Biggest Loser--Fall 2011 Challenge for Losers & Maintainers!!

I've SEEN the P90X and only attempted it once. It is CRAZY! Think BL Last Chance Workout crazy! If you think that DH will do it and keep up with it, I think it shows great results. Can you find it used on Ebay or Craig's List???

We had a friend make copies of P90X. It is a very intense program. If you are able to stay focused enough to continue to do them every night at home I think it is definitely a good purchase. There is not much fun in them but I am sure once you start to see the results of all the hard work it makes it worth it.

Look on craigs list or ebay. Or I should sell you DH's, the one he never used. He wanted it to start working out with scrawny DS - but DS was diagnosed with kyphosis - curvature of the spine and the Doctor and PT don't want him building any muscle. He needs to elongate and stretch out what he has.

Jill Good luck if you decide to do P90X. The people I know who have tried it just rave about the results.

I really doubt I'd use the P90x very much, it's more for DH. Two girls in one of my classes at the gym rave about it, too. I read some reviews and am hesitant to buy it from Amazon or Ebay. Lots of people had problems with the discs being scratched or defective and you cannot just get them replaced. You have to buy a whole new one at retail from Beach Bodies. If you buy direct from them, you can purchase a lifetime guarentee to replace any disc if needed. I'm still thinking that 3 payments of $40 plus shipping ($20) plus insurance is more than I want to spend right now. Now I have to find something else for DH.

Rose's QOTD, Friday, December 9th
Have you had any setbacks this challenge? How have you handled them? What did you learn?

Well, I have had some setbacks and I am proud to say I didn't handle them like I used to...which was eating! I have handled setbacks by setting goals and getting focused. I've learned to not give up and that tomorrow's a new day!

Well, I made 2 different cookies today so I feel productive. Tomorrow it's cut out sugar cookies and maybe oreo truffles. I am also spending my weekend cleaning and doing laundry. You know, the typical weekend lol. Thankfully, my dog is getting groomed tomorrow. She is white and reddish and right now she looks more brown and reddish. She looks like a different dog after a good grooming! And her nails are driving me crazy. Is it sad that this is my excitement this weekend?!? :rotfl:

Enjoy your weekend! 2 weeks until Christmas :scared1:

I slept prety well last night, except that I was up by 4:30 AM. I feel rested, so I can't complain too much. Honestly, it was nice to sleep without so many horrible dreams. I had been having a lot of nightmares and waking up multiple times throughout the night and neither happene last night! :)

Eating was fairly OP yesterday. I just don't like how I'm planning meals based on eating gluten. I cannot wait to go back to being gluten free.

Have a great day everyone!
Honestly this entire year has been a series of setbacks starting on New Year's Day. But I feel like I have learned from every single one of them. I feel like I am finishing this year a little beat up, but much stronger in my brain. And even if my foot is not a 100% yet, my body is so much healthier than a year ago.
So what have I learned. My SIL died at 44 unexpectedly on New Year's Day--and I have been reminded every single day this year, that life is indeed a gift and that we are only guaranteed the moment we are in.:goodvibes From the gluten/cd--I have been reminded that is food is fuel and what we put in our mouths effects us in so many ways. From the numerous injuries, I have been humbled and reminded over and over that I have to take care of myself. And from the struggles my DS went through this year, I have learned patience, and that I don't have to shoulder everything. My DH has been helping my DS with some of this stuff and it has strengthened their relationship and taken some of the stress off of me. Mostly what I have learned this year--I am a tough cookie. I can do more than I ever thought I could. And I am worth the effort.:goodvibes

I am at 140 and I think I am going back to maintain. I was hoping to lose 5 more, but I think this is where my body is happy.:goodvibes

I have two funny stories. My DS was supposed to come home today, but he was up last night dealing with the raccoon that was in their attic. There is a hole in the ceiling of his room (think ratty off campus housing) and the raccoon was sticking his head through and scared the crud out of DS. He said at one point he had 5 20something college students in his room trying to make enough noise so the raccoon would leave.:lmao: And of course what did I think.....rabies! Mike assures me that it will be ok.

