AKV Lost and Found….or Lost for Good….

Not that I am happy it has happened to anyone, but I do feel a lot better knowing I am not the only one. Thank you all for sharing :grouphug:

If my charger does happen to show up I will be sure to post an update.
The staff at Kidani preformed a Mini - miracle! Our then 5 year old grand daughter brought her blankie, ..left her blankie at Kidani. This was a tattered blanket.....it was found and returned the next afternoon! The family lives in FL, mom was able to drive over and pick it up! This was January, 2012.

I had a phone returned, mailed back to me by Disney, postage paid, around 3 years ago.


Fantastic! Blankies can be very important to 5 year olds, even though they often do look like tattered old blankets to us adults. Been there-when DS was small, I had to cut his blanket in half because he couldn't be without it long enough to wash it and I didn't feel like doing laundry at night. That way he always had a blankie.
For very personal items I've noticed the Disney resort CMs do a good job of sending the items on to the Lost & Found, or if they know to whom the items belong, they will on occasion just mail them home. Children's much loved stuffed animals and blankets being among these items.

For less personal items such as clothing, Disney seems to have a "meh" approach. If you get a lost piece of clothing back, be thankful. It doesn't happen often. I was told by a housekeeper when I went back to my room in which I had left a shirt that found articles of clothing were donated (she did not say where they were donated to.)

For electronics chargers, more often than not they will deposit the cords into a central bucket, only to be looked at when a guest arrives panicked that they don't have their charger with them. I've seen the panicked guest, I've seen the bucket, and heard the explanation as to why all the chargers were there. It boiled down to "people leave them behind all the time". If you got your charger back, I believe it was a fluke. :)

I found an approach that works for me with chargers: I wrap the cord around the handle to a suitcase and then plug into the wall. Impossible to forget it then, although I may lay it aside and then miss packing it.
Also left a jacket at Kidani Village and they sent it home to Switzerland, very nice.

Having said that, I always found it a bit ironical when they mention (in documentaries or books about WDW for example) what is being lost at WDW and how many things are being returned, mentioning fake teeth or eyes among other things. I mean, who would want to keep that if he found it. No mention of really valuable items like cash, purses, mobile phones etc. though.
Off the top of my head, I can recall leaving -- all separate occasions -- sunglasses (NOT cheap), a brand new Disney shirt, still with tags, and a boy's swim trunks.

I realized that I had left the first 2 and Disney was able to specifically tell me on the phone they had the shirt, and sent me to Lost and Found to look for the sunglasses (which I found, yay!)

Even better, a couple of days after we returned from a trip Disney called me to ask if we had left the swim trunks in the room! We hadn't missed them yet. I was very pleasantly surprised. They mailed them to us on their dime. That is great customer service.

Honestly, if I had to guess, the next person in the room found and kept your charger. If it was behind the nightstand it could have been overlooked by housekeeping, but since most guests use the outlets for charging, as you did, then they would likely have seen it.
On our August trip my DH and I had a rental car and DS, DDIL and DGS were taking magical express so they had the "full Disney experience" on DGS's first WDW trip. We were almost to route 417 when my phone rang and DS asked if i had lost something. I had put my camera down on a chair near the ME desk and left it there. Someone had picked it up and gave it to one of the security employees near ME and after checking the pictures they looked around and found DS, DDIL and DGS in the ME line and gave them the camera. I had taken a couple of pictures of DGS at the airport on the tram and they spotted him because of his tie dyed shirt. There truly are people out there who go the extra step to help out. A member of out group had left a camera on EE a few years ago but wasn't really sure where she had lost it. I went back to the gift shop there and sure enough they had the camera but we had to look at the pictures first to confirm it was hers. Fortunately one of the CMs knew how to turn it on because I didn't. It would be nice if all people were honest but unfortunately that is not the case.
If it was someone from here on the DIS that turned in my camera at the airport August 21 - THANK YOU
Several years ago, I lost my wallet on the MK bus back to the resort after the fireworks. I realized it in the morning at DTD. I spent the morning cancelling our credit cards, and never expected to see the wallet or cash again. One day months later, I received a package in the mail from Disney with my wallet. All my credit cards (long cancelled) and cash were intact. I was amazed.
2 Years ago I left my bathrobe hanging on the back of the bathroom door at Vero Beach. It was mailed to me without my actually calling.
We are 2 for 2 successes!!
I could easily see what happened to your charger. . . imagine this scenario.

