Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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Busy day today! I am taking the girls for a day of shopping. Tomorrow we are getting the kids' pictures taken. My poor Piper (3) has never had her picture professionally taken. My 5 year old son hasn't had his pictures done since he turned 2... it's not a coincidence that Piper was born 2 months after Logan turned 2... not a professional picture of the two of them any where in the house. So, today the girls and I are going shopping for something cute for everyone to wear... and we are going to lunch and to see my nutritionist because I haven't seen him in a month.

I spent the day yesterday at the hospital visiting my grandma. She is going to be 94 in September and just had a stroke. It was such a hard day. She didn't know where she was and when my dad called to check on her she told him she was at my house, sitting in my living room, talking. So sad. She used to be able to tell us what the weather was like the day we were born... she is just a shell of what she was 6 months ago. :sad1:

QOTD: What is your favorite reward treat?

I don't reward myself with food... I reward myself with nail polish for my toes! :)
Maria -- I am so glad it was so easily diagnosed and that the treatment sounds pretty straightforward. Please remember that if you can't run for a week, doing 6.2 might be a bit much for the first time out after your forced hiatus. Glad you can bike or do other stuff to keep you from going stir-crazy (like me -- LOL!) Take care. Oh, and have fun shopping for all new eye makeup.

Hey Cam! I actually run 10 miles rather than 10K, which makes your point even more valid. After a week off I shouldn't start with almost 2 hours of cardio! I'm off next Thursday and Friday, so I'll do 4 or so on Thursday to get me warmed up, and then 10 on Friday. That's a plan I can live with! And I feel pretty petty complaining about my weeklong blip considering what you are dealing with. You are doing so well, and you have limited opportunities. I need to look at that half full glass of water and drink up! :goodvibes

Glad that you got some medicine for your eyes. Do you think that you could walk on the TM a little with your glasses or even without? I can't wear contacts so run and walk in my glasses all the time but maybe I don't work out hard enough to make them a problem. Any place to swim around you? It's a bummer but you are doing great, a little bump in the road won't put you off course! :goodvibes

I am fairly sightless without my glasses, my vision is nothing to write home about. I definitely can't swim, I think walking is possible, but I find my depth perception is a little off -- I guess as I get used to wearing the glasses every day that may improve. I'll just have to be careful. I also realized I can do more yoga, weights -- stuff I should get to but never seem to. This is a great crosstraining opportunity, and I'm going to embrace it. :thumbsup2

QOTD: What is your favorite reward treat?

My favorite is definitely a trip, but since those tend to be few and far between, I usually end up with something new to wear -- clothing, nail polish, etc. I do not reward myself with food, as that seems counterproductive and does not work well for me. I definitely plan around special treats for special occasions, I just don't write down a food reward for a corresponding weight loss. My next 5lbs = a new outfit, so I'm going to hang in for that, even though it's going to take me longer without the running!

I'm trying to cut what I can from my points to offset the lack of cardio today. Not going too low, but trying to be a couple below target. I'm going to vary them this week so my body doesn't know exactly what's coming each day. I also think that may help. I skipped my breakfast fruit (I have a snack and dinner fruit later, plus 5 servings of veggies planned), and I subsituted sugar-free jello for sugar-free jello pudding. Between the two, that's 2 fewer points, so I think that's good for today.

I was able to do laps around my office this morning for 45 minutes of brisk walking before anyone else showed up. That should help, too. It definitely felt good to move. :cool1:

jennz -- Everything is great and life feels good, there's no better way to start a day! :goodvibes

Taryn -- I spend way more time on the DIS than I should. I have four threads where I post regularly, and that seems to be my limit. When we get close to a trip though, all bets are off! ;) I love, love, love the O'Hana Breakfast. I think it's the best character meal on property! :lovestruc

Kathy -- I hope you do have a quiet day at work. I'm striving for one today. I just want to relax -- I'm hoping I'll be able to listen to this week's DIS podcast while I eat lunch, I'm not sure if it's up yet or not, but I'm hopeful! :flower3:

Tracey -- I hope the Sox do well, with you cheering them on, how can they not?! :cheer2:

