Anyone interested in MI DVC/DIS meet?


Running, Disney, Aladdin...
Jul 11, 2000
Since we now almost into summer and the wonderful season of barbequing, I thought it might be fun to have a DIS meet for Michiganders who will NOT be at WDW this summer! I figured, if we can't be there, why not have some DIS fun here?? ;)

Perhaps if we have enoungh interested people, can make this work! I was thinking something for the month of July?? I am in Dearborn-FYI. Please respond if you think this would work! :D
Me too - we are up in Cadillac but keep us posted, I would love to meet up with anyone interested.
Don't forget about your newest DVC members from Michigan.

Count us Dexter folks (NE of Ann Arbor) in.

Hey Kurt,

I live right on the Washtenaw/Livingston County line. Perhaps the meet should be in Pinckney or at Zukey Lake Tavern????! ;)

Probably not convienent for the rest of the folks, but would work for us.

We would love to do the DIS meet this summer!! I think the last one was out at Great Lakes Crossing. July would be good..any weekend but the 13th!! :earsboy:
Sounds good! We'll definitely try to make it if there is one!
Hi everyone! So let's try and figure what would be central location! Does anyone know? I think this would be great!! Once we figure out a location, then we can choose the date. Did those of you who attended last year's meet at Great Lakes Crossing find that convenient? Looking forward to hearing everyone's input!

GLC is fine for us too, but it seems like it would be really busy! I was not able to attend the last meet and would love to hear how it was.

Maybe we could come up with a place where we could be more organized and have it just for us instead of something so crowded already.
Just a thought. :)

Any ideas??? :)
Maybe once we have a date set and an approximate number of people coming, we could make ressies at a restaurant? Maybe a place at GLC or near there? I am sure there is something casual out that way? Maybe like Ruby's or Applebee's? I know Rainforest Cafe at GLC takes reservations. I am not sure how many people would be game for that? Hey, it could be like going to RC at DD???? Just a thought.. I am sure there are other posters out there that have not replied to this.
Thanks Michelle for the heads up on the possibility of a Michigan DVC gathering. I, too, would be interested. I have a 9 day period when I am in Cocoa Beach (trying to arrange some WDW time too!!) due to our son being in the National AAU bball tournament. So let me know the date and I'll do my best to be there.
BUMPING UP for more replies!! Any one else?

Shelbyjosh--I LOVE the RFC at GLC. And it's great that we could make ressies there as well--it would feel like eating at the Marketplace! :D

So how about it everyone?? Our meet can be at Great Lakes Crossing, Rainforest Cafe--and what date??!! A Saturday or Sunday?? What month--July or August? PLEASE post what works for you so we can get this organized!! I am excited--I can't wait to meet everyone!! :D
Hey Dave..wanna carpool? You are a stone's throw away! Well let's get something planned so we can make those ressies at RFC, if that is ok with everyone? I agree with Jas, it wil be just like we are at DD!!
Sunday afternoon in July or August is fine for us.

I am going to take a stab here and pose August 5.
What do we think of that???

Thanks Prncssjas for taking the lead on this! Should be fun!!


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