And the other story...I decided to color my hair this morning. Sometimes I have the girl who cuts it do it, and sometimes I just do it myself. looks fine. Nice actually. But I don't think I saved any money cause I am going to have to repaint my bathroom cause there is hair coloring on one of the walls. Mike said that's ok, it needed painting an
For anyone wing the pt saga--I did 3 miles on the elliptical last night! I think Princess really might be a reality. And I'm thinking I might need to decorate my Strassberg sock since I've been wearing it so much. It's white and kind of ugly. I think they need to make them in hot pink!

Have a great Friday!
Thanks for sharing your reflections on the year. It has been quite the year for you, but you are always able to bounce back from whatever comes your way and be there for all of us here too. So happy the Princess is feeling like a reality. If anyone can get there, it will be you.:goodvibes The raccoon would FREAK me out!!! Sorry about the wall! I have a stain on my kitchen table from when I colored my hair the first time. :lmao: Yeah, the kitchen. I probably have some in the bathroom too, but my walls are mahogany, so my hair color matches nicely.:lmao:

Tomorrow I am volunteering early at Ryans school. They are having a holiday breakfast with Santa. Dh and the boys will meet me there at 9am for breakfast. Then Ryan has his first basketball game at 11am and after that we are going to cut down our christmas tree. The rest of the day will hopefully be spent at home decorating the tree and relaxing.

Have a great night!
Sounds like a fun day. We are going to get our tree today too. I usually have my house all decked out by now, but since we went away thanksgiving weekend, and then got the dog, I'm way behind. I'm going to hopefully do that this weekend too. I have said that I won't put everything out this year, but I'm sure once I start, I will. Have fun today!!
QOTD: I'm not sure what has gone right this year?:confused3 It's been a wild ride and I'm literally just hanging on at this point. The boys had their yearly check ups today which went fine, but the pediatrician told me to just keep talking and hang on for the ride. He is so right. Life gives us ups and downs and there are only so many things that we are in control of, much of life just happens no matter what we would like. I'm ending the year at about the same weight as I started, so I guess I maintained at a much higher weight than I would have liked, but it gives me plenty of room for improvement next year.
:hug:Maintaining when the rest of life is out of control is such a big accomplishment. Hope 2012 is a better year for you.:goodvibes

I'm up a lot, to where I've only lost 11 pounds since I started this summer.
Absolutely no ONLY's about losing 11 pounds. That is truly a fabulous loss, though I do know it's hard to gain some weight back, but you've had lots going on. I think wdw is going to be amazing for you. :goodvibes I need to get back to your blog and catch up.

Well, I made 2 different cookies today so I feel productive. Tomorrow it's cut out sugar cookies and maybe oreo truffles. I am also spending my weekend cleaning and doing laundry. You know, the typical weekend lol. Thankfully, my dog is getting groomed tomorrow. She is white and reddish and right now she looks more brown and reddish. She looks like a different dog after a good grooming! And her nails are driving me crazy. Is it sad that this is my excitement this weekend?!?

Now that I'm a dog person, I'd be excited too. :laughing: I said to michael I don't think I"ll bake as much as usual, and asked him what was most important, and it's the gingerbread men, so we'll do them for sure, and anything else will be bonus.

Rose's QOTD, Friday, December 9th
Have you had any setbacks this challenge? How have you handled them? What did you learn?
I haven't really had any setbacks this fall, but haven't truly gotten into a good healthy routine. I feel like a broken record, challenge after challenge, but I maintained this fall, i didn't train properly for a half marathon, but I did it anyway, and actually finished and could still walk. So I have learned I am strong, and in better shape than I have been in a long time, and if I set my mind to do something I can do it. Now I need to set my mind to lose this weight once and for all.

My brother and his girlfriend are foster parents and they have an opportunity to take in a little foster girl on the weekends whose sibling was severely injured in a car accident, the parents want to spend weekends with him when they are not working but the little girl is only 3 and can't be in the hospital too. Of course my thoughts were immediately what do you do about Xmas? I told mom to ask GF about it and see what we can do. I'd hate for a 3 year old to miss out on Santa.
I've been thinking about it a lot lately and I told DH that if something bad like that or like what happened to DELSWIFE happened to me, at the very least do Santa. Thankfully I have stuff hidden away and Santa doesn't wrap here so all he would have to do is put it out.
That's so wonderful of your brother and gf to be foster parents. I worry about what would happen if anything happened to me. I pray I'm not alone with Michael if anything does happen. My brother and sil would be his guardians and have strict orders to spend a few grand from the life insurance each year on a disney trip. There will still be plenty for college. Smart of Santa with 4 children not to wrap.