Connie -- Chocolate milk is a great recovery food! I really enjoy it, so I only have it after a really long run. Otherwise I would keep too much around and it would be gone before you know it! :drink:

my3princes -- What a wonderful trip you are packing for! Don't panic, you will get it all in one way or another. I have faith in your packing abilities! :goodvibes

Rose -- That .4 could just be a daily fluctuation -- you might be there, and if you aren't you are darn close! You should definitely celebrate the hard work that got you there! :yay:

Maiziezoe -- I'm so sorry about your Grandma. :hug: I'm glad you were able to visit her and be with her. I'm sure that meant so much to her, even if she couldn't really express it.

Crafydawn - My Josh Groban Christmas cd is defiinitely one of my favorites. He has such a rich voice, it just seems perfect for holiday music :music:

cclovesdis -- Congratulations on being the Biggest Loser! That is a fantastic accomplishment! :woohoo:

mommyof2pirates -- Have a wonderful trip! You are going to have everything you need and more, relax and enjoy anticipating your fantastic vacation! :cutie:

Tricia -- I like Jillian, but I'm a Bob girl. I like the BL dvds. I like that they modify so if you are in progress you can do something if not the exact thing he's doing. But I bet Jillian is way more intense! pirate:

Maria :upsidedow
Quick Question - Are Jillian's workout DVDs the best out there, and what makes them better than the others?

Any that you'd suggest over others? (I see her mentioned a lot here and was wondering)

I have been doing 30 Day Shred lately because it does hit the major muscle groups in 20 minutes. But, that's the only Jillian I have. I have a bunch of videos from The Firm and they are also a mix of strength and cardio and I really enjoy them when I have an hour. I've shared before that my all-time fave is Buns of Steel 3 with Tamilee Webb - no cheerleading, just proper form and technique - but that video is 20 years old!!! (I've had my VHS copy for at least 18 years!!!)

Anyway, if you want to research workout videos, go to Workout videos is all they do. The have staffers that do the workouts, review them, and breakdown what each workout really includes.

One video that I'm interested in trying (and actually NOT available from Collage for some reason) is Yoga for Runners with Christine Felstead. I decided to Google for something like this the other day while I was stretching after a run and I found Yoga would be new for me and the idea that it focuses on the poses most beneficial to runners is interesting to me. If I do buy it and try it, I'll let y'all know how it goes.
QOTD: What is your favorite reward treat?

Isn't it funny that I can't think of anything dessert-ish? My immediate thought is a Primo's sub.

Just stopping in for a quick second. Working on my TR, and came across a picture for you. I hate to put this picture up, b/c I look a mess, didn't do anything to my hair, and it is NOT flattering, but it is for you guys.

When we went to Ohana breakfast, I told Mickey that I had a hug to give him from some great Disney lovin' friends, especially one named Cam.

Here you go:


OMG! Taryn, you made me all teary-eyed. Thank you so much. I LOVE Mickey! I love that picture of you and Mickey together! :cloud9: BTW, don't you just love when someone takes a picture while you are talking? LOL!

Maria - So glad you have a plan. Great idea to do 4 miles the first day you can, rather than jumping right in on the 10. :cool1:

Not much new here. I've been so busy at work or in court that I've been eating too few points early in the day and then going nuts at night. I have to start taking control of that situation. My scale was up 3.5 pounds on Monday after our weekend away (I knew a lot of that was due to bloating, heat, and too much salt, besides not eating the right foods). Today I am 2.3 pounds up from where I was last Friday, so it isn't realistic to think I'll have a loss this week, but I am still trying to take control of my eating and my eating schedule and definitely to do some damage control for the week so that my gain isn't as significant.
My tastes don't seem to have changed much. I LOVE New Kids still and I am 35. My BFF and I drove over 10 hours from Cali to Utah to see them in concert after seeing them here at home. We drove over the morning of the show then drove home the next morning. Ummm...this was a year and a half ago!!!:scared1: They are still my faves and DH gives me a hard time. However, he is the one he encouraged me to go. :cloud9:

:lmao: I think thats great:thumbsup2 I can say if boyz II Men or someone from years ago came close I would go too. Not sure if I would drive that far but good for you to follow your heart.:)

Busy day today! I am taking the girls for a day of shopping. Tomorrow we are getting the kids' pictures taken. My poor Piper (3) has never had her picture professionally taken. My 5 year old son hasn't had his pictures done since he turned 2... it's not a coincidence that Piper was born 2 months after Logan turned 2... not a professional picture of the two of them any where in the house. So, today the girls and I are going shopping for something cute for everyone to wear... and we are going to lunch and to see my nutritionist because I haven't seen him in a month.

