ABCs of a Nursing School Grad Trip + FL Keys Mini Report;D is for: Dang! Last Chapter of this TR...

<Rolls up sleeves.... back to work.>

J is for: Just a Little Jig

With plenty of time wasted after hearing, “Welcome Home!”, baggage ridiculousness, the Premiere of the Incredible Children’s Disappearing Act, Scene I, and the debut of Let’s Waste Time,

I dunno.... I'm kinda okay with that middle one.

and approached the podium at 5:59. That was cutting it WAY too close.

Some people would call that "prompt"

I was in a (more than usual) pushy mood

Got it. Liesa's normally pushy.

I had time to grab Drink Letter A (my Air Pirate Mule) from Jock Lindsay’s

One of the places that's quite high on my list.

For those of you who’ve been to Raglan, please feel free to absolutely disregard this post. For those of you who haven’t…WHY haven’t you?! Shame on you!!! You’ve been missing out!

Okay! I'm sorry! It's on the freakin' list!!!

You really can be pushy.

We were handed our cute little heart attack-inducing pager device

Nah. Those are defibrillators.

I had only just ordered my Mule when, as you already know from my DTD Chapter, I was flashed.

Alright! Wait... I'm assuming since it's Disney, he was a good looking guy at least?

If they tell you it’s going to be half an hour, it will be far less, and you’ll be knee deep into something else. If they say it’ll be 5 minutes, I can guarantee you it’ll be 45. And yes, it did happen, but that’s getting ahead of myself.

I keep telling you, I'm behind, so it really doesn't matter how far ahead of you, you get.

With drink in hand, (yes, I did waltz into the place with a drink from somewhere else

Well, technically, you walked from one Disney establishment to another.
Want to impress me? Walk out of Jock Lindsey's and then take public transit to downtown Orlando.
Now you're talkin'!

we 3 were seated in the PRIMO HOUSE SEAT!!! A 3 Topper Bistro just up off the main stage seating area. Just raised enough to see over the heads of those seated… down there.

Major score!!! Nice!

Noisy... but nice shot of three happy vacationers.

Except that I’m an anal planner

How much do you have to plan for that?



I was here for sausages.

Yes... I presume that's part of the planning...


I was here for sausages. And mashed potatoes. Because mashed potatoes.

All of the above actually. Okay. You sold me. I gotta go there.

It was plenty for all of us to share 3 ways.

First the planning and now this????

Really. This is a family board you know.

there was no small amount of, “WOW, Mom! This is amazing!”

:goodvibes Makes it all worthwhile, doesn't it?

Now, enjoy the photos

I did! You really outdid yourself with those, Liesa.

I see you weren't the only one getting flashed at Disney. He certainly seems to be enjoying "the show".

Then again, if you don’t like mashed potatoes and sausages and Irish Dancing, you should probably re-examine your life.

Irish Dancing I can take or leave. But the rest? ::yes::

So I only have to re-examine 1/3 of my life. Not too shabby.
I'm getting there!
K is for: Karibuni Harambe!!!!

“Karibuni!!!!”, squawked Shofana. “Welcome to the Kilimanjaro Safaris! I am your host; your bird host."

Sounds vaguely familiar.... They should use that line on a ride, or something.

get a firsthand peep, I mean, peek, into the personal circles of their lives.


I won’t tell you to fasten your seatbelts because there aren’t any; regardless, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.”

Isn't this illegal?

Nice shot. Then I wondered. Was the bird standing like that with its wings spread?

the African Wild Dogs. They are native to sub-Saharan Africa and have one unique quality that makes them stand apart from all other dog species- their young are allowed to feed before the adults.

Huh! And... your shots of them are sooooo much better than mine!
Maybe it pays to pay for guided tours!

Let’s take a listen to what Wild Dog Family is discussing today, shall we?”

If they were my dogs it'd be "Food? Food? Food? Food? Where's the ball? Food? Food? Food?...."

“Yeah, but you know Flo, it is Florida and this humidity is killing me too.”

I never want to be named Flo and live in Florida.

“No, Flo, that’s from last night’s carcass. His kids got to it before he did and now he is drooling like a human father after the last piece of bacon is snatched out from under his nose by his teenage son.”

So basically, he needed a bucket for all the drool. Got it.

“Ahhh, there she is, the Queen of the Nile.

I would doubt that too.

Oh.... you said "the Nile", not "denial"... sorry.

I'm here all week. Try the veal... which we'll probably see a picture of soon...

And although she is just as lovely, I don’t mean Elizabeth Taylor.

I wonder how many people caught that?


or maybe her moldy tongue

Hah! I knew it! Moldy tongue? Obviously not real.

“Now, here’s an interesting creature! The Africa Bongo.

Now I'm wondering..... Was that animal's skin used to make Bongoes... hence the name? Or just a coincidence?

Bill and his buddies hope to erase the stigma of Wednesday Poker Nights and are doing their best to assure the girls everything is kept clean and respectable.

So this is a work of fiction, then.

