Attacked on the boards

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Ah another goodbye cruel Dis world post.

When you come back under your new sn, and you will come back under a new sn, don't post in brown or in large font. It's a dead giveaway. By the way, keep your personal stuff close to the vest just like you would In real life. Anything personal that you say can and will be used against you in the court of Dis. .

My point exactly,,

and yes, I will never again share personal information. Thank you!

I have no clue what that means, I guess I'm just not part of the cool group.

What I do know is if you do a little research, I see that there are many, many, many, many, many, many threads just like this one that speak of the rudeness on the boards... So I know I'm not the only one to feel this way... I find it sad and disgusting, that so many of you have bullied many good hearted people away from the boards, because you simply can't grow up...

Again thanks for reading!

And you don't find the bolded to be exactly what you are complaining about? :rotfl::rotfl:

I have no clue what that means, I guess I'm just not part of the cool group.

What I do know is if you do a little research, I see that there are many, many, many, many, many, many threads just like this one that speak of the rudeness on the boards... So I know I'm not the only one to feel this way... I find it sad and disgusting, that so many of you have bullied many good hearted people away from the boards, because you simply can't grow up...

Again thanks for reading!

I've seen lots of people post to complain about mean or rude posters on the Dis over the years and the one thing they all had in common is that they are overly sensitive to any criticism. The fact that multiple people have felt that way doesn't mean that they are right. Disagreeing is not bullying.

I find it hilarious that you are making snarky comments on a thread you started to tell everyone else to be nice.
YAGE means yet another grand exit.

Never heard that one. I've heard of GCW (Goodbye cruel world) or SNS (screen name suicide) I've also seen DM(letter omitted) A (Delete my (edited) account.)
My point exactly,,

What is your point exactly?

This thread IS another "good bye cruel DIS" thread. People who really feel the need to step away from the DIS, just do so - without announcing it. People who feel the need for more drama and attention, start threads about the fact that they are leaving the boards (and then, often, don't actually leave).
I came to the boards to learn and share my Disney experiences. As time passed I became comfortable with my fellow posters, and shared information I now regret sharing.

In one last final plea, I will beg some of you to keep your opinions to yourself, because you are plaguing the joyful experience for others. I think that most of us, are honest nonjudgmental individuals, who sometimes need help or advice, and we may post things when we feel we have no where else to turn and or want to share.... But, I really, really feel that if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all. Why do some of you take pleasure in bringing others down? Or attacking someone because they don't live up to your standards. People learn by making mistakes, and by sharing in experiences, and I doubt that you've lived a life free of imperfection.

Most of us have enough stress in our lives, and we come here for fun, with good honest intentions. Your words can hurt, and we may not all share your thick skin.

To the Mod's of the boards, most of you are excellent at stopping the attacks, but I'm amazed at the high numbers of posts that some of the attackers have.. I find it hard to believe that this isn't typical behavior for some of them, and I urge you to put a stop to it when you can.... I admire you all for policing the internet, I just ask that you remind people to be kind to one another.

Thank you, for reading!

You ask for advice when you really want others to agree with you.

I give advice even it it is not what you want to hear.
Eh, Public messageboards aren't for everyone :confused3 Oh, and the world wide internet might not be the best place for sharing personal information. Still amazes me how much of that goes on.
I understand where you are coming from 100%. I know there are some people who ask for advice and are not ready to hear what people have to say and just want people to agree with them. BUT then there are some who truly want opnions but get turned off by the "tone" and way people respond. OR the constant harping of well in the past you have said this and in the past you have said that. Unfortunately people can hide behind their computers and feel because someone "asked" for it they can be as rude as they want and it is the poster who can't handle it. The internet isn't a nice place:confused3 Does that make it okay? No but this is why there are sooo many forums out there. I suggest picking a smaller one for personal problem where you may actually be able to connect with a smaller group of people at a more intimate level. The Dis isn't really a bad place there are some people who are great here and then there are some not so great people. SO you have to pick your battles overall. AND think twice what you put out there for all to read.
I never did understand how someone who puts intimate details of their lives on the internet for everyone in the whole world to see complains when the whole world does not agree. (remember for every poster who is posting tons more are just reading)

We teach our kids to never post anything that would identify themselves or their life, and to grow a back-bone to handle all types of responses, but adults feel because it is a Disney site, everything is Pixie Dust and only the responses that fit into the mold you created should be allowed.