Hi everyone!

Well, today has been OP.

Our realtor called yesterday and told us she had her inspector go out and check the house. Well, come to find out we had a really bad hail storm I'm assuming within the last week or so and our roof needs to be replaced (banging head on wall here). I called USAA and had Alan talk to the rep because he was the one who talked to the realtor. We were lied to when we bought the house from the previous owner. We were told the roof was brand new. Um, well come to find out they also had USAA and according to their records the roof was not brand new, it was orginal. So, the rep is going to try to see if they can make it where I don't have to pay out of pocket for anything. I don't need this freaking stress right now!!
:hug:Sorry about the roof. Sucky time of year for added bills.

I decided to spend my time in three ways today, since it was "bonus" time. First of all.... a bit of time just for me. Secondly... do a housework project that has been neglected. Third.... do something to clean/declutter around the house.... some forgotten drawer or cupboard.

For the first.... I slept until 7:30 and then read Harry Potter until 9:30!

For the second, I dusted my bedroom really thoroughly. My bedroom is almost alway last on the list and as such gets missed A LOT! They weren't dust bunnies... they were dust LIONS!!

For the third, I cleaned out a cupboard in the laundry room above the dryer. Wasn't terrible, but contained junk that needed to be tossed..... and we discovered that the fumes from the hot tub chemicals has BADLY rusted the hinges. Out to the garage went the chemicals!!
sounds like a great day, some relaxing and lots of productivity too. I love long weekends for that reason too, it seem like there's plenty of time to relax and be productive. Good luck to dd today.:goodvibes

[Welcome to Healthy Habits Week 14: Aladdin

I don't know what it is about this movie that makes me love it so much, but I do. I could probably list 100 reasons why I love it, but my number one reason, :confused3. I love the characters, the setting, the story line, just about everything. I also love the music. (Maybe I do know my favorite part? :confused:) Aladdin and Jasmine end up falling in love and their lives change forever. In the spirit of the change that happens in this movie, like the change(s) that has happened in our health over the last few months,...

"Back in the day, I walked to school, both ways, uphill." I don't know about uphill bth ways, but Aladdin and Jasmine had 2 options: walking or flying on a magic carpet. Planes are much more my thing, so my choice would have been for walking. 1. Your “Habit” is to exercise for at least 20 minutes.

I'm pretty sure that Aladdin and Jasmine needed to drink a lot of water living in the desert. 2. This week, your “Habit” is to drink a total of 64 oz. of water each day.

I've heard that protein is essential for muscles. With all the walking Aladdin and Jasmine did, I think some protein probably benefited them. 3. Eat 2 servings of protein everyday.

We can't forget about Genie. He spent all that time in his lamp, and it probably wasn't very relaxing. I hope that when he was freed, he spent a lot of time relaxing. 4. Each day, spend some time relaxing. Again, if you think it counts, it counts!


1. The story takes place in a marketplace. Plan your grocery shopping (or another shopping you do) by making a list.

2. "A Whole New World:" Write a list of as many changes you can think of that you have made during this challenge.

We are truly a wonderful group of health-minded, caring individuals! Without all of you, I would not be nearly as strong as I am today. :)

Please, please feel free to ask any questions. You are welcome to PM me or post on the thread. I check my e-mail frequently.

Hope everyone has a great week!
This is great, CC. Thank you so much for all you have put into the Healthy Habits. You really have done a wonderful job. I do read them each week, even though I don't get my act in gear and track it all.

