"A Suction Incident" - Contact Lens Related


<font color=darkorchid>I am debating whether to pu
Aug 23, 2003
Yup, I was on the boards extolling the wonders of ds new hybrid contact lens, well sunday night it got stuck, I mean really stuck on his cornea. There was alot of screaming, yelling and cursing taking place. He even was trying to have dh help him. Finally after about 1/2 hour he got it off. Well we immediately called the dr. on call. He said come to the office on mon. which we did. Another dr. looked at him and tested him and said, yup he pulled something off his eye but it was healing, the endo?, nice $30 co pay for a visit, yest. back for a visit with the contact lens dr., more testing, yup the thing that he pulled off was reforming, thinks the contact might have gotten damaged in the process or was damaged anyway, getting a new one, thank heavens its guaranteed, said he might have made the lens fit too perfectly, they only have 7 patients total with this and ds is the lst one to get a "suction" incident, again nice $30 co-pay. I tell nice dr. ds is leaving for disney on may 20 for his senior trip and there is no way I want this happening there etc. Thank heavens dh and I will be down there for our anniv. and my b day most of the time he is there, so I feel better. Ever have something like this happen with your contacts? His advice, push it sideways to his nose, take a break for 1/2 and try again and put a cold compress on your eye for a while. Does this sound like something your dr. would tell you to do?
I've never heard of this before! What are 'hybrid' contacts? Is the problem unique to them? Tell you DS I hope he feels better soon.
I had this happen with a regular soft lens. After 45 minutes of trying to get it off, adding drops to the eyes to moisten them, etc., I sat down, drank a glass of water, trying to relax. I think drinking the water did it. I normally have chronic dry eyes. It re-hydrated my eyes and the lens popped out the next time I tried again.

Sounds like DS may have too dry eyes. Keep the lens lubricated with drops while he's wearing them. As long as he's not in pain while they are stuck to his eyes, but just a problem to get off, have him relax. It's not an immediate emergency, (although it seems like one at the time.)


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