I was so good with my first son getting pics every couple of months until he turned a yr and then every birthday and at christmas. My second son got 3 mths and 1 yr. Now we havent had proff pics taken since DS1 was 4yr and DS2 didnt have one alone since his 1st bday. Life just gets too busy sometimes as goes so fast I cant keep up with it.

I spent the day yesterday at the hospital visiting my grandma. She is going to be 94 in September and just had a stroke. It was such a hard day. She didn't know where she was and when my dad called to check on her she told him she was at my house, sitting in my living room, talking. So sad. She used to be able to tell us what the weather was like the day we were born... she is just a shell of what she was 6 months ago. :sad1:

ahh Im so sorry to hear that. I hope this at least improve with her memory. That is sad to go through. My grammy is 97 and is starting to loose her memory.

today is my weigh in day since im off tomorrow from work. I lost 2lbs this week. :banana: My goal when I started on 4/26 was to loose 20lbs by vacation. I am at 19.4lbs lost. almost made it and I bet if I would weigh myself tomorrow theres a good chance I could be down to 195. My goal now is to not gain any back on vacation. Wish me luck:wizard:
Time for a shower and to get dressed!

Have a great day! Pork or swordfish, potatoes and veggies for supper tonight! One more day until DH and I go to the Red Sox game! Just hope they play better than last night!
I :lovestruc love baseball! Have a great time at the game!

Thanks! Did you have bad storms? I hate the power being out! I can't wait to hear about your 10K!!!
No storms. It was a gorgeous night. The power just went out, not sure why. We could open our windows, but the neighbors kids were so loud I gave up and shut them so I could get some sleep. Normally they wouldn't have had the kids out so late, but they were having a sleepover with 3 extra kids and no power.:eek:

I spent the day yesterday at the hospital visiting my grandma. She is going to be 94 in September and just had a stroke. It was such a hard day. She didn't know where she was and when my dad called to check on her she told him she was at my house, sitting in my living room, talking. So sad. She used to be able to tell us what the weather was like the day we were born... she is just a shell of what she was 6 months ago. :sad1:

I don't reward myself with food... I reward myself with nail polish for my toes! :)
I'm really sorry about your grandma.:hug:

Hey Cam! I actually run 10 miles rather than 10K, which makes your point even more valid. After a week off I shouldn't start with almost 2 hours of cardio! I'm off next Thursday and Friday, so I'll do 4 or so on Thursday to get me warmed up, and then 10 on Friday. That's a plan I can live with! And I feel pretty petty complaining about my weeklong blip considering what you are dealing with. You are doing so well, and you have limited opportunities. I need to look at that half full glass of water and drink up! :goodvibes

Rose -- That .4 could just be a daily fluctuation -- you might be there, and if you aren't you are darn close! You should definitely celebrate the hard work that got you there! :yay:
Maria--Look at this week as tapering for a run!:thumbsup2 I know you'll be back at it soon.

Thanks! I was actually down the .4 + .4 more today, so hoping for a good weigh in tomorrow.:goodvibes Good way to start off the month!

today is my weigh in day since im off tomorrow from work. I lost 2lbs this week. :banana: My goal when I started on 4/26 was to loose 20lbs by vacation. I am at 19.4lbs lost. almost made it and I bet if I would weigh myself tomorrow theres a good chance I could be down to 195. My goal now is to not gain any back on vacation. Wish me luck:wizard:
:cool1: Great loss!

