
  1. Lumiere


  2. B&B show, DHS 05/14/2008

    B&B show, DHS 05/14/2008

    A lucky couple was serenaded at the B&B musical on 05/14/2008. They were celebrating a wedding anniversary, I believe.
  3. Beauty and the Beast Musical at DHS

    Beauty and the Beast Musical at DHS

    The moment that Belle realizes that the magically restored prince is still the "beast" she fell in love with.
  4. Street performer at DHS

    Street performer at DHS

  5. Storm Trooper

    Storm Trooper

  6. Not quite Uncle Sam

    Not quite Uncle Sam

    Darth Vader wants you!
  7. Fall Guy

    Fall Guy

    The stuntman who falls from the roof in the DHS Lights Motors Action! show.
  8. Woody


  9. Lights Motors Action - Hero on Seadoo

    Lights Motors Action - Hero on Seadoo

  10. Lights Motors Action - badguy chases

    Lights Motors Action - badguy chases

  11. Buzz Lightyear portrait

    Buzz Lightyear portrait

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