Here he is now, telling his buddy Randy, the Common Eland, ... to bring the extra 6 pack and his favorite cigars that his wife Rhonda doesn’t know about.”

Said with élan obviously.
Perhaps panache, too.

She's at a Lula Roe party this Wednesday with his credit card."

Yeah... Had to Google Lula Roe.

It was Myrtle’s husband wondering about the temperature on the riverbank. He was only 20 yards away, but couldn’t seem to check for himself. We see this behavior in a variety of species in the animal kingdom, don’t we ladies?

Hey! I resent... I mean, that's....

Yeah, okay. This is a truism.

But we're tired from being stressed out because our wives have our credit cards.


You can see Big Daddy and El Chapo Gordo have taken “Cash Cow” to whole new levels. They launder the income well through their parent corporation guised as Disney package discounts that… aren’t.”

:sad2: An unfortunate reality.

Nice shot!

Doesn’t matter whose wash or water hole they’re trampling, and they have even been known to run down famous cinematic lion kings, so it’s best to just steer clear and set your spike strips if you’ve got ‘em.”

Oh, sure. When the lion kills some poor helpless wildebeest, it's "the circle of life". But when the tables are turned... it's a tragedy.

I like the effects you did on that one. Very smart. And very nice.

The guides cooked us up an incredible meal of… this and that (no animals were hurt in the making of chapter)

So it was a vegetarian meal, then?
Otherwise, I'm calling "Lies!!!"

The animal party was just getting going, but sadly, our group would not be invited to those kinds of shenanigans.

No, of course not. You like to plan those sort of things out.

Workin', workin', workin'....

K is for Karibuni Harambe; pt. 2

This looks vaguely familiar.

Rested and refreshed, the safari goers rose with the African sun. It was already hot on the grasslands, but this did not stop their enthusiasm. They were quite eager to load their gear into the jeeps and set out again hoping to catch some of the drama that pervades the animal world on the African Savanna.

So... at the end of this chapter, you had lunch.
How much is creative licence vs what actually happened.
Did you have a snack during the tour and then lunch afterwards? Or during? Or?

we can also see the daughter rolling her eyes and smirking, as the mother tries in vain to correct the misguided behavior.”

Universal trait.

Looks like one of your photos didn't load.

Wow! Great shot!

Hey Chloe, I heard there’s a truck of tourons

"tourons" Wonderful word! I like it. Did you make it up? It's perfect.

Remember that time this one group came through in 2001 and this kid named Michaela held out those bananas to you?”

I've seen that story... hilarious!

we next stumbled upon a flamboyance of flamingoes. Yes, they really are called that- a flamboyance.

Seems appropriate. And did not know that. Knew about the shrimp, though.

We’ve already heard about her in other writings (see @pkondz ’s TR), and the verdict is still out on exactly how many boyfriends she really has

She still hasn't said. We keep in touch.

here is a photo that her husband got through the PI

Her husband??????

Uh, oh.

My guess is still one boyfriend, as a good boyfriend will always treat his lady as if she’s the only thing in the world that matters. Well, that’s what I’d think if I were a rhino anyway, so who am I to know?

Rhino's are smart.

Time for a lunch break!! Shofana offered us a choice between under this fake baobab tree for a spell:

or beside this waterfall:

As much as that waterfall looks like an amazing spot for lunch... cooling too with the flowing water....
How many times do you get to sit under a baobab tree?

The group wisely chose the shadier spot by the waterfall to rest our weary cameras….

Yeah, okay. It is nice.

:lmao: Absolutely priceless!
Keep on truckin'

After we rested and finished our lunches of Beef Mafe and Chicken Yassa

No animals hurt indeed!

(see recipes below, our family eats these pretty regularly)

Oh? Interesting. That good, huh?

Whoa.... deja vu.

We bounced over the rough dirt track that snaked through the tall savanna (no H- you're welcome @glennbo123 )

So.... What you're saying is... Glenn told you to get the H out.

Behold, the King of the Pride- lion around as usual.


Pablo was fairly fit, but like many middle-aged men, had a low T issue that he was seeing Dr. Jones for on the side. If you look very, very closely the TV remote is setting just beside him as he snoozes on his couch after a long day of work. Weary from listening to all of his female co-workers rant about their spouses around the watering hole during his 8 hour shift, he came home in serious need of a nap.

Well..... this is pretty accurate actually.
Remind me to tell you of the time.....


Poor baby, he desperately wished his lady would bring him a beer and rub his feet.

Hah! You obviously haven't seen my household.

"Rub his feet."


I won't comment on all of them, but you got some really spectacular shots of the lions.... heck, all the animals.

She gave them baths, which took hours (have you ever tried to bathe your children with a washcloth the size of a tongue?),

Actually... yes I have.

and marked the entire property perimeter to make sure it was in tip-top shape for visitors.

:laughing: I just had a mental image of DW walking around the house, peeing in all the corners.

Occasionally, she would glance up at Pablo and roll her eyes.

Another universal truism.

The trash needed taking out, dinner needed serving, and the kids were still running amok, but she knew Pablo would only rouse to the sound of his own snoring startling him.

