Anyone watch the conclusion of Celebrity Mole last night?


<font color=red>Has an emergency auto hammer & kno
Apr 14, 2000
Except Dan, of course. ;)


I can't believe I guessed who the Mole was! Frederique seemed pretty obvious to me when she wouldn't eat the chili pepper. Especially after Corbin Bernsen said it was one that wasn't especially hot. If she had at least attempted to eat it, I wouldn't have thought much about it. It just seemed a strange thing to take such a stand on.

I did think it was funny that so many of the players did so poorly on every quiz. I can't believe Kathy only got one answer right most of the time and still ended up winning. It was very smart of her to make sure she was the first one done all the time though.

What did you all think?
although I thought it was really boring!
I was surprised to find out that dear Freddie was the mole but I saw lots of times when it is obvious once you know. Remember the pumpkin thing at the blacklight? It was cool to see how close people came to staying or going based on small details. Overall the show was a guilty pleasure except last night which was boring after about 15 minutes.
I was roaring at how obsessive Corbin was about everything. :teeth: I didn't really watch the show. My mother loves it and had it on last night, so I saw bits and pieces of it. :)
HeHe!!! Go search for my post after the show first aired and you will see that I picked her to be the Mole from the very beginning!!!!!

I also picked Katherine from the very beginning, and I picked Bill by about half way through the show!!!!
Corbin was so funny... with the candles thing... Oh man... so funny I had tears.
I can't believe I actually guessed it!! :teeth:
She did a good job foolling them. Not one of them chose her for the Mole in any of the quizzes! LOL
Corbin was a psycho! He had me ROFL with all his theories.
I just guessed at the end who would win and who was the Mole - and I nailed it!!

Poor Stephen, Corbin, and Michael - the looks on their faces when they realized that if they had been a little faster on the quizzes, they would have stayed in the game!!

I like the regular Moles better - because they are on the move, using trains, etc. to travel - but this was amusing, too!
I picked Frederique from the first episode - I was so happy I was right! This was my first time watching The Mole, I'll have to watch the regular ones too now. :)
Once again, I was completely clueless. I was SURE it was Kathy because nobody could really be THAT bad at everything. Frederique was my next choice because Erik put so much money in the pot that I didn't think it would be him.

One of these days, just by chance, I might actually be right about the mole.

Two things I thought were funny was that they were ripping on Corbin for searching for these obscure clues and at the end they showed a bunch of equally obscure clues we were supposed to catch. I mean, obviously we all should have realized the bags in the pantry had the initial FV??M stood for Frederique Vandesomething is the mole. How could I have missed that???

The other thing that cracked me up was how dysfunctional they were as a group. By the end, I think they all hated each other.

Kathy was funny though!
I was wrong again. I had Kathy as the mole and Eric winning. I am glad though that Kathy won (over Eric).
I was hoping it would be Erik as either the winner or the Mole. I met him, his sister and mom on an airplane several years ago and he was the nicest kid then.
I thought the airplane clue was the stupidest...but then again the clues usually are. How are we suppose to figure stuff like that out? The only one that was obvious was whn they showed her face in the helicopter (I was just too busy trying to desipher the random letters going across the screne though :) )

I was totally wrong about the Mole. At first I was sure Steven would be the Mole. I mean, come on AMERICAN BEAUTY!!! Hello it was like a major movie just a couple of years ago. I was sure surprised when he was executed. Then I was SO SURE it was Kathy...I just KNEW it! Then she came out as the winner and I was totally shocked. I was right with the other Moles but I couldn't have been more wrong about this one. They said if the ratings for this did good there would be a Mole 3. I sure hope so.
Originally posted by Princess_Aurora
(I was just too busy trying to desipher the random letters going across the screne though
Me too! There were quite a few V's but that wasn't helpful...


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