation they've done to it. Such a sad, sad tragedy since the Moroccan government left it to Disney's incapable hands. Seriously, it's nearly gutted. Gone is the bustling, happy marketplace where you could buy the latest Arabic pop music CDs. Gone are the unique Moroccan-made treasures from pottery to hand-painted dishware to hammered copper pieces. It really makes me sad. No more CMs to interact with back in there now; everything is boarded up, doors are closed, it's all just shuttered.

I'll concede it is a quiet place to sit with a few tables tucked back there if you need to have a family meltdown or something, and the tile fountains are still there for nice selfies, but that's about it. Now... one additional word of praise for Morocco, The Spice Road Table is really nice with the outdoor seating and improved menu. The small plates are absolutely delicious if you need a meal. Even better there's almost always room for a walk-up if you're willing to wait a little bit. I didn't this trip with F&W going but it is a nice option.

France was my last pavilion I'd tackle on my first day. I knew I'd skip the UK and Canada and do those on my next EPCOT day. But I did have to backtrack a little to pick up my last Remy sightings, but that was a quick in and out. I was starting to get majorly pooped out and my phone was dying. Time to whiz through and get to the YC to rest and wait for the evening activity. But first, a couple of artsy-fartsy shots.


On the way out, I redeemed my game card at the International Gateway for the tumbler that I use in Arizona. These reusable small bags are bomb for taking lunch to work in, so I grabbed one of those too then took a Friendship over so could get off of my screaming feet and charge the phone.

It took a bit to find an outlet, but I managed to find one and settled in with a cup of the cold, complementary water and waited until it was time to meet my friends for the evening.

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E is for: Evening Extravaganza!

Last chapter for Day 1. Promise. ;)

Methinks this is getting not a lot of interest, but I shall press on nonetheless if only to say I am not a quitter. ;) If you're here and reading, I'd love to see a howdy!

Queue up the music ^ for this chapter and find a comfy seat; it's time for...


It wasn't long before the others in our party arrived and we all made our way out to the boat launch to meet our skipper for the evening.

This would be the very last showing of EPCOT Forever (whose name itself is beyond ironic) with Harmonious starting the next evening. (Yes, I'd catch that too.) And what better way than to be invited to a viewing from the Lagoon? Thanks to some mutual (new) friends, I was able to be included with Mary Ellen, Denny, Pat, Marv, and another couple (our hosts) along with our skipper. After we got on board and got a little safety briefing, it was time for everyone to pour a drink from the generous supply that Mary Ellen and Denny brought in a cooler. The cruise included non-alcoholic mixers that we used to add to whatever was in the lineup that was brought. I chose a trendy peanut butter whiskey and Coke which was amazing!! If you've not tried that one, I'd give it a go. Yummy!!

After everyone poured what they wanted, we all had to find a seat and stay in it until we reached the place we'd stay for the show. It was an absolutely PERFECT evening as the skipper first took us around the perimeter of the Boardwalk, Swan/Dolphin, YC/BC lake, then slowly took us along the river to just past the IG Bridge where we'd watch from. We basically linked up with 3 other boats to make a 4-boat raft then each party was free to move around the boat to pour another drink, chat with each other, and dig into the yummy snacks provided. Pat and Marv brought some sweets, but the there was also a huge variety of snacks like chips, cookies, and such provided as part of the Party. I was still way too full so didn't bother and restrained myself at only the one cocktail.

The show itself was amazing to watch from where we were. Seriously, the view was completely unobstructed and it was absolute bliss to hear the amazing soundtrack while bobbing on a cushy boat. No strollers bashing my ankles, no crying kiddos, no tall dudes in front of me. (NOT bashing young families! I've been that family with crying kiddos soooo many times, just saying it's nice to enjoy an evening show without those distractions. :) )

I didn't bother with taking any photos with my camera, but did get a few with my phone which are NEVER very good. Nevertheless, those are a few and a couple of short videos. :)

