100 pounds GONE!


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Jul 26, 2002
Those of you regularly reading the weekly weigh in may already have seen this news, but "sometimes you just gotta crow" (that was Peter Pan ;) )

It is official - from my all time heaviest weight I have lost 100 pounds!

2 years ago I was at 250 pounds. Throughout late 2001 & early 2002 I managed to take off 40 pounds. Not bad - but then I sort of stayed put, found lots of excuses not to exercise, rationalized the way I was eating, etc.

In January I went through a series of health related issues - most of which turned out to be false alarms and are completely behind me. The bit that turned out to be really something seemed pretty minor in comparison but required a significant alteration to my eating patterns. As with many of you it was health issues that began this leg of the journey.

On my doctor's recommendation I met with a dietician who was wonderful. The first thing she did was not to lecture about what foods were "good" foods and which were "bad" but rather explained how different foods did or did not impact the condition I was trying to control. She also spent a great deal of time understanding the realities of MY life - including work schedules, how easy it is or isn't to prepare meals to eat while away from home, involvement in volunteer and kids activities, how often we eat out, and much more. She also discussed ultimate weight goals in addition to the health related considerations (and losing weight was one thing that would help control my particular condition).

Based on all of that she recommended a program that was based around consuming a set number of carbohydrates each day (in my case ~135 g) spread out over 3 small meals and 3 snacks a day. Added to this was 6-8 protein servings spread throughout the day, and a limited amount of fat. While that 135 g may seem like a lot to those of you on Atkins, it is generally considered to be a moderate level as it makes up 45-55% of my daily calorie intake (right around 1200 calories). However, my learning approximately how much of a wide variety of foods are a "carb serving" or roughly 15 g it makes it quite easy to select foods when not at home. It also makes it possible to work "treats" in on occasion.

I'm also blessed with a relatively yound, up to date doctor on the use of diet and exercise in health management. I was directed by the two of them to several books that provided reference information and additional insight into the basics they had given me.

As for exercise I began slowly - it was a real effort to get in 15-20 minutes several times a week. But sheer will power (I can be pretty stubborn when I set my cap to accomplish something) I inserted some exercise into EVERY day. Six months later I generally get ~30 minutes every day. Sometimes that comes in the form of two 15 minutes sessions - but it is there.

At the 4 month mark not only had I taken off a significant amount of weight but all of the bloodwork my doctor was monitoring was looking terrific! Essentially right where she wanted to see it! She was happy, I was happy, and we were able to head off on our June cruise with "doctor's orders" to relax and enjoy the food with the added comment that she knew I wouldn't go crazy and would be right back on plan upon return. And I was.

It has truly been a journey and the help and encouragement of everyone here on WISH has kept me motivated the last couple of months as the loss rate has slowed. Those of you who have lost large amounts know how that goes. But I see it as a positive - it is still coming off and at a rate that indicates it is more likely to STAY off.

Today, for the first time in many years I am solidly (8 pounds) withIN the normal range for my height and build according to the BMI charts, at the goal I originally set with the dietician and looking forward to taking off the remaining 15 pounds to get me to the "ideal" weight for my height and build.

Even more important in the bigger picture, is the health picture. Just last week we received word that several of the issues that had been resolved as being "not a threat" last winter had the final follow up and were declared officially over. The remaining considerations are under control from all indications I have.

I attended a retirement party with DH last week and a large number of the folks there didn't recognize me! I'm picking up my brother from the airport Tuesday night and he hasn't seen me since I began this leg of the journey. I'm wondering how he will react!

Well, thanks for letting me crow a little. Back to work, the water intake, and walking later today!

You are awesome! Beleive it or not, you brought me to tears. I want this so bad for myself I can only imagine how proud you are of yourself. Those last 15 pounds should be pretty easy. I mean, what's 15 compared to 100?!!!
That is amazing! You are an inspiration to me, as I also have over 100lbs to lose. Thank you for sharing and WAY TO GO!!:Pinkbounc
What an amazing woman you are!!! And truly an inspiration to anyone here who is struggling!!

I'm so glad to hear that your health problems have been resolved and are no longer a problem and I know you look MAHVELOUS!

