2017 WDW Marathon - a 5150 idea??

Okay, I admit it - I am a total slacker when it comes to keeping up a journal! I admittedly have been super busy since I got back from vacation, going to trainings out of town for my new job, doing said new job, etc. But, yeah, still a slacker. Sorry!

Vacation was wonderful! I loved seeing all my kids, especially my DS who I NEVER get to see as he lives in California and is in the Navy Reserves so he rarely makes it to our vacations due to his Navy weekends or being deployed. We packed all 6 of us into a 2 bedroom deluxe condo at Bonnet Creek and everyone got along until the very last night, when DSD got mad at her sister and slept in the bathtub lol! DH and I spent the first night and the last night at the Hyatt at MCO which was awesome! I didn't work out at that hotel at all so I still don't know what their "running track" is.

We had 4 day military tickets, which left us 2 non park days to enjoy our resort. DH actually went in the lazy river and pool with us this trip. We had a lot of fun in the parks, but it's so hard with so many people who don't want to split up at all! I feel completely responsible for their fun so it put a lot of pressure on me.

I think the day everyone enjoyed the most was our last park day. We went to Epcot and, since it was the first full week of F&W Festival, we ate and drank our way around World Showcase. The only sad part was my DS wasn't there for that - he had to leave early to get back to work. That night DD26, both DSDs and I went to Animal Kingdom. We wanted to get the most out of our last day! We took Uber to Boardwalk and then took the Disney bus to AK. It was super hot that week so we went on Kali River rapids and got soaked to the skin! The park was not busy at all so there was no line, so of course we went on it 2 more times since we were already wet, lol! Then we did a nighttime safari on Kilimanjaro. We saw so many animals out - I was amazed! When our safari was over the park was closing, so we took a bus back to the BW. It was about 8:30pm so we went to Ample Hills Creamery where I bought us all ice cream cones and we walked over to Epcot for Illuminations. We really loved the ice cream, btw! That will be a new stop on all future trips. After Illuminations, we walked back to BW and Ubered back to Bonnet Creek. It was a great day and a great way to close out our vacation.

The next day we all just relaxed at the condo, doing laundry and packing up. DD26 and both DSDs flew out the next day. DH and I spent the night at MCO and flew out early the next morning. I love the convenience of staying at the Hyatt, just taking the elevator down and walking to ticketing. We had flown out of Memphis so we had a bit of a drive home. We went out of our way one hour to pick up the newest addition to our family, a beagle puppy we named Posey! I will add a picture of her at the end. She is adorable! And that made it not so sad to be headed home from vacation.

Now I am back at work and back to my marathon training! I ran my longest run ever last Saturday, 17 miles! I was very tired and sore afterwards. I just ordered new shoes so I am hoping they will help my next long run, 20 miles! That isn't for a couple of weeks so I will have a chance to do some shorter runs in them first.

Okay, sorry for the wall of text but I think I am pretty much caught up. Whew! :)

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AHHHH NEW PUPPY!!! Congratulations, she is such a beauty! :lovestruc

Too funny about your step-daughter sleeping in the bath tub!! Your last park day sounds pretty much perfect - I haven't been to Ample Hills yet but it's on my list!

So agree with you about the Hyatt MCO! You cannot beat it for convenience. We've stay there 2-3 times (night before cruising DCL) and really like it. :)
Love a day at Epcot walking around the F&W booths. :lovestruc

Sounds like a wonderful trip. And the puppy is so cute!!! I'd be anxious to get home for that as well.

Great job on your longest run ever. 17 miles is a huge accomplishment!!!
17 MILES!!! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:
that's awesome

I am very jealous of your trip, especially the food & wine part!

