Animal Kingdom/DTD Photo Ops/Mini Golf Sketch Swap~FULL and ACTIVE

Michelle, I love both LOs..

Where did you get the star and swirl combo?? I so need that for a few los here at home!!!
Thanks for feedback.

Sandy, cute lo.

I'm hoping to have Everest prototype done tonight and to cut some dinosaurs tonight.
These last Lo from Michelle, Lori and Jennifer are soo beautiful! I can't wait to add pictures to all of the pages.

Michelle Love the star swirl thing. My cricut would cut that to shreds if I was to try to cut such a thing
Everyone's got some awesome stuff! I'm behind. My blades and mats aren't due to be delivered until tomorrow :(

I really hope to be able to get a lot done this weekend, but will probably not be able to finish until the following weekend. Sorry, girls!
I should be postal by Friday. Chester and Hester's Dino - Rama took forever to adhere the title. Too many letters!!!

I'm going to cut Jungle Trek either tonight or tomorrow morning.
Jennifer No worries about being a bit late with the swap. Life gets in everyones way all the time. I'm in no rush.

Nice Lo Buffy. Love all the colors
Love those layouts!!!

Jennifer I'm okay with them taken some additional times.. you can't help shipping delays since some place direct them around the country before they get to your house..
I know last year I ordered something from Amazon shipped from a town 15 minutes south of here (from my door to their warehouse door)...and it took 4 days to get here.. It took the scenic route and/or was strapped to a turtle!
The side with the title is glued down... the other side is sent loose... :)
I have things ready to go for Sunday! Your ah-ha moment is coming!!!
Jennifer I will be postal on saturday. I wasdenied entery to the Us the other day. I forgot a letter from DH letting me travel with DD


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