The skipper lady didn't dilly-dally getting us back to the dock, but we didn't feel rushed either. And then it was time to get back to the Grand for a good night's sleep after a long travel and Disney day.
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One wonders what happened here.
I accidentally put it in "preview" mode and then somehow made it worse by putting in in BB code mode, and no matter what I did, I couldn't post my chapter. So I scrapped it and started over. I figured out what I'd done until my next attempt.
Not my cup of tea.
(Actually, a cup of tea is not really my cup of tea either.)
I think you'd enjoy it once you go there.
And well deserved, too. I think the entire planet's health care system was stretched to the breaking point these past couple of years.
I'd imagine you are right. And it's not really getting better (Covid numbers practically non-existent, but understaffing is still a crisis issue.)
Must admit... pretty impressive, just the shear amount of detail in those works.
Oh, no. :(
You should have come on my road trip. I saw... a few.
I may take the Northern route back to Tucson this time as I've wanted to see that area for a very long time. (I'm assuming this was Wyoming or the Dakotas?) You may possibly be (Mark too) quite an inspiration for my travels as well.
Wow! What an amazing shot! Great timing! I'll take that over a passel of bison any day.
He was soooo huge and impressive. A gorgeous animal!
You may or may not have been a bit of an inspiration for my road trip. :)
Great shot of you two with the map. :)
That was from the beginning of the trip at Greg and Marcia's when we set out.
I understand the time commitment, but... I for one really hope you write about it. :)
I am... !
Thanks so much for writing! I really enjoyed it. Quite the epic trip!
You're very welcome. :) I think you're in Disney now, so you'll have some catching up to do when you get back.
I have loved reading your fabulous report and kinda feel like I’ve taken a wee trip across the states with you. I’ve enjoyed learning a little bit of history along the way. You did indeed see and experience some amazing places and while I’m sure you were both ready to be home I’ve no doubt that the memories you’ve made will be visited often and cherished forever.
Thank you!! I"m glad you "traveled along" and that you enjoyed our roads less traveled! It's amazing how much is out there to see and how vast America is!
I used to make quilts and even belonged to a quilt guild. I've always wanted go to the annual quilt show in Paducah but it was always the same weekend as my daughter's birthday. I think I need to find a reason to head down there. :)
I never joined a guild but sure loved seeing the quilts at the County and State Fairs. I really love(d) hand quilting when I had more time but even more loved choosing the fabrics and designs. I even taught quilting in Kazakhstan for a little while. It was not easy finding fabric that would work. If you head this way, let me know! I'd love to get back to Paducah to see the town itself.
I've learned a lot from your odyssey. It was an amazing journey. :)
Why thanks!! I'm so glad you joined along! More adventures as I have time; and until then, enjoy some Disney 50th Celebration stuff.
would love to hear about the Poly bungalow. It is someplace that I will never stay, but it does look interesting. :)
Your wish is my command. ;)
I'm here!
Caught up a little on your moving recap, what a fun read that was! I live near LBL and Paducah (the tornado only missed my house by a couple of miles and you are right, so many are still struggling.) We camp in LBL and we love the area. Aside from that, my youngest daughter is playing soccer in BG this weekend! We love the "Lovers Lane" soccer facility there!

Congratulations on your exam!! I know you have worked so hard.

Now I am loving your trip recap. We are kindred spirits in our love of Epcot rides. They just relax me so much!! Do you listen to Sorcerer Radio at all? I always have it playing in the background, there are multiple stations and types of Disney music. Highly recommend the website and app!

The boat ride to watch the last show sounds DREAMY!
I'm here!
Caught up a little on your moving recap, what a fun read that was! I live near LBL and Paducah (the tornado only missed my house by a couple of miles and you are right, so many are still struggling.) We camp in LBL and we love the area. Aside from that, my youngest daughter is playing soccer in BG this weekend! We love the "Lovers Lane" soccer facility there!
Yes, one missed our house too by less than that. It was a terrifying night and awful to see the next morning. Even as of now, they are STILL stringing line and rebuilding homes all over town here. One place a few blocks away from us is boarded up and a heart-breaking "Merry Christmas" is spray painted on one of the 4x8s over a window.

I hope to make it over to Paducah and LBL again someday (not this summer as my travel dance card is officially full) to spend more time there.

How fun your daughter is here in BG! We're a welcoming city and love visitors! If she needs a place to stay or anything, please reach out!
Congratulations on your exam!! I know you have worked so hard.
Thank you so much!!! It was such a hard class and the next tough one is already freaking me out. Pharmacology next term. I've ordered my text and am going to start front-loading when it arrives.
Now I am loving your trip recap. We are kindred spirits in our love of Epcot rides. They just relax me so much!! Do you listen to Sorcerer Radio at all? I always have it playing in the background, there are multiple stations and types of Disney music. Highly recommend the website and app!
I'm so glad you're here!!! Huzzah! I do really love them. I always get pretty sore feet in that park, especially with the construction and horrible long detours. But once there, they are just so nice.