I am also jealous of your puppy!
Clicked on your report and had to jump in to say:

1. Congrats on the 17-miler!

2. Love your puppy!! Full disclosure = we have a 2-year-old beagle puppy who looks very, very similar! She's crazy and wonderful and hasn't lost an ounce of energy since the day we brought her home. :) Have fun!
OMG - I just realized I totally missed the part about your 17-miler. I was too distracted by Miss Posey. :) Congrats on your new PDR!!
AHHHH NEW PUPPY!!! Congratulations, she is such a beauty! :lovestruc

Too funny about your step-daughter sleeping in the bath tub!! Your last park day sounds pretty much perfect - I haven't been to Ample Hills yet but it's on my list!

So agree with you about the Hyatt MCO! You cannot beat it for convenience. We've stay there 2-3 times (night before cruising DCL) and really like it. :)

She is a cutie! But a handful! She likes to chew on everything, including me!

And yes, I thought it was funny too. I didn't know she did it until after she left and my DD26 told me! She and her sister live together so I'm sure they get on each others nerves but she is 35 years old and is currently at Army boot camp training to be a JAG lawyer - you would think she would be a little more mature lol!

Ample Hills was awesome. The biggest trouble was settling on flavors! They let you taste anything you want though.

Love a day at Epcot walking around the F&W booths. :lovestruc

Sounds like a wonderful trip. And the puppy is so cute!!! I'd be anxious to get home for that as well.

Great job on your longest run ever. 17 miles is a huge accomplishment!!!

It was a great trip! This was the longest we had ever spent at the booths and the most money spent lol!

Thanks, we think she is cute too! She does a little head tilt when she looks at you that is adorable. Plus she sits with her back feet almost in front of her, with her front feet pigeon toed. Such cuteness!

And thanks! I am super proud of myself for running that far! And I only walked thru one run interval the whole time, amazingly! And it was on my last mile. :)

17 MILES!!! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:
that's awesome

I am very jealous of your trip, especially the food & wine part!

I am also jealous of your puppy!
Thank you! I am proud of myself!

It was a pretty great trip! We only get together with all the kids once a year so we try to make it special. :)

She is a very adorable pup! I need to get some better, close up pics of her!

Clicked on your report and had to jump in to say:

1. Congrats on the 17-miler!

2. Love your puppy!! Full disclosure = we have a 2-year-old beagle puppy who looks very, very similar! She's crazy and wonderful and hasn't lost an ounce of energy since the day we brought her home. :) Have fun!

Thank you! I am proud of myself for making it that far and am (almost!) looking forward to the next long run (20).

We love her too! I don't know if you read earlier in this post and on other pages that we lost our other beagle due to poison in July of this year. He was about 2 and was crazy and wonderful and full of energy too! We miss him like crazy! We didn't want to replace him, but we wanted to kinda fill that empty spot losing him left, so we got a little girl this time and she is lots of fun!
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OMG - I just realized I totally missed the part about your 17-miler. I was too distracted by Miss Posey. :) Congrats on your new PDR!!

Lol thank you! :)

And that is funny because that is actually her full name, Miss Posey! DH wanted to name her Missy and I wanted Posey (we already have a dog named Poppy - I'm very original lol) so I suggested Miss Posey and he went for it! :)
I am going to try and update at least weekly! It's not super exciting but here goes:

Tue 10/18 Was a slacker and did not do my run. :/
Thur 10/20 Ran 30 minutes at :30/1:00 intervals and averaged 12:30mm which is fast for me!
Sat 10/22 Long run day, just 5 miles this week. Ran :30/1:00 intervals and averaged 13:19mm.

I am very disappointed in myself because I have gained back some of the weight I lost. I have just not watched my eating since coming back from Disney. I am a completely acceptable weight, not overweight by most peoples standards but my jeans/pants are tight and uncomfortable. I lost 5 inches around my waist when I did Whole30 last April so I am thinking about doing another round but haven't got my head around it yet. It is a commitment and with holidays coming up I'm not sure if it is doable for me.

