ABCs of a Nursing School Grad Trip + FL Keys Mini Report;D is for: Dang! Last Chapter of this TR...

And THAT far behind already????!!!?!?!?!?!? :rotfl2:

Reading and worse, quoting, on the phone is hard. But so glad you're here! YAY for a computer tune up! I'm sure it'll make a world of difference.

Nope - took it down. :badpc: Spent a few weeks getting it back somewhat. Sigh...

"RESTING".... what is that?

Resting: The act of resisting the urge to bow to others' demands or self-inflicted feelings of guilt in not kowtowing to the tyranny of the to-do list (which will be there tomorrow). The act of restorative downtime meant to (and medically necessary) restore to body, mind and soul. That which prevents heart damage so you can continue to go to Disney and other fun trips with people you love.

Yup Sure need some of THAT!!!!!

Where's @GoofyFan1515 to make she's knows how to play it...? :rolleyes2:lmao:

Oh wait, on 2nd thought....


Love the Hallowishes updates. You did a great job of getting in the rides and the taking in the atmosphere.

As for V & A - looks so special and elegant. I guess if anyone could prepare an allergy free meal for it should be them but then again, usually don't do wines. Maybe someday but NOT 10 courses I will learn from you.. :goodvibes

The picture with the wee princess is great and the couples that invited you over is just amazing that you found a familial connection. :thumbsup2
OK, let's keep that info away from my wife shall we?

Oh, I can keep lots of secrets... ;)


Although she's never shown much interest in the cultural stuff, just the Disney merchandise and the outlet malls.

Yeah, totally NOT my thing. At all.

And I've purposely kept DD9 away from the Japan store because I know all the pop culture stuff in there that she would want, since she watches all that on YouTube. She can sit for hours watching people shop and unbox toys.

Oh, something else in common! My kids do the Anime thing too. Not quite the same as Japanese YouTube stuff, but yeah.... When they do the dishes they put on music from their various shows, which actually isn't that bad.

I would say it seems a silly thing to do, but then I spend plenty of time in a place where we could debate the merits of Dole whip vs. citrus swirl, so, you know, pot-kettle-black.

We all have our hobbies/vices/addictions whatever. Best to do your thing and live and let live. (Coming from someone who spends a fair amount online herself)

That's where I'd rather hang out. Especially Les Halles. I need my fat pants for that one.

Only for Les Halles? You're lucky! I need mine all the time.

Hmmm....sounds like me. Maybe great minds do think alike.

Yus! I have a great mind! ;)


Oh please, I don't think that's a real word. Who would do such a thing?


Indeed! WHO?!

I have to agree. It's a pretty sad little shop and just goes for the stereotypical gag gifts. Moose poop chocolates and over priced hockey jerseys, anyone? I don't know who is in charge of stocking that place, but they need to come up and visit a few genuine souvenir shops. The local ones we have here put it to shame.

Someday, maybe I'll make my way up to the Northern lands and check it out for myself. :) I went to a photography slideshow/pictorial TR a while back all about your neck of the woods. I'd LOVE to visit your Province with camera in hand.

Yes, just had the unveiling last week actually. If you're interested:

COOL! Thanks!

Well, I'm no expert, but since I lived in Scotland, I have some idea. Many years ago (hundreds I assume) England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland were separate countries. England, Scotland, and Wales came together and are known as Great Britain even today. The modern United Kingdom is England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Just don't ask me the politics behind it all.

Well, I'm impressed. You know more than I do by a long shot! So, Ireland NOT part of UK, but IS part of GB?

Paging @Paula Sedley-Burke ! @Flossbolna !
A little help?

Oh, were we on the same trip to Paris? What was that I said before about great minds....
I could have written that and feel the same way about Paris. I appreciate the architecture and culture (and pastries), but the people (overall) were enough to sour me on the place.

I think so. Did you step in dog poo? Get intentionally sent the wrong way to the Metro? Yeah. That place.
Nothing is complete without bacon.

It even makes a salad acceptable to eat.

I can support your other three points, but on this one, we'll just have to agree to disagree.

We've done that before. I'm okay with that.

I'm listening.

HEY YOU! Listen up there, Boy!

Brilliant! Get a margarita, by the time you drink it down to just the ice, you'll be halfway to Canada and ready to get another drink when you arrive!

