Are you sending your kids to school next month?

My son had his first day of classes on campus. His only class today was virtual. Tomorrow he has class in person. He said people on campus seem to be complying with the guidelines. If kids go off campus and party, they need to be sent home and let the other kids stay. I know that’s hard to enforce but it’s not the classes that are the problem. It’s the weekend activities.
My son had his first day of classes on campus. His only class today was virtual. Tomorrow he has class in person. He said people on campus seem to be complying with the guidelines. If kids go off campus and party, they need to be sent home and let the other kids stay. I know that’s hard to enforce but it’s not the classes that are the problem. It’s the weekend activities.
I wouldn't want them to be sent home. What if they are positive? Then they are not only traveling, but exposing their household, not only that but not everyone has a place to go home to, people live in apartments, are international, etc. It's like spring all over again. As much as parties and such should not happen (even though we know they will) sending people all to go spreading it around the country wasn't a good idea in the spring and it most def. isn't a good idea now, in the fall or the winter. That's just shifting the problem so it can be someone else's and it could have far more reaching consequences in terms of spread. So really not much to be done but hope enough people do the right thing. It would probably help if the colleges are in places where bars are closed down or whatnot, won't get rid of the parties but can give one less place to congregate.
I have a daughter going into 5th grade at our local Catholic School and have chosen the virtual option as well to start (we have to chose for 9 weeks at a time). We don't start until next week but will have live sessions, it sounds, much like you described. My daughter is academically above average too so if things go as you described in your experience hopefully we will be efficient too! Thank you for sharing your experience with remote learning.
We are at a Catholic school as well!
So after the closed door meeting the school board had with the teacher's union last week there was an emergency board meeting tonight to put an addendum onto the plan for the upcoming year. No parents were allowed to see the addendum before the meeting and were not allowed to ask questions or make comments about it. I just now got an email from the district which has the metrics that have to be met. They will not be met, these are the same idiotic numbers the Governor is using to back up his claims. There are multiple counties that have single digit active cases that are considered "High levels of COVID activity." To start the year every student will be alternating days, but they won't tell us which days the kids are going until Aug. 25, one week before the school year starts. My wife and I will have to completely re-arrange our work schedules at the drop of hat, again, when they decide which days my 7 year old gets to go to school. Here are the metrics:
My husband’s school just informed the teachers that if they live with someone who tests positive, they will be placed on a 24+ day quarantine if they don’t get sick.It’s 10+ days isolation served along with the person who tested positive, and another 14 days after that case is released from isolation to make sure the teacher doesn’t get sick- even if the teacher tests negative.

So, for example, say I test positive. 10 day automatic isolation for me (longer if symptoms linger). My husband has to isolate with me. And then when my isolation ends, his 14 days of quarantine begins.

If he does get sick or tests positive, he only has to serve a 10 day isolation.

There is no way this will be workable.

Also, unclear if the students will be held to the same, but they should.
My husband’s school just informed the teachers that if they live with someone who tests positive, they will be placed on a 24+ day quarantine if they don’t get sick.It’s 10+ days isolation served along with the person who tested positive, and another 14 days after that case is released from isolation to make sure the teacher doesn’t get sick- even if the teacher tests negative.

So, for example, say I test positive. 10 day automatic isolation for me (longer if symptoms linger). My husband has to isolate with me. And then when my isolation ends, his 14 days of quarantine begins.

If he does get sick or tests positive, he only has to serve a 10 day isolation.

There is no way this will be workable.

Also, unclear if the students will be held to the same, but they should.

