365 Days of Disney?! Right now?! I'm Going to Need More Coffee.

Enjoying the beginning of 365 days of Disney! I always wondered what it would be like to go every day - I live close enough to Disneyland that I could go every day but don't.

You mentioned moving across country - did you live on the West Coast and move to Florida? I think you mentioned something about Tennessee. We have contemplated moving across country from CA to Florida but I was outvoted in that no one else can deal with the humidity for most of the year lol. We lived in Orlando area from August to December years ago and then moved up to VA where the humidity wasn't as bad. However, I could deal with it with the prospect of going to Disney World more often :love:

Sorry to hear about your Starbucks and Via Napoli experiences!

Welcome! Thank you for joining us!

I did move from Tennessee, so it wasn't a full cross country move. I just wasn't sure what to call a north/south move. The humidity wasn't ever bad in Tennessee, I think it was the altitude. Moving from over 3,000 ft above sea level to under 300 is a change.

Disney every day DOES seem exciting! I can't agree more. However, I'm discovering that it's going to take some iron-clad commitment- especially when I know my family won't be feeling it every single day. I plan on editing my introduction to sort of apply some parameters to my quest to accommodate those days happening. I'll hopefully get to that today, or tomorrow.

Sean just made reservations for Liberty Tree Tavern AGAIN tonight because of that heavenly toffee-topped cookie dessert. I was like, "OK, but you know I want to spend this year trying out restaurants I've never experienced, right?" :D

Normally, Starbucks and Via Napoli are awesome. I've never had a bad experience until that day. My coffee slump was rectified last night when I stopped by the Trolley Car Cafe before Fantasmic, and my Mocha was delicious! Unfortunately, my dinner service experiences are starting to feel more like PSA's. We went to Si-fi last night and the service was terrible. More on that later, though. That dessert sounds amazing! With desserts, in general, I have to be careful because of a life-threatening raw-dairy allergy. Anaphylaxis is never fun. However, I can consume baked dairy, so I don't have to miss out on everything. I can even eat cheese cake because it's baked! Lol, now that I type it, it doesn't seem like it should be that thrilling. Oh, but it is!

Oh no! That's no fun at all! I've never been to Trolley Car Café, but I think that's just because I try (try is the key word:rolleyes1) to stay away from dairy in the heat. So I don't do much coffee! And btw, I am typing this as I am drinking my venti Java Chip Frapp! Sooooo delicious!:bounce: I am intrigued to read about your HS day, and I hate that the service was terrible at Sci-Fi. I love it there! :sad1:
Oh no! That's no fun at all! I've never been to Trolley Car Café, but I think that's just because I try (try is the key word:rolleyes1) to stay away from dairy in the heat. So I don't do much coffee! And btw, I am typing this as I am drinking my venti Java Chip Frapp! Sooooo delicious!:bounce: I am intrigued to read about your HS day, and I hate that the service was terrible at Sci-Fi. I love it there! :sad1:

Sean wanted to try the Java Chip Frapp yesterday, but him not being much of a coffee drinker, I had him try the mocha frapp. It would have been fine, except he wanted more caffeine and had them add a shot of espresso. He didn't like it. This Disney coffee addiction of mine has to stop!
Day Three, Tuesday, was Animal Kingdom day! We did not go anywhere near Pandora-that's in a few days! Our fast passes were Safari, It's Tough to be a Bug, and Dinosaur.

Our first ride was Kilimanjaro Safari, and this time around I got so many good photos! Our tour guide didn't stand out, but we learned a few new things and saw a giraffe, other then the articulated giraffe, which was nice! Gonna add some thumbnail photos of that ride.

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Hopefully, those images will enlarge when clicked. If not, I'll upload the full image.

We were so hot and thirsty when we came in the park, but couldn't stop because we were about to miss our fast passes. After the ride, we stopped by Tamu Tamu outside the ride exit and got some icy cold treats. Sean got a coconut rum Dole Whip, I got a regular Dole Whip, and B got some ice cream!


We were handed our Dole Whips, but weren't told which was which. OF course I had Sean's, and took a spoonful. It was really good with the rum! We asked which was which, and switched them. Mine was amazing also, as usual! What I love most about the Dole Whip is that it's dairy-free. It's just as good as ice cream!

