Stop Throwing Tissues on Me! – September 2023 Food and Wine Fest Trip Report! (Updated 2/12!)

I'm so sorry I wasn't able to get to the parks while you were there. Dumb work. Maybe December! Hope it was a great trip and cannot wait to hear all about it!!
No worries, we can definitely try again in December! It was such a great trip, cannot wait to get into all the details!

Day -1 – Pre-Trip Jitters!

It was finally here! Not the day of our trip, but the day before our trip! (*almost as exciting*)

Packing was mostly done, although we made some last minute changes due to the forecast this day showing some rainy days to start our trip (like 90% chance of rain starting Wednesday morning and going through Friday), so we had to make room for the ponchos and umbrellas. I ended up doing something new this year, I packed my usual carry-on backpack in a rolling carry-on, so with the added poncho I would still have room for souvenirs on the way home with the third bag. This actually worked out perfectly, on the way down I only had carry-ons so no need to pay extra fees, and on the way home I just checked the rolling suitcase and used my backpack and my small tote as my carry-on bag/personal item, and had more than enough room to pack stuff on the way home. But I digress…

Back to the day before we left!

My boss surprised me this day by letting me work from home, which was perfect since I could drop my dog and new kitten off at boarding over lunch and have extra time to finish that packing in the evening.

So at noon I got my kitten, Binx, in his carrier and walked him and my dog, Dug, over to the vet where I board them. I got there and was a bit surprised, and confused, to see the entire staff of the vet sitting around in the lobby eating lunch. Turns out, they were having a staff meeting that I just waltzed into the middle of. Oops! Definitely a bit awkward, guess they made sure not to book any appointments during that time, but they forgot to notify those of us dropping pets off to not come during that time.

Since Binx was also there to be neutered while I was down in Disney, it wasn’t just a quick drop off, one of the vet techs had to stop eating lunch to go over the surgery and everything with me. So yeah, just a bit awkward, and of course Dug was doing his best to try to sneak someone’s lunch from their lap the whole time I’m talking to the vet tech about Binx’s surgery. :rotfl:

Eventually I got them dropped off, and made my way home to finish work for the day and finish packing!

Adding some pictures of my “farm” since otherwise this post will be lacking in pictures

I also kept checking to make sure my flight was still on time, and tracked the incoming plane to make sure it wasn’t delayed getting to my airport. Well, it was supposed to be coming from Miami that evening, and it looked like storms were rolling in, so I was relieved when I saw it left the gate just before the storms hit.

That relief was short lived. Every time I checked on it for over an hour, it was still taxiing. At this point it was after 9pm, and I had to be up at 4:30 to get to the airport and I wanted to start getting ready for bed. But I was so nervous that we wouldn’t have a plane for my early morning flight, so I just kept watching it until finally at like 9:45, the flight from Miami was cancelled. Uh oh.

Ok, now deep down I was fairly certain they’d just move another plane in for my flight, but at the same time the same flight I was on was cancelled like once a week in the weeks leading up to the trip, so I was worried that perhaps if the incoming flight was cancelled, my flight might be as well. So of course I hardly slept at all this night. I keep waking up every hour or so, and went to check to see if my flight was still on time, and if there was a plane.

Finally, around 2am when I checked not only did it still say my flight was on time, but my incoming plane was no longer the one stuck in Miami, it was one that already arrived at DCA earlier that afternoon! YAY!!! So I tried to fall asleep again, and I think I did for a little while, but by 3:30 I was wide awake and just gave up on sleeping. I wonder if I’ll ever have a Disney trip where I start off fresh with a good nights sleep…

Next up: Disney Here We Come!!!!
My boss surprised me this day by letting me work from home, which was perfect since I could drop my dog and new kitten off at boarding over lunch and have extra time to finish that packing in the evening.
That was very nice of your boss. It would be nice if he let you work from home before every Disney trip. :)
So I tried to fall asleep again, and I think I did for a little while, but by 3:30 I was wide awake and just gave up on sleeping.
I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, either. We always take the first flight out, too, but I've never checked to see if the plane had arrived the night before. :)
There is simply no sleeping the night before you leave for Disney - even if everything is going to plan. I always think about that old commercial "I'm to excited to sleep!!" My next trip will be a little different because I am driving down for the first time. I sure hope I get a decent night's sleep before a 10 hour drive. Can't wait to hear more.
Hi Debbie! I really enjoyed your last two trip reports (I joined in just as you were finishing up) and thrilled to be catch the beginning of this one!