Uh, huh.....

Does Mike have it easy in your house by any chance?
Naps..... I would love to take a nap once in a blue moon.

time to herself filled with fantasies of a vacation filled with pampering and relaxation.

And? Did you get "pampering and relaxation" on your vacation? I suspect not! Betting you did a lot of running around.

The Zebra.

"dark meat, light meat, dark meat, light meat, dark meat, light meat, dark meat, light meat..."

But she really loved her new eyelash extensions- they were truly the envy of all the other girls in the herd.



Next week, she's getting some of that facial hair taken care of with some laser hair removal.

I wasn't going to say anything... but... yeah... she could use a little.

Butt, the work that Bibi was most excited about was the recent Smart Lipo sculpting work she had done on her derriere.


I never knew zebras laid eggs.


Bibi worked for the ostrich family doing some occasional babysitting. With their heads in the sand most of the time, they needed someone to watch over their young.

Did you ever believe they did that? I know a lot of kids when I was younger, who did.

1tablespoon maggi seasoning sauce (or Maggi cubes and water or soy sauce) (optional)

What is that? Where could I find it?

Lurkers! JOIN THE CONVERSATION. We'd love to meet you!

I'm trying!!! Sheesh.
Slave driver.
Getting there!

L is for Let's Celebrate with Steppe- The Prelude

Once upon a time, there was a little girl....

I've seen you. You're still little.
Both ways.

But this young girl lacked a few emotional tools and became homesick.

This is more common than you'd think. Not surprised.

That sealed the deal; it closed the door for over 2 decades in pursuing a career in the medical field, her first love


You can Google Qyzylorda, Kazakhstan should you care to.

I did. And you're right. Middle of nowhere.

VERY close friend #1- Has belly pain. Goes to hospital. Gets strapped down to table, sliced open and has gall bladder removed with NOWHERE near enough anesthesia. She remembers ALL of it. We visit. She is the color of a minion who's eaten too many carrots- they nicked her common duct. She nearly died.

Holy crap!

Close friend #2- Goes to hospital (the place everyone knows you go to die) for belly pain. Gets strapped down on table and receives NO anesthesia. They slice her open and take out her appendix with NOTHING, not even a shot of vodka.

:scared: Are you flippin' kidding me!?!?!?!?

Close friend #3- Has Type 1 diabetes. They have NO glucometers, and only limited insulin, and zero diabetic counseling. He died of a gangrenous leg after an amputation.

I'm sorry to hear that, Liesa. :hug:

Now, all of that really wasn't to depress you.

Too late!

this now mature woman (ok, ok, fine, at-times-mature woman)


<Studiously avoids commenting.>

So, she took the plunge; she signed up for her very first college class in over 20 years.

I'm very impressed.

She walked into her first class and was surrounded by 18 year-olds, and more important questions started haunting her: Could she still wear Abercrombie and pull it off?


Guess what? She got an A. And then another, and then another. And before she knew it was time to apply to the School of Nursing.

And she didn't get in.

What???? Why??

And that job she got that year, was by far the coolest job on the planet at the time. This was the project she worked on, and if you'd like details of what she did, she can share.

You're right. That is really cool.

Of the original 56 students, 31 of them graduated.

Try ATC. Of my original ATC class of 60 or so... we actually had more succeed than normal... two graduated. Usually it's one... or zero.

That''s worth a celebration, is it not??


And... thank you so much for sharing that story with us! It was a very nice insight into who Liesa is.
so close.....

L is for: Let's Celebrate with Steppe!- Pt. 1

I don't know about you, but when I think of celebrating, great food, tasty cocktails, amazing friends, and top notch entertainment all come to mind.

That sounds like a pretty comprehensive celebratory list. :)

Join me now for Steppe's Graduation Celebration Evening Out!


After a fun-filled day at the Studios, which I'll get to at some point on this TR, we headed over to the Boardwalk via Friendship where we'd planned months before to meet with Pat (@Poolrat ), Marv (@GoofyFan1515 ), and Tanya (@mom3sonstt )- a hugely fun crowd, as you will see...

Still a bit miffed that I missed this.

Then again... Maybe it's for the best. 2 out of the four DISers I met are no longer on the boards.
You could've been one of them!

As we entered the lobby of the Boardwalk, I briefly started to regret not choosing this resort over AK, but only briefly. It's gorgeous, to say the least, but AK was worth every minute of our stay there.

Future planning are we?


we knew that the others were already at the AbracadaBar

This place is on my "want to go to" list. Just sounds cool.

It wasn't long before we scored an outdoor table facing the Boardwalk. To say it was ABSOLUTELY PERFECT is a massive understatement.

Now this I don't get. I want to be inside to see what's in there.
Why did you pick an outdoor table? Because of the weather?

Love that.

I was on Letter 'J', so went with a Jack and Ginger. Which was strong and delicious. Mikki got an Old Fashioned that was hella strong, and I think I finished about 1/2 of it as well.):

And you still remembered!