Anyone with half a brain can figure this out. But I'll go with @Terra Nova guy 's estimation of my having a "great mind". ;)

And it's funny you should mention this... :rolleyes1:rolleyes1:rolleyes1

I thought the current national budget plan was to keep spending and print more money?

Yeah! That seems to be working (NOT at ALL very!) well! I feel so sorry for our kids.

What? Really? Why would they replace the ones they have already?

Good question!

Seems that way to me, but like you, I've never been in that part of the world to know any better.

Yeah, I'm anxious to hear what my "across the Pond" friends say.

I get it. I know a lot of people love a city in your part of the world. Specifically Portland. Based on my experience with some of the people there when I visited the city about 10 years ago, I have to say it is at the bottom of all the cities I've visited in this country for my desire to ever return.

But come to Oregon! Portland is NOT representative of the state as a whole. At ALL! The majority of our small towns have that "small town" vibe where everyone knows each other, people are courteous, etc....


Utter and complete.
And THAT far behind already????!!!?!?!?!?!? :rotfl2:

It happens to fast. I was caught up like... yesterday.

Nope - took it down. :badpc: Spent a few weeks getting it back somewhat. Sigh...

OH NO!! UGH!!!

As for V & A - looks so special and elegant. I guess if anyone could prepare an allergy free meal for it should be them but then again, usually don't do wines. Maybe someday but NOT 10 courses I will learn from you.. :goodvibes

You really don't have to get any wine at all. I"ve read several Dining Reports where they opted out as a personal choice altogether.

The picture with the wee princess is great and the couples that invited you over is just amazing that you found a familial connection. :thumbsup2

A great start, and just as fantastic and ending.
Well, I'm impressed. You know more than I do by a long shot! So, Ireland NOT part of UK, but IS part of GB?
Well, I believe that Ireland and Northern Ireland, despite making up the same large island, are separated, with Ireland being it's own country and Northern Ireland being part of the UK along with England, Scotland, and Wales. So no, I don't think Ireland is part of GB, just England, Scotland, and Wales (I think).

I went to a photography slideshow/pictorial TR a while back all about your neck of the woods. I'd LOVE to visit your Province with camera in hand.
How nice! Well, I would love to have you visit my province! Despite the weather which, admittedly, can be harsh at the best of times, I do think it's a pretty stunning place for natural beauty. Since I think you may be interested, I'm going to give you a link to a pretty impressive collection of pictures from our local news website.

I will also, begging the Queen's forgiveness, hijack your trip report with some more pictures of mine that I think are interesting. (I think I've said before that although I appreciate photography, I have little natural talent, so I can't say these are professional in their lighting, composition, etc.)

This first bunch are were taken last June at Cape Spear, Newfoundland, which happens to be the most easterly point of land in North America. It's about a 25 minute drive from my house. Several icebergs had grounded near the shore and made for a nice photo op. The first picture is youngest DD and I, the others are the icebergs, a nice mix of both tabular and pinnacle bergs. There's a tour boat near one berg to give you an idea of size. The bergs come down from the north every year between late May and early July. If you ever do visit, that's not a bad time of year.

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This last one is from a hike DD16 and I took last August, about 5K along a coastal trail. We ate lunch on these rocks and I thought it was a pretty impressive place to stop.

Southern Ireland is an independant country. It is not part of GB or UK.

Northern Ireland is part of the UK but not Great Britain. Great Britain is the actual land mass of our islamd England, Scotland and Wales. UK is a pollitical United Kingdom that includes Northern Ireland.

England use to own Southern Ireland at one time but it was given independance but Northern Ireland was never givrn such a state. A lot of people want a united Ireland that is Northern and Southern Ireland. That is what the IRA were fighting for. Don't go there...

Hope this helps...
It even makes a salad acceptable to eat.
Well, that's a stretch. It still takes the teamwork of bacon and ranch.

But come to Oregon! Portland is NOT representative of the state as a whole. At ALL! The majority of our small towns have that "small town" vibe where everyone knows each other, people are courteous, etc....
I spent about 3 weeks/year in rural Oregon/Washington/Idaho from about 2004-2008. I spent 1 week in Portland though and it was like, "nope, I've had enough of this place." Oregon is a beautiful state. I spent quite a bit of time working out of Pendleton and traveling to small towns within a couple of hours in all directions. I really enjoyed it and kind of wish it had been rodeo season. To give you an idea where I was when I came to the PNW somewhat regularly, the cities I usually set up as my base to work out of were Pendleton, Walla Walla, WA and Lewiston, ID. So I certainly don't paint the entire region with the same brush as Portland.