Hi everyone! I actually have a whole evening with nothing planned--no baseball and no exercising. I never take two days off in a row, so not working out today and tomorrow will be interesting. My boss makes bracelets and she is going to see if she can make me a dlf>dnf>dns bracelet for Satuday.

Our resale closed today, so hopefully we'll be in the system soon.:cool1: We want to add another day to our stay in October and I ran out of points on my other contract. We also need to figure out what we are doing at Christmas, and I have a friend that I'm trying to talk into doing the Princess!

Oh and I forgot QOTD--I have ice cream occasionally, don't really look at it as a treat. I try to plan for it. I eat a tiny bit in a custard cup and try to make it last as long as possible. We also often have small pieces of chocolate in the house, but I don't have them everyday. Today we had cake at work, and I had a really tiny piece. It wasn't as good as I remember cake to be, and the sugar was kind of overwhelming.
I think I'm going to go take a quick walk! Once again didn't get to do my WATP since my parents didn't take their bed down! I have to try and squeeze it in tomorrow before heading to Boston!

Thanks for all of your QOTD answers! I enjoyed being your coach! Welcome to our new coach!
today is my weigh in day since im off tomorrow from work. I lost 2lbs this week. :banana: My goal when I started on 4/26 was to loose 20lbs by vacation. I am at 19.4lbs lost. almost made it and I bet if I would weigh myself tomorrow theres a good chance I could be down to 195. My goal now is to not gain any back on vacation. Wish me luck:wizard:

Very good luck!!! I am so proud of you!

No storms. It was a gorgeous night. The power just went out, not sure why. We could open our windows, but the neighbors kids were so loud I gave up and shut them so I could get some sleep. Normally they wouldn't have had the kids out so late, but they were having a sleepover with 3 extra kids and no power.:eek:

Thanks! I was actually down the .4 + .4 more today, so hoping for a good weigh in tomorrow.:goodvibes Good way to start off the month!

Our resale closed today, so hopefully we'll be in the system soon.:cool1: We want to add another day to our stay in October and I ran out of points on my other contract. We also need to figure out what we are doing at Christmas, and I have a friend that I'm trying to talk into doing the Princess!

:cool1::banana: on both accounts! My neighbors kids would be the same way, with no sleepover. :headache:

I think I'm going to go take a quick walk! Once again didn't get to do my WATP since my parents didn't take their bed down! I have to try and squeeze it in tomorrow before heading to Boston!

Thanks for all of your QOTD answers! I enjoyed being your coach! Welcome to our new coach!

Thanks for coaching!

Well, I am officially on a downward spiral, spinning out of control. I just can't say no anymore. Went to MIL and FIL, they decided at the last minute to cook us dinner - hamburgers, hot dogs, and chips. Yes, I had some of each. What in the world is wrong with me!!!!!!!!!

I did No More Trouble Zones this morning, and was still really sore from the video I did yesterday. Now, my left hamstring, that has been bothering since before our trip, hurts when I walk on it. Worse than ever. Don't know what is up with THAT!

Well, I definitely won't be eating any more tonight. :rotfl2: Yes, tomorrow is a new day, but I've been hanging on to that thought for about 3 weeks now, and I seem to blow it somewhere along the way at the Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow. We have 2 cookouts this weekend, and I know there is going to be way too much tempting stuff at both. UGH!!!! I am tired of being tired of this! I'm also tired of complaining about it to you guys all the time. Sorry.

Tracey thanks for coaching this week.

I'm the BL coach for the next week. DH and I have been brainstorming QOTDs since we have a trip approaching and we're hoping to use all of you to make our trip even better. So...Friday's QOTD: How do you plan to stay on track over this holiday weekend. Now is the time to think about it and for all of us to come up with a plan today that we can stick to this weekend.

Our plan is to not eat much at the pot luck that we are going to on Sunday. We don't have special plans for Saturday so that one is easy and DH works on Monday. We are also bringing all of our snorkel gear with us to the lake on Sunday so we'll get in a swimming workout while testing out the snorkel gear. I thik that is a solid plan for us. So what will you do?