I just want to share a thought I had earlier today. I know many of you struggle to help your kids learn to eat healthier. Picky kids are TOUGH to work with... and I've dealt with DS being picky AND having some significant food allergies, so I get it. But honestly..... I think the key is PERSISTENCE! DS is nearly 14 and he still has some things that he just WON'T eat..... he rarely eats fruit except for a few bananas a week and a daily serving of sugar-free applesauce (sometimes homemade, sometimes not). And he doesn't do much better with veggies....he enjoys broccoli, cauliflower, and cucumbers and will tolerate a few other veggies in meatloaf and stews (onions, peppers, tomatoes, spinach). But he is definitely making strides! He requests healthier things like salmon and tuna. He eats egg whites without the yolks. He enjoys quinoa and whole wheat couscous. I no longer buy any kind of white bread.... it is either flax seed/oat bran pitas, whole wheat bagels, or whole wheat bread.... and he likes them all. He NO LONGER asks for peanut butter and jelly daily. He loves garlic hummus with pretzels and will eat salsa on many things instead of ketchup.

thanks for this Pamela. It is definitely within our control to shape our childrens lives. Ds loves all fruit and many vegies, and if I've got them in the house he will often choose the fruit.

You all are amazing and such a wonderful support!!!!!!

Congrats on the new puppy. My rescue will be 2 this February - 10 pounds of trouble. Just a thought - Petco or Petsmart (or both) have a puppy training that we did. It's fairly cheap - 6 weeks for around $120. The trainer put my DS 13 in charge (the weakest link LOL). I think DS got more out of it than the dog.
I defnintely want to do a class with the three of us. I'm trying to have consistent commands from me and ds so she'll learn, but I know ds will definitely learn more from someone else. :laughing: We are going to Petco today, so I'll check it out. The vet recommended a doggy day care nearby that does lots of classes too, so we want to check that out too. What kind of dog is yours? I was thinking of doing the dna thing, i heard it's only about 40 dollars now, and it's a mouth swab. Our puppy has some pointer/lab/maybe boxer. She's small, so I guess the boxer would bring her size down. It would be interesting to know, but on the other hand she is what she is.

In case I don't have time between now and the end of the challenge - It has been a pleasure being the hostess for this thread. I don't have a lot of time to post - but you have all inspired me and kept me on track. I have lost about 25 pounds for the year and I am happy with that.

Wish me luck - I am going on a temporary detail for the Christmas season - longer hours, but more pay. Then I will be off for a week of training in Oklahoma - not looking forward to it - I will eat/sleep/attend school all in the same complex. Cafeteria style food. Yuck.

Only people on the DIS would understand this. Finally got DS 15 to agree to be on our Christmas card this year. It's an underwater picture I took of him while we were on vacation last summer. I normally would use a winter scene for the card - but this picture is really fun, he has 2 thumbs up and is smiling. I picked a blue background for the card and on the bottom I put - Just keep swimming!!! I want to see how many people will call and ask about that. LOL I should give out prizes if anyone can figure out where it's from.

Thank you, Janis for hostessing the challenge this fall. It is a big commmitment, and I truly appreciate all your time and effort. Have a very Merry Christmas season!! Very exciting about your Christmas card. Luckily ds is still willing to be on the card, and he's pretty much a ham, so I am hoping he'll let me do it into the teen years, as long as I don't send to any of his friends. :lmao:

I am off today and the original plan was that my mom was taking off to and we would bake all day. Well my mom ended up having to go to work, she found this out yesterday. I had a list I made myself of all the things I would do today. Clean, Laundry, Wrapping, errands, etc. and here I am at 1050am still in my PJ's and pretty much laid on the couch and watched movies all morning.:lmao: Of course now I am feeling the guilt but you know what I havent had a day like this in years. So I feel like I owed it to myself to regroup and rest for a day. It feels so good.:thumbsup2

Now I am finally moving and Im off to run my errands. I probably will get lunch out...something healthy of course.;)

Have a great day everyone!
It sounds like you needed and deserved a pajama morning. Why can't we let ourselves enjoy some down time without the guilt? Guilt is so overrated.

I've got my 8.5 mile long run this weekend, trying to make up for being sick. I'm starting to get really excited for the Tink, I can't believe its next month. Have a great day everyone!
I bet you're so excited. It is going to be so amazing. Good luck on your long run today. Remember, it's about the distance, not the speed for the long runs. :goodvibes

Good morning everyone!!