It just seems Portland typically has a good reputation and a lot of people love the city. I was there for a conference and had 2 co-workers get computers and other items stolen from their hotel rooms and witnessed a female co-worker get spit on by a drive by bicyclist as we were waiting for a train to take us back to our hotel after dinner. We were also treated like lepers at what ended up being a "locals" bar near the hotel. All in all, my experience in Portland was that it was a dirty city with a bunch of a-holes.

I did fly into Portland a few times and I loved the stretch of the drive that runs parallel to the Columbia River when I had to get to the eastern side of the state. Just beautiful.
Shopping update....blech! But I do appreciate it allowed me to catch back up quickly...... :rolleyes1 :thumbsup2

Blood Orange Marg, well something yummy from La Cava at least.....always a good thing! :goodvibes:dancer:
I don't mean to be a post butter-inner but I saw The Lion King at the STL Fox a few years ago and absolutely loved it! I've been dying to see it again. I think you & your son will really enjoy it!

He lives less than an hour from St Louis and buys season tickets to the Fox now, plus goes to a lot of the show that aren't part of the season. It looks gorgeous - I've never been
Southern Ireland is an independant country. It is not part of GB or UK.

Northern Ireland is part of the UK but not Great Britain. Great Britain is the actual land mass of our islamd England, Scotland and Wales. UK is a pollitical United Kingdom that includes Northern Ireland.

England use to own Southern Ireland at one time but it was given independance but Northern Ireland was never givrn such a state. A lot of people want a united Ireland that is Northern and Southern Ireland. That is what the IRA were fighting for. Don't go there...

Hope this helps...

Thanks Polly! @Steppesister was calling on me I guess as the long time resident European... But you are ultimately fare more qualified than me to answer questions about the UK!

I just wanted to add that one of the "neat" facts about the UK is that its flag, the Union Jack, is actually a combination of the symbols for the patron saints for England (St George), Scotland (St Andrew) and Ireland (St Patrick). They left out poor little Wales. But now Wales has the most amazing flag with a red dragon that is really cool!
Oh my gosh, I loved your V & A update!

I mean how many times in my life will I drop almost $350 on dinner for one?

I think that's the perfect gift for yourself after graduating. You certainly deserved a reward for going through all that work.

I was TOTALLY okay with that. I have done many solo vacations and have spent a lot of time by myself just doing my thing, and I am truly, completely comfortable in my own company.

I feel like a lot of people don't give solo time a fair shot. There's something to be said about eating alone and having time to think. And as a parent now...well that time in invaluable!

You know what made it even better? I found yet one more reason to wear my tiara. Who doesn’t love a tiara?

The perfect accessory for a Disney dinner!

that they were locals and did formal castle shots each year.

It is no doubt my favorite photo of the entire trip.

Man, that's some impressive Christmas cards. How sweet, though. You two had to be the most fabulous people on the monorail that night.

Before 1971, the terms Naturwein (natural wine) orNatuerrein (naturally pure) were used in place of Kabinett. These terms designated non-chaptalized wine, where no other designations, such asSpätleseorAuslese, applied

I love how Sharon helped you with your alphabet challenge. And since I live in Germany now, I've actually heard of Naturwein!

Got lost trying to find my table again.

Oh no! At least someone was able to help you back to your table. In your defense, there were probably a lot of rooms and a lot of tables, and when you don't instinctively think to remember your path when you leave a room.

I confessed I was a bit, and without another word she appeared with a silk pashmina and gently wrapped it around my shoulders.

Whoa, that is amazing.

It is prepared using a vacuum method and hard to describe. Best just to see it yourself. Suffice to say, it’s a pretty cool show and quite mesmorizing.

Again, wow! I have never seen that before, but it looks interesting.

I turned to the first gentleman and he exclaimed (a bit loudly in heavy brogue), “I blimey just invited the family to dinner!”

What a turn of events. From meeting another "princess" on the monorail to all that amazing food to finishing your meal with some new Scottish friends, you had a night to remember. And it was the things that you could never predict or plan for that seemed to make it extra special.
Thanks Polly! @Steppesister was calling on me I guess as the long time resident European... But you are ultimately fare more qualified than me to answer questions about the UK!

I just wanted to add that one of the "neat" facts about the UK is that its flag, the Union Jack, is actually a combination of the symbols for the patron saints for England (St George), Scotland (St Andrew) and Ireland (St Patrick). They left out poor little Wales. But now Wales has the most amazing flag with a red dragon that is really cool!