Every Celebration deserves a party hat. So I made one.

I remember voting for that one.

I decorated it, then air brushed it,

I'm impressed that you a. have an airbrush and b. know how to use it.

I have neither. device or skill.

Once upon a time, a recent Nursing Graduate forgot to turn her paperwork in to walk her Grad Ceremony. The end.

You have got to be kidding!!! All that work... and you forgot?????

It's pretty cool, as the drink arrives purple and when the syrup is added tableside, it turns pink, as you see here.

Meh. I do that too.

It's called Cool-aid.


The Boardwalk is a magical place at night, definitely one I could get used to spending time at.

I saw it once, briefly, at night (from the boat).
It really looks pretty at night.

Some day I'd like to spend a bit more time there, exploring.

I'm slowly, slowly whittling down my long list of Disney restaurants that I want to try; each trip makes a small dent.

I haven't bothered with a list. I don't know if I'll ever get there enough to try that many.

I chose The Flying Fish because I don't really cook fish at home a whole ton

Hmmm... I might be tempted for just that reason.

A side discussion I'd love to have with you: What's the one place that's at the top of your Not-Yet-Tried-At-Disney List? I'm very curious what it is and WHY you haven't been there yet?

No list. I had a couple, but managed to do them (Le Cellier, 50s). If I go again (I should say "when") I'll think about it then.

At 8:00 we were seated. Great. Thank you very much. It was my party, so I couldn't be too terribly hacked off, but I was annoyed.

So would I. 40 minutes is a bit much.

I mean what party is complete without CLOWNS?!?!

A good one.

I do know that chair.

Stuff of nightmares.
Last one on your table of contents.... I'll have to hunt for the rest.

L is for: Let's Celebrate with Steppe- Pt. 2 (Dinner at the Flying Fish)

Not a great start to a signature meal.

And certainly not what you'd expect from one.

but when we were seated.... right in front of the Show Kitchen, we knew we were in for a special evening.

Well.... That does make up for quite a bit.

It was so close, in fact, that we could feel the heat of the flambe and hear the discussions between the saucier and poissonnier.

Niiiiice. That's where I'd want to be. Love watching chefs in their element.

(Spare me your jokes about "The Poisoner".)

Too bad. I had a really, really good one. Now you'll never know.

The host was quite attentive

And apologetic?

Very soon, the manager and our waiter, Mohcine, made their way to our table as well.

To apologize?

In fact, the manager himself congratulated me on my graduation, and offered to take a photo from INSIDE the Kitchen of our happy group:


6 cultured and refined looking folks.

this was a BIG celebration dinner for me and there was no WAY it would be without a glass of champagne

Absolutely! You earned that bubbly!

And to also flair to the function, I donned my Graduation Cap. May as well throw on the Honors Cords as well, yes?

::yes:: You bet! You have to!

Great shot of you. Snap or portrait.

All of us together:


All the cultured and refined folk. Got it.

Hanging over the long and narrow dining room were several large glass sculptures of what appeared to be blown bubbles. Definitely nice lighting features for the fish-themed eatery.

Great idea!
Pretty close to what we have hanging in our dining room.
(Not as many, but... similar idea.)

I know I can't remember jack diddly so save my receipts from my trips. (Go ahead... ask me if I still have them from my trip in 2010.)

Do you still have your receipts from your trip in 2010?

(Please excuse the crappy photo. I assure you, it had nothing to do with champagne being imbibed.)

Can your tablemates corroborate this?

Say Cheese! $18 of cheese at Disney looks like this:


Not bad! I assume everyone got a similar plate, right?



Love me some cheese. Given my waistline, that is obvious.


ETA: She just walked in from work and she said: "Oh that fancy place? Yeah, that place sucked; the portions were TINY and there were no carbs at all on my plate!!!" She is right about the portion sizes!

So... not quite clear, here. Not a fan?

(even though we eat salmon pretty regularly (about once a month) here at home)

Same here! Pretty regularly about once a year or 20.

I don't get this.
They have Salmon right off the coast.... but they instead get less fresh from the other side of the ocean?

If she wants to eat though when I make it, that's what she has to eat. The end. We're such abusers.)

Calling Child and Family Services right now.

And no, I didn't let her order the Wagyu beef at $55.

hmm... but it might have been my choice...

Also, as a side note, the steamed veggies that came as her side was inedible. You know those tiny little squashes you can buy in a bag at Costco? I bought them once for home and after steaming them we tried to eat them and the entire table of us literally gagged and they all went into the trashcan. They tasted like some sort of chemical preservative or herbicide or something I dunno, super strong. SAME TASTE ON THESE.

Really? Not good. Especially for a signature restaurant.

I loved it a lot and thought the little antennae were absolutely adorable on the prawn.

Okay, I'll bite.
How do you eat that? Do you break it in half and scoop out the meat with a small fork, or what?

Overall, the flavors were fabulous and if I were to go back (yes, I would),

Okay. So that's a yes from you...

Not one, but two Mickey heads. Someone got spoiled.

Hey, it was free, so I ain't complainin'.