We survived our week at work. I want the pup to sleep in the crate at night, but on my work days felt guilty since she was in all day too, so I slept on the couch and she on the floor. But yesterday I decided I need to have her sleep in the crate, for a while anyway until I know she won't be chewing the house up and getting in trouble, so last night I ignored the barking, and she did ok, barked off and on. We went to my friends house who's walking her during the day last night, and she was so good. The pup, not my friend. ;) My friend said she may have her come to the house some days when she has no plans rather than her be in the crate all day. I think we'll try to keep it consistent for a couple more weeks, and then do that.

Ds is up now, so Poko and I will go out for our long walk. We walked to ds's school to pick him up at after school care yesterday, and ds was so excited to show her off.

Enjoy the weekend everyone!!
Good Saturday morning

I have a lot to do but I thought I would come on and post a QOTD which leads to our QOTD

Question of the Day

What are you doing today? Is it getting ready for the holidays or just normal housework.

I have somethings to get done for Christmas. If I can get most of the shopping done this weekend and maybe the cards I will be very happy.

Off to make a couple of lists

Have a happy and healthy day.
Question of the Day

What are you doing today? Is it getting ready for the holidays or just normal housework.

We are hanging low this weekend and I'll do some cleaning and decorating for Christmas. I just went to the post office and mailed a couple packages and some cards to Ireland, so I feel productive already.

I did learn a lesson while out on my walk. Be sure the song on the radio is one I want to sing for the next 45 min before I leave the house. I was singing DOminic the DOnkey the whole time.:rotfl2:

Thanks for the qotd, Dona, and Rose for yesterday. We have a great group here, I think we could have a random qotd poster, anyone who feels like it each day.
Good morning all! :goodvibes

Good Saturday morning

I have a lot to do but I thought I would come on and post a QOTD which leads to our QOTD

Question of the Day

What are you doing today? Is it getting ready for the holidays or just normal housework.

It's a bit of both. I'm going to run 14 miles this morning and tomorrow work on finishing my Christmas cards and making a list of the few things I have left to do for Christmas. :santa:

I was hoping to see the lunar eclipse but we are socked in with fog.

Thanks for doing a QOTD today, Dona! :flower3:

I haven't seen Jenni on for quite awhile so I think we can continue as Rose and Dona have and take turns posting a QOTD. It's good practice for the holiday thread! ;)

So, I don't think we have a QOTD yet, so here is one from me.:goodvibes

Consider it a bonus if one gets posted later.:goodvibes

Rose's QOTD, Friday, December 9th
Have you had any setbacks this challenge? How have you handled them? What did you learn?

I haven't really had any setbacks this challenge thankfully. Mostly 'cause I'm :scared1: about the Tinker Bell Half coming up soon. But I've learned that fear isn't really too helpful so I have calmed down and worked hard and lost 10% of my body weight. Yay me! :yay:

Kathy, so glad that everyone is adjusting to the new family member. Sounds like Michael is really enjoying Poko. :love: And you go with all that walking!

Lindsay, you are doing so well with your diet and exercise! :cool2:

Rose, you have had a tough year but you didn't let the setbacks get you down and are as strong as ever! :cool1:

Deb, you are another one who has had such a tough year but still are going strong. :hug:

Gretchen, it is a busy time of year for students. Glad you were able to get your meds fixed. :hug:

Janis, thanks for hostessing the Fall Challenge. It is a big job! :flower3:

A big, BL thank you, too to Sue for being our weightkeeper and CC for being our HH coach. :thumbsup2

CC, glad that you are feeling better, too. :goodvibes

Buffy, that is a great idea not wrapping! :santa:

Christina, sorry for the extra expense at this time of year. :hug:

Pamela, did you find something for your table setting? :cool2:

Lisa, good luck with your run this morning. Our race will be here soon! :tink:

Hello to anyone that I missed in my catch up post. :wave2:

I was a samer this week but I'm perfectly happy with that. It seems to be one of those weeks when things are shifting a bit. My body doesn't seem to lose when that happens so I'm hoping for a whoosh before the end of the challenge.

