A horrible rumor to spread

From a poster at WDWmagic apparently Disney has decided to allow CM's a one time chance to reverse their transfer to Star Cruiser and go back to their original positions.

I am not that shocked. They only let people know about their positions within the past 2 months. Since people applied, there have been a lot of shakeups. Disney also has been heavily trolling the DCP program for actors. From what I have seen, most of the CM's who got accepted are excited about the new position though.
I am not that shocked. They only let people know about their positions within the past 2 months. Since people applied, there have been a lot of shakeups. Disney also has been heavily trolling the DCP program for actors. From what I have seen, most of the CM's who got accepted are excited about the new position though.
From reading the tea leaves I don't think Disney is happy with Starcruiser. Regardless of the reasons, there are a bunch of cancellations already. Then you have all the preview videos pulled and the preview that was supposed to be part of the Christmas parade never aired. Now this with the CM's.
I'm not even.... Okay then. Thank you for your contribution. (?) <boggle>

These 2 quotes are exactly my original point. Star Wars fans are a fickle and diverse bunch. It is IMPOSSIBLE to please all of the fans all of the time. That's why a number of really good directors shied away from doing anything with the Star Wars franchise. Even the best director in the known universe can't please the entire fan base and they are doomed to fail if they try.

If Disney has in fact learned any lessons since they purchased LucasFilm, it's this - you have to do what you do and some people will like it and some people will hate it. It's a terrible position to be in frankly Star Wars takes the hit so much more than say - Marvel - where fans are in a general way more more unified and easier to please (that's not to say easy, or that all Marvel fans are on the same page - but IN GENERAL, it's easier to make a Marvel movie that the majority of fans enjoy). Perhaps it's because the MCU is still a young creature and consistent while the original Star Wars is decades old and there was a 16 year lapse. Or perhaps it's because the entirely of the MCU has been under Feige and a lot of MCU fans are not even from the comics, and those that are never had a live action to compare it with while Kennedy took over something that already had a large following.

In any event, the point is that this is just one example of how Star Wars fans are so diverse and hold varying opinions. I still think that Disney knows this and knows that this experience is not going to be for everyone. Again, it's important to realize that the endeavor is built to be limited in capacity with only 100 rooms. Disney has realized that not everyone is going to love this experience or want to do it. They don't need everyone. They built it to a modest scale in recognition of that.

Oh, those nerd fandoms are impossible to please. MCU fans may seem united, but I know a lot of comic fans who despise it, because they hold it up to the comics. Me, I've been a comics fan all my life and think the MCU has absolutely outshined Marvel Comics. Of course, I can't stand current Marvel Comics, so a lot of that is generational. Star Wars fans are too, but to me the beauty is that each generation could have their own Star Wars. The prequels got so much hate from 30-something year old fans who grew up with the OT because they couldn't understnad that the movies were for 8-year-olds. The OT was too, it's just that they were 8 when those came out! Kids still like Star Wars too and they like the newer ones - why wouldn't they? As long as Star Wars maintains the same spirit that it has always embodied, they haven't done anything wrong by me.
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Wait a minute, people are mad that a Star War themed hotel, at Disney World, isn't realistic enough? And it's expensive?!

Uh, have you even met "Disney" lately?!
I don't know about mad, but a lot of people are definitely turned off by it.

It would be nice to see at least one innovative feature that's part of the hotel. That was something you used to be able to count on Disney to deliver on.
From a poster at WDWmagic apparently Disney has decided to allow CM's a one time chance to reverse their transfer to Star Cruiser and go back to their original positions.
A followup post said the offer to reverse the transfer was limited to food and beverage CMs.
That's not the only thing that happened. The original press release for the Christmas parade there was supposed to be a sneak peek for the Starcruiser. For some reason it was never shown and never mentioned during the parade. I honestly believe Disney is not impressed with the amount of criticism.

By Christmas Parade, do you mean two hour Disney infomercial that flashed two or three brief images of parade floats?
I remember when I was a little kid our local mall advertised that Princess Leia would be there signing autographs. I got so excited and when I got there it was basically some lady in a bed sheet and some round things tied to her head. I'm exaggerating a bit, but it was very underwhelming, to say the least.

I would probably have the same reaction if I stayed at this hotel. Only worse because I'd also be out $6K or whatever it cost!!
I don't know, it looks fine to me. I mean, yeah, it's plastic - so is Stormtrooper armor. It's just part of the deal. There are things in ROTR that don't look 100% real, but you have to suspend your disbelief a little.
Well, I can say that I have very much been a core Star Wars fan for my entire life and I have found the Disney produced Star Wars stuff to be great. It's not perfect, but it never was either.