How on earth do they think they will keep the schools staffed? Wow, let us know how it goes! My kids all chose to learn at home this year, but they are in the very small minority, almost all of their classmates chose to go in person. Two of my kids' schools didn't even have an option for remote (the other is in college), so I had to research virtual schools and homeschool programs. However the public schools are starting remote, so all of those kids are "in it together" so to speak, whereas my two that are staying home are among only a handful from their private schools who chose the same. I am pretty sure most people think we are "living in fear", one of my girls has already had comments to that effect. Which makes us feel even lonelier on the one hand, while also feeling glad they don't have to be around a lot of kids who lack compassion for other people's choices
How on earth do they think they will keep the schools staffed? Wow, let us know how it goes! My kids all chose to learn at home this year, but they are in the very small minority, almost all of their classmates chose to go in person. Two of my kids' schools didn't even have an option for remote (the other is in college), so I had to research virtual schools and homeschool programs. However the public schools are starting remote, so all of those kids are "in it together" so to speak, whereas my two that are staying home are among only a handful from their private schools who chose the same. I am pretty sure most people think we are "living in fear", one of my girls has already had comments to that effect. Which makes us feel even lonelier on the one hand, while also feeling glad they don't have to be around a lot of kids who lack compassion for other people's choices

You made the right choice.

Schools are not going to be able to remain open. Parents need to plan for their children being in and out of school frequently this year.
I wouldn't want them to be sent home. What if they are positive? Then they are not only traveling, but exposing their household, not only that but not everyone has a place to go home to, people live in apartments, are international, etc. It's like spring all over again. As much as parties and such should not happen (even though we know they will) sending people all to go spreading it around the country wasn't a good idea in the spring and it most def. isn't a good idea now, in the fall or the winter. That's just shifting the problem so it can be someone else's and it could have far more reaching consequences in terms of spread. So really not much to be done but hope enough people do the right thing. It would probably help if the colleges are in places where bars are closed down or whatnot, won't get rid of the parties but can give one less place to congregate.
Sending them home

ODS' school gave the option of hybrid, which was a messed up schedule, or all DL. He chose DL.

YDS goes to a small, Catholic school. They are full on in person with option to DL as needed/wanted. We chose DL for the start and we will see how it goes. Not much faith in a lot of the parents of the students. A lot of "God will save us". Not comfortable.

ODS' school gave the option of hybrid, which was a messed up schedule, or all DL. He chose DL.

YDS goes to a small, Catholic school. They are full on in person with option to DL as needed/wanted. We chose DL for the start and we will see how it goes. Not much faith in a lot of the parents of the students. A lot of "God will save us". Not comfortable.
See, I read that as "He chose Disneyland". I mean, we are on a Disney forum. And I bet more than one would do virtual school from the parks if they could.

ODS' school gave the option of hybrid, which was a messed up schedule, or all DL. He chose DL.

YDS goes to a small, Catholic school. They are full on in person with option to DL as needed/wanted. We chose DL for the start and we will see how it goes. Not much faith in a lot of the parents of the students. A lot of "God will save us". Not comfortable.

Oh my gosh, yes. Same story here. I was appalled at some of the things I was reading on Facebook from the parents at my kids' schools, a lot of comments about "sheeple" and how masks don't work at all, and survival of the fittest, and all that. I do know for a fact that there are many, many other Catholics like you and I who believe the science and want to take whatever steps necessary to protect others, but there were enough of the other group that I didn't feel safe having my kids go to school there
Oh my gosh, yes. Same story here. I was appalled at some of the things I was reading on Facebook from the parents at my kids' schools, a lot of comments about "sheeple" and how masks don't work at all, and survival of the fittest, and all that. I do know for a fact that there are many, many other Catholics like you and I who believe the science and want to take whatever steps necessary to protect others, but there were enough of the other group that I didn't feel safe having my kids go to school there
Another Catholic here who chose virtual for our daughter in Catholic school. Thankfully her school has adopted a lot of precautions, but I still wasn’t ready. A little less than 20% elected online. One parent on her class posts stuff about how masks are somehow related to World War II Germany, but she is the only one who has posted the crazy talk. I’m sure there are other who may feel it but keep their mouth shut. Luckily we have a lot of parents in science based fields at her school, so that helps
Another Catholic here who chose virtual for our daughter in Catholic school. Thankfully her school has adopted a lot of precautions, but I still wasn’t ready. A little less than 20% elected online. One parent on her class posts stuff about how masks are somehow related to World War II Germany, but she is the only one who has posted the crazy talk. I’m sure there are other who may feel it but keep their mouth shut. Luckily we have a lot of parents in science based fields at her school, so that helps