We finished our desserts on the way to ITTBAB. I love this attraction, however, we never ride it often. This time I wanted to be silly and we sat in the very front row! It was a good and annoying experience rolled into one. The good was that the little things Disney does to interact with the crowd was magnified from the front. For example, the "acid" that gets sprayed on everyone... I had water spewing all over me, lol. It was fun. Second, I had pokes and prods all throughout the show, not just at the end. I wasn't sure if that was a glitch, but it made the show interesting. The downside to the very front was it was too close to actually see the show in 3-D form without leaning way back on your seat- and that still wasn't far enough away. Would I sit up front again? Maybe in the second or third row.

We headed to Flame Tree Barbecue after ITTBAB. I've never eaten there, and couldn't wait to try it. Plus the 20% AP discount made it even more enticing. I don't think I have a photo of our food :worried:. We looked at a menu beforehand and knew what we wanted, so when we went through the line it was quick and painless. B got the Mac and Cheese kid's meal, and Sean and I both got the pulled pork sandwiches, and we shared fries. It was all so good. I can't wait to try eat there again and try something new!

I just want to pause for a moment, and express how happy I am right now because yesterday during this post my browser crashed hard. I had so much typed out! I walked away fearing that I couldn't recreate what I lost, only to log in this morning and have everything saved in my text box(???)! I am so, so, so happy!

Moving forward, after dinner, we were off to Dinosaur. I've ridden this ride before, and I like it. However, I chose not to ride it because it shakes my head up a little too much and I didn't have my Dramamine with me. I asked Sean to ride with B, and then he could use my fast pass to ride it once more by himself. He chose not to ride again because we all kind of wanted to have an early night. BTW, Sean's the one with his face covered. He's not really good at ride photos, but we go along as if he were!


As we walked out of the park, we stopped on the bridge and checked out a few of the floats from Rivers of Light. They are beautiful! I haven't seen it yet, and am hoping to score a fast pass, which reminds me... *logs on to check.*
Day 4, Wednesday

No parks today, :worried: but I did spend the day making dining reservations, picking my fast passes for the next few weeks, and writing all my notes for 365. I'm still not caught up, but I'm making progress.

Day 5, Thursday

Sean had an all-day business thing today, so the kid and I visited Magic Kingdom. Boy it was HOT! Our fast passes were for Haunted Mansion (every time!), Peter Pan's Flight, and Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. Our first of the day was Haunted Mansion, but we were running late (per usual) and had to change that fast pass time to later. Our first ride of the day was Peter Pan! It used to always be our first ride in the park, so it was nice to be there again.

Afterward, we headed over to Winnie the Pooh. The fast pass line was a bit rough, but we only waited about 10 minutes. In line, I began chatting with a dad and his preschool daughter. It was their first time to Disney World and they couldn't believe the heat and the wait times. I tried to give him some advice without coming across as a "know-it-all" and sent him over to the Journey of the Little Mermaid, afterward. I assured him that the wait times for the standby line were never terrible, and that it was cool inside, and had enough stimuli to keep his little one engaged.


After WtP, we headed to the train station in Fantasyland. Only one train was running and the wait was 20 minutes. We stayed in the queue because it was shaded and we needed the break from the heat. I regret that decision because once on the train the air was stifling. We traveled too Frontierland and couldn't disembark fast enough.


From Frontierland we made our way to Adventureland toward Pirates of the Caribbean. Something interesting happened on PotC, and that was that during the 20 minutes we spent inside the ride, apparently there was a classic Florida downpour. We walked outside to wet streets and most open air rides closed down-but the sun was shining. Wow that was fast. Intrigued by the phantom rain storm, we made our way to Jungle Cruise. The ride was closed because of the weather, but the attendant said we could go in and wait. The standby line was vacant, so we marched on in! After another 20 minute wait the skippers had the boats up and running again, and we got on fairly quickly.


I don't remember much from that ride. I believe our skipper was Amanda. After JC, we headed over to Pecos Bill's to take advantage of another 20% AP discount. I love this place, or maybe I just really love MexAmerican food. Either way we got a smorgasbord of yummy delicious food and filled up our bellies. This was B's first time visiting Pecos Bill's and he LOVED it. That's a parenting WIN!