Free is always good.

But, I suppose we had to settle up the bill first; dining and dashing is generally frowned upon at Disney and well... anywhere else. (@franandaj , this includes Vic and Al's ;) )


Because they love me, Marv and Pat offered to have their AP discount applied to my meal as well, which saved me $38!!! HOT DANG!

Nice! Now I'm really regretting not being there! :laughing:

Disney loves their profit margin, they offered to put $36 in mandatory 18% gratuity on my bill for me. Thanks, Disney, I might have given 20% or even more, but something rubs me the wrong way when I'm FORCED to give something that should be freely and generously given if deserved or I'm moved to.

Yup. I always (unless the service is particularly poor) give in excess of 20%.
Want to automatically charge me 18? Fine. You won't get more. And if the service sucks.... the manager will be removing that gratuity. Bet on that.

1 Thumb Up of Steppe Approval, not worthy of a slobbering Homer.

Hmmm... So... not worthy of two thumbs. Not worthy of a slobbering Homer.... but you will go back.
Stopping by to say hello !

Sorry to hear about your laptop! That really sucks! I've enjoyed keeping up with your amazing food adventures on FB. But sounds like you and sardines just don't get along :(

I had no idea the Little Mermaid rooms were a whole continent away from Animation Hall. And I thought it was a long enough walk to the Cars suites where we stayed. They should have those moving sidewalks to those rooms like they have in the airports.

I have to say I'm very impressed at @pkondz effort at catching up, you get the prize for most replies on one thread!
I'm so glad your mum is on the mend now.
Re-reading that intro was a bit tough.

L is for Let’s Celebrate!- pt. 4

with half empty bellies made our exit.

:sad2: Never should be leaving a restaurant after having paid that much, hungry.

my kids were D.O.N.E.

Disney Overdose, Naptime Enabled

But the night was still young, even if I wasn’t.

Of course you are. Don't be silly.

so the remaining 3 of us went to the place that the young, young at heart, and just plain old can all have a good time. I categorically refuse to reveal which category I fall into.

Both of the first two. Certainly not that last.

Yehaa Bob, IRL, Bob Jackson, puts on a phenomenal, high energy show

I've heard so much.... and never been. Even stayed at POR and never saw him.

We Ubered (cool new verb, too, no?)

It's uberlicious.

I still think FF should have ponied up for that cost

Good point.

The bad news is that while searching for that method of payment, I realized that I didn’t get my Disney Visa Reward Card back from the server at FF!


I don't know why I'm not surprised.

Yes, my friends, it still had approximately $150 on it. I mean, that's at least a t-shirt at a crapshop, right?

A cheaper one, yes.... on sale.

And yes, while I did not soil myself, it was close. Very close.


(Does anyone see a pattern here? Probably best not to ask me to hold onto something for you.)

Ruby: "Here, throw this out. It's garbage."
Me: "Nah. I'll just give it to Liesa to hold."

but since I clearly ate paint chips as a kid


Awesome. K, I’m just gonna go into the River Roost now and not worry about $150.

And I did.

I truly did.

And yet...

I walked in and immediately got into the groove.

... it seems your angst only lasted as long as it took you to walk in.

I had a very unimaginative, but potent, Rum and Coke.

I've lost count on the alcohol count today. You take your celebrating seriously!

When I walked in Carol and Rosie (@englishrose47 ) were also there


Marv (@GoofyFan1515 ), I love ya, Buddy, but you were cracking me up pretty good that night. Pat (@Poolrat ) was fairly amused as well. See?


:lmao: Yes, I see!

Disney does that, doesn’t it? Brings out the kid in everyone.


These 2 jokers (and I do mean that in the most loving and endearing way possible) made sure Bob knew it was my:


:rotfl: Serves you right! Making people late and all.

Thank you for having Bob call me up to have the house sing Happy Birthday to me. Sure, why not? I mean for the entire trip it was my UN-birthday.

Sure! Good of you to play along. :)

Pat and Marv even had pins to mark the occasion, but I’ll let them tell that part of the story.

Standing by....

I also reminded him that I’d met him years before, and he actually REMEMBERED that!

No way!!! Now that's impressive!

Great shot!

Undeniably, we were having a great time.


Definitely looks like you guys are having fun!

This time I was on my own, but was too cheap to cough up more Uberdough. I, therefore, relied on Disney buses to get me “home”. Pretty sure I went to the TTC and transferred there. Safely to the room, I collapsed and fell right to sleep.

No doubt. What time was it by the time you did all that?
(Got to Bob's late. Stayed. Then bus to TTC and another to your resort.)

Yes, I called the FF back the next day and indeed they had it and it was safe and sound. Pat and Marv stopped by the restaurant before we met up at the park the next day and gave it to me then. Thank Goodness for really awesome friends!!


You may lose things all the time.... but you are the luckiest person I know!
Just a fewwwww more....

