Anyone ever had chronic sore throats - on only one side?


Chris Isaak fan
Jul 13, 2000
For many years, I will get a sore throat on only the left side. It’s usually not associated with a cold. This time, I had a head cold that started on Christmas evening. I used sudafed & the Neti-pot. I was finally feeling like I was over it when that dang left-side only sore throat started on Jan.3. I saw my doctor yesterday and saw no difference between the left & right - didn’t look red or swollen & strep test was neg.
I’m about going bonkers! Do I see a specialist? I’m thinking by the time I get in to see one, it’ll be cleared up. But I get one or two of these a year for the past decade!
Could it be a vocal cord? Yes, if see a specialist. Did your doctor just look in your mouth, or did s/he use a camera on a wire?
DD used to get sore throats on just one side, from post nasal drip from her allergies (and she'd develop tonsilloliths, also, from the PND.

DH gets sore throats from allergies and post nasal drip. But actually, when it's on one side it's a canker sore down there, he gargles (and swallows a little ) liquid antacid to help coat it.
Yes. I get them on my right side for two reasons, one is tonsil stones, and the other is post nasal drip from that side.
This. My right side always hurts worse because I tend to sleep on that side so everything drains down that side. It’s also where I get my tonsil stones.

If it feels bad to you, then press the doctor. Mine just reads what's on her iPad. Sometimes we have to be our own advocate, even if it doesn't meet standard anything.
A number of people have already said this but tonsil stones are a big culprit of one-sided sore throats.
I used to deal with chronic sore throats, it was miserable. Mine were mainly from sinus drainage and I usually solved that with an OTC antihistamine. I don't know if that's your issue but I can feel the drainage in my throat when it begins and I start taking the med when I get that sensation (sorry if TMI.) It would still take several days for my throat to feel better even after the drainage was stopped.

Now I'm going to tell you something that is strictly anecdotal and may be purely coincidental. 10 years ago I began working from home and for one reason or another I became a bit OCD about hand washing(on the computer all day, sort of refreshing to wash my hands.) The sore throats came to a screeching halt. Instead of having an episode 3 or 4 times a year, I've probably had them only a couple of times in the past 10 years. If there is anything legit to this, I'm guessing that bacteria was making my sinuses drain? No clue if that's even a thing.

I hesitate to offer medical advice, but I'm sharing with you what worked for me. Hope you can get your sitch straightened out, sore throats can really wear you down.


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