August/September Disneyers...let's get in shape for our trip!!

Weekends are the worst part of my week when I am trying to lose weight. I have been so good all week and the Saturday comes along and my routine gets out of wack. I have not gone off the wagon yet, but it sure is a bumpy ride today.
Went to my DS jr high graduation. After the family wanted to get Pizza and bread sticks..:scared1:

I managed to stay on the wagon and just eat my grilled chicken. Now I will get a nice too mug of hot lemon water and watch POTC on T.V.:)
I made it through the weekend staying on track although I was tempted to cheat more than once. Hopefully I will be rewarded when I weigh in on wed. Hope everyone had a great weekend and good start to the week.
Hi! Just signed up for Jenny Craig tonight. I did it before about 5 years ago with decent results but had to quit because it was too expensive. :sad1:

Fast forward five years to today. JC is still expensive but I now have a better job, weigh more than I ever imagined I would, and am a single mom to a 3 y/o DS who I would like to see grow up -- and I'd also like to have enough energy to enjoy his growing up years.

We have a fabulous trip planned for Sept 16 - 24 and I'd love to lose at least 30 lbs. by then or maybe even be to my midpoint mark of 41 lbs. But 30 lbs. would be great. That's what DS weighs and I know what a chore it is to carry him around. :eek:

Let's go lose some weight!!

Don't you just hate the new kids who are all RAH RAH :cheer2: and post twice in a row? Yep, that would be me. :rotfl: I haven't weighed myself since posting last night and don't plan to until my JC appointment next Monday. So far I have stuck to the plan, though, and already drank 32 oz. of water. That's a big deal for this lady who likes her Starbucks iced latte in the morning.

Wanted to add that I, too, am Disney crazed. I am just about finished with our 110 link countdown chain and now it is serving a dual purpose -- counting down to our trip and to my weight loss. Fun!!


Welcome Sarah! So happy again to hear I'm not alone (in Disney obsession and weight loss goals!)
Stephanie, my in-laws also have a dog that likes to "smell the roses" so they have to take the dog for a walk and then go for their exercise walk after! Good work on the weekend, how's the week going so far?
Cathy - the fact that you turned down pizza is such an inspiration - it's one of my weaknesses for sure!

BUT, I won't be able to have regular pizza (or a lot else) for awhile now because my DH and I just got back from a naturopath appointment for him. She thinks he has an intolerance to wheat gluten so as a support, I've offered to go wheat gluten-free with him! It can't possibly hurt to not be allowed to eat baked goods and crackers and cereal and bread and pasta etc. while I'm attempting to lose weight!! (Duh!) I was trying to reduce simple carbs and increase veggies more reason to now! I was pretty stagnant (weight-wise) this weekend but hope to be down by my weigh in on Thursday! WHO ELSE IS POSTING A WEIGHT THIS WEEK? Come on ladies, we've got to be accountable to each other!:thumbsup2

Updated list of joiners for quick reference:
Tara (NewlyDisneyCrazed): married, 2 kids, Goal: lose 20 lbs by Aug.24 (50 total to lose)
Krista (Brownsfan): mom to 11 year old Goal: down 20 more lbs by Sept. trip (already down 38 lbs! )
Cathy (Riverhill): mom to DD16, joined weight loss clinic to lose weight before Aug. 22 trip.
Jennifer (QueenCityDiva): married, mom of 2, getting ready for Sept. romantic vacation!
Kaiti (JacksLilWench): Goal: to exercise 20 min/day...great idea!
Nyc (B's Marie): Mom to 3, Goal: lose 20 lbs and exercise 5x/week
Jen (shaylyn): Mom to 6(!!!), Goal: 30 lbs by Sept. 1
Pam (peaceluv&mickeymouse): Goal: lose 20 lbs by Aug. 20th trip
NickNElliesMom: single, 2 kids, Goal: 20 lbs by Aug. 21st trip (50 total to lose)
BlackPearl: Goal: to be fit! (60 total to lose)
Dystopia: Goal: lose 15 more pounds by Aug. 20th trip
disneycrazi: mom to 4, Goal: 30 lbs by end of Sept. (70 total to lose)
Amandancrx: Goal: to lose 30 lbs.
Stephanie (honeymo78): Goal: 20 lbs before end of Sept. trip (80 total to lose)
Sarah (thegreggersmom): Goal: at least 30 lbs by Sept. 16th trip (about 80 total to lose) :cheer2:
I went off track last night after dinner was inedible and I want feeling well. I still managed to lose 5lbs though. Here's hoping for another productive week.
Tough week so far. I have avoided Pizza on Saturday, Chinese food yesterday , ice cream in my freezer , marshmellows on my kitchen counter and tonight I came home to Grinders in my refrigerator. I managed to stay away from it all. :cool1: Plus I was weighed in today and have lost 10 pounds so far. :woohoo:Which brings me to 185lbs I can't wait to be in the 170'S. that is when it will feel real. Mickey Mouse will hardly recoginze me in August.

