A Disneyland Regular Gets a Unique Magical Moment (mini-trip report of sorts)

Disney Dreams

Proudly afflicted with TDMA!
Mar 10, 2006
Mine Mine Mine

Who, What, and Why?
As a local, I go to Disneyland frequently. Sometimes with friends, family, or just alone. I have to admit, sometimes, my solo visits are the best. I wander agenda-less through the Park and go wherever the moment inspires me to venture. No timetable, no one to coordinate with, no concern for holding people up with my photo-taking or people watching. Just me in my happy place. It can be refreshing for the spirit.

Yesterday was a rough day at work. When it was time to head home, I was grumpy. I was tired. I was just done. I needed to refresh my spirit. I called DH and told him I was going to the Park instead of coming home, don't wait for me for dinner, and that I had no clue how long I'd be. He knows when he gets a "I'm running away to the Park" phone call, it's usually much needed. "Have fun!" was his only comment.

Now Where To?
I wandered through the shops on Main Street one after another. Eh, shopping didn't seem to be the key today. I ventured into the Magic Shop to watch a few tricks... and do some pin trading. The magic was fun to watch (as always), but didn't grab my attention like it usually did. (It really was a rough work day!)

I wandered down Main Street, got an ice cream sundae (yum!) and sat in the Hub near Walt and Mickey. While eating my melting ice cream, I watched kids play in the sunshine and viewed so many Park guests take the obligatory "Castle Picture." The Disneyland All-American College Band began to perform in front of the castle and the stress from my day started to ease away. Such talented musicians! And they actually look like they really are enjoying themselves, so nice! When the music concluded and my ice cream was gone - I wandered towards New Orleans Square, starting to feel a little relief from my stressful day.

I decided I wanted some "real food" and for some odd reason, Mexican sounded good. Off to Rancho del Zocalo! I got a somewhat custom-made burrito (so nice of them!) and realized the last thing I wanted to do was sit in a restaurant alone right now. I asked if they had a "to go" container and before I knew it, I was off and going with my Mexican platter a la plasticware, headed nowhere in particular.

And that's when I saw it.

The Mark Twain was docked, awaiting its next round of passengers. It had been a long time since I have been on the Mark Twain. And I really mean a LONG time. I love the water and the idea of eating my still-warm portable meal aboard the Mark Twain while watching the world drift by sounded like the perfect addition to my "de-stress" Park mission.

I couldn't remember if there were tables or places to really sit aboard the Mark Twain. (Hey, I said it had been a long time!). I approached, Brittany, the Cast Member who was on the dock and asked her about eating onboard. She said it was no problem. I thanked her and started to walk away. She then asked me, "How many people are you with today?" I told her, "It's just me. I only need a little spot to enjoy my burrito and enjoy the view during the ride." (Why do I always feel the need to explain being alone at Disneyland???) She then asked me, "Would you like to join me up in the wheelhouse?"

Decisions, decisions, decisions
I have to admit, I have read and heard about people asking to help steer the Mark Twain, but really had no clue about it and have never ever thought about doing it. When she asked me this, my first thought was, "Uh, no, I want to relax on the Mark Twain and eat my burrito." However, not completely sure what the wheelhouse was, I inquired, "Sorry, what's that?" She smiled at me and informed me that the wheelhouse was the very very top of the Mark Twain, where the (ok, I deserve a "duh!") wheel is.

This started to sound interesting. She then told me that I could help with the sounding the ship's whistles while we sailed. I can't explain why, except that I really do have a kid inside of me, but this really intrigued me and I was excited about the thought of helping blow the whistles of the ship as it sailed around the River. I accepted her offer and she told me to come back to her when they started to board.

Up, Up, and Away
A few minutes later once onboard the Mark Twain, I was followed her up the first staircase - and still up further - into a very nice room with wood decor. She explained that when there is a large group, some stay down in this room while others go up one more set of stairs (aka a ladder). She took my drink and burrito up the ladder for me, allowing me to use both hands for balance as I ascended up to the top of the Mark Twain.

I think there are things in life that seem MUCH more fun than they turn out to be. As silly as it sounds, this was NOT one of them. This was more exciting than I ever thought it would possibly be! I looked out over the Rivers of America and across Disneyland and thought to myself, "How cool is this?!?!" Just as I was taking in the view, Brittany asked me if I wanted to sit and enjoy my lunch or help with the whistles.

Was there really a question!??!

I nervously asked her, "Do I really get to sound the whistles?" She assured me I really did get to - and then told me exactly what to do.

I took the whistle pull and "whooooooooo whooooooooo whoooooooo" alerted the entire river that the Mark Twain was on its way.

How fun!!! Seriously, a little pulse ran through my entire body like a little kid opening her birthday presents! Brittany pointed out to me the layout of the river from this vantage point. She showed me the route of the rafts, the canoes, and the Columbia compared with that of the Mark Twain. She told me the many ways they all communicate with each other to ensure safety on the river. The whistles really DID have a purpose on this busy river. As I watched the river activity from above, I could not believe the amazing view.

Carpe Diem
At this point, I sat down on the wooden seat that was available, opened my plasticware, took in the incredible view, enjoyed my burrito, shared a few conversational exchanges with Brittany, excitedly took the opportunity to sound the whistle a few more times when necessary, completely forgot about my work day, and enjoyed a unique Disney experience that somehow, in over 20 years of visiting Disneyland, I never knew was so magical.

As I saw the dock pull into view, I knew my adventure was coming to a close. Before Brittany helped me back down the ladder, she made sure that I signed the Wheelhouse Guest Book. Brittany pointed out that I was the last signature in the book and told me it will be stored in the office with years and years of other guest books, should I ever want to show it to anyone - or visit it. Seriously? That's part of Disney history!

I was the last one off the boat, knew that what I needed from Disneyland that day had been found, headed to the parking tram, and called my DH to tell him I was on my way home to be with him and D-pup for the evening. He knew from the tone of my voice that whatever my little escapes to the Park do for me - it had been accomplished.

Just Mine
As I walked to my car, all I could think about was when my DH and I got engaged at the Eiffel Tower over 10 years ago. We did not get a picture of the actual moment that beautiful, memorable Paris afternoon. He told me then, "Some memories don't need a photo. This moment is just ours." I'm not sure I have ever fully believed that logic, but I do know that I had not planned on wandering Disneyland last night. I didn't have a camera and I don't have a picture of me atop the Mark Twain. As I started my car to leave Disneyland, I smiled knowing that forever this amazing memory is one that will be just mine.

Thanks for letting me share,

P.S. Should you ever get the chance to help atop the Mark Twain, do not think twice about it! You will remember it forever.
Thanks for sharing the moment. I have been working out of the states for the last few month's, I can only imagine what you were feeling.

What a beautiful story.
I have always wondered what it would be like to live close enough to get a bit of the Disney Magic whenever I was feeling a little low & you have just explained it to me absolutely perfectly.
Thanks for sharing "your moment".:goodvibes
That was great! I have to admit, I'm big on pics and usually look for reports that have lots of pics in them, but your description of your day was so vivid, I didn't need any. And I can see how you won't need any either. :)

Thank you so much for sharing your special experience.


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