Another Rack Up Your Posts With Random Stuff - Continuation

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i'm wdwlover on VMK. I wonder when the Community Leader program will be up again. I liked being a community leader. Though for some reason, hardly anyone asked me questions o_O
i'm wdwlover on VMK. I wonder when the Community Leader program will be up again. I liked being a community leader. Though for some reason, hardly anyone asked me questions o_O

I'm lexierella. If I see you, I'll send a friend request. :)
Now, I'd like to know
Can we get up and go?
Now, i'd like to know
Can we get up and go?
Getting Pizza!!

Yay :)

My sister's are playing songs I hate. CD player is going off as soon as my dad comes in.
I can't wait to come home from work...

I'm working until 10:30 tonight... eeeghghhh :(
My sisters and their friend have a weird taste in music (IMO which some of you like)
Yes :p

I want a vacation..

I forgot what I was going to post

I remember

Ellie & Mitzi are playing their music too loud, annoying when it's close by to the TV and you're trying to watch it.


I want a proper vacation too.

We got our new car and towed it for four hours with the heaviest caravan on the market and it hadn't been driven in over a year. The result? We blew the fuse and burnt a strip of wire under the caravan. Go us!
woo Haz

Be Right Back Pizza! Did you watch Doctor Who? Because if you didn't...
I'm gonna have some popcorn later.
I wanted to make rice krispie squares, but we have no marshmallows =(
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