I saw a lot of posts about masks being a method of mind control, part of a Communist take over, and so on. The absolute worst though was a post about how most covid sufferers are overweight and out of shape, so "don't ask me to wear a mask just because you're a glutton who can't control your impulses". I will never, ever look at that person the same way again. Very physically attractive person with an ugly soul
Another Catholic here who chose virtual for our daughter in Catholic school. Thankfully her school has adopted a lot of precautions, but I still wasn’t ready. A little less than 20% elected online. One parent on her class posts stuff about how masks are somehow related to World War II Germany, but she is the only one who has posted the crazy talk. I’m sure there are other who may feel it but keep their mouth shut. Luckily we have a lot of parents in science based fields at her school, so that helps
The main thing to me is if the school has precautions in place and will enforce them. If masks work as they say they do, and students wear them, the kids should be safe. My GS’s school (Catholic) reported a family has tested positive. They have 2 kids at the school and they are in quarantine. This happened before school started. If parents are being diligent and the school enforces the rules, we are happy to have him in school.
So after the closed door meeting the school board had with the teacher's union last week there was an emergency board meeting tonight to put an addendum onto the plan for the upcoming year. No parents were allowed to see the addendum before the meeting and were not allowed to ask questions or make comments about it. I just now got an email from the district which has the metrics that have to be met. They will not be met, these are the same idiotic numbers the Governor is using to back up his claims. There are multiple counties that have single digit active cases that are considered "High levels of COVID activity." To start the year every student will be alternating days, but they won't tell us which days the kids are going until Aug. 25, one week before the school year starts. My wife and I will have to completely re-arrange our work schedules at the drop of hat, again, when they decide which days my 7 year old gets to go to school. Here are the metrics:

Which of those metrics do you think are idiotic? They seem pretty standard. And as I said above, I'm infuriated that our district isn't publicizing measurable metrics, so I'm really impressed by this chart.
I live in a college town and as a community we were not thrilled when the college opted for in person. 30k more people coming into town this week.. If we have huge outbreaks, I’d rather they all be sent home then stay here and spread it in our community. It’s a lose lose situation. Colleges should not be trying to open to begin with, IMO.

And I agree that the classes aren’t the problem, it’s the partying and social gatherings off campus. We’ve been avoiding all recreational areas of town all week because the influx of students was so overwhelming. We live by a lake that’s popular to kayak and all weekend college students were having big beach parties and it’s just like 🙄

Unfortunately, that age demographic is just more prone to risk taking behaviors. I was an idiot at that age, I wouldn’t have listened to all these lame grown ups either and gotten my party on. 😂
I live in a college town and as a community we were not thrilled when the college opted for in person. 30k more people coming into town this week.. If we have huge outbreaks, I’d rather they all be sent home then stay here and spread it in our community. It’s a lose lose situation. Colleges should not be trying to open to begin with, IMO.

And I agree that the classes aren’t the problem, it’s the partying and social gatherings off campus. We’ve been avoiding all recreational areas of town all week because the influx of students was so overwhelming. We live by a lake that’s popular to kayak and all weekend college students were having big beach parties and it’s just like 🙄

Unfortunately, that age demographic is just more prone to risk taking behaviors. I was an idiot at that age, I wouldn’t have listened to all these lame grown ups either and gotten my party on. 😂
I understand and don't necessarily disagree. But a lot of the businesses in college towns are going to dry up and go away without the students there.

It really is a shame that students really can't be counted on to do what's right. Or even parents for that matter. On the family Facebook page for my daughter's college, parents are expressing disappointment that rush and tailgating are now affected since they dropped their max gathering to 20 people. And less than a week ago one parent was telling others going through rush to bring costumes for the Halloween parties. Another parent a few weeks ago referencing the keg parties the kids would be having. It's so disappointing.
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