OP I hope you find some peace on another forum. Obviously, this is not the place for you to feel at ease.
TacoBaco said:
I feel as thought I've been pushed to no longer contain my bounds of good judgement, which is another reason why I will be leaving this screen name behind. I do not wish to defend myself on every future post

It sounds from your posts you plan to come back under another username. People will figure out who you are fairly easily (and might even be waiting for your next incarnation ;) ). You'll be right back in the same boat. All that work for nothing, lol. You might be better served to just take a break, put it in perspective, and carry on. If you're crying at home over words on a message board, it's time to take a break. Seriously. Don't let it affect your life like that.

There's a lot of good here, but we've all probably experienced words that have stung us as well. It's kind of the nature of message boards. You have thousands of readers and dozens, if not hundreds, of posters (on any given thread) from different age groups, cultures, places, values, walks of life, etc. Additonally, written words can often come off differently than they may have been intended. Lots of factors to consider. At any rate, take it for what it's worth and don't let it bother you so much.

If that doesn't suit you, remember there were lots of people were trying to be helpful to you and your DD. Best wishes. :flower3:
While there are vast differences between real life and life on the internet, there are similarities.

If I were to walk into the local grocery store, library, or workplace buck naked, stand on a table and tell everyone who can see me all of my problems, I would not expect them to forget that when I returned the next day, week, or month. If I choose to go out into my community and share these details, people WILL remember me. They will call me out on it. It really is the way real life works. People won't forget.

I don't see the internet as being that much different. While you can't actually see me, I can still bear my soul to all that will listen. If I start contradicting myself, making things up, exaggerating, or arguing a moot point, I will get called out on it just like I would in real life.

If you don't want people to see the inner layers of your life, keep your clothes on in real life and keep your fingers off the keyboard on discussion forums. If you don't mind revealing these things, make sure you have developed very thick skin before heading out or posting.
I'm not trying to make light of this post...really. I was on the Dis back when it was a lot more opinionated and you could get away with a lot more in your posts.

I created the HonestAbe persona because at the time, I felt like reading over my wife's shoulder and seeing the amount of whining and fighting on the Dis needed a little dose of what I perceived as reality.

I was not asked to leave, but I was given many warnings when they started cracking down on people. I decided that a long leave of absence was in order because otherwise I was going to be banned from the boards (and potentially my dear, dear wife who would have had my hide for getting her banned at the time!) and so I've been largely incognito for a long time. Since then, I recognize very few of the names and faces here. It has definitely changed and I won't say that it's for the better or the worse, because as some here would say quoting the great Jack Nicholson "You can't handle the truth!"

My friends and family know I'm opinionated and sometimes overbearing and you should be able to tell that because Abe Lincoln could never tell a lie...and HonestAbe is based on that belief.

I agree with the posters that are saying it's time for a leave of absence or to put the Disboards behind you permanently. What they are saying is fact. It is the Internet. When you say something in public to people who you don't know and will never meet, they will talk big talk and say things they would never say to your face. Opinions will differ and if you struggle with different opinions, then a board is not the place for you. Changing your screenname is not going to make a bit of difference. Your character and behavior will come through and people will quickly make the connection. I doubt anyone here wishes you ill will towards you, but it's quite simply not a healthy relationship that you have with the DisBoards and the Internet perhaps and you should consider breaking the relationship off for a while.

Here's a dose of reality. I almost got banned from the boards because people were getting frustrated with me. I never said anything to hurt anyone deliberately...well...okay...there was that ONE time about the haircut....(I'm also fond of jokes and pranks and I'm still entitled to believe that whole thread was awesomely funny!)...but it's humorous how people on here think they have a think skin. Yeah...most of you don't. If you don't believe me, feel free to join me and my pals over on the Mustang Forums. You develop callouses all over your body from that site! I have a hard time seeing anymore because of the callouses covering my eyes!
I agree with the posters that are saying its time for a leave of absence or to put the Disboards behind you permanently. What they are saying is fact. It is the Internet. When you say something in public to people who you don't know and will never meet, they will talk big talk and say things they would never say to your face. Opinions will differ and if you struggle with different opinions, then a board is not the place for you. Changing your screenname is not going to make a bit of difference. Your character and behavior will come through and people will quickly make the connection. I doubt anyone here wishes you ill will towards you, but it's quite simply not a healthy relationship that you have with the DisBoards and the Internet perhaps and you should consider breaking the relationship off for a while.

