Almost here


Earning My Ears
Aug 6, 2002
Well its alomst here 25 days. I can't wait I know its been asked before but there has been a some new people who have gone on the honeymoons since I joined. WHATS THE COOLEST THINGS YOU AVE RECEIVED WHILE WEARING THE BRIDE AND GROOM HATS. I hope you all have a great day.

<Script language='Javascript'>var rndNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000);eval("var CDTDate" + rndNum + " = 'July 27, 2003 1:00:00 PM EST';");document.writeln("<form name='CDTform" + rndNum + "' action='Javascript:void(0);'>");document.writeln('<font size=2 color=darkblue> :Pinkbounc :smooth: :bounce:</font><br>');document.writeln("<input type=text value='' size=40 name='WrittenByJamesMVenglarikII'>");document.writeln("</form>");if (theFunction) theFunction += "var d = new Date();";else var theFunction = "var d = new Date();";theFunction += "var c = new Date('" + eval("CDTDate" + rndNum) + "');";theFunction += "var diff = (c - d)/1000;";theFunction += "var days = Math.floor(diff / 86400);";theFunction += "var rem = diff - (days * 86400);";theFunction += "var hours = Math.floor(rem / 3600);";theFunction += "rem = rem - (hours * 3600);";theFunction += "var minutes = Math.floor(rem / 60);";theFunction += "rem = rem - (minutes * 60);";theFunction += "var seconds = Math.floor(rem);";theFunction += "if ((days < 0) | (hours < 0) | (minutes < 0) | (seconds < 0)) ";theFunction += "var out = 'see yaaaaaaaa!';";theFunction += "else ";theFunction += "var out = ' ' + days + ' days ' + hours + ' hrs. ' + minutes + ' mins. ' + seconds + ' secs.';";theFunction += "document.forms.CDTform" + rndNum + ".elements.WrittenByJamesMVenglarikII.value = out;";setInterval(theFunction, 1000);</Script>

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Hi, I don't have an answer to your question. I just wanted to say Congrats!!! It will be here before you know it!! :)
I am now in the single digit dance!! :)
The problem with these threads is that people are always disappointed when they don't get what other couples got. There was a woman on the Resorts board complaining because she got a free upgrade to a room at the WL with a better view, but that they didn't send her a free birthday cake. That kind of thing. So if we tell you what all we got, then you will be excited and hoping you get the same things, and EVERYONE gets different things. If we leave it to your imagination, you will be pleasantly surprised by everything.
And the CM's seem to like it more if you got married at WDW, so if you are getting married there, that is a big plus.


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