ABC game of DLP resort

oops, sorry Sandra, I'll do x quickly before anyone else does!!!

x is for the Xmas parade!
WARE BEARS!! I was gonna say that!


X is for... took it out to use next time ;)

oh.. this is getting confuddling!

Y is for...
Ware Bears said:
I know, I'm very naughty aren't I, I pinched it from the earlier post! :lmao:

lol.. and FROM ME infact!! (do we have a sticking out it's tongue smilie?!?! :lmao: )
Ware Bears said:
We are gettin into a bit of a kerfuffle here :lmao: what has happened to Y and Z???

i just realised i missed 'em out... i deleated my *A*.... but can't think of anything for Y!
Neither can I .....OK this is cheating slightly but last time it was used for N

Y is for Hotel New York

:worship: Becks, I have edited my previous post so that noone else can pinch one of your ideas, although I am sure all of our Disers are much too honest to do that!!! :blush: :lmao:
h is for ...........happy(one of the dwarves!!!!)

shelliexxxx :love: :grouphug:

sorry i was to slow
can't think of i at the moment


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