6 Days To Our WDW Vay-cay and Star Wars Proposal...


Earning My Ears
Jan 25, 2014
I attempted to keep a Pre-Trip Report earlier, but school got in the way and there wasn't much to report about. So now that the semester is over and I am going crazy waiting for it to get here. Although my partner IS excited he doesn't quite show it the ways I do. Here's an overview of our plans while we are in Orlando.

So let's start with a little back story:
My partner and I have been together for almost two years. We both have backgrounds in theatre and love Disney. My last trip was for my mothers 40th Birthday in Dec. 2003, it was an amazing trip and my brother and sister had no idea we were going (imagine being 8 y/ o and 6 y/o, waking up Christmas Morning and being told you'd be in WDW by noon. MAGIC!. it was their first trip and my 3rd, but I was 15 and knew we were going) Anyway, my partners mother is a DVC member and offered to send us to Disney for his 30th Birthday which was May 5th. We will be there 5/19-5/22, our Anniversary is 5/18 so there's a lot to celebrate with this trip. I am also planning on proposing while we are there, more about that later.

The Details:
We fly out of NC Monday morning on the first flight to Atlanta at 6am, and will arrive in Orlando around 11am. We are staying at Saratoga Springs, both of our first time at this resort.

Our First Day:
I haven't quite firmed up the total plans for this, but I know our first park is Disney Hollywood Studios. We have FastPasses already scheduled for after lunch for Star Tours, Tower of Terror and Rocking Roller Coaster. (The later two I have never ridden before) We will definitely catch several of the other attractions, my partner insists on MuppetVision, while I always love Indiana Jones. Most of the the day is pretty open until our dinner reservation at 7:10 for the Hollywood & Vine Star Wars Character Meal. This is where I am planning to pop the question. He doesn't know that this character meal is in our plans and is a huge Star Wars Fan ( We will be wearing our Star Wars themed graphic T-Shirts this day)

Engagement Plans:
I have a few options for this and will firm it up as we get even closer.
-I am currently building an R2D2 ring box to use.
-I have ordered a Jedi Mickey plush toy that I am thinking about having gotten the just engaged buttons and having them on this giving this to him at dinner as the sorta reveal.
-I have also though about doing it while we take out picture with Ewok Chip and Dale or just combining this all into one plan.
- His mom has already arranged to have champagne delivered at the restaurant through Flower and Gifts so I definitely locked into doing this before the end of our meal monday night.

After Dinner:
DHS had extra magic hour scheduled this day so I am not sure what we will do with the extra time in the park, I think maybe Fantasmic might be fun, but It also depends on how overwhelmed he is from the engagement surprise.

Day Two:
We have set this day aside for Magic Kingdom. We have FastPasses for all three mountains. I am also hoping the the Mine train will be in soft opening, but not keeping my hopes up. We will really play this day by ear. I would like to do Be Our Guest for Lunch, but was unable to get a FastPass for this so we will see what the wait is like. Dinner is scheduled for Tony's Restaurant on Main Street, and we are planing to watch the fireworks and 11pm Main Street Electric Parade ( I have never seen this one).

Day Three:
EPCOT day, we have fast passes for Soarin, Mission Space and Test Track. Another must for this day is SpaceShip Earth. We are planning to spend most of the day Drinking/Snacking our way around the World. I would like to stop for lunch at Spice Road Table in the Morocco Pavilion. Dinner plans are for a late meal at Paradiso 37 in Downtown Disney. This is really a day for relaxation and less zooming around the part to catch all the rides.

Day Four
Animal Kingdom, we have fast passes for Expedition Everest, Kali River Rapids and Kilimanjaro Safari. This is our last day on vacation and have to be back to the hotel by 3pm to head to the airport for the trip home. I have only been to Animal Kingdom once before so I know less about it, but we knew we wouldn't spend the whole day in this park so saved it for last.

Other Details:
-I have purchased the Memory Maker Package, I want to make my partner's mom a scrapbook of our trip since she was so generous to pay for the flight and arrange the resort room.