I ran my long run Saturday in my new shoes! I got new Brooks Transcend 3's and I love them! I didn't realize how stretched out the old ones were until I put the new one's on! I'm sure that is why I was getting the blisters - my feet aren't sliding around at all in the new ones. :)

I joined a new Facebook group a while back, Sassy Sara Skirts. They are similar to Sparkle Skirts but they are each handmade by one person. She is much smaller scale. Well last week I decided to pull the trigger on getting one custom made for me for the marathon! I ordered some shiny, white material as part of a group order from Spandex World (or Spandex House, I don't remember!) and put in my order form. Stacy, the owner of Sassy Sara offers express ordering for events so I should get it in time to do a long run in it before the race! Now I just have to find a purple tank and order my pink visor and my Daisy "costume" will be complete. I sold a group custom Sparkle Skirt to pay for the new skirt. It was too big for me to run in so I had no qualms about selling it. Plus I got $75 for it and the Sassy Sara skirts are only $35 if you supply the material, plus $10 for rush orders. So I will come out ahead. That should pay for my visor or tank. DH will be happy! :)
Don't beat yourself up over the weight! You have had the trip and a job change and a new pup - lots going on for you! What's the verdict on doing Whole30 during marathon training? I know eventually you get to the "tiger blood" phase...

I like Sparkle Athletic visors! They have a pink one. :)
@Ariel484 My biggest concern with doing it during marathon training is what to fuel with on training runs! It is so strict! On my runs in April I was eating raisins, mostly. I don't know if that would be adequate now that I'm in the 20+ mile runs on my schedule. I tried the Huma gels that @ZellyB (I think) recommended while on Whole30 but I just can't do gels. It's a texture thing! And I never really got the "tiger blood" that I noticed, lol.

I'm looking at that visor! So pretty and sparkly, I know I would wear it often after the race. :)
@Ariel484 My biggest concern with doing it during marathon training is what to fuel with on training runs! It is so strict! On my runs in April I was eating raisins, mostly. I don't know if that would be adequate now that I'm in the 20+ mile runs on my schedule. I tried the Huma gels that @ZellyB (I think) recommended while on Whole30 but I just can't do gels. It's a texture thing! And I never really got the "tiger blood" that I noticed, lol.

I'm looking at that visor! So pretty and sparkly, I know I would wear it often after the race. :)
@ZellyB would know better than I would! I've read the Whole30 book but haven't ever done it...way too intimidated!!

I totally know what you mean about the texture being so important for fueling! :crazy2:
Yeah, I never got tiger blood either. I never did any long run training when doing the Whole 30. When we tried to switch more to Paleo and low carb stuff, I used a lot of peanut based things, but peanuts are a no-no on Whole 30 as I recall. I do not like gels either and tried the Huma gels but didn't love them. My husband eats Quest bars - but again I think they are more Paleo and low-carb than Whole 30 compliant. They still have a decent amount of carbs but a lot of fiber as well so the "net" carb count isn't too bad. But, be sure to try them out first because high fiber can cause issues, if you know what I mean.

Mostly I just found for fueling that if I stuck with these peanut nature bar things I found at Walmart that I did pretty well. They are made up of peanuts, cranberry and honey - so not Whole 30 compliant but they are paleo mostly. Fueling is just really difficult with Whole 30. I purchased some almond butter stuff that was in packets. You could try them, but frankly I found them pretty disgusting but you may have better luck. I also did some baby food packets that worked pretty well and Cliff makes some packets of stuff that is natural. Look for Cliff Organic Energy food on Amazon and you see several options many of which are whole 30 compliant - or at least I think they are. Again, be sure you try these out before using on a race. Many are fruit based and thus also high in fiber.
Well I decided to just cut out sugar and wheat for the next few weeks and see how it goes. I have been doing a good job of limiting them anyway but last weekend I had a carb-fest, eating pizza on Saturday then donuts on Sunday. So that contributed to my tight jeans I am sure! I still plan to use my peanut butter m&m's for my long run next weekend so that will (hopefully) be my next sugar. The thing about sugar with me is, if I go cold turkey, after a couple days I am fine, don't crave it, can pass up the candy dish (that my mom keeps fully stocked at all times :(), etc. But if I just try to limit sugar I usually cave in and have just "one" more, which turns into A LOT more, lol. So cold turkey it is!