After PB's it was time for our last fastpass, and we headed toward the Haunted Mansion. We got on fairly quickly, and had a routine experience...up until the last possible second of the ride! We get to the end and our safety bar unlatches, then the ride stops! We were right there, and couldn't push the bar up. We sat for about 10 minutes chuckling at our luck, when the ride resumed "immediately," we were on our way home.


One thing I left out was that we stopped by Gaston's Tavern to buy some water earlier in the day, and Gaston was out! B flat out refused to meet him, so we walked the other way. I was crushed. I've never had much luck in meting Gaston before, and I was so close!

Day 5 includes Hollywood Studios, and an ongoing fierce Toy Story Mania battle. To be continued....
Welcome Disney Kate's! My phone won't let me quote you. Glad you're on board!
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After JC, we headed over to Pecos Bill's to take advantage of another 20% AP discount. I love this place, or maybe I just really love MexAmerican food. Either way we got a smorgasbord of yummy delicious food and filled up our bellies. This was B's first time visiting Pecos Bill's and he LOVED it. That's a parenting WIN!

That looks so good! I have definitely put Pecos Bill's on my list for our next trip.

We get to the end and our safety bar unlatches, then the ride stops! We were right there, and couldn't push the bar up.

What bum luck! :headache:
Today is one of those days. I went early to switch my drivers license to Florida. YAY! I'm officially a Floridian! Then I went to register B in school. YAY! School starts next week! Now I'm catching up a bit before we head to Hollywood Studios for a day of entertainment.

Day 6, Friday

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Friday we visited Hollywood Studios. Sean and I are always talking about how HS has no rides, and the closing of The Great Movie Ride, along with Muppet's 3-D being down for refurb- there isn't much left. I had to stop and think about what rides and attractions are left. That list includes the Tower of Terror, Rock and Roller Coaster, Toy Story Mania, Star Tours, Indiana Jones, Beauty and the Beast, Voyage of the Little Mermaid, Disney Junior Live on Stage, Fantasmic... there are other minor attractions, but nothing that compares to those. After considering this, I suppose rides and attractions still exist at HS, however, for those of us who remember the "old days," What's left doesn't hold a candle.

Day 6 included fast passes to Toy Story Mania, Star Tours, and Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular. When we arrived we headed straight to Sci-Fi cafe because we always do a walk up reservation. Mostly this is because reservations are always booked up, but they do have 6 tables in the back for walk-ups only. Don't get me wrong, I love sitting in the cars to eat, but I love sitting at these tables more. For one, it's brighter than sitting in the cars. Two, there's much more space, and nobody has to scoot if you have to get up for any reason. Third, I'm a people watcher. I love those "Aw" moments like this one.... It was so cute! But I have no idea who they are!


After we checked in to Sci-Fi, we waited around the entrance, and B had fun playing in the car outside. It's cute that he still does this at his age because one day soon, I know he'll not care about it anymore.


Our meal was wonderful, as usual! Sean had the blue cheese crumble specialty burger (I ate it last time and it was good), I had the BBQ burger - I may never ever order anything but this again. It was delicious! The only issue with the food was that Sean ordered his medium and I ordered mine well, and they got switched. We ate them without complaint, regardless. Now as far as service... it was the worst yet. Don't get me wrong, Hassan was a great talker! Very informative, but after our drinks, we didn't see him again until it was time for the bill. Not kidding. No drink refills. Nothing. Someone else brought our food, and I had to pour water from my water bottle into my glass because there was zero service. We tipped a standard 15% because, like I said, we're decent people, but I was grr-face about it the whole time. The luck!

After Sci-Fi, we had a few minutes before Indiana Jones so we wandered that way and came across the Xbox Gaming Station. I had no idea it was there, but it looked like rain so we ducked inside to escape the impending downpour. We stood in line for a few minutes and watched some kids play Disney Infinity, then over to our right, some theater doors opened. We had no idea what it was but we walked into the theater, hopeful. It ended up being a Star Wars the Path of the Jedi. It was a series of movie clips mashed together into a 10 minute film. It was entertainment, and B loved it, so it ended up being worth it.

Afterward, we headed over to Indiana Jones and I took a few panoramas before the show began.