Everyone should give themselves a big old :yay: and woo hoo :woohoo: for sticking with this challenge all the way through. This is the last week! Pretend that you are getting ready for your own finale this week and figure out what you need to do to finish strong!
[Welcome to Healthy Habits Week 14: Aladdin

I don't know what it is about this movie that makes me love it so much, but I do. I could probably list 100 reasons why I love it, but my number one reason, :confused3. I love the characters, the setting, the story line, just about everything. I also love the music. (Maybe I do know my favorite part? :confused:) Aladdin and Jasmine end up falling in love and their lives change forever. In the spirit of the change that happens in this movie, like the change(s) that has happened in our health over the last few months,...

"Back in the day, I walked to school, both ways, uphill." I don't know about uphill bth ways, but Aladdin and Jasmine had 2 options: walking or flying on a magic carpet. Planes are much more my thing, so my choice would have been for walking. 1. Your “Habit” is to exercise for at least 20 minutes.

I'm pretty sure that Aladdin and Jasmine needed to drink a lot of water living in the desert. 2. This week, your “Habit” is to drink a total of 64 oz. of water each day.

I've heard that protein is essential for muscles. With all the walking Aladdin and Jasmine did, I think some protein probably benefited them. 3. Eat 2 servings of protein everyday.

We can't forget about Genie. He spent all that time in his lamp, and it probably wasn't very relaxing. I hope that when he was freed, he spent a lot of time relaxing. 4. Each day, spend some time relaxing. Again, if you think it counts, it counts!


1. The story takes place in a marketplace. Plan your grocery shopping (or another shopping you do) by making a list.

2. "A Whole New World:" Write a list of as many changes you can think of that you have made during this challenge.

We are truly a wonderful group of health-minded, caring individuals! Without all of you, I would not be nearly as strong as I am today. :)

Please, please feel free to ask any questions. You are welcome to PM me or post on the thread. I check my e-mail frequently.

Hope everyone has a great week!

Another great HH week!!! This is terrific! And I really love the idea of writing a list.... I think that I will make a list of all of the positive changes I've made since starting this journey. I feel like I have been on it for so long that I am no longer making daily or weekly changes.... just trying to maintain most of the positive changes I've made over the long term. Did you want us to share the lists??

I have one of those Picky children and I was a picky child myself. I really admire your perserverance with it. They say a child needs to try something up to 10 times until they actually like it.

I have been way to much of a softy. Giving in to my child because I feel bad not giving him something he likes. I really try and need to work on it harder. I think part of it stems from being a picky eater myself. Thanks for all the advice and encouragement.

What helps (me at least) is reminding myself that this is TOUGH LOVE! I remind my son frequently that I love him TOO MUCH to let him eat CRAP! I want him to lead a long, strong, healthy life.... and McDonald's isn't going to get him that! I don't want him to have weight struggles like DH and I both do. I don't want to worry about him getting diabetes or heart disease at a young age. I don't want him to live to eat.... I want him to eat to live. I want him to remember that every moment and celebration does NOT need to revolve around food.

Do some reading about healthy eating (may I recommend "The UnHealthy Truth" by Robyn O'Brien) and you will be SHOCKED into wanting your kids to eat organic and healthy!!


Well it was a pleasure to be the coach this week. I am sorry I didnt get on more often during the day. I am hoping to continue to keep up with the thread and to finish out the challenge strong.

You all are amazing and such a wonderful support!!!!!!

Only people on the DIS would understand this. Finally got DS 15 to agree to be on our Christmas card this year. It's an underwater picture I took of him while we were on vacation last summer. I normally would use a winter scene for the card - but this picture is really fun, he has 2 thumbs up and is smiling. I picked a blue background for the card and on the bottom I put - Just keep swimming!!! I want to see how many people will call and ask about that. LOL I should give out prizes if anyone can figure out where it's from.


That sounds like a fun Christmas card!

Pamela Congratulations on the success of the robotics team! Our school just started a team, but DS didn't have time to join this time, maybe next year. I forgot to wish you a happy "just say no to ladders day" last month, but I was thinking of you and your family. I'm glad to hear you are all doing well.

Thanks for the congrats and for the happy ladder day!