Well, I am officially on a downward spiral, spinning out of control. I just can't say no anymore. Went to MIL and FIL, they decided at the last minute to cook us dinner - hamburgers, hot dogs, and chips. Yes, I had some of each. What in the world is wrong with me!!!!!!!!!

I did No More Trouble Zones this morning, and was still really sore from the video I did yesterday. Now, my left hamstring, that has been bothering since before our trip, hurts when I walk on it. Worse than ever. Don't know what is up with THAT!

Well, I definitely won't be eating any more tonight. :rotfl2: Yes, tomorrow is a new day, but I've been hanging on to that thought for about 3 weeks now, and I seem to blow it somewhere along the way at the Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow. We have 2 cookouts this weekend, and I know there is going to be way too much tempting stuff at both. UGH!!!! I am tired of being tired of this! I'm also tired of complaining about it to you guys all the time. Sorry.

:grouphug: I know you have to be feeling really cruddy right now, but I'm going to tell you the same things you'd tell someone else:
1. You can do this. Repeat after me, I can do this.:goodvibes
2. You might feel like you've broken a plate lately, but there are still a lot of dishes left in the cupboard.;)
3. Make a plan for the weekend. Let yourself have a bit of the "forbidden" foods you want, and plan for the rest that you will eat.
4. Sometimes we just need a small success to kick start us again. Just pick one thing for tomorrow that you KNOW you can be successful at. I bet you can come up with a bunch of things!
5. Last, drink your water. Picnic food has a lot of sodium in it, and you will feel better if you spend the weekend hydrated.
:grouphug: I am really sorry it's so hard right now.
Tracey thanks for coaching this week.

I'm the BL coach for the next week. DH and I have been brainstorming QOTDs since we have a trip approaching and we're hoping to use all of you to make our trip even better. So...Friday's QOTD: How do you plan to stay on track over this holiday weekend. Now is the time to think about it and for all of us to come up with a plan today that we can stick to this weekend.

Our plan is to not eat much at the pot luck that we are going to on Sunday. We don't have special plans for Saturday so that one is easy and DH works on Monday. We are also bringing all of our snorkel gear with us to the lake on Sunday so we'll get in a swimming workout while testing out the snorkel gear. I thik that is a solid plan for us. So what will you do?


I plan to stay on track everyday except Saturday. I am not worrying about things on Saturday. We run in the morning and that evening there is baseball, fireworks and $2 Landsharks!:thumbsup2 I have been looking forward to it all week.

Have a great evening!
:grouphug: I know you have to be feeling really cruddy right now, but I'm going to tell you the same things you'd tell someone else:
1. You can do this. Repeat after me, I can do this.:goodvibes
2. You might feel like you've broken a plate lately, but there are still a lot of dishes left in the cupboard.;)
3. Make a plan for the weekend. Let yourself have a bit of the "forbidden" foods you want, and plan for the rest that you will eat.
4. Sometimes we just need a small success to kick start us again. Just pick one thing for tomorrow that you KNOW you can be successful at. I bet you can come up with a bunch of things!
5. Last, drink your water. Picnic food has a lot of sodium in it, and you will feel better if you spend the weekend hydrated.
:grouphug: I am really sorry it's so hard right now.

I plan to stay on track everyday except Saturday. I am not worrying about things on Saturday. We run in the morning and that evening there is baseball, fireworks and $2 Landsharks!:thumbsup2 I have been looking forward to it all week.

Have a great evening!

Great advice and a solid plan. Good luck with your run
Since I will be on vacation this weekend I plan to not over induldge but to allow myself a small portion of the not so good choices and a larger portion of the good stuff. I will try to not eat the desserts unless they are really tempting and then maybe a bite to satisfy the craving. I am so hoping I can stick to my plan. I have worked too hard to get the first 19.4lbs off I dont want to go backwards. The only problem is PMS has begun again and is due on sat. I am really going to try to ignore it! Hopefully thats possible.

Thank you all who commented about my vacation anxiety. It feels better knowing that others feel the same since my husband seems not to have a care in the world right now.