It's behind the nightstand. Housekeeping doesn't see it. New occupants. maybe even more new occupants. eventually someone plugs something else in there. HER DH goes to unplug things, sees the other one - oh that must be kids' something or other. Tosses it in their gadget bag where it may or may not get unpacked until the next trip. Bag owner eventually sees it - what Is this? Don't know. where did it come from? don't know. into the trash.
I left a bag with my shoes in it once and I got them back. We just got home from our trip and while at AKL we found a phone charger behind the table in the living room next to the sliding door.

We left it at the Front Desk, so I guess Housekeeping did not see it when they cleaned the room.
I once left two books on the nightstand I had brought to read.

I also, purposely, left behind a pair or running shoes which didn't fit in the trash the last day, so I put them sort of propped up against the basket.

When we got home I realized I had forgotten the books and contacted DVC.

A few days later a package showed up - with the old, smelly, disgusting shoes! No books.

"A" for effort at least.
My little girls mickey mouse she had since she was born was left in our jambo house studio. I called back a few hours later and it was never found. I also left my wall charger for my camera and it also was mysteriously never found either. Everytime I've ever left anything in the room it has never been found. Yet everything I've left in restaurants or stores is always found. I don't trust the "mousekeepers" as far as I can throw em. Everything of any value is ALWAYS locked in the safe or my car.
I could easily see what happened to your charger. . . imagine this scenario.

It's behind the nightstand. Housekeeping doesn't see it. New occupants. maybe even more new occupants. eventually someone plugs something else in there. HER DH goes to unplug things, sees the other one - oh that must be kids' something or other. Tosses it in their gadget bag where it may or may not get unpacked until the next trip. Bag owner eventually sees it - what Is this? Don't know. where did it come from? don't know. into the trash.

Hah - I have a few chargers here at home and have no clue what they belong to. I think you may be onto something :thumbsup2

As for missing items in general, I hate to say it, but I think a good number of folks that "find" things that others have lost, don't equate it to stealing. My kids once left a bag behind in a hotel room with dozens of Nintendo games. We realized within in an hour or so of leaving and know exactly where it was. We never got it back. DD once left her iPod in the seat pocket in the airplane on the way home - now this time she didn't realize for days and it was long gone. Now you tell me, someone finds that iPod, turns it in immediately, how hard would it be for the airline to determine who was in that seat and notify them? Yet UA never even called me back when I inquired and even mentioned it was a little girls iPod. Very disheartening. I guess the moral of the story is to double and triple check hotel rooms and airplane seats for personal belongings before leaving.
We have also had not very good luck with lost items. Once we too left an iphone charger plugged into the wall behind the nightstand at OKW. We checked out and moved to AK-K. No more than an hour later, we realized it was missing. We went back to OKW where they told us someone had already checked in and they couldn't check the room. In an hour?? Anyway, when someone was finally able to get into the room, no iphone charger.

On the same trip, my son's friend left his ipod on a chair in the community room at AK while he was playing pool. He left without it and went back 20 minutes later.... nowhere to be found AND no one saw anything. That room is not that big and there were only about 3 other people in there.

The worst though was this past April when my son and his bride were on their honeymoon at Aulani. On their last day there, they lost their camera with all their honey moon pics at the pool. they were sure they had left it on the chair while they went in the pool. They had everyone looking and called lost and found every day for weeks. Every time they called, they got a different person/story. None of these items were ever found or returned.
My little girls mickey mouse she had since she was born was left in our jambo house studio. I called back a few hours later and it was never found. I also left my wall charger for my camera and it also was mysteriously never found either. Everytime I've ever left anything in the room it has never been found. Yet everything I've left in restaurants or stores is always found. I don't trust the "mousekeepers" as far as I can throw em. Everything of any value is ALWAYS locked in the safe or my car.
we bought two of each child's favorite plush for this reason....of course they never lost one!
I once left two books on the nightstand I had brought to read.

I also, purposely, left behind a pair or running shoes which didn't fit in the trash the last day, so I put them sort of propped up against the basket.

When we got home I realized I had forgotten the books and contacted DVC.

A few days later a package showed up - with the old, smelly, disgusting shoes! No books.

"A" for effort at least.

:lmao: I do believe this was the law of inverse proportions put into action. The more resistance to something you have, the more likely you are to have it gravitate to you.


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