Your mom is such a great travel companion - you seem to have so much fun together. Also, I saw on the BC/YC thread that you got an excellent room this time (I’m staying at the BCV for the first time next year, so I want to be up-to-date on the resorts). I can’t wait to see more details about your arrival day!

And no, sleeping well before Disney is impossible. I feel your pain (and exhaustion).
That was very nice of your boss. It would be nice if he let you work from home before every Disney trip. :)
It really was, I was so surprised. It's so hard to read him, sometimes he is overly strict and is a crazy micromanager, then he'll do something like this and it just confuses me! It was so nice though not having to be in the office this day!
I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, either. We always take the first flight out, too, but I've never checked to see if the plane had arrived the night before. :)
You're smart, I know I shouldn't check on the incoming plane, but I can't help myself!
There is simply no sleeping the night before you leave for Disney - even if everything is going to plan. I always think about that old commercial "I'm to excited to sleep!!" My next trip will be a little different because I am driving down for the first time. I sure hope I get a decent night's sleep before a 10 hour drive. Can't wait to hear more.
Haha, right? That commercial totally nailed it, even when I make it to bed early and am not stressed, I'm usually up most of the night checking the time! Good luck on the drive, fingers crossed you can get some sleep beforehand! I've done the drive once a loooong time ago from MA. Was with my boyfriend at the time, and we promptly broke up at the end of the drive :rotfl2: I always fly now.
Hi Debbie! I really enjoyed your last two trip reports (I joined in just as you were finishing up) and thrilled to be catch the beginning of this one!
Aw, thank you, and :welcome: !!!
Your mom is such a great travel companion - you seem to have so much fun together. Also, I saw on the BC/YC thread that you got an excellent room this time (I’m staying at the BCV for the first time next year, so I want to be up-to-date on the resorts). I can’t wait to see more details about your arrival day!
She is so amazing, I'm so lucky we get to take these trips together, and we travel so well together!

Yes, the room this trip was AMAZING, one of the better views we've ever had. The CM checking us in was going through photos of the views forever trying to find the perfect one for us, I cannot believe how amazing she was, she wanted to make sure we had a great view and she did an excellent job. One of many CMs that went above and beyond this trip!
And no, sleeping well before Disney is impossible. I feel your pain (and exhaustion).
Haha, isn't it? I try so hard and fail so miserably!

Day 1, Part 1: Disney Here We Come!!!!

(Ok, one picture free post before we start getting into the picture fun!)

After a mostly sleepless night, I was wide awake by 3:30, even though I didn’t need to be up for another hour. Stupid brain not letting me sleep!

I stayed in bed a bit longer checking my email and the weather. The day before we left it was looking like the first few days of our trip would be a washout, like 80-90% chance of rain and it calling for rain all day, but I was pleasantly surprised to see the forecast this morning had completely changed and now there was the typical afternoon t-storms, but gone was the all day rain, wahoo!

Finally around 4 I got out of bed and got ready. It didn’t take long, so I spent some time hanging out with my other cat who was staying home, probably loving the time away from the kitten and the dog! :rotfl:

Around 4:30 I decided to call for an Uber. Since the pandemic it has often been hard to get one in the early morning, so I expected a bit of a wait. Well, apparently it was my lucky day, there was one car showing up on the app, and it was only 3 minutes from my house! So I booked it and soon was on my way to the airport!

I arrived at National around 4:45, and made my way down to security. I was pretty early, about an hour before my flight boarded, so I was in no rush, but there was no wait for TSA precheck so it didn’t matter.

Once through security I bought a bottle of water for the flight (btw does anyone else hate how they don’t give bottles on the flights anymore? Like I don’t want a 4 oz cup of water, I want a full bottle, it is DRY up there!).

By the time I got the water and used the bathroom again, it was about 5:05, and my flight was scheduled to board at 5:50, so not a horrible wait. I found a chair with a view of the runway and settled in for the wait.

