A warning for Brits re the E111


<font color=deeppink>Compulsive planner<font color
May 25, 2004
We re did our E111 forms yesterday and are really glad that we did. The Post Mistress told us that from September 1st they are going to be charging for this service. :confused3 :confused3 I've no idea what they are going to be charging but anything is too much I think!

You need to have a new E111 for this year so I would suggest that if you are planning to renew - do it before September 1st.
Thanks for the heads up NIK, we were going to get them nearer to the trip but now I'll get them asap.Were they complicated to do? Do they cover for things holiday insurance does or are they completely different eg illness, you know the medical stuff etc.Puzzled Wifey.
I need to pick mine up today, thanks for the reminder!

Wifey - I might be wrong, but I think they just entitle you to have free medical treatment in emergencies in other European countries, like a reciprocal agreement with the NHS kind of thing? So they won't make you pay if you get rushed to hospital. But you do need to have holiday insurance as well.

But i might be wrong!!
I work for Inland Rev (used to be part of DSS a long time ago) & one of my colleagues used to work for 'International Services' who were the part of the DSS who dealt with these. Her opinion is 'it's not the endof the world if you haven't got one'. It's as missj171 said, you still need your insurance, but the E111 is kind of a 'belt & braces' approach. Also I think it might help if you've got an excess on your insurance.
Good thing is once you fill out the form you'll be given credit card sized card that lasts to 2008. Saves having to complete the forms every year :)

Isn't the E111 form being phased out, and replaced by a non-expiring card (Credit Card size)..
I knew we needed new ones since our last visit and I'd collected the form but no-one mentioned that there'd be a charge after 1/9 - thanks for the info Nik :)
Charging to stamp a piece of paper seems a little extreme, especially when the piece of paper is to allow you to get free (or reduced) medical attention in the EU and Switzerland - seems a bit counter-productive.
Iain Chapman said:
Isn't the E111 form being phased out, and replaced by a non-expiring card (Credit Card size)..
We got ours after filling out the form for the summer holidays. Arrived when we came home :rolleyes: with an expiry in 3 years time.

A BIG thank you for the heads up Nikki - I've filled in the forms, so I'm off to the Post Office on Tuesday!!!
Do we need one each or one per family?There is nothing on the Post Office website about charges for this service it says the forms are free?? :confused3 :confused3 Help please!!
wifey said:
Do we need one each or one per family?
We filled out two forms on the advice of PO staff. Kids were put on form but it was suggested that if say one of us was hospitalised then what about the other adult member.
We got credit sized cards for everyone.

I agree it's shocking to charge to stamp the form - that's all the PO do. The postmistress was a bit horrified herself.

I think you need one per person now. Apparently they ARE going to be sending out little cards which won't expire but why they have suddenly decided to charge for the blessed things I couldn't say. We'd been warned our old ones wouldn't be valid any more so we decided to do them both early even though we weren't planning any trips. Good job we did :teeth:
Many thanks Nik, rang Mandy from work and she put the forms in this morning.

DH went into the Post Office yesterday to get E111 ahead of the charges being made. Post mistress told DH that there is no charge. I rang this morning to check and sure enough there is no charge for the E111 in its own right, however if you want the post office to check your form ( like they can your passport) then like with that service in regards a passport they will charge for it - but only if you want them to check, not for stamping. So I am told that there is no hurry in terms of getting our E111
Hope this helps
You just put my mind at ease do you have to put NI numbers on the form for a child?Or just adults? :listen:
wifey said:
do you have to put NI numbers on the form for a child?Or just adults? :listen:

I put the lead name's NI number (me, in this case) down for both of the children. The lady at the PO didn't seem to have any problem with that!

Whether they start charging or not tomorrow, this thread me gave the kick up the backside I needed to get it sorted!! :teeth:
Whether they start charging or not tomorrow, this thread me gave the kick up the backside I needed to get it sorted!!
True :goodvibes
Got mine sorted today as well! I'm exhausted from the heat of just popping to the post office!

In case people are interested, you can download the e111 form from the Dept of Health website: http://www.dh.gov.uk/PolicyAndGuida...AAArticle/fs/en?CONTENT_ID=4053734&chk=OrP3lf

They gave me another form at the P.O. as well,but it only included the details I had already filled out on the application, so no need to take any extra documents with you.


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