All is going well except I didnt realize how bad my husbands tires on his car are. I have to try to get 2 front tires put on tomorrow before we leave. This should be fun. Not to mention Im already cutting into our vacation budget by 300$. I am not going to stress over it, I will just get it done. I will be so happy when we are finally on the even better once we arrive at our destination, which is 10+ hours away.:scared1:

I will get on here tomorrow for a quick goodbye before we leave. I really need to focus on packing and cleaning up the house tomorrow!
Evening everyone! I have had a really rough 2 days and haven't even been on here at all. I feel so far behind and I know that I am going to be gone tomorrow afternoon until Monday I will be even further behind.

I have been working hard on applying for new jobs these past 2 weeks. I ended up getting a lead on a job close to my house...quickly put my portfolio together...ran everything to the school and did everything I could to try to get a jump on other applicants. Then, I found out that the principal already has someone he wants to hire and that it just needed to be posted. I don't know why it set me off...but it did. I just got so totally discouraged and stressed and freaked out over not having a job and ATE!

I have spent the past 2 days in a personally bad place - totally cranky with the world, angry that I have to diet and exercise and eating food.

I have not eaten bad food - like today when I was all stressed, I ate a HUGE amount of baby carrots (until I actually felt icky). I have still exercised. So I know that I am not doing all bad. I just have stayed away because I was not ready to talk about how I am feeling about the no job situation.

I am looking forward to going to the cabin this weekend and hope the time away will help refresh me a bit and help me deal with all of this again.

Done with the pity party. Time to post all the COW information for the COW...that makes me happy! :goodvibes
Since I will be on vacation this weekend I plan to not over induldge but to allow myself a small portion of the not so good choices and a larger portion of the good stuff. I will try to not eat the desserts unless they are really tempting and then maybe a bite to satisfy the craving. I am so hoping I can stick to my plan. I have worked too hard to get the first 19.4lbs off I dont want to go backwards. The only problem is PMS has begun again and is due on sat. I am really going to try to ignore it! Hopefully thats possible.

Thank you all who commented about my vacation anxiety. It feels better knowing that others feel the same since my husband seems not to have a care in the world right now.

All is going well except I didnt realize how bad my husbands tires on his car are. I have to try to get 2 front tires put on tomorrow before we leave. This should be fun. Not to mention Im already cutting into our vacation budget by 300$. I am not going to stress over it, I will just get it done. I will be so happy when we are finally on the even better once we arrive at our destination, which is 10+ hours away.:scared1:

I will get on here tomorrow for a quick goodbye before we leave. I really need to focus on packing and cleaning up the house tomorrow!

Have a fabulous vacation:wizard:

Evening everyone! I have had a really rough 2 days and haven't even been on here at all. I feel so far behind and I know that I am going to be gone tomorrow afternoon until Monday I will be even further behind.

I have been working hard on applying for new jobs these past 2 weeks. I ended up getting a lead on a job close to my house...quickly put my portfolio together...ran everything to the school and did everything I could to try to get a jump on other applicants. Then, I found out that the principal already has someone he wants to hire and that it just needed to be posted. I don't know why it set me off...but it did. I just got so totally discouraged and stressed and freaked out over not having a job and ATE!

I have spent the past 2 days in a personally bad place - totally cranky with the world, angry that I have to diet and exercise and eating food.

I have not eaten bad food - like today when I was all stressed, I ate a HUGE amount of baby carrots (until I actually felt icky). I have still exercised. So I know that I am not doing all bad. I just have stayed away because I was not ready to talk about how I am feeling about the no job situation.

I am looking forward to going to the cabin this weekend and hope the time away will help refresh me a bit and help me deal with all of this again.

Done with the pity party. Time to post all the COW information for the COW...that makes me happy! :goodvibes

I understand the stress eating. I need to find a full time job in September and the thought of looking already gives me stress. You've confronted the problem, tomorrow is a new day. You can do it and do it well. Have a great weekend at the cabin.
Friday's QOTD: How do you plan to stay on track over this holiday weekend.