I've got my 8.5 mile long run this weekend, trying to make up for being sick. I'm starting to get really excited for the Tink, I can't believe its next month. Have a great day everyone!

Have a great LOOOONG run! You will do just fine!

So, I don't think we have a QOTD yet, so here is one from me.:goodvibes

Consider it a bonus if one gets posted later.:goodvibes

Rose's QOTD, Friday, December 9th
Have you had any setbacks this challenge? How have you handled them? What did you learn?

I would say, if I'm not going to get all long and rambly here, that my biggest setback is the way my body is NOT losing the weight (or maintaining the weight loss) as easily now as it did even just a year ago! I think it is a combination of increased age and being further into the perimenopausal state, plus going back to more walking than running. To help things along I've spent the last few weeks trying to add more running back into my workouts and decreasing my calories and fluctuating my calorie intake more. It seems to be helping a bit, as I had a decent loss this week. But I'm still about 4 pounds away from what I consider the TOP of my maintenance range.

Honestly this entire year has been a series of setbacks starting on New Year's Day. But I feel like I have learned from every single one of them. I feel like I am finishing this year a little beat up, but much stronger in my brain. And even if my foot is not a 100% yet, my body is so much healthier than a year ago.
So what have I learned. My SIL died at 44 unexpectedly on New Year's Day--and I have been reminded every single day this year, that life is indeed a gift and that we are only guaranteed the moment we are in.:goodvibes From the gluten/cd--I have been reminded that is food is fuel and what we put in our mouths effects us in so many ways. From the numerous injuries, I have been humbled and reminded over and over that I have to take care of myself. And from the struggles my DS went through this year, I have learned patience, and that I don't have to shoulder everything. My DH has been helping my DS with some of this stuff and it has strengthened their relationship and taken some of the stress off of me. Mostly what I have learned this year--I am a tough cookie. I can do more than I ever thought I could. And I am worth the effort.:goodvibes

I am SO GLAD to see that you can look back on everything that has happened with a very philosophical and positive reaction. You are an amazing, strong, resilient woman and you should be proud of yourself every single day!!

I am at 140 and I think I am going back to maintain. I was hoping to lose 5 more, but I think this is where my body is happy.:goodvibes

I have two funny stories. My DS was supposed to come home today, but he was up last night dealing with the raccoon that was in their attic. There is a hole in the ceiling of his room (think ratty off campus housing) and the raccoon was sticking his head through and scared the crud out of DS. He said at one point he had 5 20something college students in his room trying to make enough noise so the raccoon would leave.:lmao: And of course what did I think.....rabies! Mike assures me that it will be ok.:thumbsup2

And the other story...I decided to color my hair this morning. Sometimes I have the girl who cuts it do it, and sometimes I just do it myself. looks fine. Nice actually. But I don't think I saved any money cause I am going to have to repaint my bathroom cause there is hair coloring on one of the walls.:lmao: Mike said that's ok, it needed painting anyhow.:lmao:

For anyone following the pt saga--I did 3 miles on the elliptical last night! I think Princess really might be a reality. And I'm thinking I might need to decorate my Strassberg sock since I've been wearing it so much. It's white and kind of ugly. I think they need to make them in hot pink!

Have a great Friday!

I've never been brave enough to color my hair..... I'm too lazy for keeping up with roots! So good job on doing it!! And I agree.... EVERYTHING should be available in PINK!!

I haven't really had any setbacks this fall, but haven't truly gotten into a good healthy routine. I feel like a broken record, challenge after challenge, but I maintained this fall, i didn't train properly for a half marathon, but I did it anyway, and actually finished and could still walk. So I have learned I am strong, and in better shape than I have been in a long time, and if I set my mind to do something I can do it. Now I need to set my mind to lose this weight once and for all.

You've stuck with so many good habits and you've stuck with it here with us! Those are wonderful accomplishments!!

sounds like a great day, some relaxing and lots of productivity too. I love long weekends for that reason too, it seem like there's plenty of time to relax and be productive. Good luck to dd today.:goodvibes

Thanks.... last night's swims were good, but not personal bests. Hoping for some great swims today and tomorrow. This is a great facility we are at this weekend.