BUT, I won't be able to have regular pizza (or a lot else) for awhile now because my DH and I just got back from a naturopath appointment for him. She thinks he has an intolerance to wheat gluten so as a support, I've offered to go wheat gluten-free with him! It can't possibly hurt to not be allowed to eat baked goods and crackers and cereal and bread and pasta etc. while I'm attempting to lose weight!! (Duh!) I was trying to reduce simple carbs and increase veggies more reason to now! I was pretty stagnant (weight-wise) this weekend but hope to be down by my weigh in on Thursday! WHO ELSE IS POSTING A WEIGHT THIS WEEK? Come on ladies, we've got to be accountable to each other!:thumbsup2


If there is a UNO pizza near you they offer a gulten free pizza :thumbsup2
Yay Cathy! 10 lbs down is amazing and your will power is awe-inspiring!! And thanks for the gluten-free pizza tip. I will check into that!

It's Thursday so it's the day I promised a weight update and I'm proud to say I've finally seen movement (small but in the right direction!!) After bouncing between 189 and 191ish for a few weeks and last week weighing in at 189.2, I was 187.4 today! Just under 2 lbs lost but I'll take it! I'm totally not hardcore crash dieting, I'm just trying to make way healthier choices and it's starting to pay off. Slow and steady wins the race. If I lose 1.5 lbs/week from now till August 24th (departure date) I will meet Mickey at about 166 lbs!!! That would be amazing! (170 is my goal!) I'm on my way! :banana: (Just had to use the banana, I don't think I ever have before!)

Everyone else, how is it going?

Yay Cathy! 10 lbs down is amazing and your will power is awe-inspiring!! And thanks for the gluten-free pizza tip. I will check into that!

It's Thursday so it's the day I promised a weight update and I'm proud to say I've finally seen movement (small but in the right direction!!) After bouncing between 189 and 191ish for a few weeks and last week weighing in at 189.2, I was 187.4 today! Just under 2 lbs lost but I'll take it! I'm totally not hardcore crash dieting, I'm just trying to make way healthier choices and it's starting to pay off. Slow and steady wins the race. If I lose 1.5 lbs/week from now till August 24th (departure date) I will meet Mickey at about 166 lbs!!! That would be amazing! (170 is my goal!) I'm on my way! :banana: (Just had to use the banana, I don't think I ever have before!)

Everyone else, how is it going?


166 totally calls for a dancing banana!!!!!:banana::banana::banana: Isn't great just thinking about being in WDW at your goal weight.

I look forward to pulling down the bar on Big Thunder Mountain and hitting my legs instead of my stomach. I will finally not be afraid to be in the family photos.

What does everyone look forward to the most when it comes to being at WDW and being that much closer to your ideal weight???
166 totally calls for a dancing banana!!!!!:banana::banana::banana: Isn't great just thinking about being in WDW at your goal weight.

I look forward to pulling down the bar on Big Thunder Mountain and hitting my legs instead of my stomach. I will finally not be afraid to be in the family photos.

What does everyone look forward to the most when it comes to being at WDW and being that much closer to your ideal weight???

I'm looking forward to not being wedged into a seat with DH - we both should be smaller for our next trip. Not looking as big and fluffy as the character I'm having my picture taken with. Hopefully not having my feet/legs hurt as much at the end of the day since they carrying less weigh. Not feeling like a beached whale when I'm at the pool and not being embarrassed to have fun on the slides because I think I'm too big.
166 totally calls for a dancing banana!!!!!:banana::banana::banana: Isn't great just thinking about being in WDW at your goal weight.

I look forward to pulling down the bar on Big Thunder Mountain and hitting my legs instead of my stomach. I will finally not be afraid to be in the family photos.

What does everyone look forward to the most when it comes to being at WDW and being that much closer to your ideal weight???

I'm totally looking forward to having LOTS of pictures taken with my family and not worrying about hating them! And of course the bathing suit thing too!

(170 is my goal weight for this year's trip but my ultimate goal is to get down to 140. Maybe my motivation will be that I can't plan my next trip until I lose the rest! Now that would be a good incentive!)
Can I join in too? Ok, we are going to Disney October 16th, but I've been reading your posts and I like you guys!

My story: I'm 36 (5'8" 166 lbs), DH is 38 and we have a DD 8 mos old. Never been the skinny girl, but not digging the muffin top I've acquired since DD was born. I'd like to get back to 148 lbs. I love carbs! I'm on Weight Watchers with no success right now. I may not post a bunch but love reading everyone's posts. I will try to update regularly though.