Yes has been an issue with the welsh omission re the dragon and I do think needs correcting. Wales is a lovely country, scenic, charming people we need it included! It is important in the UK.
Just as no cheeseburger is complete without bacon

Truth. ::yes::

no Disney trip is complete without a Shop-Around-the-World. It’s just not done.

Wait, what? Does this mean I've never really taken a Disney trip?

(Unless you are @Captain_Oblivious and can’t see past the bakeries.)

Whew. I'm glad there was a caveat in there.

Also, truth. ::yes::

Steppe does not shop.

It’s not enjoyable and almost ALWAYS, when done, is done with a very specific goal or reason in mind; I don’t go out on shopping trips for merely the sake of browsing.

Ah, the hunt-and-kill method. We could make you an honorary DIS Dad!:thumbsup2

Canada is… ummm, limited in the way of stuff to buy and choose from. Sorry, my Canadian friends; no reflection on you, unless in general there is a lack of stuff up there? All Beaver Butt soap jokes aside, what is it that you’re promoting and showcasing for export and tourist consumption?'s Beaver Butt! And Ferret Farts! How could you pass that up??

30 minutes. 2 items down! See? Even the men might find this a fun challenge.


You’re right never mind. (Still contemplating on how to throw in an interlude of exploding helicopters so I don’t lose half of my audience in one chapter.)


That's a great shot, right there.

Hey, we can make them honorary DIS Dads! :rotfl2:

GAH! I found, and left with….


Don't feel bad. I do that all the time.

The one letter I didn't guess. Why must you torment me so!
no Disney trip is complete without a Shop-Around-the-World. It’s just not done.

Well it would appear the I have never completed a Disney trip. :p

it gets you into the shops that you may not otherwise actually get into.

I'm not sure that there are any shops we've not been in. :rolleyes1

It’s not enjoyable and almost ALWAYS, when done, is done with a very specific goal or reason in mind;

That's pretty much how I am. I have a list or something specific I'm looking for.

I don’t go out on shopping trips for merely the sake of browsing.

That would be Fran. "Can we just ride through the such and such store?" Usually it the ones with artwork and figures. I prefer the clothing and jewelry stores, but then there's not a lot new that interests me....

Get in, get out, and move on. Under $10 was my limit, small, trinket-sized items were required

I have enough trinkety things laying around cluttering up my house. I only buy things that are "special" or "speak to me".

The proper way is to go counterclockwise.

:scratchin I always though the proper way to go was what took you to your destination. :laughing:

Because nothing says, “Let’s get this party rolling!” than a Blood Orange Margarita hecho en Mexico!

I used to love the margarita stand. I hope the new outdoor bar serves that purpose. It's too much work for us to go all the way inside the Pavillion unless we're stopping for a while. ie La Cava or San Angel Inn.

no more Canadian cra…errr… souvenir.

We use the words "precious items".

I, honestly am sadly extremely lacking in knowledge and education as to exactly HOW the UK, Great Britain, and each country therein are connected and related politically and socially.

Well thanks to all our friends across the pond for clearing that up! I only know that the Scots fought against the English (and lost) to restore Bonny Prince Charles as the rightful King. I know this from reading Outlander!

30 minutes. 2 items down! See? Even the men might find this a fun challenge.


No. I'd rather hit up two food booths! :lmao:

I found, and left with….



I’ll leave off here, but on this day of shopping around the world, there are still 3 more Pavilions to get to. So stay tuned!

I reread this and now it makes more sense. I thought meant there were only thtee more Pavilions to go, but you mean three more in today's story.
Just as no cheeseburger is complete without bacon

Nah. I can leave off the bacon. In fact I prefer it without. Gets in the way.

Now chilli.... beef chilli, not bean :crazy2: that should be on.

or no Nursing School Graduation is complete without a near nervous breakdown

awwww... poor li'l queen.

or no home remodel project is complete without significant cost overruns,

Try building one from scratch.

Not only does it get you all the way around the Showcase, but it gets you into the shops that you may not otherwise actually get into.

Hmmmm..... maybe... maybe....

the Pavilions offer a nice variety of authentic junk that no one really needs….

It would be nice if they actually stocked stuff you did need.

And some of it’s actually not even made in China.

The Chinese pavilion is going to be a major disappointment.

Steppe does not shop.