M is for: Main Street Magic- Morning to Midnight- Pt. 1

Hand in hand, my grandma and I would walk toward a day full of adventures, side by side my sisters and I would enter the park and own the day, arm in arm my best friends and I skipped over to our Grad Party where we danced away the night, and in my street clothes after changing out of my costume from a day’s work at the Blue Bayou, I’d saunter back down Main Street to my car.

That's really nice. You have so many reasons to love Main St.
I'm not kidding when I say I'm a little envious.

It holds a charm all of its own and, if one were to slow down a bit, there are some pretty cool hidden gems there for the taking.

I do know that... but... never enough time.
Some day...

Many of these were taken with my wide angle lens, so the distortions you see are intentional.

Intentional? Or inevitable?

I’ll start with this one, because I have NO other place to stash it. Just getting it out of the way to set the stage:

Wow! What a glowing commendation! "Just getting it out of the way"


I think this one's my favourite.

The Emporium was just NOT fun to shop in this trip. AT all. It was so crowded you literally could hardly move, let alone browse. We bailed after about 3 minutes. No great loss; shopping sux.

:( Boo! But... not surprised.

Tate seemed to enjoy himself though, so there is that.


There he is. Other than the first chapter, we haven't seen him yet, have we?

Can't decide which balloon one I like better- so you got both.


Tough call (pumpkin's not in this one.) but I think I prefer this one.

I like the reflection in the window on that one.
Getting sooooo close to the end now.

M is for: Main Street Magic- Morning to Midnight; Pt. 2

Walking the length of Main Street is pure magic on the other end of the day as well

Hmmm.... Might have to disagree on this.
Usually because it means the day is over and I'm that much closer to leaving Disney to go back home.

Maybe it’s just me, but I have NO problem letting the crowds stand in the bus lines with screaming, overwrought kids while I drink in the animated window displays, sit on a bench and watch the Kiss Goodnight, or grab an ice cream and window shop.

This is where we differ.
I've pretty much powerwalked to the bus stop to get ahead of the crowd.
Get "home" pretty quick that way, too.

But... I may have to rethink that. Your way sounds a heck of a lot nicer.

The faux gas lamps, the lit marquees, the ragtime background music add a charm I just can’t resist.

And I rush past it so fast....

Never again.

I'm throwing in a few bonus fireworks shots because no visit to Main Street at night is complete without them:

Of course! And... they're all pretty darned spectacular, too!

I've never seen this statue.
If I remember, I'm going to have to look for it.
OMG. Last one. Then I'm caught up....

Which means you'll be posting at least three more updates by tomorrow.....

N is for: No Place Like Home

While not my first choice of a Disney resort stay

What is? Poly? GF?

Due to its awe-inspiring foyer, my jaw dropped low enough to lick the floor.

I'd heard it was really something to see. But... ew.

I didn’t though because that’s gross.

<phew> Okay! Thank goodness.

I skipped the LSD for the day as well.

So you usually have LSD on a daily basis but skipped it just for today.


I’m incensed every other Friday.

You are? Mike ticks you off on a schedule?

So, I’m stuck with the rest of common humanity and am quite content I need a value where we dwell and lay our heads. I mean, it’s a bed, some pillows, Mickey shampoo and unlimited hot water.

That last one.
Love hotel baths.... they last forever. Just keep the hot water running... ::yes::

My first, and by FAR largest complaint (Really, I’m not a complainer. I’ve lived in a mud house… I’m a pretty grateful person.) was the distance from our section- the Little Mermaid- to the Animation Hall and therefore the buses.

Just to see, I measured it compared to the hellish walk I did over and over at ASMu a few years back.
Farthest walk at AoA bus stop to room: 0.6 miles, 12 minutes. 1,597ft straight line.
ASMu: 0.4 miles, 7 minutes. 1,558ft straight line.

Ever break down on the freeway and the nearest exit with gas was 3 miles up thataway? That walk sucked didn’t it? Imagine that. But your feet are on fire and your calves are cramped up as hard as last year’s fruit cake. Multiply it by 100 and you have the walk from Animation Hall to Building 7. In about 4 months, you’ll be "welcomed home".

:laughing: Very descriptive.

Don't know why, but I really like this shot.

The pool was definitely VERY nice as well. Trust me, I know. I actually got in it. Wanna see it?


Haha, just kidding, that's a Hidden Mickey I found NEAR the pool.


OH! You really DO wanna see the pool? Ok. Here ya go (I tried my very best Vanna for you. Honest.)


It looks like you're a waitress in search of a tray.
(but a cute waitress, never fear.)

OMG! She lost her leg!!!
Actually... I suppose that's pretty standard for what Disney charges these days.

The pool bar is topnotch as well… wanna see it too? (I don't know why I bother asking, the answer is always yes, or you wouldn't be reading this lousy trip report.)

No! I don't want to see!

Dang it!!!

As per usual, I had to explain my quest of getting through the alphabet during my stay. On this particular day I happened to be on Letter 'F'. The bartender was super amused and thought for a little bit. All of a sudden he shouted (literally), "I've got it! Today you get a... Fuzzy Navel!" I was thrilled. I actually enjoy those quite a lot.