On a marathon costuming note, I found exactly the running tank I was looking for, on ebay! For less than $10! So excited about that one. I have a pink tank I love and it was made in lavender too but no longer available. So I went to ebay and someone had it, new with tags in my size! Now I have my skirt ordered (and paid for) and my tank on the way, both bought out of my Sparkle Skirt sale funds. I had about $11 left that I was going to put towards the pink Sparkle Athletic visor but then I saw someone on a Facebook group last night selling a couple of long sleeve running hoodies and of course, had to have them! But 2 for $19 was a great deal, right?? :rolleyes:

We decided on our dates for our family vacation next year so I booked/waitlisted a 4 bdrm Presidential condo at Bonnet Creek. This year we had a 2 bdrm deluxe because I waited too long to book and that was pushing it for 6 of us. So as soon as I got DSD35's Army reserve weekend schedule I put down a deposit! Very excited as this is their "Cadillac" room, super nice and spacious! Everyone will have their own bedroom AND bathroom! Well, except me, I have to share with DH :laughing:! After I booked I realized that our trip might be during W&D weekend! Our trip is 10/29-11/5. If it is W&D weekend I will run the 10k at least. DD26 and I wanted the whole family to run the 5k but have not had any success talking everyone else in to it, lol. I could even possibly extend the vacation until the 6th and run the half on the 5th, just not sure of the logistics of that as I would have to leave DH to check us out of the condo and we would have to spend the night somewhere else again, probably the Hyatt at MCO again. Which would mean not being able to shower until we got checked into a new hotel :scratchin. He already said I could run, since I would only have to pay for the race, all the other expenses would be paid as part of our vacation already. :teeth:
Well, again, I am terrible about keeping up! I have been sticking to my training though! I had my 20 mile training run last weekend and it went surprisingly well, lol! I am using JG run/walk marathon plan and he has you run slower during training, so I was supposed to do 15:00/15:30 based on my MM time. Well, I couldn't run any slower than 14:30. But I felt really good, not totally exhausted, which is what I was expecting to feel! I went home and took a bath in COLD bath water for about 10 minutes, then a hot shower and I felt totally fine the next day. So that will be added to all my long runs now. Even though getting into that cold water was the hardest thing ever!

I got my tank for my marathon costume and it wasn't the exact model I was hoping for. In fact it was too big. :( It would have caused chaffing under my arms since the arm hole stuck out and my arm rubbed against it. So I gave it to my mom and ordered another one in a small. I got it this week and it still seems a bit big but I haven't run in it yet. I will be doing that after work today. If that one is too big they do have it in XS. The sucky part is that I got it from Ebay and there are no returns. :(Since I got paid today (a day early, thank you Veterans Day!) I went ahead and ordered my pink sparkle visor from Sparkle Athletic. Very excited to get that one!

DD26 has not been able to get much running in due to her move and 2 new jobs. Plus her dog tripped her out on a run and she shattered her Apple Watch! I gave her my old Garmin since I got the new Vivoactive but she said it wasn't working (kinda why I bought a new one now that I think about it, lol). So as a surprise, I just ordered her the Vivoactive too. She is supposed to get it Saturday. I hope she likes it - I haven't told her, want her to be surprised. I know she wants a new Apple Watch but I couldn't afford that one. Plus maybe she can keep using the Vivoactive while running even if she gets the Apple one, so no more running mishaps. :)

Six mile run scheduled for this weekend. It just shocks me that I consider this a short training run now. I will never be fast, probably always be a "middle of the pack" runner but I am fine with that. I have come so far that I am completely happy to be where I am in my running! :woohoo:
Awesome job in your 20-miler!! Stinks about the shirt, I hope you can get the sizing figured out.

