Alright, who is all set now for the best yet???

Dan Murphy

We are family.
Apr 20, 2000
Tonight!!!!!! What will happen at 8PM EST???? The newest and probably best yet in 'reality' TV, Are You Hot? The Search for America's Sexiest People :eek: will be at the end of it first hour of its two-hour debut. And starting then will be yet another installment of the time-tested 'reality' show, Survivor: The Amazon :eek: What will I do?? What will you do??

The Sexiest sure sound like a winner to me, with, according to Phil Roenthal of the Chicago Sun-Times...

.........'executive producer Mike Fleiss--who has made a bundle off peddling romance as a contact sport in "The Bachelor," "The Bachelorette," "High School Reunion" and "Who Wants to Marry a Multimillionaire"--has stripped those shows to their most basic (and base) core with the "Are You Hot." This is hard core. It's not about love, just lust. No backstory is necessary for the men and women competing onstage. Just smile, stick out your chest and be judged.

"We don't care if you can dance, sing or tell jokes," host J.D. Roberto explains. "All we want to know is one thing: Are you hot?"

....the only time you get a sense any of these pieces of meat have anything going on behind their eyes is in the rare instance they say something to the judges or the even rarer case when we are shown them off stage, like the woman from Calumet City who calls her mom after being rejected. "It's rigged," she says. "I know I'm one of the hottest girls here."

.......Meanwhile, on Survivor,....'Swimsuit model Jenna Morasca realizes she'll have to cover up the very assets she had hoped to use to manipulate the guys. Male model Ryan Aiken calls his camp "one big sausage-fest. We can let our hair down. We can pee in front of each other," prosecutor Deena Bennett says. Accountant Daniel Lue, way too excited about playing with a machete, boldly predicts: "There's no way that women are gonna beat us in anything. Physical. Mentally. Whatever. We're never gonna go to tribal council." Then there's Rob Cesterino, an unapologetically sexist computer consultant who derides his rival tribe as "the camp of the ****** monologue" and invests way too much faith in his Magic 8 Ball."

The New York Times has some good thoughts, LOL. NY Times

So what are you going with, plain, hot sexy people or sex seperated survivors?

Dan, you are positively becoming OBSESSED with reality shows now! ;) :p

I just saw a commercial for "Are You Hot?" and LAUGHED, it is so absurd. I've never seen Survivor so I have no opinion about that.
OMG!!! Did DAN just post a scantily-clad woman??? And, a man, too???? :eek: :eek: :eek:

Dan, your whole reality TV, (not-so-secret) obsession, is scaring me!

You've gotta be kidding, right?? ;) I think I'm gonna have nightmares tonight!

I think Thursday night is Friends and ER. Not sure though, let me check the TV guide. :rolleyes:

I am with Kim on this one Dan.. ER and Friends.. and if I am in a cheerful mood CSI....

At least the show "Are you HOT?" Is not promoting itself to be something other than what it really is... Whirling testosterone and estrogen at its finest

LOL!!! silly geese
Dan this research thing you are doing on reality shows is getting out of hand. :teeth:

This is one I will probably watch for the entertainment factor alone. :teeth: What can I say? I'm not deep, I guess. :p
Dan, this time call for the ambulance. Do not drive yourself to the hospital. {{{hugs}}} for poor Marie:( :( ;)

You have really been affected my friend, you need another DIS meet soon to cure your musings (I'm thinking a pin meet especially):p :p ;) :jester: Better yet, call for reservations & head south to the 'world' QUICKLY LOL

I'll make sure to :wave: teu ya'll tonight! between...
'ing fer the gurls! ;)


Dan - I cannot believe you posted those pix! :eek:
Yes to "Survivor" & a resounding no to "Are you hot"
Dan posting a girl in a bikini--what is this world coming to?

I think I just felt the earth shake.. ;)
This makes me SOOOO glad that I don't watch network tv. :p It's ALL trash for the brain.
OMG! I opened this thread thinking I was going to see pics of the MK...and castmembers sweetly smiling at little kids...and flowers at Epcot!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! DAN!:eek: Me thinks that Chicago winter has been a liiiiittel too cold!!! It has transformed your brain!!!!

Well NOW I'm awake!!:p :p :p
I had to take a second look at who posted this thread....did someone hijack the real Dan Murphy??????
Dan!!! I am dying here!!!! You are too much!!!

I will say though that article was an interesting read. Tonight, I will get back from my hair appointment, turn on my computer and probably ignore the TV as I do most nights. I do wonder, though, which you will be watching ;) :p
Okay, Dan....

Now we know who your alter ego was!!

Marie, there are support groups for people married to people with multiple personalities,
check into them soon, honey!

Now as for tonight, I've applied to be on "Are You Hot" and got a blistering "NOT" so I think it's Survivor for me, which I did NOT apply for because the closest thing I eat that looks like a bug is a LOBSTER!

Dan, get help, dear.....
LOL Robin! :jester: You are too funny, cuz!

I have to wonder just who would apply to be on Are You Hot? I mean, even if you were sizzling hot, you'd really have to be a masochist to appear on that show. You just know that they are going to be ripping people up right and left, it will be painful to watch, I'm sure.
Oh my, next we'll be seeing Dan on Survivor or worse yet...
Dan, Are you hot?!

This is just too much to take! :eek:


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