A visit with young children


<font color=deeppink>I have to force myself to go
Jun 20, 2006
Hi Guys

Just wanted to know how people have got on visiting Disney wth toddlers.

We go in December for 6 days and our daughters will be just 4 and a week off 3 (sneaked in just before we had to pay extra! :rolleyes1 )

Right - well they are not the most toughest kids on the block and don't like loud noises or bangs and not too keen on the dark!

Is there still plenty to do because, allowing for travel, we'll be there for 4 1/2 days.

We're not planning to stay in the park all day. We'd hope to nip back for a nap for the girls and then stay out for the evening stuff (if not too tired) but I'm worried that we'll run out of things to do for that age group. :confused3

Obviously we can't run around the parks so we'll be slower but is there more than Peter Pan & Dumbo??

I think they'll be OK with the characters as we've been to see Noddy & friends and they weren't too frightened - they should have been - the costumes were terrible! :rotfl2:

Anyway - any advice greatly appreciated. I just paniced when I saw the thread asking if a 3 1/2 could go on BTM as I know there's no way we'll be going on that!
We have visited from DD being 9 months. Youngest DD has been to DLP for the last 4 years, with this being the first year of no visit.
As they are all different we have not done scary rides for some. Not done coaster rides for others.
They have all enjoyed the characters and the parades so we have never had a problem finding something that some or all liked.
Spending time doing some of the less theme park rides has an advantage that you spot lots of details.
I have been with my daughter when she has been 3 and 4 and find that there is plenty of stuff for her.

As you are going in December they will be all the Christmas directions which a lovely for young children. They can see father Christmas, there is a lovely winter wonderland show with Mickey which great for keeping young children entertained.
My daughter loves Dumbo and would ask to go on it many times a day, also she liked the carousel, tea cups, Its a Small world, she loves running around the Alice in wonderland maze.
You may find that they have their favourites which they will want to go on again and again.

Snow white can be a little scary for sensitive children and also Pirates of the caribbean, it really depends so the child. My daughter also went on BTM age 4 and loved it.
They'll probably want to go round on It's a Small World more than once!! ;) There is also the carousel, tea cups and, hopefully, Casey Jr, which is a child friendly roller coaster. And there's the Magic Carpets (which is just like Dumbo) in the Studios, plus Animagique. I'm sure there is more - I'm just thinking off the top of my head!!!

Honestly with young children, 4 1/2 days should be very relaxing. The time (for us) always seems to go amazingly quickly, and waiting in a few queues will help!! It's not just about the rides, you will all enjoy exploring everywhere - particularly round the Disneyland Park, where you will have time to take in all the details of the place. Go and have a look round the other hotels too. :thumbsup2
Erica was 2 1/2 on her first trip. She don't like big noises and darkness but she enjoyed the trip a lot.
First ride was Pinocchio and she didn't like at all. She was afraid and refused to ride any other dark-ride. But we had a lot of things to do in four days.

We stayed in november, with all the xmas decoration on, and it was perfect: no queus at all. We could enjoyed the atmosphere and restaurants as never!

She loved the shows, the parades, the characters and the swimming pool!
She could ride a lot of rides and loved Animagique (even it's very dark -but not scary dark ;) )

In four days we didn't have time to boring, for example we didn't have time to ride the train or to visit the castle gallery!

She loved the playground at Adventureland and to meet all the characters (didn't afraid at all, they are like big plushes)

Firts day we go back to the hotel for a nap and we go back and stayed to see Fantilusion but it was freezing! So next days, the best timetable to us was to stay at park until 6 (usually, she sleep from 3 to 5, but it was no difficult for Erica to stay awake at disneyland), go back for a little rest, swimming pool and relaxed dinner (ok, maybe spanish kids have another timetable :confused3 )

So don't worry and go!
We've been taking DD since she was 20 months!! She loved it then and we never run out of things to do!! Just getting autographs from all the various characters can take a morning before we've even got near a ride!! :lmao:

The Xmas celebrations are great as well. They can meet Father Xmas, there's the Xmas parade, Belle's Musical Medley, Fantillusion, The Enchanted Fairytale Ceremony (stunning!), Mickey's Winter Wonderland (ice show) and Mickey's Xmas show plus even more at the Studios!

Believe me - there's NO WAY you'll get bored or run out of things to do! :cool1:
When we go this december we are going with my sister, her boyfriend and my nephew...he will be about 21 months then.....hopefully everything goes smoothly.
There's 8 years difference between my children - 11 and 3 years old. So I'm hoping there will be enough that they'll both like.
We took DD a week before her 3rd birthday last year and enjoyed it so much we're going back this year.

Our DD is quite a sensitive wee soul and was not keen on the characters up close. She loved Animagique and the flying Carpets in the studios and strangely enough spent ages at the singing in the rain umbrella.

She loved It's a small world , the carousel and Casey Junior in Fanatasyland

She did find Peter Pan / Snow White and Pinocchio a little daunting as they were in the dark but seemd less scared on Pirates of the Carribean.

Just taking in the details takes time and you have a nice amount of time to appreciate it and go back (and back) to revisit favourites.

You'll have a lovely time I'm sure :cloud9:
Thanks everyone for your replies. Felling better now. I think I just want them to enjoy it so much I keep having little panic attacks :rotfl2:

I know hubby and I will love it but I don't want to push them to do anything they don't want so was worried I'd be spending 4 days on Dumbo!!!

Believe me, if they go on BTM the photos will be posted on here! :lmao:

Cheers guys
Don't take your kids on Armageddon, even though you can - I saw people wth tiny kids who were crying and terrified! You'll find loads to do - all of fanasyland is suitable for young kids, and my 5 year old also loved the Flying carpets of Agrabah and Cinemagique, and Buzz Lightyear of course! :)
oh i love cinamagique...
phantom manor is probably tame enough for most kids,
no loud noises and if you ride in the same doombuggy they might handle it...

I've been taking my lad since he was 12 months old, he been 4 times already and he only turns 4 next month!

He loves it, and there's plenty to do for him. It's quite funny to watch how his favourite rides change as he gets older, on all previous visits the fav has been IASW but this time he was leaning more towards POC (probably cos it's also Dads fav).

Also enjoys all the Fantasyland rides and Animagique.

I did get him on BTM in May and he enjoyed it but wasn't too keen to go on it again.

You'll all have a great time!

My children were the same age as yours the first time we went. There's lots for them to do, although our youngest DD was a little scared of the characters at first but by the end of the week was getting into the swing of things!

I agree Phantom Manor should be ok but if they're a little sensitive you might want to give them a big cuddle on the last bit of the ride.

My youngest did go on Armageddon (she might be scared of the characters but she loves the rides). She found it scary because it's so loud. However she was tall for her age and went on BTM several times!!

Christmas is definitely the best time to go - it's beautiful. Take a buggy or hire a stroller at the park because the little ones get so tired and it gives you somewhere to hang things.

Have a wonderful time!!
AnitaCB said:
Christmas is definitely the best time to go - it's beautiful. Take a buggy or hire a stroller at the park because the little ones get so tired and it gives you somewhere to hang things.
Good advice :)
hi this is baby amy im knew just wanted to know if you could give me any tips u seem great :love: :love:
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