Are you afraid of clowns?

I don't know anyone who is afraid of clowns, but I'd still tell your MIL she should pack them away.
My wife is terrified of clowns, I however wanna fight Pennywise, no weapons no supernatural abilities, just a street fight.
I'm not afraid of clowns, but I also don't really get the point of clowns, I don't find them funny (but I also don't like physical humor).

Yeah, even if someone isn't scared of her collection, everyone who sees that house is going to refer to it as the "clown house."
Not afraid but just don't like them. One of my kids was afraid of clowns at like 3 years old. If we went to Ground Round on kids "penny a pound night" we would ask the clown to not visit our table.
As I child clowns never frightened me. But now, if someone showed up at my door dressed as a clown I'd be sort of freak out unless it was between 6 and 8 on Halloween night. :eek:
Yes. Anyone that paints their face on scares me- drag queens, little old ladies, anyone that is overzealous with the makeup... I want to know that your facial expressions are genuine, a painted expression makes your face unreadable and shady.
I have never been afraid of them. I am pretty much indifferent towards them. I do remember as a kid one of my friends had a painting of a clown in their guestroom...I found the picture to be a bit creepy, but I am not afraid of clowns by any means.

My stepdaugther's boyfriend says he is afraid of clowns. I believe it is because he watched Stephen King's IT, and something about a few years ago there were weird clown people creeping around in public gatherings (I vaguely remember this story myself).
I'm not afraid of clowns. But just like spiders and roaches....I don't want to have to look at them or have them get too close :) I find them creepy as all get out! And I never really found clowns funny. Even as a kid I thought they were kind of stupid. Don't know when I switched from thinking they were stupid to thinking they were creepy.
No, I’ve never been afraid of clowns and really don’t understand why anyone would be.
Same here. I just dont understand. I guess i understand why millenials would be scared. They grew up with horror movies involving clowns such as IT. But my generation (born mid to late 70's), clowns were friendly fellows you'd see at birthday parties etc. So i dont really understand the fear. :confused3
Nope. Not sure why anyone would be.

IT-I read it while house sitting when I was 20. It was very unpleasant.

But my generation (born mid to late 70's), clowns were friendly fellows you'd see at birthday parties etc. So i dont really understand the fear. :confused3

Um IT was published in 1986 so reading it alone in 1990 had a long lasting effect.

Of course, I didn't like them before and add ventriloquist's dummies and puppets to the list of things that are uber creepy to me.

I also agree with PPs that even if I liked clowns, clutter and kitsch detracts from a house showing and will hinder selling.
I'm not afraid of clowns- but a clown collection of that size being displayed would be creepy to me. She should box them up for sure.
IT-I read it while house sitting when I was 20. It was very unpleasant.

Um IT was published in 1986 so reading it alone in 1990 had a long lasting effect.

Of course, I didn't like them before and add ventriloquist's dummies and puppets to the list of things that are uber creepy to me.

I also agree with PPs that even if I liked clowns, clutter and kitsch detracts from a house showing and will hinder selling.
What I mean in, millennials have the internet/social media such as instagram snap chat etc where they can be exposed to clowns in a different manner than from "back in my day" (where there was only movies and books I suppose). With movies and books, you choose if you want to read/see it or not. With social media like snap chat, youre scrolling through your feed and suddenly a scary clown face is plastered on your screen. know what i mean?
Not really afraid of them in general, just find them creepy (although that clown thing that was going on back in 2016 kind of freaked me out. If I saw a random clown just standing in the woods/outside my house staring at me you bet I'd be terrified!). If I walked into a house decorated with 500 clowns I'd probably laugh. But if I spent too much time in there I might start to get creeped out.

At any rate, major distraction from the house trying to sell. Clowns gotta go.
Clowns aside ALL personal artifacts should be minimized when listing a house. This is real estate 101 folks. Your mother is simply limiting her potential buyer pool.
I've only sold two houses, my MIL's and my Mom's, and the realtors (different for each sale) said a house should be clean, but leave the personal items up because THAT is what makes a house a home.
One sold in 24 hours, the other in 17 days so at least here, it worked.

I know our house put us off the first time we saw it from the street (36 years ago) because it had wrought iron bars on the windows. No other house on the street had security bars on the windows. Once we walked inside, we understood. The couple who owned the house were wrought iron fanatics. The bookcases inside were wrought iron, the dining room table, the TV stand, the chairs, you name it. First thing I did on the day we took ownership, take off the bars on the windows. We would have missed out on a great house if we had their personal items put us off.
But IT scarred me when I was a teen, lol
Yup.....This guy got me good as a young kid! I still try to avoid them whenever possible.
Am I creeped out by clowns? Absolutely. Would I ever buy a house that had 500 clowns displayed in the formal living room? Heck no.


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