What a nice mom you are to buy the Vivoactive!! :yay:
Wow, look another update! And it only took me 13 days this time, lol! Training is going well and have only skipped one run, yesterday due to thunderstorms but will be making it up today. Because Saturday I have a 23 mile run scheduled! :eek:

I started doing Atkins on the 7th of November and I have lost 9 lbs so far! Super happy with that! Basically, since I was already cutting out sugar and wheat, switching to Atkins amounted to just making smarter food choices. I had done it in the past, losing 40 lbs. This time, thankfully, I only had about 16 to lose to be where I want to be. So I'm doing great and feel awesome so it's great incentive to keep at it. I'm sure I will cheat a little bit tomorrow on Thanksgiving but I told my mom not to make so much that there are a ton of leftovers, unless she plans on eating them all, as I would only be eating the "extra" stuff at Thanksgiving dinner. And she was totally fine with that, especially since my "overflow" fridge on the back porch died last weekend. I am in savings mode, saving up for Disney so we won't be replacing it until after the 1st of the year. So no extra place to store anything anyway, lol. DH is doing Atkins with me (his idea) so he is happy to not have a bunch of leftovers around too.

I am hoping to be where I want, weight wise, before Christmas. :)

My mom is going to put darts in the arm holes of my tank for the marathon to try and keep them from rubbing my arms. If that doesn't help I will have to find a new top. I got my pink Sparkle Visor and it is so cute! I am definitely a pink, sparkly person lol! In fact, at my old job at the CHP, they nicknamed me Pinky because I wore so much pink and my whole cubicle was decorated in pink. I will be test running with it on my long run Saturday. Haven't heard a word on my custom skirt yet but I am supposed to get it by the 10th of December. So plenty of time to test run in it.

DD26 (Lynae) is (as I am sure you have all read on the other threads I posted on)very far behind in her training. I hope she is able to get caught up so the marathon isn't a nightmare for her as she is participating in it for sure, even if she ends up walking a lot. She is dressing up as Mary Poppins for the marathon so I am stalking Sparkle Skirts for a sale this weekend to get her a black skirt for her costume. Hopefully that will get her more excited for the race!

Miss Posey update! She is a little terror! She is on her 3rd harness as she chewed thru the first 2! But she is so cute and loveable! My Chihuahua, Spock, loves her, which is amazing since he did not like her AT ALL when we brought her home. They romp and play all day and I think he has lost 2-3 lbs, lol! I will end this update with an adorable head tilt picture of the little Princess!

I totally support rescheduling a run if there are thunderstorms!!

Wow, awesome job with the Atkins! I don't think I have the discipline to do something like that, so I admire you and your husband for doing it successfully!

I hope that your mom can fix your tank! Arm chafing is no good!

LOOK AT THE PUPPY AHHH!! I love how her one back leg is sticking out! :rotfl2:
Our dog (part beagle) was a terror too - I remember there was a day where my husband and I just looked at one another and were just like, "can we handle this?!" He still has his moments but he has calmed down. :lovestruc
I totally support rescheduling a run if there are thunderstorms!!

Wow, awesome job with the Atkins! I don't think I have the discipline to do something like that, so I admire you and your husband for doing it successfully!

I hope that your mom can fix your tank! Arm chafing is no good!

LOOK AT THE PUPPY AHHH!! I love how her one back leg is sticking out! :rotfl2:
Our dog (part beagle) was a terror too - I remember there was a day where my husband and I just looked at one another and were just like, "can we handle this?!" He still has his moments but he has calmed down. :lovestruc

Okay, good, it gets better, lol? She is totally down with her potty training, hasn't even had an "accident" in the house in weeks. It is just the chewing everything up! She has chewed a hole in my bedroom carpet, chewed up a pair of my prescription glasses (my favorite pair!), the memory foam topper from my bed (plus the bottom sheet she chewed thru to get to it)! I'm sure there is more but those are the major things. I now have baby gates on all my room doors - she can only go up and down the hallway, into the living room and kitchen and out the doggie door to the backyard. I will say she did all those things while I was at work and either DH or my mom were supposed to be watching her. They are much more trusting of her than I am! :)


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