Bambi II, 101 Dalmations II and more...


<font color=009900>No one is immune to the TF's in
Aug 17, 1999
According to Video Premiere Awards, the sequel to Disney's 101 Dalmations (the animated one) will be called "101 Dalmations : Patch's London Adventure". The film, which features the voices of Barry Bostwick, Martin Short and Jane Alexander, will hit video in 2003. Additionally Disney has also greenlit a sequel to "Atlantis" called "Atlantis : The New Adventures", a sequel to the 40's classic "Bambi", a new Winnie the Pooh movie called "The Hefalump Movie" which will follow the 2003 theatrical release Piglet's Big Movie, and "The Jungle Book 2" which is going to go to cinemas. Also being mulled about are sequels to "Lilo and Stich", "The Lion King III", "Tarzan", "Mulan III", and "George of the Jungle II" which might be filmed in Australia in August.
Ugh....why did I even read this....

Hasn't anyone told them that sequels suck?
WHY do the keep putting out these CRAPPY sequels. I saw some of Cinderella II, and it was AWFUL. Disney should be ashamed that they would make a movie like that. Enough with the sequels! :mad:
There are proposals for a sequel to every animated feature ever made with the exception of ‘The Black Caldaron’. I’m sure everyone is waiting for ‘Oliver & Company 2’ and ‘The Further Adventures of Robin Hood’.

Today, someone who works a studio that competes against Disney ask me why The Mouse was so eagerly trashing its most valuable asset. She had an interesting analogy: No one remembers how good the original ‘Rocky’ was because all people can think about now are the idiotic sequels. The original won the Best Picture Oscar, but the end the series had become a parody of itself. You say ‘Rocky’ and people conjur up an image of an aging Stallone facing down The Soviet Menace. When we hear ‘Cinderella’, we get an image of the movie. How many children are going to see nothing but a bad video tape that watched once and tossed aside?

Several of the sequels (‘Atlantis’, ‘Tarzan’ among them) are actually episodes of the televisions series that have been spliced together. There will be another line that will take episodes from the older ‘Mermaid’, ‘Dalmatians’ and ‘Aladdin’ series and splice them into “features” as well. And the trend is so popular, future sequels may intentionally be made as two or three parts. Those will be released as “films” here, and then shown as separate 20 minute programs on Disney’s international programming services.

In addition to animated sequels, Disney is also proceeding with live action sequels along the lines of the ‘George of the Jungle 2’ mentioned above. ‘Inspector Gadget 2’, ‘Snow Dogs 2’ and ‘Sorority Boys 2’ are already in going. And yes, there were plans for ‘Bubble Boy 2’ (I’m not kidding).

Lastly, for all those people Car 1 types that sneer at the movies Disney made in the seventies – how do you like your crow cooked? Already in the works are remakes of ‘Escape to Witch Mountain’, ‘The Computer Who Wore Tennis Shoes’, 'Bedknobs and Broomsticks' and ‘The Barefoot Executive’.

Every year there are more than 50,000 new scripts for feature films registered with the Writer’s Guild of America. Perhaps someone should send a few to the Disney lot.
My head is starting to spin......:(

Are they going to do a Snow White sequel, or did I miss that newsflash. I'm just wondering how far they're going to take this.
Do they make money?
Is anybody forcing me to watch, rent or buy them?
That’s not the point Cap.. ah, Peter and you know it. Their mere existence cheapens the brand and lowers the bar yet once again, diluting the Disney ‘Quality’ we are all after. A perfect example of short term “Ei$ner” thinking. Make the money while you can and never mind the long term effects!!
I knew that wasn't your point, ole buddy, but it's mine! Where's the proof that these dogs tarnish the "brand"? They're being purchased, they're making money, nobody will confuse them with their classic brethren, I just don't see it. Aside from a handful of Disney geeks who sit around all day talking about all things Disney, who else really pays attention?... Did I just put myself down?:confused:

Betty X, you don't like humor? Or do you know scoop from elsewhere?:eek:
:cool: :cool: :bounce: :cool: :cool:
Today, someone who works a studio that competes against Disney ask me why The Mouse was so eagerly trashing its most valuable asset. She had an interesting analogy: No one remembers how good the original ‘Rocky’ was because all people can think about now are the idiotic sequels. The original won the Best Picture Oscar, but the end the series had become a parody of itself. You say ‘Rocky’ and people conjur up an image of an aging Stallone facing down The Soviet Menace.
Can you honestly say, Mr. Pirate, that you can't see the truth of this paragraph? Tell me where it goes wrong, because I really don't see it.
I knew that wasn't your point, ole buddy, but it's mine! Where's the proof that these dogs tarnish the "brand"? They're being purchased, they're making money, nobody will confuse them with their classic brethren, I just don't see it. Aside from a handful of Disney geeks who sit around all day talking about all things Disney, who else really pays attention?

Exactly! Aside from a handful of geeks, who pays attention. So why are you so sure that people AREN'T going to confuse them with their classic bretheren? How are you so sure that the parents 5 years from now (who today are probably not following Disney at all) aren't going to pop in these videos with their kids and say "What the heck happened? My parents used to like the Disney movies I watched as a kid, why can't I sit through these movies with my kids." Lots of the companies my parents thought were great don't exist anymore, or have poor reputations instead of stellar ones. How are you so sure that those future parents won't feel that way about Disney?

The rate of which these DTV's are released they're starting to drown out the "classics." 40 great classics in the same pool as 80 DTV's is only is a hit 1 out of 3 times at the video counter. How long can any company play with a .333 batting average, when everyone associates it with an over .500 average? Customers don't give a rip about how much money a video has sold, they care if it's good, and I haven't seen anyone say these DTV's are creative acheivements. How are you so sure that isn't going to catch up to them?

The movies are making money today. Initial release. Personally I wonder how many people have copies of the sequels they're never going to watch again but they bought because they thought "it was Disney so it would be good," found out it wasn't and then are stuck with them since you can't return videos. Saying these DTV's are money makers because this time around they made the $100 million mark is like people in June proclaiming Tomb Raider a box office success because it made almost $48 million opening week, IMO.

I would love to see over time, how these DTV's stack up compare to the "classics" in terms of video sales. Do these DTV's start out with a big opening and then drop off a cliff in 2nd release, 3rd release etc or will they be like the classics which seem to do well in subsequent releases.
You mean to say that you can't even consider the fact that perhaps 'Rocky' just couldn't stand the test of time? I watched the original 'Rocky' not long ago and it held nothing for me...So pehaps the sequels to this particular picture are not a fair analogy. I don't care if they make 10 Cinderella seqels they will NEVER tarnish what the original is and stands for, IMO...:D
:cool: :cool: :bounce: :cool: :cool:
Rocky is one of my favorite movies of all time, but I have to agree with Pirate that it does come across as being dated. The music, though inspiring, has a seventies, not a timeless, feel. Boxing is about 1/10 as popular as it was then. The sequels did not tarnish the original, anymore than Godfather 3 tarnished 1 (or 2, for that matter). The Wiz did not tarnish The Wizard of Oz, the Gone with the Wind sequel did not hurt the original. Caddyshack, Grease, Jurassic Park, Ghostbusters, Jaws, and many others had what most consider awful sequels made, yet the originals are still extremely popular.

Why in the world would remakes of Escape and Computer automatically be a problem? If they try to be faithful to the original, fine, that's a problem. But The Parent Trap had a very different feel than the original, and is a good family movie. The ideas from those bad movies could easily be used to make good movies now. I seem to recall a few scorcery and withcraft movies from the last six months that have done well, so Escape, in the right hands, can be far superior to the original, just as The Parent Trap is (IMHO).

If the Disney brand survived the Apple Dumpling Gang, it can survive Cinderella 2.