A few minutes after settling in, this guy came over to a standing table near my seat, and started up a conversation. He was super nice, and very very chatty. Normally I would hate this that early in the morning, but I HATE flying, so having someone to talk to while waiting actually made it better and made the wait go by super fast. Before I knew it they were calling group A, which I was in, so I said goodbye to the guy and boarded my flight.

My flight was scheduled for 6:25 this morning, so I was thrilled that we left the gate at 6:18! My flights are more often than not delayed, so to leave not only on time, but a bit early, is definitely a win in my book!

The flight itself was pretty short, only about 1hr and 45 minutes.

I was flying first class, and had considered ordering a mimosa upon boarding (hey it’s free!), but it was still before 6am, and I think I’ve made 6am my limit to start drinking. ::yes::

I did order one during the flight around 6:30, so didn’t miss out, just didn’t quite go for the 5am mimosa this trip! Also, funny aside. So my mom and I were talking about this the day before the trip, and I made a comment about how it’s 5 o’clock somewhere, and technically it would be 5 o’clock, and my mom replied with “I think they mean PM, not AM…” Well, a few days later during our trip we’re in line and the family next to us says this EXACT same thing to each other, like word for word the same. It was so weird yet kinda funny.

Anyways, back to the flight!

We ended up landing super early, at like 8:20, about 30 minutes ahead of schedule. We did have to drive around the airport a bit before we found a gate, like for 15 minutes, but it was actually ok since my mom’s flight was about 30 minutes behind mine, so I wasn’t in a rush.

Once off the plane I headed to the main terminal, then went to find my way to terminal C where my mom would be meeting me.

I have to say, some of the signs are just bad in MCO, like I was following signs that kept pointing to the right to get to terminal C, until suddenly I hit a sign that points in the complete opposite direction. Like what?!? Fortunately I had a general idea of the direction I needed to head so followed my instincts and found the hall to the APM for terminal C. At first I thought the sign noting it was a 20 minute trip to terminal C was an over exaggeration, ooph, was I wrong. That terminal is far away from A/B! It did end up taking about 17 minutes from entering the APM to actually being in terminal C.

All that being said, I love terminal C. It is so calm and empty compared to A and B! They did announce while we were there that they were adding more airlines to it, which is a bummer, I love how empty it is now, but hopefully the increased airlines won’t negatively impact the crowds too much.

My mom and I had agreed to meet in the area around her baggage claim, so I made my way up there and found a table to sit at and wait. By the time I got there my mom’s flight had just recently landed, so the timing was perfect. I think I waited about 10 minutes for her to show up.

It was so great to finally see her! It’s the first time I’ve seen her since she broke her leg, and she was still limping quite a bit, so I helped her with her bags as we made our way out to the curb to call for an uber. The uber came really quickly, and at 9:25 we were on our way to….the Swan!

Next up: Welcome Home….for the Day
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I wouldn't know how to check if my plane has already arrived, but I never sleep the night before a flight. My brain is always racing and I'm paranoid I'll oversleep. Glad to hear that your flight was relatively uneventful and that you did indulge in the mimosa ... I mean, it's "free." Yay for meeting up with your mom and hope that she goes easy with her leg and doesn't overdo it.
I wouldn't know how to check if my plane has already arrived, but I never sleep the night before a flight. My brain is always racing and I'm paranoid I'll oversleep. Glad to hear that your flight was relatively uneventful and that you did indulge in the mimosa ... I mean, it's "free." Yay for meeting up with your mom and hope that she goes easy with her leg and doesn't overdo it.
Haha, probably for the best, it is a great way to add stress to your life if the incoming flight is delayed!

So happy the flight was uneventful, it's amazing when my flights are actually on time, I'm so not used to it!

I wish I could say my mom didn't overdo it, but I'd be lying. My dad and I call her the energizer bunny, she is one of those people who just cannot stop moving, so it was hard to get her to slow down. I had to BEG her to get a wheelchair during the trip, in the end she was glad she did, but she really does hate sitting.
We've stopped at terminal C to pick up passengers when we took Mears Connect. It would be interesting to see the inside of the terminal.

Is this the first time you have stayed at the Swan?


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