I agree 100% with this. Ecp if you are getting upset and emotional over people you don't know. I am an emotional person IRL and I have had people get me pretty mad on a forum before BUT I usually step away because it the long run it isn't worth it for someone who doesn't know me to have that control over me.
I'm not trying to make light of this post...really. I was on the Dis back when it was a lot more opinionated and you could get away with a lot more in your posts.

I created the HonestAbe persona because at the time, I felt like reading over my wife's shoulder and seeing the amount of whining and fighting on the Dis needed a little dose of what I perceived as reality.

I was not asked to leave, but I was given many warnings when they started cracking down on people. I decided that a long leave of absence was in order because otherwise I was going to be banned from the boards (and potentially my dear, dear wife who would have had my hide for getting her banned at the time!) and so I've been largely incognito for a long time. Since then, I recognize very few of the names and faces here. It has definitely changed and I won't say that it's for the better or the worse, because as some here would say quoting the great Jack Nicholson "You can't handle the truth!"

My friends and family know I'm opinionated and sometimes overbearing and you should be able to tell that because Abe Lincoln could never tell a lie...and HonestAbe is based on that belief.

I agree with the posters that are saying it's time for a leave of absence or to put the Disboards behind you permanently. What they are saying is fact. It is the Internet. When you say something in public to people who you don't know and will never meet, they will talk big talk and say things they would never say to your face. Opinions will differ and if you struggle with different opinions, then a board is not the place for you. Changing your screenname is not going to make a bit of difference. Your character and behavior will come through and people will quickly make the connection. I doubt anyone here wishes you ill will towards you, but it's quite simply not a healthy relationship that you have with the DisBoards and the Internet perhaps and you should consider breaking the relationship off for a while.

Here's a dose of reality. I almost got banned from the boards because people were getting frustrated with me. I never said anything to hurt anyone deliberately...well...okay...there was that ONE time about the haircut....(I'm also fond of jokes and pranks and I'm still entitled to believe that whole thread was awesomely funny!)...but it's humorous how people on here think they have a think skin. Yeah...most of you don't. If you don't believe me, feel free to join me and my pals over on the Mustang Forums. You develop callouses all over your body from that site! I have a hard time seeing anymore because of the callouses covering my eyes!

Thank you Art, and I get what your saying. I think that some (like myself obviously) see people from a naive view point. When I read a controversial forum, and I don't agree with it, or can't think of anything nice to say, I simply go back to the main page and don't say anything at all. I guess I assumed that most people were like this..... And the truth is, they aren't... I don't generally give my opinion when it's not asked for, and I would never tear someone down like some people on these boards have... with their opinions,,, it's just not me...

When I do come back, because unfortunately I probably won't be able to stay away,, I hope I don't make the same mistakes twice, and can keep my personal life personal.... I came here to have fun, and hope to stick to the parks threads, away from the community drama...


Thank You!
Off topic, but where is this Mustang Forum you speak of??? I am a Mustang lover and would love to read what others think.

And in true internet message board fashion:

My Mustang is WAY better than your Mustang! ;)
Thank you Art, and I get what your saying. I think that some (like myself obviously) see people from a naive view point. When I read a controversial forum, and I don't agree with it, or can't think of anything nice to say, I simply go back to the main page and don't say anything at all. I guess I assumed that most people were like this..... And the truth is, they aren't... I don't generally give my opinion when it's not asked for, and I would never tear someone down like some people on these boards have... with their opinions,,, it's just not me...

When I do come back, because unfortunately I probably won't be able to stay away,, I hope I don't make the same mistakes twice, and can keep my personal life personal.... I came here to have fun, and hope to stick to the parks threads, away from the community drama...


Thank You!

Do you mind if I ask why you keep coming back? You said you were leaving, yet you come back and make posts that do nothing but add to the drama you are trying to get rid of. If you just walk away, and quit posting, eventually this thread will die away. You keep it alive. :confused3
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