I don't actually. But now that you mention it, I will definitely check them out! :) Thanks for the tip! I usually just queue up a playlist on Youtube from the parks or resorts to listen to.
The boat ride to watch the last show sounds DREAMY!
It was so nice! Such a great and relaxing way to watch a fireworks show.
I am here and reading along. I am so glad you are posting a report on the your 50th Anniversary trip. I love reading peoples reports of Disney.
Glad that you passed your exams but I figured with your spunk it was a given.
Do you have a job set up for when you go back to Arizona in the winter? Hope so.
You always take such awe inspiring photos.
ps I do read along I just don't always comment.
I’ve just spent some time reading your 50th trip updates. Even with some runaway shrimp you did a great job sampling some festival snacks. I like the sound of the Smoky Pineapple margarita and can’t believe how empty it was in there. That place is always crazy busy when I pass by so you definitely hit it lucky!
Wasn’t the display in the American Pavilion Gallery well done. Some beautiful craftwork on display. I liked the interactive element as well.
I have always wanted to do a fireworks cruise and can think of no better way to end the day. Sounds, and from your photos, looks pretty amazing plus drinks and snacks- I mean what’s not to like.
I am here and reading along. I am so glad you are posting a report on the your 50th Anniversary trip. I love reading peoples reports of Disney.
Oh GREAT! So glad you're here, Judy! It's always fun to read reports for sure. I seem to always learn something new or get new ideas for things to do. :)
Glad that you passed your exams but I figured with your spunk it was a given.
I am determined for sure and do love a challenge. I hope the next class, which I hear is equally difficult, goes as well.
Do you have a job set up for when you go back to Arizona in the winter? Hope so.
I actually don't. And not sure I will work there. I got about half way through my 13 week contract in Louisville but it was just totally impossible to try and work 36 hours, commute, find Airbnbs, take a whole day to recover, and then only have 3 days to study. I knew I needed to put in a minimum of 60 or so hours every week to learn what I needed to in order to pass.

I'll start my term Nov 1st with a relatively easy-ish/shorter class that should take 3-4 weeks, but then the Pharmacology will take about 14 weeks to get through which takes me to the end of February. I could possibly work after that but would need 13 weeks in Tucson to complete it. I just don't think I have that. Soooo, long answer to a simple question, I think I've decided to not put that extra stress on myself and try to work while I'm in the toughest of my 5 terms. :)
You always take such awe inspiring photos.
Awww, thanks!!!
ps I do read along I just don't always comment.
You're awesome! I am flattered and do thank you so much! :hug:
I’ve just spent some time reading your 50th trip updates. Even with some runaway shrimp you did a great job sampling some festival snacks.
I think I did OK. :) I need to look ahead to my other EPCOT day(s) and see if I got any other goodies.
I like the sound of the Smoky Pineapple margarita and can’t believe how empty it was in there. That place is always crazy busy when I pass by so you definitely hit it lucky!
It was soooooooooo good. So refreshing and tasty! I've not seen it so quiet in there in YEARS and I've passed it up so many times because of the long lines hanging halfway into the market area. No thanks!
Wasn’t the display in the American Pavilion Gallery well done. Some beautiful craftwork on display. I liked the interactive element as well.
It was very nicely done. I don't have any idea how long it's supposed to be there or if it's even there now, but I sure enjoyed that! I loved the former versions of both Morocco and Norway as well as the Jazz display and French costume displays. I'm just an old geezer that takes the parks a bit slower now and appreciate the offerings for things beyond the rides.
I have always wanted to do a fireworks cruise and can think of no better way to end the day. Sounds, and from your photos, looks pretty amazing plus drinks and snacks- I mean what’s not to like.
For sure!! It was very, very relaxing but fun at the same time with a stress-free vantage point.
We are going to do the Remy scavenger hunt. My sister and I are going to take it easy this trip. Something different for me.
I love the little 50 bags. I have like 10 of them and use for work lunches!
The fireworks cruise looks lovely.
We are doing the fireworks dining package at R&C in Epcot and I am very excited for this.
We are going to do the Remy scavenger hunt. My sister and I are going to take it easy this trip. Something different for me.
I really think you'll like it, Caroline. :) It does help me slow down and see things I sometimes miss. Sometimes slow things mixed in with fuller days helps the stamina go further for sure. I'll be interested in what you think of slowing down some and how you like it.
I love the little 50 bags. I have like 10 of them and use for work lunches!
Me too!!! I have them from all the parks and love them. Unfortunately, AK has stopped making them and I was unable to find one at ANY shop. The CMs told me they weren't being made anymore which really made me sad and was seemed so odd to me being how conservation conscious Disney is.
The fireworks cruise looks lovely.
Just perfect. I really enjoyed this. I don't think I'd do one if I couldn't find a whole boatload to split the cost, so was very grateful for the opportunity this time. :)
We are doing the fireworks dining package at R&C in Epcot and I am very excited for this.
Sadly, that's one place I don't know if I'll try again. The last couple of meals I've had weren't very good and after waiting over an hour past our ADR time we were given the WORST table right near the entrance by the hostess kiosk. I super hope you do much better and that you get a waterside table!


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