Are you going to eat out soon?

No, and I am in Georgia and they are open. We are really good cooks and buy really good food and don't eat out much to begin with.

However, we do like a local Mexican place and have become friends with one of the bartenders. He was finally back at work last night, but we could not wrap our heads around going out to eat and the potential exposure. We thought we could do it, but we just couldn't. Yesterday was also the day that I found out a very good work friend of mine is in critical condition due to COVID. She is 49 years old.

This is hard - I would like to try to do some "normal" things, but then I get "crowded" at the grocery store and I am back to square one.

ETA: We have not even done take out since my husband has returned from Italy on March 11th. But I may be willing to try that next week.
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No, not at least for a couple of months. I just got takeout today for the very first time in 8 weeks
Nope. We haven't even done takeout (other than a couple of drive-throughs for ice cream only) since late February.

I'm considering getting takeout for my birthday next week, but we have the extra complication of gluten intolerance to deal with. That's a bit of a minefield at the best of times, and I'm nervous that my intolerance would be at the very bottom of any restaurant's list of things to concern themselves with right now. I do realize that this is a very minor concern compared to the virus, but it can make me pretty miserable for a few days, and I have to decide if it's worth risking that, even if I think I'm pretty safe from the virus with a takeout dinner (which I do).

But back to the actual question, am I ready to eat in a restaurant? No way no how.
Yes as soon as NJ opens back up which will probably be a couple months or who knows how long. The last night New Jersey was open I was eating at Olive Garden.
No. We still get take out on occasion, but we generally don’t go to restaurants unless we’re away on vacation and I can’t see that happening for awhile.
Noooo..uh-uh. My sister and I used to eat out together at least once a month, in fact, we ate at The Cheesecake Factory the last time we were able to be together at the end of February. But, besides being in New Jersey where dine-in is still not an option and won't be for awhile, I just don't feel comfortable or safe. You have to give up some measure of control and you have to trust that all is clean and sanitary when you eat out at a restaurant. I'm not ready to do that, and probably won't for some time, maybe even not until after the new year.
Nope. We haven't eaten out (or even takeout) since mid-February. I'd rather wait it out and see what happens when things open up--meaning we won't be going out for at least a month or two. One thing we're doing to support the restaurant business is buying produce from a restaurant supply place. They had no storefront since they delivered to restaurants, but they've set up a system for non-wholesale customers where you order your produce over the phone and they'll load up your car. I feel safe doing that since it's all no contact and we cook the food.
I think it’s going to be hard for people mentally to feel ready. We have sort of gotten used to things being like they are.
We’re not going to be the first. Maybe months down the road.
That article made many good points. Dining has more risk than most other public activities. It’s just not worth it to me when I can meet friends and family to share food and fun at each other’s home. And that’ll be with close people similarly minded who are also limiting their interactions.
Sorry restaurants. I love ya but takeout or home cooked for now. 56300668-BA95-4E28-A76D-AD5A4097F612.jpeg This was on the menu tonight.
We don't eat out much unless we're on vacation and it doesn't look like we'll be on vacation for a while so doubt we'll be among the first on this end.
Friday and Saturday nights are our dinner out nights. We're still doing that at the same restaurants, we just have to take it home.
Nope. Not yet. We are going to sit back and evaluate the results of this experiment with opening up the economy. Depending on who you listen to, it will be great or it is too soon and we will be back to square one in just a few weeks with hospitals overwhelmed. We will wait and see which way it goes, not willing to be the guinea pigs at this point. Personally, I won't go out to eat till there is adequate testing, extensive contact tracing, and there are proven therapies.

We used to eat out or do take out 4 x 5 times a week pre-covid. We have now rediscovered our preference for good, home cooked meals. We are enjoying the slow down and spending time with each other. We won't be going back to old habits any time soon.

There are other jobs sectors opening up, hopefully that will help anyone affected by the slowdown of restaurant patrons. For instance, our state is looking to hire 1,000 contact tracers immediately and they will train you. And you can work from home.
We still have another week before our restaurants are allowed to open for limited outdoor dining, in addition to takeout. And it’s NH, so outdoor dining options are limited. We have been doing takeout a couple times a week throughout this, and I think by default, that's what we are stuck with for quite some time. We generally frequent tiny restaurants, rather than big chain restaurants, so once indoor dining is allowed, we won't hesitate to return, if they can survive that long.


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