Well, I am heading up to Dallas first thing in the morning and I know exactly where I'm going to eat and what I'm going to order tomorrow - which is all within reason. Saturday, after my 10K race, I know where I'm going to eat lunch, but I don't know what I'm going to order - but it will be an indulgence. As far as Sunday and Monday, I'm really not sure what our plans are. Probably go see Toy Story at some point, so I will probably just have to hand the popcorn to DH and let him run interference for me. :rotfl:
Hugs, Jen! Try and enjoy yourself and relax this weekend!

Just back from a 3 mile walk! Stepped on the scale quickly earlier and was pleasantly surprised with what it showed but will weigh myself again in a bit! I'll be getting in a few more miles tonight walking from the train the Fenway Park and back:) . I have to drop the girls off at VBS and then go over to work for awhile to watch the desk. Then I have to pick the girls up and come home and help my mom make blueberry jam. Sometime today I also need to get to a grocery store!

Hope everyone enjoys their weekend! Long weekend here so we'll have an extra day to relax! Talking Disney with my parents. Don't know if we'll be doing the meal plan as I don't know if they can afford it!

Gotta post my COW results!
Evening everyone! I have had a really rough 2 days and haven't even been on here at all. I feel so far behind and I know that I am going to be gone tomorrow afternoon until Monday I will be even further behind.

I have been working hard on applying for new jobs these past 2 weeks. I ended up getting a lead on a job close to my house...quickly put my portfolio together...ran everything to the school and did everything I could to try to get a jump on other applicants. Then, I found out that the principal already has someone he wants to hire and that it just needed to be posted. I don't know why it set me off...but it did. I just got so totally discouraged and stressed and freaked out over not having a job and ATE!

I have spent the past 2 days in a personally bad place - totally cranky with the world, angry that I have to diet and exercise and eating food.

I have not eaten bad food - like today when I was all stressed, I ate a HUGE amount of baby carrots (until I actually felt icky). I have still exercised. So I know that I am not doing all bad. I just have stayed away because I was not ready to talk about how I am feeling about the no job situation.

I am looking forward to going to the cabin this weekend and hope the time away will help refresh me a bit and help me deal with all of this again.

Done with the pity party. Time to post all the COW information for the COW...that makes me happy! :goodvibes

I know how discouraged you can get when you here that someone else has the job and they are just going through the motions.

Last summer I got out of school on a Wednesday and I had foot surgery scheduled for Friday. I was at my house trying to get some things done when I got a call from one of the vp's at my school. She was asking me about a candidate who had just done a demo lesson. I knew her from my son's school and she had been fired from there and was appllying for a job at my school. She did such a great job on the demo that she was hired. I later found out that there was another candidate who was almost promised the job because had been subbing the school for over 2 years including a long time sub job.

Don't get discouraged. If you get an interview just wow them. You can do it. I have seen it happen. Good luck.

Pretty quiet here. Got some sewing done yesterday and did a little cleaning. ALso planned out the summer. Who is going where when. I have to call the vet today to set up boarding for the dog during the first week in Aug. I am taking a class and I don't think she will last all day without going out. No one in the neighborhood that I trust to come in and let her out. Ds1 is going to DW with gf. Ds2 will be working. Dh will be at the boy scout jambo until Thursday so I think the dog will go to the vets for a few days.

Dh will be gone for almost 2 and 1/2 weeks. I was going to go and visit but dh doesn't want me driving all that way by myself and no one wants to come with me. I think he feels sorry for me. I am looking forward to it. for a week and a half I will not be in classes so I can do and eat what I want to. Ds1 will be here but he is working so all day will be by myself. I think I am going to plan some lunches with some friends who I don't get to see often.

Have a great day everyone.
Tracey--so excited for you!!

Connie96--Have a great race and have fun in Dallas!

mommyof2pirates--good luck with the tires. I need tires, soon and I am not looking forward to it. Have a fun and safe trip!:goodvibes

Jen--:hug: Hope you have a wonderful time at the cabin.