Which is why I said:

So, you may get Disney-style SW fans who can reconcile both POVs and still enjoy it. But many are looking at that and saying, "No thanks."

I named my youngest after Obi-wan. Im a fan.

WDW is pretty much the only place I vacation. I'm a fan.

SW:GE is space Morrocco. That's not to say there aren't fun things about it OR that RotR isn't amazing....but it's Disneyfied. And it's included in my ticket. I can even pay the outrageous prices at Oga's, go to Savi's, and build a droid. No problem.

But for the PRICE POINT on that hotel? I don't want the Disneyfied version. I don't want plastic where I have to WORK to suspend belief.

I want STAR WARS. And more specifically, I want OLD SCHOOL Star Wars. I want to feel like I'm THERE. Like you do at WWoHP down at Universal.
The videos put out by Disney made it look like a 2 day long version of Star Tours. I wouldn’t even pay genie + prices for that much less $6k. But I bet they will give out free Mickey bars so all the sneak preview vloggers will be raving about it!!
Or perhaps it's because the entirely of the MCU has been under Feige

Oh I think this is absolutely the reason. Disney knew better than to fix what wasn't broken. Keep the people on board that had made it so successful up till that point. Now look, I also understand there are different dynamics involved with Star Wars and Lucasfilm. George didn't exactly want to continue any more and hence why he sold it off to Disney (which had a long history between the two of them anyway). Also unlike Marvel who was pumping out multiple movies a year, SW had long breaks between the trilogies breaking up any continuity which lent itself to bringing in Kennedy and a new vision.

Whatever I mean we can go into so many nuances of the two different IPs but to stay closer to the topic of the Starcruiser I think whether you think Disney is going in the right direction with SW or not doesn't matter as much as it boils down to the basic common denominator...value. People are willing to pay for perceived value. Same goes for a galactic starcruiser experience, or a 4k TV or a nice expensive meal. Without speaking for all the SWs nerds in the world I personally don't see how too many people will find the value in spending the money on this. I could totally be wrong and would be glad to be wrong! Only time will tell.
It's funny how differently people can see it. In my opinion, most Disney Star Wars has been a bit too slavishly devoted to the OT - the Sequels, GE, The Mandalorian/Boba Fett - they have all been very much an attempt to bridge to the originals. I've enjoyed it overall, but sometimes I think it lacks it's own identity. I don't really think they've changed their tactic much either and I'm not sure what "lesson" was to be learned. I'd probably tell them to scale back the OT devotion and do something truly different.

We're obviously going to agree to disagree which is totally fine however I find it interesting you think that so much of Disney SW is devoted to the OT. I mean I'm not one of them, but I really do think an overwhelming majority of old school SW fans were pretty darn vocal about how much they hated what Disney was doing specifically because the new films took quite the departure from the originals. And they still do! Go on Youtube and you'll find the equivalent of hate mail and ire aimed squarely at Disney and Kathleen Kennedy and everyone involved. As much as I felt Disney missed an opportunity with the new trilogy, and like I said I have become a little disconnected...I actually can find enjoyment in the movies. I think purely as films they are poorly written and directed with 2 dimensional characters...but if it's on...I'll watch it. I can get into them. They're entertaining. I absolutely love Rogue One. Whatever, I have bigger things to hate on than sci-fi movies anyway!

BUT...point also taken that SW fans like many cross sections of society have many different opinions, and ideas, and thoughts about the subject, but we are all passionate so there is that common ground. Read my post above about not wanting to stray too far off topic and that I personally think the SC will boil down to perceived value. I don't wish it to be a failure...I hope it becomes something fans really enjoy and do over and over again. I wouldn't bet on it right now but I've been known to be wrong before!
We're obviously going to agree to disagree which is totally fine however I find it interesting you think that so much of Disney SW is devoted to the OT. I mean I'm not one of them, but I really do think an overwhelming majority of old school SW fans were pretty darn vocal about how much they hated what Disney was doing specifically because the new films took quite the departure from the originals. And they still do! Go on Youtube and you'll find the equivalent of hate mail and ire aimed squarely at Disney and Kathleen Kennedy and everyone involved. As much as I felt Disney missed an opportunity with the new trilogy, and like I said I have become a little disconnected...I actually can find enjoyment in the movies. I think purely as films they are poorly written and directed with 2 dimensional characters...but if it's on...I'll watch it. I can get into them. They're entertaining. I absolutely love Rogue One. Whatever, I have bigger things to hate on than sci-fi movies anyway!

BUT...point also taken that SW fans like many cross sections of society have many different opinions, and ideas, and thoughts about the subject, but we are all passionate so there is that common ground. Read my post above about not wanting to stray too far off topic and that I personally think the SC will boil down to perceived value. I don't wish it to be a failure...I hope it becomes something fans really enjoy and do over and over again. I wouldn't bet on it right now but I've been known to be wrong before!