Have a great day everyone!
Can I join in too? Ok, we are going to Disney October 16th, but I've been reading your posts and I like you guys!

My story: I'm 36 (5'8" 166 lbs), DH is 38 and we have a DD 8 mos old. Never been the skinny girl, but not digging the muffin top I've acquired since DD was born. I'd like to get back to 148 lbs. I love carbs! I'm on Weight Watchers with no success right now. I may not post a bunch but love reading everyone's posts. I will try to update regularly though.

Have a great day everyone!

Welcome Fitgirl 36. We would love to have you as part of our group:grouphug:

I am starting to believe that eatting healthy really does work. I am now 182.5 so that is 12.5lbs down. I fit into a size 14 today that I could not fit into last month :woohoo:

This may be our last big family vacation with my parents and kids since mom and dad are getting older and kids will be getting ready to go to college in a few years. Knowing that I will be the mom I want to be for them means so much. :)
Hi fitgirl36! Welcome. DH and I love carbs too that's why we knew trying south beach like so many of our coworkers and friends are doing wouldn't work. So far we've been really trying to make this work - it's been just over a week. DH even says he is getting full on less food and isn't hungry as much anymore.

Our staying on track will go off track on Sun. We missed a dinner at our favorite brazilian steakhouse last month cause I was sick and my mom is treating us to that dinner on Sunday. I day won't ruin me, maybe my loss will be a little less or nothing this week but I have to be able to enjoy myself sometimes and learn how to get right back on track or this will never work long term.

Hope everyone has a good weekend. I have to work tomorrow so I shouldn't have too much trouble staying on track.
Hi fitgirl36! Welcome. DH and I love carbs too that's why we knew trying south beach like so many of our coworkers and friends are doing wouldn't work. So far we've been really trying to make this work - it's been just over a week. DH even says he is getting full on less food and isn't hungry as much anymore.

Our staying on track will go off track on Sun. We missed a dinner at our favorite brazilian steakhouse last month cause I was sick and my mom is treating us to that dinner on Sunday. I day won't ruin me, maybe my loss will be a little less or nothing this week but I have to be able to enjoy myself sometimes and learn how to get right back on track or this will never work long term.

Hope everyone has a good weekend. I have to work tomorrow so I shouldn't have too much trouble staying on track.
Thanks for the welcomes! So I had an unplanned date night tonight with hubby at a local Italian restaurant. Ugh. I mean awesome we had a date night (well, date dinner, we were gone for exactly 74 minutes, lol no mommy guilt here!) but carbo loaded AGAIN! Well tomorrow's another day for a fresh start!

Welcome fitgirl!! We are always happy to have more support - thanks for chiming in! I know what you mean about the carbs, I'm sort of in mourning because of a wheat free diet I just started but I still eat rice, potatoes, etc. so I'm not totally carb deprived. But today at work there was birthday cake for a colleague and I couldn't have any so I didn't! I was so proud of myself!

Looking forward to hearing about how everyone else is doing!

Updated list of joiners for quick reference:
Tara (NewlyDisneyCrazed): married, 2 kids, Goal: lose 20 lbs by Aug.24 (50 total to lose)
Krista (Brownsfan): mom to 11 year old Goal: down 20 more lbs by Sept. trip (already down 38 lbs! )
Cathy (Riverhill): mom to DD16, joined weight loss clinic to lose weight before Aug. 22 trip.
Jennifer (QueenCityDiva): married, mom of 2, getting ready for Sept. romantic vacation!
Kaiti (JacksLilWench): Goal: to exercise 20 min/day...great idea!
Nyc (B's Marie): Mom to 3, Goal: lose 20 lbs and exercise 5x/week
Jen (shaylyn): Mom to 6(!!!), Goal: 30 lbs by Sept. 1
Pam (peaceluv&mickeymouse): Goal: lose 20 lbs by Aug. 20th trip
NickNElliesMom: single, 2 kids, Goal: 20 lbs by Aug. 21st trip (50 total to lose)
BlackPearl: Goal: to be fit! (60 total to lose)
Dystopia: Goal: lose 15 more pounds by Aug. 20th trip
disneycrazi: mom to 4, Goal: 30 lbs by end of Sept. (70 total to lose)
Amandancrx: Goal: to lose 30 lbs.
Stephanie (honeymo78): Goal: 20 lbs before end of Sept. trip (80 total to lose)
Sarah (thegreggersmom): Goal: at least 30 lbs by Sept. 16th trip (about 80 total to lose)
fitgirl36: Goal: to lose 18 lbs before Oct. 16th trip :cheer2:


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