Any other half-marathon '06 first timers?


Earning My Ears
Dec 9, 2004
Just wondering...I impulsively signed up in order to "force" myself to get in shape...traveling to WDW solo for the event (5-11 Jan). I'll be staying at the POR for 4 days, then 2 days off-site. I'm very nervous about finishing...
Im a first timer too. I sign up for the 1/2 as I have always wanted to try...a personal goal. Once signed up, I knew I had to get in shape....I have come a long way but I have a long way to go and only a month left!

Good Luck

Me too! Just got back from a week in WDW, which put a crimp in my training schedule. I did a LOT of walking, but not much at the right pace, and certainly not for long distances in a single stretch. DH and I did power walk from Space Ship Earth, through Epcot and over to MGM in just over 30 minutes (give or take a few). I am nervous too about maintaining the pace for the entire distance. I am going to give it my best shot!!
I'm a newbie for the 2006 1/2 as well! I am hoping to be able to walk at the required pace for the entire distance. Good luck with your training, mazzypig! So glad to have you on board. Be sure to check out the thread for the Trails End dinner Friday night too. I think there are still spots open!
mazzypig, murcor; wdwfan9: Good luck with your first time. I tried the 1/2 marathon in 2005 with the other WISHwalkers, and had the greatest experience. I was closed out at MK after walking over 10 miles due to pacing; but it still ranks as one of the best experiences of my life.

Because I talked about how wonderful it was, my SIL and I have signed up for the 1/2 marathon for 2006. I have done even less training than last year, and SIL has done even less than I, but we're still going to try.

mazzypig: I did several days solo last year around the 1/2 marathon and LOVED it!!

Have fun and good luck with your training.
Technically a first time--I did the full last year, so my first go at the half.

You'll do good--just focus on getting from Point A to Point B. If you are worried that your times will not be good enough--they do have sweep times on the web site as well as in the program that you will receive (I do have them posted on the FAQ at the top of the board as well). You can compare these times against your long days to see how you are doing.

If you are worried---do not stop to smell the roses if you know what I pictures, no gossiping, no nothing---then have a party when you cross the finish line :).

Thanks to the complaints of the bad shut out of 2005 (reference NCReddings post)--I think that is why Disney posted the sweep times--that way, you will know where you need to be at what precise time (Actual clock time from race start--not chip time from when you cross the start). Knowledge is power :).
My DH is a first-time halfer. I am going for the Goofy, so he agreed to run the half with me. I am SOOOO very proud of him :love: I think he is a little nervous about it at this point.
Disney seems to bring out the ambition in me. Don't know if that is a curse or not :rolleyes: .

Have never done a 1/2 or full before (longest was a ten miler), so what did I do? I signed up for the Goofy. I figured, what better place to try my first 1/2 and full? At least if I bombed, I was still at the Happiest Place on Earth! :goodvibes

Same thing happened to me in 2004. I wanted to do a triathlon. Had never done one before, so I signed on for the Florida Half-Ironman at WDW. Nothing like starting out big! :earseek: I got through the 1.2 mile swim and about 25 miles on the bike, before I cramped up and dropped out. I never would have made the cut-off time on the bike either. I was bummed, but it still was a good experience. I had fun and now am working on better preparation for my next attempt.

This is my first time and I'm really nervous about getting swept. My niece wants to jog it, but my old knees arent' up for that so I'm walking it. Good luck everyone and hope to see you at dinner!
First timer here also. I actually am not nervous about getting swept. I figure even if I only make it 1/2 way I am further than last year when I couldn't walk around the block without getting winded.

I started at 350lbs and am just about 1/2 of my former self.
First time ever for me! And, I've signed up for the Goofy!! I'm really excited for the half because I'm planning to walk it mostly to save myself for the next day, and just enjoy being a part of it all. I'm a little nervous about the full though. Whew! That's a long ways! I plan to run/walk that. Like you, TEK224, just going to WDW was the incentive for me. And the medals of course! MickeySp - Wow, congratulations!!
I just thought I'd drop in here and WISH all the first timers all the best! You CAN do this. Have fun and enjoy. You will love the experience.
MickeySP said:
First timer here also. I actually am not nervous about getting swept. I figure even if I only make it 1/2 way I am further than last year when I couldn't walk around the block without getting winded.

I started at 350lbs and am just about 1/2 of my former self.
Lisa, congratulations!!! And good luck with the've got the right attitude. You're a great motivator. :)

My wife will be walking the half for the first time. I walked it last year. We did our last long training walk yesterday (14 mile). My wife is nursing an injury and has her left foot in a soft cast. She did great!!!!! Before yesterday her longest was 9 miles. She desided she wanted to do the distance even if she couldn't keep up the pace just to prove to her self she could. Well not only did she do the distance in 25 degree weather and a soft cast she had a pace of 16.05. I am so very proud of her! :cool1:
ANother first timer here. I thought I was out of it before we even started, though. I popped something on our long run on the 17th. X-rays were inconclusive, but a bone-scan came back fine. I'm feeling great now. :cool1:

Good luck everyone! :cheer2:
your all gonna do fine! I am sure, I was so nervous last year ( my first time 1/2) and I worried myself TOO much! I guess that may have been a good thing!
when I was done, I was like WOW! was that it! lol! It went very fast, dont get me wrong, I wasnt thinking that later that day or for the next week but, it really did go fast. I didnt train as much as I should have either and finished with plenty of time. I think that was my biggest concern. Being on this site and knowing that so many more folks trained properly and bby the book , and I felt like i slacked all year. I really never thought I was gonna finish. Unfortunatly, I did it again this year ( not trained properly ). But just being in the moment is such a great feeling and I think that helped push me along!
good luck to you all hope to meet some of you there.
getting ready to leave in a few.


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