Well, that's what I mean - people see it diffferently. Obviously a lot of fans see the new stuff as a slap in the face of the OT, but personally I thought it hewed too closely, almost to the point htat they're the same movies. They rely on the nostalgia a little too much if you ask me.
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Well, that's what I mean - people see it diffferently. Obviously a lot of fans see the new stuff as a slap in teh face of the OT, but personally I thought it hewed too closely, almost to the point htat they're the same movies. They rely on the nostalgia a little too much if you ask me.

Ah ok so in regards to "the same movie" argument yes absolutely. No originality in that aspect whatsoever. In reality, and along the same lines we've been talking about, it's an almost impossible task to make not only all the old SW fans happy and deliver the proper amount of fan service while at the same time giving them something new and exciting AND on top of that finding a way to continue making the IP valuable by bringing in a new generation that only really cares about ephemeral 10 second TikTok videos. A yeoman's task for sure. Going to be very interesting to see how this Star Cruiser pans out. I honestly think the too many cooks in the kitchen plus trying to keep under budget and slash wherever they could is what will ultimately keep this from being worth 5000 for 2 nights. Check back in with me if you watch the Book of Boba Fett and we can discuss our ideas about it. Cheers!
I can’t help but feel like there’s a lot of revisionist history goin’ on up in here. People waxing nostalgic like there weren’t hordes of SW fans up in arms over Jar-Jar Binks, or that the torches and pitchforks didn’t come out when Lucas decided to add a bunch of stupid animations to the original movies, and then flip fans the bird when they wanted to own the ORIGINAL original trilogy without all his “look ma’ CG!” add-ons on a device newer than the VCR. Had Disney bought the IP after the Empire Strikes Back, people would be talking about the garbage that has been put out since. I love SW, and like a lot of y’all, I’ve forgiven all the transgressions since Empire, and I’ll even overlook that Luke started out as a whiney little crybaby, because as a whole I’m a fan. But folks need to stop making the originals out like they were presented on stone tablets next to a burnin’ bush. Rogue One beat the knickers off of everything since Empire. There, I said it.
I can’t help but feel like there’s a lot of revisionist history goin’ on up in here. People waxing nostalgic like there weren’t hordes of SW fans up in arms over Jar-Jar Binks, or that the torches and pitchforks didn’t come out when Lucas decided to add a bunch of stupid animations to the original movies, and then flip fans the bird when they wanted to own the ORIGINAL original trilogy without all his “look ma’ CG!” add-ons on a device newer than the VCR. Had Disney bought the IP after the Empire Strikes Back, people would be talking about the garbage that has been put out since. I love SW, and like a lot of y’all, I’ve forgiven all the transgressions since Empire, and I’ll even overlook that Luke started out as a whiney little crybaby, because as a whole I’m a fan. But folks need to stop making the originals out like they were presented on stone tablets next to a burnin’ bush. Rogue One beat the knickers off of everything since Empire. There, I said it.

Exactly - it's not like the OT was so perfect and fans have been whining since Ewoks showed up. Basically a lot of Star Wars fans actually like abotu one-and-a-half movies out of all of it, so I always find it weird when they are so vehement. Star Wars isn't just that one thing!

Check back in with me if you watch the Book of Boba Fett and we can discuss our ideas about it. Cheers!

I have watched it - got up early and gave it a whirl.
I can’t help but feel like there’s a lot of revisionist history goin’ on up in here. People waxing nostalgic like there weren’t hordes of SW fans up in arms over Jar-Jar Binks, or that the torches and pitchforks didn’t come out when Lucas decided to add a bunch of stupid animations to the original movies, and then flip fans the bird when they wanted to own the ORIGINAL original trilogy without all his “look ma’ CG!” add-ons on a device newer than the VCR. Had Disney bought the IP after the Empire Strikes Back, people would be talking about the garbage that has been put out since. I love SW, and like a lot of y’all, I’ve forgiven all the transgressions since Empire, and I’ll even overlook that Luke started out as a whiney little crybaby, because as a whole I’m a fan. But folks need to stop making the originals out like they were presented on stone tablets next to a burnin’ bush. Rogue One beat the knickers off of everything since Empire. There, I said it.
It took the last Jedi for me to re-assess the prequels and realize they aren’t as bad as the last jedi. The major problem with the prequels was acting and dialogue. It was horrendous. Jar jar binks was annoying and unpopular. But he wasn’t the main problem. Even with good actors who have been good in everything else they’ve been in the dialogue was painful to listen to.The story was fine. The new trilogy was the opposite. Perfectly fine acting and dialogue, but atrocious disjointed story.

At least we got rogue one.


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