"A Night at the Opera", DD turns 8, and SSB takes to first Opera -thx Dan for picture


<font color=green>Oil Can aficionado<br><font colo
Jan 30, 2001
This weekend was DD's 8th birthday, so SSB decided that it was finally time for her to enter SSB's world of "The Opera"! :)

The Orando Opera company puts on three productions per year, and the first this year was "The Magic Flute"... a WONDERFUL opera (Mozart's last!) that is very fantasy driven, and quite easy to follow. Decided a perfect "first" opera for us to see.

We headed out about 7PM, and a good thing as SSB got lost, as tried a "new route"... haha! OOPS! Luckily, we brought along supplies of pretzels, tic tacs, and even a few Ritz Bits, in case we got caught in a snow flurry... has been way cold here... ;) ;) ;)

She did very, very well during both acts of the opera, and got so many complitments for her dress, and even for just being there, that she was quite embarassed. Funny for me to see, as she is generally very self confident (where the heck does she get that crazyness.. :) )

We got back about midnight, her latest night staying up ever, but was still wired from it all. A wonderful Dad and Daughter night, that I hope that we shall always treasure forever. I know that I shall.... for certain..... :)

(Thanks to Dan, who agreed to add picture to the post, just prior to departure. Still flowers in Orlando!) :) :) :)

Link to Orlando Opera:

That is the best thing I've heard today! :) I'm certain it will be a night she will remember for the rest of her life, especially having her handsome Dad escort her :)
Awwww, that is one of those days memories are made of. :) I doubt she ever forgets.
I can SO picture this wonderful dad/daughter evening and it made me SMILE! :teeth:

Thanks for sharing, SSB! :)
Sounds like a wonderful, memorable evening SSB, one to cherish. :) :)

Happy Belated Birthday to your DD! :)

Glad to hear things are still blooming down there! :) :)
Definitely one of those father/daughter memories you'll both share the rest of your lives!:D
Happy Birthday to your dd SSB!!!
Nice pics, You guys look good ...:)
Thanks for sharing with us..:)
What a great way to celebrate a birthday.....:D
Ahhhhh, SSB, so that was how it worked. I was confused and posted on a seperate thread, LOL. Here they are..



They sure look great, SSB!!! Very pretty young lady. And you should dress like that more often. :teeth:

What a great story!!!!! Love it. A great memory indeed.
What a wonderful night, SSB! You've heard me say this before, but you have such beautiful children. Your DD looks like a princess. :) :) :)

A VERY Happy Birthday to her!

Any girl that enjoys opera is my kind of kid. ;) :) :) :)
Great pics.:) What age did SSB's dd turn?:) Hmmm, I wonder what those presents are.:teeth: I hope she had a great birthday.:)
Y'all look GREAT!!! It's good to see that you are giving DD a little culture and NOT just having her chase bands through hotels to smell them!

Great Pics...thanks Dan....I hope you and your little girl had a magicial night SSB.......what a great bday...
What a memorable Birthday for your DD...you both looking stunning all dressed up! So glad the night went well...Here's to many more Daddy Daughter dates!

Nothing like a Daddy spending a wonderful evening with one of the girls of his dreams. Such happy smiles. My daughter still kisses me good-bye just before she says I love you---all this as she is going out the door-----She's 19. Enjoy all your "Dates" --for our children grow up way to soon.



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