To Dos:
-Crafty Things to finish: I have purchased our two Star Wars shirts, a Mickey shirt for me and am planning on making each of us two more shirts this week. One for each of us in the Keep Calm Style: His will say: Keep calm and por favor mantengan se alejado de las puertas. Mine will say Keep Calm and Treguna Mekoides Trecorum Satis Dee. While the Other shirt of his will be the Muses from Hercules and mine will be Robin Hood
-I also need to put together my pin collection for trading while at the park.
-Packing in general starting Wed into the weekend.

I am so excited for this trip. Posting this will help me vent some of that excitement out so I don't overwhelm my boyfriend over the next fews days, luckily he's at work most days and I am home doing all the final planning aspects. If you have any suggestions or comment feel free to post them. I actually hope some people do, especially if theres anything I have missed or suggestions for things for two adults to do that I haven't mentioned.
I saw your "galactic proposal" thread and very excited to come across a trip report!! Congrats on the upcoming engagement!:yay: that is very exciting. Would love to see pics of the r2d2 box and ring :goodvibes Can't wait to hear more about your trip :)
The ring itself is very simple. I wanted to pick something very clean and classy that would match anything. I am planning that once we do get married to get something a bit more flashy.

We've been housesitting this week for his dad and stepmom so all my crafts are at home but I will post pictures of the box in progress later this evening. I have actually been working on two options.
So here is the progress on the R2D2 Ring box so far:

#1 Though this is not the actually material i show later, this is essentially what I used, instead of the empty toilet paper roll which is cardboard and Im afraid will break or get squashed in my bag I used a sawed off shaving cream can which was the same size and much more sturdy.


After sanding both the plastic egg piece and metal canister I applied several coats of gesso. You could also use just plain white acrylic, since I am going to be photo paper or transparency print outs for all the details I just wanted a base coat on the canister.


Ive been working on two of them just to see how things go, at first the larger one was the one i was planning on using, but the smaller one has quickly become the front runner, right now its a little to tall so i need to trim off about half an inch to get the proportions right for R2.

I wasn't happy with my silver acrylic paint I was using on the dome, so I got a small can of chrome spray paint. much happier


This is with the paper print out of R2's markings at this point i just taped it down to get an idea of what he'd look like and to see if that the route I want to go. Again here you can see that the smaller one the dome fits perfectly on the body where as on the larger one there is overlap, which is also difficult to remove. Since it's for a proposal I want it to be as easy as possible to work with.


Next Steps:
1. Paint/ detail dome.
2. Make legs (i plan on using either foam core or matte board I use for scenic models.
3. I have a few small LED's that I am playing with to maybe make the box light up, like the lenses on the dome.
1. Get foam for the interior, I may just pull this from the ring box that the ring comes in.
OMG I'm so excited for you and I can't wait to read the final trip report! My husband and I celebrated our one year anniversary at WDW last year and it was amazing. Best of luck to you!

So here is the progress on the R2D2 Ring box so far:

#1 Though this is not the actually material i show later, this is essentially what I used, instead of the empty toilet paper roll which is cardboard and Im afraid will break or get squashed in my bag I used a sawed off shaving cream can which was the same size and much more sturdy.


After sanding both the plastic egg piece and metal canister I applied several coats of gesso. You could also use just plain white acrylic, since I am going to be photo paper or transparency print outs for all the details I just wanted a base coat on the canister.


Ive been working on two of them just to see how things go, at first the larger one was the one i was planning on using, but the smaller one has quickly become the front runner, right now its a little to tall so i need to trim off about half an inch to get the proportions right for R2.

I wasn't happy with my silver acrylic paint I was using on the dome, so I got a small can of chrome spray paint. much happier


This is with the paper print out of R2's markings at this point i just taped it down to get an idea of what he'd look like and to see if that the route I want to go. Again here you can see that the smaller one the dome fits perfectly on the body where as on the larger one there is overlap, which is also difficult to remove. Since it's for a proposal I want it to be as easy as possible to work with.


Next Steps:
1. Paint/ detail dome.
2. Make legs (i plan on using either foam core or matte board I use for scenic models.
3. I have a few small LED's that I am playing with to maybe make the box light up, like the lenses on the dome.
1. Get foam for the interior, I may just pull this from the ring box that the ring comes in.