I do too! And I always forget about them so never order it.

Let’s take a cruise through the lobby, shall we? Maybe I err too far on the far side of “Goober”, but I spent a fair bit of time in there. I had read about a little hidden gem in the form of signed original cels by some of the animators/voices/etc… and wanted to find all 4. It wasn’t too hard and I brought these home for you:

Those are cool. Didn't know about those particular ones.

there is the fabulous mural that is cleverly arranged to go from pencil to color with detail as you move from left to right

Didn't know that either!
I need to stay there next time, perhaps.... or visit it if staying at POP.

I think hands down, my favorite area of this resort was the Cars area.

Huh. I wouldn't have guessed.
More detail?

I’m REALLY happy that it worked out that I explored this section by night as the lighting added a ton of nice effect.

::yes:: I love wandering around the resorts at night.
Best time for photos.

Like that one particularly.

An early morning shot on the way to get coffee and the bus; sometimes it pays too burn the candle at both ends!


Leave it to Liesa to make me catch up on all these posts and then moon me.


With that, I’ll close with a shot across the Lagoon to POP, and call it a night ;)


And that was me, taking the exact opposite shot, about a month prior.

And... BAM! All caught up!
Ok, Friends- serious work to do here. Not sure I'll make it throught, but sure am going to give it my best effort!

The problem is my laptop was returned to me in a WORSE state than it was when I dropped it off!! There was a little report enclosed with it saying it booted just fine, surfed and loaded web pages just fine, etc... that they fixed a loose LCD cable to the motherboard. BUT..... it now crashes at least twice when I boot it up. Either someone didn't do their job and actually boot it up, was lying, or it was shipped anyway. I don't know, but come Monday, I'd better walk out of Best Buy with a new laptop or there's gonna be a scene. Not a scene maker, but I am livid. This laptop is only 4 months old, so I shouldn't have to be dealing with this in the first place, let alone getting it shipped back "repaired" and... not. So, as of Monday, I just don't know what my DIS time is going to look like.

On the bright side, I've written my first chapter of the new TR which I'm hoping to post on the DLR Forum soon. I'll post a link here if I can figure out how to do that. Now, onto replies- of which I have about 4 billion.

Love that your F drink was a Fuzzy Navel. That was one of the first mixed drinks I ever tried, and was my mixed drink of choice for a while. (We don't need to discuss my age at that time!) I haven't had one in many, many years, however. Now I tend towards Margaritas, sangria, or vodka tonics.

AoA has always seemed pretty cool in photos. Except for the huge walk, of course.

Hi Irene! I'm so glad you're still here. With my laptop shenanigans, I'm surprised I have any readers left at all.

They are a good all-around choice for any occasion. Super refreshing, but especially so on a hot day around the pool! I am the same way, go in spurts. For a while it was Moscow Mules, then bloody Marys, then margs. I'm back to Mules. Mojitos always satisfy though.

I liked AoA for sure! It was a really nice place for photography. :)

I agree about AOA - beautiful, the rooms are exquisite while you are sleeping, the food court is great, and it is veeeeerrry spraaaawwling. I think from the Little Mermaid section it is about the same distance to walk across the bridge and catch the bus from POP. I try to use the walk as a relaxing time to just hum a few Disney songs to myself as I make the trek. Hopefully I will be doing that trek again one day - further toe and ankle x-rays today. Apparently now my doctor feels that I should have gone to physio. I'm not sure why at the 7 month mark he cares more than the 2 month mark, but OK, let's get this ball rolling, folks.

IMHO... to big. Just too far to make it fun. I hadn't thought of that! Shoot- totally could have done that!

What did you find out about your toes with those x-rays? Did you start PT? How is that going?

I am sure that your friendly neighborhood bartender actually had a little sparkle in his smile from your interaction for the rest of the day. How nice for cast members to meet friendly fun enthusiastic people - it's nice when we can make their day just as they make our day!

He was a friendly guy- quick with a smile and ready to serve. :) It was definitely a fun CM interaction.

Loved the more in depth tour! I usually don't mind a walk, but my knee has really given me fits lately. Might have needed a dreaded scooter if I stayed there. :scared:

I actually think you would have, Tammie. Long ways to go on a hurt anything.

First of all, welcome back from your trip. Art of Animation is incredible. I agree on the food court, I really enjoyed it when I stayed. I did walk up to the Mermaid section - once - one afternoon to have a look. It did seem a bit far and I probably would not have been impressed if I have to do it a few times a day. Luckily for me, I was in a Nemo Suite (since my parents came with us and split the cost). We really lucked out on the location too. Ground floor overlooking the pool. It was a tad noisy in the day time, but we were 7 rooms from the food court & buses, so I really couldn't complain.

Thanks, Jeff! It was a really, really wonderful trip. So many good memories made!

Oh boy! I'd say your room was quite a score. I'd have loved a short walk for sure. How are you? Traveled again lately? Warming up in your province?

::yes:: That's a haul... and those rooms are never discounted. Honestly, I'd almost think that the better option would be staying at Pop and walking across to check out AoA if you want a regular room. It's cheaper too.

