2.5 year old who will not sit in a stroller, any advice???


Feb 14, 2000
DS will not sit in a stroller anymore, and hasn't for quite some time. In a month we are going to disney. He will be 2 years and 8 months old. I just don't know what we should do. We have a stroller we could take, but it will probably be pointless. Hopefully, (keeping my fingers crossed!) that after we are there a while, he will get tired enough to want in one.

Has anyone dealt with this, and what was your experience?
My son was the same way. The first day at Disney he did great with walking around but the second day he wanted to sit in the stroller. Even at the beginning of this year (3 1/2 & DD 6 1/2) both used a stroller for 1 day. We just rented one as they don't fit in the regular stroller we had at home.

I say either take it or be prepared to rent one. You will be glad you did.
I agree. Even if your kiddo doesn't "do" strollers, I guarantee after one day of hiking all over WDW, he will want to! Heck, *I* want to!!! :D
Even if he never sits in it, which I doubt will happen, a stroller is a great place to put all the stuff you would otherwise have to carry.;)
Thanks for the response. It is good to hear that maybe there is hope. And I do plan on taking one. Actually, I am thinking of getting a new one that he might like, such as one of those jogging type, where he would be more free to sit up or lean back. Maybe he would not feel so strapped in that way.
On our last trip, we got a pretty cheap umbrella stroller......child is very free in that - we never used the strap and he rode in it a lot. It was easy to fold and take on busses, boats, etc. It also did not take up much room in the resort room. We figured if he didn't use it - no problem - we didn't spend much money on it. This trip will be our first without a stroller and I am dreading not having someplace to store stuff!!!
Sounds like you've got the right idea jillhou. Even if he walks all the time, you will need the stroller to hold your stuff, since you'll need to be holding his hand.

Have fun!
We were just there for 9 days my DS who was just turning 3 walked around a lot. What we did from a recommedation from someone on this board was purchased a belly bag with a stap attached so he could walk all he wanted without us having to worry about him getting lost. It was the best thing we ever bought. He did get tired and sat in his stroller it is a lot of walking for them. Michelle
Really... its too big and impossible to manage on the bus or monorail. You need something that folds fairly easily and can manuver through a crowd, my jogger does none of that! I would stick with the stroller you have especially if its familiar to him. There is soooo much to look at, listen to and discover even while sitting in the stroller that he probably won't mind. I would also invest in a "hand holder" or child harness to allow him some freedom to walk and still keep him safe!

Let him walk or play at every chance you see and he probably won't mind being in the stroller when you need him to. Make it attractive by giving him water or a snack while sitting, maybe a few new "stroller toys' as well. We used the straps from TRU to hold a few things to the bar of the stroller. Use the baby care centers for a break, feeding and diaper changes and have a wonderful trip. We went with our dd's every 3-6 months starting when the oldest was 2 1/2 and youngest was 18monts so if you have more question please let me know.

Even my 7 yr. old was begging to rent a stroller towards the end of the week...
they get very tired!! and it is not much fun carrying them around, so if you dont
bring one you should rent one.

we used our umbrella stroller at the airport, too. for our 4 yr. old it was a life saver, that place is huge.
I agree with the above note that a jogger stroller is definetly not want you want at Disney. Way to cumbersome and it doesn't turn well. In most the seat is in a semi-laid back position - not good for touring around.
I used the stroller off and on with my DD who was born in Aug '99. She liked to walk, but didn't like to walk next to me. *sigh* I brought the stroller and allowed her to walk as long as she followed the rules, hold my hand or stay near me. As soon as she bolted (as only a 2 year old can do) she went into the stroller! Bring the stroller ... it will save your sanity ;).
The rental strollers are really easy to climb in and out of which is exactly what our 2 and 1/2 year old would do. It also had plenty of room to stash things.

My 2 and 1/2 year old preferred to walk, too. But, he did start to give in going between lands. Then we would park in one place and explore the area on foot.

Talk about it a lot beforehand. We're going to Disneyworld. It's really big. You're going to have to walk a lot. We're going to bring (rent) a stroller in case you get tired. That way you can just climb in.

Half the battle seems to be managing expectations. Make your 2 and 1/2 year old feel big, by not forcing the issue. Either he/she will climb in the stroller on their own, or they want. But, boy will your child sleep well at night if they insist on walking.
My husband and I really liked the rental strollers. They are easy for a toddler to get in and out of. We will rent again in December and let DS 2 1/2 walk some and ride some. I also will bring a wrist harness and try to tie him to me. The rentals are particularly nice if it rains. Saves your stoller.
You must put your foot down on this one. Stroller or no disney! Be firm or he may end up with leg cramps. That is something that you do not want to happen. Take him to the store and buy a special stroller that "big boys use to go to Disney". this worked with my 4yo. I showed him the kolcraft umbrella strollers and let him choose the color.
I find that my otherwise very independent child sticks like glue to his stroller inside WDW parks. All of those strangers milling around make him want to be in a secure place. I will -not- carry him 8 miles a day, so the stroller it is. Take a look around at umbrella strollers that have a recline position; Kolcraft makes one, as does Avalon (avail. at Burlington Coat Factory.)
They run about $30.

I've noticed that with my own and some other kids, a stroller without a front bar does not seem so confining because it is easier to get in and out of it.
Remember that saftey is the most important thing. The fear of a toddler getting lost is so scary. I used a harness type device when my DS was that age. He was not the type to wonder off but you never know. I fastened the harness to the back of his overalls and he was quite content with it. He could ride in the stroller or walk and sometime My DH or I would carry him for short times. Not fastening the strap on the stroller may not be a safe idea either.Sometimes in crowds you will have to make a sudden stop and your child could tumble out onto the cement. Have fun with your precious child!

Jordan's mom
I also used the harnesses ten years ago :eek: with my dd (4) and ds(2). It gave them a little more freedom than holding our hand, but we still had them close at all times. We also had the stroller for when they got tired of walking.


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