Wow!!! That is fabulous! Great Job! Your Soon-To-Be Fiance will definitely appreciate the hard work you've put into the box! The neatest thing is that you can actually use it after the proposal as a star wars nick-nack or a christmas ornament:yay: Unlike traditional boxes that sit in a jewelry box. Also, that is a very classy ring :thumbsup2 good choice! Again, great job and can't wait to hear how everything went!
First off thanks everyone for all your sweet comments and suggestions, I truly appreciate it. I am home alone most day since the semester is over and I am transitioning to a summer job after we return so I have done a lot of my crafting while he's at work. I am also at the point where little things are stressing me out, but I'm trying to let that go. Posting on here helps relieve that.

So a few updates today.

1) My partners mom and I decided to have the champagne waiting in our room instead of at the restaurant! mainly so we don't rush to finish it.

2) shirt designs have changed slightly, I will be wearing A Robin Hood shirt one day and my partner maleficent. Also I introduced him to Disney Bounding tonight and he agreed to bound with me one day as Sully and Mike from monsters inc. if you in the park you might catch our rousing performance of "Put that thing back where it came from or so help me". I am also toying with a Hercules bounding outfit: here is a quick photoshop rendering I threw together forgive the low quality illustration.


I was inspired by Superhero Costume shirts, all the detail will be paint or iron transfer. I will accessorize accordingly.

3. RING CAME IN along with Jedi Mickey and charcoal filter water bottles. I gave up drinking soda a few weeks ago, but heard the water in WDW leaves much to be desired, so I got water bottles to help with that.

4.. I set up my pin lanyard last night and made the pages for what will be my pin book after I get the last few materials for that project.

5. I finished one of R2's legs this evening, it took me many trials and errors to figure out how to make this part of the Ring box.


Finally my partner was telling me about a couple who got engaged last night at the Restaurant he works at. We talked about rings and thing like " when I propose" or "when we get married..." I was trying to feel him out about exactly what he'd want most, but I didn't get far, oh well I already got this all planed out. He loves to be the center of attention, must be his musical theatre training or being the oldest of 8. Little does he know how close he is to getting his own ring next week! It was so hard to talk around the subject last night!

Things Left To Do:
-Finish crafts
-clean the apartment
-borrow/buy digital camera

PS : if your in the parks next week (may 19-22) let me know would love to say hi!
So I have gotten a lot done over the last 24 hours. First of all the R2D2 box is about 85-90% finished. I still need to add the cushioning for the ring inside, a few little paint touch ups and add some lenses. Heres A looks:



I also got all of our shirts down. That was a lot of fun and a nice project I could do while he was home yesterday evening and this morning.

Mike and Sully Shirts Done! I think they are really fun.

My Robin Hood Shirt ( I think he's one of the sexiest disney characters, but it might be the accent):

My Partner's Maleficent Shirt:

I was working on the Hercules outfit and it essentially just turned into a full costume, I decided to save it for Halloween, or if I ever do one of the RunDisney races, which I am thinking about doing sometime next year.

Also I put together my Trading pin book it's essentially a small note book with stiff felt pages.


I decided to also make us Epcot World Showcase Drinking Passports. Heres the front I designed using Photoshop and images I found on google and one of the pages. If theres interest I'll post the whole thing on the DISigns board once it's completed, I still have some tweaks on it.


Mexico Page:

Norway Page:

No other updates today, our bags are all packed other than a few things we use daily. I was able to get about half of the cleaning done tonight and will finish the rest tomorrow so sunday we can enjoy a relaxing day before i explode with excitement. I would love any feedback on the things I posted today or if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!
R2 looks awesome! And the drinking passport ... awesome idea! If you do decide to put it up on the designer board, let us know :)
So adorable! Big Star Wars fan here. I love it! Can't wait to hear all about it when you return! All set, packed and ready? Have a great trip!
PS - What is Disney Bounding?
Quick update:
We returned home this evening after 4 exciting but exhausting days at Disney World. I will post a trip report this weekend. But for those anxious to know....................

Congrats!! cannot wait to hear the details! also totally staling your passport idea.


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