Not a bad idea actually. Except NO ONE is gonna make that walk (which is just as long) on a whim. Especially families with little kids. Or after a long day in the parks. Believe me. It took EVERYTHING in me to do that night walk over to Cars, but I did for you my dear readers. ;)

NO! I don't want to see it.

ok, maybe I do.

Glad you changed your mind.

But it doesn't even feel that long, because it is a mile along Route 66 so it just makes you mentally in a better state because you can't help but enjoy the walk.


Except I've traveled on some exceptionally dull parts of Rt. 66. That little bit around Amboy is a bit dodgy. A bit boring in fact.

How are you taking shots across the lagoon? I didn't see a pirate ship or a cannon? :rolleyes1

I really need one. But not before my fire truck.
OMG. Last one. Then I'm caught up....

Which means you'll be posting at least three more updates by tomorrow.....

No, only one. But not a new chapter... a new thread....

found here:
Great detail about the resort. I am currently in the process of debating a possible trip and where I might stay if it it's good to hear the little things...and about the long walk! I love the animation wall though with the progressive use of colour, that looks really cool.

Thanks, Kathy! I really tried hard to give a good, detailed report as I saw the resort. I know it wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea, but I tried to be fair in the pros and cons of it. I would really recommend the Nemo area. Not terribly far, but still enough away from Animation Hall to be a bit more quiet. And there's a pool over there too. The lobby is for SURE a place you could spend some time, especally if you're in to art.

Sorry. I refuse to banter in these circumstances. Inexcusable. A good TR writer should always have at least two or three spare computers at their disposal.

I know. Total fail. Sorry.

I have no excuse for not keeping up other than too much work, being tired too much work. Got me sick , got me steroids , feel great ! Drugs work. My arthritis doesn't hurt, my cough is clearing up my breathing is better and I have ome energy so what did I do today shoveled HEAVY snow and then made the HUGE mistake of telling Judy, Well 30 minutes later she was still yelling at me for shoveling , last time I tell her that!! I am picking up a 5 hour shift at another house I have the issue individual she just wanters around and plays with pegs . Best part is I get $26 an hour OH yeah!!!. I am loving those OT checks and a Huge bennie of being hourly now

You went through all of that, and then shoveled?! Rosie, what are you thinking?! Yes, I'm going to yell at you too! Silly woman! At least get better first!

That is indeed GREAT pay for that job. Good girl! And I'm SURE those OT checks are very, very nice! Keep up the good work!

Sorry your laptop is sick. Maybe I can post those pics now that I'm not upstaging your return. :rotfl2:

Looks like you did a whiz bang job at posting pix for everyone to enjoy! Thanks for all of them, Tammie. What a great time it looks like you had!

Best Mai Tai on Island!

While the drink looks amazing, I seriously want the orchids in my drink. Just so pretty!

Mason sat for a long time, contemplating the names - everyone stood way back from him, in respect. Probably thinking he was paying respects to a great grandfather. very sweet


Of all the photos you posted, this one really stands out as poignant and touching. Love it!

Oil comes up one drop at a time in black blobs like tear drops, then spreads out over the water

Well that's certainly a sad but powerful phenomenon. Wow.

Sweet family picture.

Thanks for inviting me to share. Liesa, I'm trying to entertain while you are away.

Any time, Tammie. Glad you could fill the gap and found a place to share your lovely photos!

Shucks re your laptop. I hope it can be fixed and not heading for the gadget graveyard.

I find tapping it several times with my Harry Potter wand helps my ipad mini....

Well, as you probably saw... it wasn't. Back to the shop on Monday. Because I need more to do.

I need a wand.

I'm really enjoying it, but I being behind. Truly enjoying your adventures.

Hey Vanessa. Glad you're still here! I know how easy it is to get behind- it's the story of my life. I'm SO behind just about everywhere and it's only going to get worse since I have to go BACK in to BestBuy with this POC.
The problem is my laptop was returned to me in a WORSE state than it was when I dropped it off!! There was a little report enclosed with it saying it booted just fine, surfed and loaded web pages just fine, etc... that they fixed a loose LCD cable to the motherboard. BUT..... it now crashes at least twice when I boot it up. Either someone didn't do their job and actually boot it up, was lying, or it was shipped anyway. I don't know, but come Monday, I'd better walk out of Best Buy with a new laptop or there's gonna be a scene. Not a scene maker, but I am livid. This laptop is only 4 months old, so I shouldn't have to be dealing with this in the first place, let alone getting it shipped back "repaired" and... not.

:sad2: That's just wrong. I hope you get it all straightened out tomorrow.

On the bright side, I've written my first chapter of the new TR which I'm hoping to post on the DLR Forum soon. I'll post a link here if I can figure out how to do that.

On my way! :goodvibes
(Although I probably shouldn't... seeing as I can't keep up with the ones I'm already subscribed to!)

I know. Total fail. Sorry.

"A woman walks into a Best Buy with a computer to return it. 20 minutes later she walks out with three."


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