7/18/2010 Mickey's Baltic Ballyhoo!!

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I'm not sure what the baloon incident is, but I'd probably have to deny it anyway!:lmao: Ask her what the incident is and let me know. The thing I remember most about the trivia competition was that going into the last question, I was winning by 3 points. Correct questions were worth 2 points, but a wrong answer cost you 2 points. I was sure of the answer, and I started to write it down. Tammy and a couple other CM's jumped up and screamed at me to stop writing, because if I was wrong and my opponent (who I'm really good friends with) was right, I would have lost. I thought they were going to rush the table to stop me!!!

She told me it was either one of your old mgr's or Brian that was taking balloons up to Concord and when they were getting in or out of the car they let go of the balloons and up, up and away they went. You were innocent in that matter.
She did tell me you were trivia champ from your store at least once. :worship:
She told me it was either one of your old mgr's or Brian that was taking balloons up to Concord and when they were getting in or out of the car they let go of the balloons and up, up and away they went. You were innocent in that matter.
She did tell me you were trivia champ from your store at least once. :worship:

Only one time. Once I got promoted to ASM I wasn't able to compete anymore. And then they stopped holding it.
Only one time. Once I got promoted to ASM I wasn't able to compete anymore. And then they stopped holding it.

They stopped holding them once I got smart enough to even think about competing. But we had some pretty smart cookies at our store and I couldn't compete against them anyways.
Must you use big fancy-dancy words so much? :sad2: Can't you just use normal words like the rest of your family? By the way, you left the o out your fancy word!
This is what you could of said instead:
Anyone what to bet how many closed threads?? I'm going to take a guess and say we will close 45 threads (11,250 pages 168,750 posts).:cool1:

And for the record, I'm going to say 28 threads!

You know I cannot resist using polysyllabic words. It comes from having prodigious vocabulary from my eclectic taste in literature.
Well, I'm on the new one just in case:thumbsup2

We can't let her have the last word here and the first post on the new thread.

“The last word is the most dangerous of infernal machines; and husband and wife should no more fight to get it than they would struggle for the possession of a lighted bomb-shell” -- Douglas Jerrold
IDIOT, n. A member of a large and powerful tribe whose influence in human affairs has always been dominant and controlling. The Idiot's activity is not confined to any special field of thought or action, but pervades and regulates the whole. He has the last word in everything; his decision is unappealable. He sets the fashions and opinion of taste, dictates the limitations of speech and circumscribes conduct with a dead-line.

--Ambrose Bierce
I'm not sure what the baloon incident is, but I'd probably have to deny it anyway!:lmao: Ask her what the incident is and let me know. The thing I remember most about the trivia competition was that going into the last question, I was winning by 3 points. Correct questions were worth 2 points, but a wrong answer cost you 2 points. I was sure of the answer, and I started to write it down. Tammy and a couple other CM's jumped up and screamed at me to stop writing, because if I was wrong and my opponent (who I'm really good friends with) was right, I would have lost. I thought they were going to rush the table to stop me!!!

Oh don't tempt me. You know how i feel about breaking rules. I'm a good boy.:rolleyes:
Next you're going to tell us that you're innocent! :rotfl2:
If they don't close us down soon, Izzi will get the last word when she wakes up;)
we certainly can't have that!
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