However, the show got rained out, and because we scanned our fast passes (when we were told to forget about them and just proceed through the entrance. NEVER do this. Always scan them because....) we got an email saying that because the show was cancelled we got a fast pass for ANY ATTRACTION. Yes, Disney! I love you! We used this magic fast pass at The Great Movie Ride! We want to see it as many times as possible before it closes next week.


We had Zach as a host and he was amazing! Halfway through, a lady gangster took over. She was fabulous! Her long hair covered her name badge, but WOW, she put everything into her character. I'm disappointed I didn't get her name. We left the ride and headed to the Star Wars Launch Bay for some Photos with BB-8!


On our Way to Toy Story Mania, we stopped by One Man's Dream for photo with Star Lord and Baby Groot! I don't have the heart to tell B that it wasn't really Chris Pratt. He was just so excited to be meeting the guy from Jurassic World!


We left that meet and greet feeling pretty good, and headed to TSM! But because I have fast passes for Hollywood Studios in an hour and a half, that showdown story will have to wait. To be continued!
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Day 6, Friday continued

I love how the standby line to Toy Story Mania is usually shorter out the door than the fast pass line. It just goes to show how serious most of us take this game, or maybe that's just me! Sean and I have this insane rivalry when it comes to TSM. Passersby would think we were nutters because of the amount of smack talk that goes on in this queue. It's all g-rated, of course, so no need to shield your children's ears when we're around, lol. Sean always ends up winning, but my scores are getting closer and closer each time we play!


In this instance, B (player 2) and I (Player 1) rode together and Sean went solo. During the last round, I looked past my shoulder pain and kept on pulling that trigger like it was a life or death situation. He scored 197,000. Last time our scores were separated by 20,000 points. This time 11,000. The ring toss is my best event, and he admits to cheating, by way of looking online and figuring out where the highest target amounts are located. Mark my words, I'll beat him one day!

Right after TSM, it was time for Star Tours. I declined to go on this ride because I get motion sickness so easily, and the three of us parted ways. Sean and B to ST, and I trotted off to Starbucks at the Trolley Car Cafe. It was so hot today, and sweat was dripping from places you didn't think could sweat. Since Fantasmic was next, I ordered my mocha and relaxed on a bench until Sean and B made their way over.

Now we have those blue Disney Parks fans that they sell for about $20. I bought mine years ago, so I couldn't say how much they are now. We usually fill them up with ice water and take them to the parks. They help so much when you're sitting stationary, and that's mostly what you do inside of Fantasmic. We get into the stadium that's already mostly filled up. It's stifling hot with no air circulation, whatsoever. This is one time I didn't mind lugging those things around the park all day. They are worth it! If you don't want to pay Disney prices, Target and Walmart actually have misting fans that are considerably stronger. The fans seriously kept the crank away while we waited for the show to begin.

I'm not much for fireworks, mostly because I have three brothers and I've been caught on fire from them too many times to count, lol. However, I adore Fantasmic. Tears will fall because it's just a good story, and an all-around wonderful production. I took some panoramas, and photos of the show.




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We jumped up and headed out during the finale, and made it out of the park and to the car, fairly quickly. Overall, the day was hot and sticky, but we had a lot of fun!

On Day 7, we headed to the Magic Kingdom for Jungle Cruise, Pirates of the Caribbean, Haunted Mansion, and of course, another round of deliciousness at Liberty Tree Tavern!To be continued!
When it is sticky and still is the worst! I can deal with the humidity and heat so long as there is a breeze! Smart idea bringing the misting fans! I have a little one that I can clip onto my belt that I take with me to the parks because I hate lugging stuff around!

Gorgeous pics of Fantasmic! I have never actually seen it, but it is on my must do list for my next trip down.

I'm thoroughly enjoying your year of Disney! Way to go!
When it is sticky and still is the worst! I can deal with the humidity and heat so long as there is a breeze! Smart idea bringing the misting fans! I have a little one that I can clip onto my belt that I take with me to the parks because I hate lugging stuff around!

Gorgeous pics of Fantasmic! I have never actually seen it, but it is on my must do list for my next trip down.

I'm thoroughly enjoying your year of Disney! Way to go!

Thank you! Welcome aboard!

I was someone who never cared to see Fantasmic, and then fell in love with it back in 2013, when I saw it for the first time. I then made it a priority to see it at least once during every visit. I'm sure I'll go a lot more when the weather cools down. :upsidedow


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