I think I like you.

(I mean I couldn’t very well take Sven home with me, but a girl can always dream, no?),

Well, if you've got your heart set on Sven, you can just come up here.
Of course we call them caribou and not reindeer here, but it's the same animal.

Hmm.... I've eaten caribou (which is amazing, by the way.) I wonder if I ate one of Sven's relatives... Hm....

Anyway, if you want to take Sven home with you, instead of a massive reindeer, might I suggest a hamster instead? Less clean up.

I am… a little unconventional

You don't say. :rolleyes1

The proper way is to go counterclockwise.

Of course it is. Everyone knows that.

a Blood Orange Margarita

mmmmm... that sounds good!

And... I may have had one. I really don't remember which margs I ordered!

While some sashay, I prefer to saunter, generally speaking.

You're doing it wrong.

Today was a beat cheeks sort occasion.

:laughing: I have a picture in my mind that I can't say on a family board.

A Halloween party to get to by 5:00!

You're going to do all of WS and then go to MNSSHP????

While not her favorite country’s pavilion

Okay... I'll bite.
What is your favourite country's pavilion?

But, it wasn’t a healthy dose of nostalgia Steppe was seeking; it was a healthy dose of tequila so she could take a little mini fiesta with her while she shopped. Olé!!!!!

But how could you shop with it if you finished it before the first shop??
Not even at France yet and... no drink.

It must be noted here that this was the ONE and only time that The Ditch was not overrun with riff-raff trying to enjoy the space.

Ah. So that qualifies me as riff-raff....

Yeah, pretty accurate.

Now, I suppose you thought Steppe should do the logical thing and shop a bit for Souvenir #1. If you did, you’d be wrong.

Nope. I actually didn't think you would.

So, with refreshing beverage in hand (sorry, photo fail on this one!), out into the warm and beautiful Florida sunshine she set out to get her shop on. Next stop Canada!

Uh, huh. How long did you have that drink in hand??

Bear in mind, however, they are royal opinions, so unless you too don a tiara, please pipe down, nod your head, and just follow along, okay?

::yes:: Yes your highness.

Canada is… ummm, limited in the way of stuff to buy and choose from. Sorry, my Canadian friends; no reflection on you, unless in general there is a lack of stuff up there?

No offense taken. I have no idea who stocks that place... my best bet is it's someone who's never been to Canada. What is all that crap?

All Beaver Butt soap jokes aside, what is it that you’re promoting and showcasing for export and tourist consumption?

Maybe we're trying to keep the riff-raff from La Cava out.

Remember, while Steppe is a royal, her financial situation looks more like the current national budget plan.

HOLY CRAP!!!!!! Your financial situation lets you spend 4 trillion dollars!?!?!?!?!?!?


Wow. No offense but.... you could do so much better up here.

(Just pretend those few steps on concrete was crossing an ocean.)

Sure. Makes total sense. Last few times I crossed the pond, I didn't get my feet wet. Must be concrete.

I, honestly am sadly extremely lacking in knowledge and education as to exactly HOW the UK, Great Britain, and each country therein are connected and related politically and socially. It’s something I really should study up on a bit so as to fill this hole in my understanding.

I too. I did actually look it up once... but.... that's gone now.

Actually... as useless junk goes... I kinda like that.

I wonder if they train their CMs on how to pose for photos.

Even the men might find this a fun challenge.

Um..... :rolleyes2

(Still contemplating on how to throw in an interlude of exploding helicopters so I don’t lose half of my audience in one chapter.)

Now you're talking!

Someday…. Provence I will have you.

Ah... Provence... I would love to. Really, the only part of France I've done (twice) is Paris.

See how easy it is to cross the canal?

Easier than a Channel.

That right there is an awesome photo. Never even noticed it before.
Really nice, Liesa.

As you can see my kids were really going the distance! Phew! Look at THAT, would ya? Doing Disney like pros. (I see crashing and burning during Hallowishes...)

:laughing: They look so done!

I HATED Paris. I know many of you are in love with it and its people, I am not one. The people were rude, and in one case, MEAN to my family and I, the streets were filthy, it was difficult to navigate, and horrifically expensive, meh.

I'm sorry you had that experience.
We had a wonderful time.
The people were so friendly and courteous. I never noticed any dirt in the streets, never got lost using subways or busses and didn't find it that pricey.

But... I'm curious. "Mean to my family". Are you referring to being deliberately sent to the wrong place some time?