I'm down this morning. It always amazes me how much easier it comes off when I EAT AT HOME!!!! When will I learn this lesson?:confused3 It's not rocket science. My biggest issue is planning. I had a plan this week, wrote it down, and it worked great. And the funny thing is DH and I both like home cooking better. If we have a plan, we enjoy cooking together, if we don't we go out or get take out. I've started writing what our meals are in a journal I kept in 2008 when we were on a strict budget. Then on days when I am having trouble planning, I can pull it out and find a quick and easy recipe. It will help because I don't have as many tried and true vegetarian recipes yet. (I've been a vegetarian for one year at the end of this month. Except for bacon--I still had bacon occasionally until October.:))

Hope everyone has a great day! I may not be on again until tomorrow or Sunday. Work today, then this evening we go to pick up our race packets. It's an hour drive each way. We're having lasagna from the freezer for dinner. Tomorrow is our race--so another drive at 5:15 tomorrow morning (not looking forward to that part) and then tomorrow night is baseball. We're planning to meet some friends for beer before the game.:goodvibes

For all those traveling have a safe and happy holiday!
Week 4 COW Results

Please know that you do not have to participate but the COW is here to help you build good habits and have fun as you focus on your health and fitness for the challenge.

I also feel I need to state that please let me know if I make any mistakes. I am only human and it is a bunch of data to keep organized. :goodvibes I try my hardest to be sure I accurately record all the postings and PM messages.

We had 24 people try the COW this week.
17 people reported their points for Part I
19 people reported about journaling in Part II

Here are the top numbers for the COW

25 points

26 points

28 points

A big congratulations to everyone on the list and thanks to everyone who sent in their numbers!

New to the COW….PRIZES!
Now, I printed out all the names of those who participated and drew one name from Part 1 (reporting your points) and one name from Part 2 (chatting about your new exercise). If your name is selected as the winner for one of our prizes, please send me a PM with your address information so I can send your prize!

PART 1 WINNER = brinalyn530
PART 2 WINNER = cclovesdis

Again, congratulations to everyone who participated in the COW last week. I hope to have as many participants report in with both points and new nail polishes they tried out this week!

Stay tuned for the COW Week 6 information to be posted next!
Welcome to our Challenge of the Week (COW)!

Please know that you do not have to participate but the COW is here to help you build good habits and have fun as you focus on your health and fitness for the challenge.

It is summertime and that means it might be time to mix it up a bit with our Challenge of the Week (COW)! Here is how our new COW will work.

The first part of the COW will be based off the wonderful work of Donac who taught me that if I do something for 30 days, it will become a habit. Each week I will post two to four habit suggestions for you and at the end of the week, you report your points to me.

NEW and EXCITING: If you report your points, you will be eligible for wonderful prizes! I will randomly select one person each week to win a fabulous prize (maybe not fabulous but it will at least be a bit fun)!

PART TWO: The second part of the COW will be a fun task for you to complete during the week and then post about your experience here on our thread. Again, there will be FUN and FABULOUS prizes (for one randomly selected poster each week).


Journal your food each day (1 point for each day)
Spend 10 minutes on yourself (1 point for each day)
Eat 4 vegetables or fruits each day (1 point for each day)
Drink 6-8 oz of water each day (1 point for each day) ( 1 cup of coffee or tea counts)

When you send me your points please post your total in your RE and then in the main part of the pm list your points as follows:

XX days of journaling food
XX days of doing something for yourself
XX days of eating vegetables and fruit
XX days of drinking water

This challenge runs from Friday, July 2, 2010 to Thursday July 8, 2010. On Friday July 9, 2010 PM me your points for the week. The COW results will be posted the same day the weekly totals are posted.

Drinking water is back on our list this week because it is such an important habit to develop to help with healthy living and weight loss. As a special prize for our COW this week, I have some GREAT Nike water bottles to add to our regular prizes (donated by RENThead09 - Thanks!). Some times it takes an extra bit of motivation to get us going again.

Part 2 of the COW this week is to share at least one thing that motivates you to keep going or to get going again. It can be a quote/saying, something you do, a photo you keep posted, etc. Hopefully all these ideas will help people come up with new ways to motivate themselves when they need it!

Great Job with week 5 of the COW! :thumbsup2

Thanks for sending your information...I hope you are enjoying the COW and enjoying a healthier you!

Keep up the great work!
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