I'm not saying I'm completely supporting the way they are implementing the sequel strategy. I think they are overdoing it, and judging from the difference between Pan 2 and Cinderella 2, they are not producing these with consistent quality. But, again, as a supplement to original features, the sequels have a place in a succesful overall philosophy and strategy.
Thanks raidermatt for a post I can agree with.:D
I'm not saying I'm completely supporting the way they are implementing the sequel strategy. I think they are overdoing it, and judging from the difference between Pan 2 and Cinderella 2, they are not producing these with consistent quality. But, again, as a supplement to original features, the sequels have a place in a successful overall philosophy and strategy.
I too, would wish for some continuity & consistent quality. Pan2 seems to be very well received Cinderella 2, not. It's too bad, but still, I just can't hold with the deterioration of brand theory when the classics are all still readily available & adequately labled (as the classic). I can't see how any new generation of parent (no matter how unfamiliar to Disney) could mistake 'Aladdin' and the 'Return of Jafar'.
:cool: :cool: :bounce: :cool: :cool:
The title may be inflamatory, but I hope some people see the humor...

Where's the proof that these dogs tarnish the "brand"?
Pirate sir, here's some starters for your proof.
  • Disney's Animal Kingdom - A perfect example of the concept that the brand will cover for pur shortcomings...and it did for a while. DAK performed well at first living off of the Disney brand name to make up for the lack of attractions in the park. Now where is it? They're not going to expand because of the attendance levels being so low.
  • Disney's California Adventure - Total failure of a park. Disney thought "If WE build it, they will come". Hey it worked with DAK. The public knew better.
  • Atlantis - Yet another sign that people are not taking the Disney name to mean quality. During the "abbreviation" people flocked to the company's latest release because they believed the Disney company only made quality. Somewhere that dissapeared.
  • Return to Neverland - Yeah due to it's budget it will make money...but you can hardly compare it's success to past Disney fare. There are ZERO family movies out other than RTN. Another example of the spreadsheet era. The movie's not a success because of foot traffic, return viewers, or good reviews (which it did have). It's a success because they brought in just enough heads to cover their budget.
Toy Story, Toy Story 2, Bugs Life, Monsters Inc. .... Disney could just stick with Pixar and then all their movies will be great blockbuster hits.:D

Mulan III? I must have missed Mulan II.
I can't see how any new generation of parent (no matter how unfamiliar to Disney) could mistake 'Aladdin' and the 'Return of Jafar'.

With enough lack of sleep...anything's possible. I've done it myself....then walked by later going..."oh, that's not Aladdin, its that stupid sequel":D

After purchasing one or two of the earlier ones I've begun to boycott these....and, funny, my kids don't seem to care.
After purchasing one or two of the earlier onesI've begun to boycottthese...and, funny, my kids don't seem to care.
That's exactly my point! Nobody forces anyone to buy these dogs, but if they're turning a profit it is simply incumbant on management to take advantage. Cinderella 2 means nothing in relation to the original...Further, if Disney can make healthy profits from these dogs it could mean less cost cutting in areas we care more about...
:cool: :cool: :bounce: :cool: :cool:
Cinderella 2 means nothing in relation to the original...
Wrong. It does matter. If enough people figure out these movies are dogs, and start to blindly equate Disney movies as being "dogs" the brand name does the company.
I myself wasn't crazy about Cinderella II but my 5 year old loved it and she loves the orginial too and isn't it the little ones that we are buying the movies for anyhow regardless of how the adults view them? I personally loved The Lion King II-Simba's Pride and the Little Mermaid II. So does my daughter. I buy the newer movies for her and she adores them. I still like the orginials better but the movies aren't for me anymore, they are for her. She actually liked Return to NeverLand better than she did the orginial Peter Pan. I on the other hand liked Peter Pan better than the second one. To each their own I guess. I have every disney movie, even the elusive Song of the South and I will continue to buy all the sequels and the new ones, because my daughter loves them. I will even buy another copy of Beauty and the Beast when they release that one because it has one added scene to it. Will it be any better because of the extra song--I don't know but she wants it because it is Disney and so she shall have it. ºoº
I think the pooh sequels are the only ones I can live with. Pooh has a basis in different "episodes" and can be successful as long as it is kept direct to video. Also please note that Disney is NOT the only studio that is playing the sequel card. So many films that are being released now are sequels or remakes.

Jurassic Park II
Jurassic Park III
Star Wars Prequels (though they are a completely different story and problem)
The Time Machine
Blade II
The Scorpion King
Mummy II


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