I found, and left with….


Too bad.

This seems to be the shot that everyone gets!

Well, I only regurgitated. The other ladies can school you a LOT more. See Below...

Nah. I already forgot what you told me!

You would too. And if you did, I'd have to seriously think about retracting my prior comment.

What if I let you drive it?
Well, I believe that Ireland and Northern Ireland, despite making up the same large island, are separated, with Ireland being it's own country and Northern Ireland being part of the UK along with England, Scotland, and Wales. So no, I don't think Ireland is part of GB, just England, Scotland, and Wales (I think).

That was my understanding as well, and the complete extent of it too. No idea WHY S. Ireland broke off. Something else that I've been wondering about since I've gotton to be friends with a few more Canadians, is how/what your relationship with the British Monarch is. Merely symbolic to the extent that GB is as well? Just a hat tip at times for posterity's sake? Are some parts more attached (as in NONE of the French areas at all?)

How nice! Well, I would love to have you visit my province! Despite the weather which, admittedly, can be harsh at the best of times, I do think it's a pretty stunning place for natural beauty. Since I think you may be interested, I'm going to give you a link to a pretty impressive collection of pictures from our local news website.

I may just take you up on that sometime. First Guam and W. Africa. But, YES, it will definitely be summer when it does happen. This lady despises cold.

Those photos are AMAZING! Thanks for that!

I will also, begging the Queen's forgiveness, hijack your trip report with some more pictures of mine that I think are interesting. (I think I've said before that although I appreciate photography, I have little natural talent, so I can't say these are professional in their lighting, composition, etc.)

Never called hijacking here. Nope. Just friends sharing what they love and having fun together. :)

The bergs come down from the north every year between late May and early July. If you ever do visit, that's not a bad time of year.

So, ok, that's when I should get up that way. I see a t-shirt on in this photo VV, so I assume it gets somewhat warm. Although for a Canadian, that may mean all the way up to 62 F- still UNBEARABLY cold for a PNWer.


But this. Just this! :lovestruc
Southern Ireland is an independant country. It is not part of GB or UK.

Northern Ireland is part of the UK but not Great Britain. Great Britain is the actual land mass of our islamd England, Scotland and Wales. UK is a pollitical United Kingdom that includes Northern Ireland.

England use to own Southern Ireland at one time but it was given independance but Northern Ireland was never givrn such a state. A lot of people want a united Ireland that is Northern and Southern Ireland. That is what the IRA were fighting for. Don't go there...

Hope this helps...

Do you know WHY the Irish split? Did they ask? Was there a unamiable split?

It was very helpful! Thank you so much!
That was my understanding as well, and the complete extent of it too. No idea WHY S. Ireland broke off. Something else that I've been wondering about since I've gotton to be friends with a few more Canadians, is how/what your relationship with the British Monarch is. Merely symbolic to the extent that GB is as well? Just a hat tip at times for posterity's sake? Are some parts more attached (as in NONE of the French areas at all?)


Ireland: Catholic
England: Protestant (Anglican Church)

To be very simplistic: England treated Ireland like a colony, the colony wanted to be independent. Since in the Northern part there was a substantial Protestant population, they stayed with the UK, the rest was set free. This is a very bloody history. Some Irish people did not approve of the North being still ruled by the UK and formed a terrorist group (or freedom fighters - depending on whose side you are on), the IRA, that caused a lot of mayhem. Not only in Northern Ireland, but also in the UK. I remember the City of London being a special target. That's why when I did an internship there in the 1990s we not only learned how to react to a fire alarm, but also to a bomb alarm. Yes, 20 years ago that was already part of daily life in London.

Actually, it was in the late 90s that things got better. There was an agreement in 1998 called the Good Friday Agreement which started a lasting peace process. This was not without its ups and downs, but at least things look much better there now than 40 years ago.

Also, this whole issue is another one of those that make Brexit so difficult. The Republic of Ireland and the UK currently are both EU members, so a lot of cross boarder issues are now dealt within that context. Once the UK leaves, the Republic of Ireland will be bound by whatever agreements there are made between the EU and the UK (that is part of the EU, you give up power to the EU for those kind of deals about trade so that you can use the collective power of all the EU member states to get a better deal than every country individually - at least this is the theory, if it works in practice is something that is being debated, see Brexit). For example, now it is easy to live on one side of the boarder and work on the other. How this will work out after Brexit is totally up in the air at the moment.
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