Great job and congratulations!
What an adventure you had on your journey. I am very proud of you and you have every right to be proud of yourself. Thank you for sharing your story as it is always an inspiration to hear others talk about their journey to this new wonderful lifestyle. Keep up the great work and you will have those last 15 pounds gone because you have set your mind to it. Have a blessed day!
Deb, you have a reason to crow. Heck, you need to rent youself a megaphone and ride around in a convertible and crow this news to everyone you see!

WAY TO GO!!!!!!!! My gosh, not only have you lost a tremendous amount of weight but you have probably added YEARS to your life! You are an inspiration and a great example of how patience, determination, will power and positive thinking will get you to your goal!!!! GOOD FOR YOU!

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
THat is an amazing story!!! Congratulations on your hard work, you have inspired me, your joy comes through in your words, and I can't wait to feel that same joy!!!! Enjoy your success, you have certainly earned it! Any pictures to post, to see your transformation? Have fun meeting your brother tonight!
What an incredible success story! I mean 100 pounds is pretty incredible...and you definitely should crow about it, and crow loudly!!!! I am so happy for you, that you have accomplished this. That takes alot of will power and dedication. Like you said the most imprtant part of this is your health, and like TigH said you probably added years to your life!!!

Please post some pictures...what an insporation you are! Thanks for posting this :) and by the way!!! CONGRATS!!!!!
Thanks for the support everyone. I will try to post some pictures...anyone care to PM me with instructions on just HOW to do that? :p

Deb - that's FANTASTIC!!!!!!

You are definately an inspiration to us all - way to go!!!!
Or should I say "Onederland"- no longer living in the 200's!!! I saw CROW CROW CROW!!! You have done it!!! You have changed your lifestyle and found a healthy way of living- that's what we're all about here!! I know that I am only headed downwards and no longer upwards from my highest weight of 258- I'm at 202 and heading for anything below 150- so your story has certainly inspired me to STAY the COURSE so I can do my own bit of crowing next year.

Wish I could see your brother's expression- what a treat!!! CONGRATS to you and thanks so much for sharing the story!!!!
You'll make it Tara. And as you're finding out it is a lifestyle change.

One thing my doc said right at the very beginning as we were discussing the changes was that none of this meant never having X again. What it meant was that those treats would really be treats.

And it is true. DH & I love wine for instance but had gotten into the habit of having a glass or two every evening - so we started skimping on the quality. When I started this process I said no wine (or alcohol of any sort). After about 4 and a half months I decided I was solid enough to try a bit, and found that a glass or two with a meal was quite satisfying and I was appreciating the nuances more than ever. And now that we aren't buying it very often it is ok to splurge on a higher quality bottle!

Same with sweets - I love chocolate. Last weekend we were on Mackinac Island - known for its fudge. Instead of mowing through a half pound slice a very small piece did the trick.

Even "every day" foods are viewed differently. Because we are all (ok most of the family - DS will turn 16 Friday and at 6'3", ~200 pounds, and playing the defensive line for his football team he eats! but does keep an eye on the good to junk ratio) eating less we'll buy things that before we wouldn't have because being "out of season" they seemed too expensive.

And of course there is the constant label reading at the grocery store. :p

Congratulations Deb! All of your hard work has paid off!!!
Dear Deb,
How do I tell you that your story of success is just what I needed to read...I'm so happy for you...the secret is taking control, isn't it? I just recently figured that out. You control how much water you drink, how much exercise you do, and what you put into your mouth. I have 100 pounds to lose, and last Thursday, I took control...thank you so much...
typing through tears...
Mary Beth
Wow, Deb!!! Thanks for sharing your story with us!! What an inspiration you are!!!! You lost an amazing amount of weight. Congrats to you and your wonderful doctors & dietician! It sounds like you have a fantastic support system!!

I would love to see some pics as well. Would you mind sharing the title of the books you read? I am always looking for ways to 'tweak' my WOE and make it better. :)

What a great thing to celebrate!!!! :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:

Look at all the POWER and SELF CONTROL you have! You are in control of your life! Doesn't it FEEL wonderful to have that feeling? I have the feeling you could do anything that you set your mind to---anything! Congrats to you on your incredible success, determination and confidence in yourself! You are a wonderful example for all of us here on the WISH boards...
What an inspiration you are. I really admire with way your success has come for you. Thru management and control you have pulled this off what a great job. I am doing my own version of your plan it seems. I am so inspired by your story and so happy your healthier today because of your loss. Congradultions to you!!!!!!


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