This is great, CC. Thank you so much for all you have put into the Healthy Habits. You really have done a wonderful job. I do read them each week, even though I don't get my act in gear and track it all.

thanks for this Pamela. It is definitely within our control to shape our childrens lives. Ds loves all fruit and many vegies, and if I've got them in the house he will often choose the fruit.

Wish my DS would stop thinking that fruit is the enemy!!

I defnintely want to do a class with the three of us. I'm trying to have consistent commands from me and ds so she'll learn, but I know ds will definitely learn more from someone else. :laughing: We are going to Petco today, so I'll check it out. The vet recommended a doggy day care nearby that does lots of classes too, so we want to check that out too. What kind of dog is yours? I was thinking of doing the dna thing, i heard it's only about 40 dollars now, and it's a mouth swab. Our puppy has some pointer/lab/maybe boxer. She's small, so I guess the boxer would bring her size down. It would be interesting to know, but on the other hand she is what she is.

Thank you, Janis for hostessing the challenge this fall. It is a big commmitment, and I truly appreciate all your time and effort. Have a very Merry Christmas season!! Very exciting about your Christmas card. Luckily ds is still willing to be on the card, and he's pretty much a ham, so I am hoping he'll let me do it into the teen years, as long as I don't send to any of his friends. :lmao:

It sounds like you needed and deserved a pajama morning. Why can't we let ourselves enjoy some down time without the guilt? Guilt is so overrated.

I bet you're so excited. It is going to be so amazing. Good luck on your long run today. Remember, it's about the distance, not the speed for the long runs. :goodvibes

Good morning everyone!!

We survived our week at work. I want the pup to sleep in the crate at night, but on my work days felt guilty since she was in all day too, so I slept on the couch and she on the floor. But yesterday I decided I need to have her sleep in the crate, for a while anyway until I know she won't be chewing the house up and getting in trouble, so last night I ignored the barking, and she did ok, barked off and on. We went to my friends house who's walking her during the day last night, and she was so good. The pup, not my friend. ;) My friend said she may have her come to the house some days when she has no plans rather than her be in the crate all day. I think we'll try to keep it consistent for a couple more weeks, and then do that.

Ds is up now, so Poko and I will go out for our long walk. We walked to ds's school to pick him up at after school care yesterday, and ds was so excited to show her off.

Enjoy the weekend everyone!!

Sounds like you are BOTH enjoying Poka a lot!!

Good Saturday morning

I have a lot to do but I thought I would come on and post a QOTD which leads to our QOTD

Question of the Day

What are you doing today? Is it getting ready for the holidays or just normal housework.

None of the above. Today will be spent at DD's swim meet. If we get moving soon there may be a bit of time to do some holiday shopping before we head to the pool for a 1pm check-in, but DD isn't even dressed yet!!

I have NOTHING wrapped, no tree, nada! This year is going to be a "last minute Christmas"! :laughing:


Happy Saturday friends! I am MOST unhappy with the Hampton Inn. I used the fitness room this morning and it was unbearably warm. I finished up my time on the TM and walked to the front desk to ask if they could make it cooler for tomorrow. They said that there is NOTHING they could do about it... the proximity of the fitness room to the pool makes it warm. I did not bring outdoor exercise clothes, so I'm kind of stuck either roasting and sweating or freezing (or skipping the exercise all together).

Anyhow.... I am suspicious of yet ANOTHER UTI in the works....:headache: This menopause crap is for the BIRDS! It is going to be an uncomfortable day if I have to keep hopping out of the stands to use the bathroom. Talk about a PITA! I'll have to be sure we get to the pool early so I can secure a spot in the stands where I don't have to climb over people to get out!

Well.... DD is finally up and moving and I need my free breakfast!! I'll try to pop on tonight after swim. TTYL......................P
I did learn a lesson while out on my walk. Be sure the song on the radio is one I want to sing for the next 45 min before I leave the house. I was singing DOminic the DOnkey the whole time.:rotfl2:

I heard that one the other morning on my way to work. I don't think it is Christmas until I hear that song and another. I heard the other, Snoopy and the Red Baron, last night when were out.

We spent 4 hours last night doing a favor for dh's family. His sister bought his parents a chair. She didn't want to take it out of the box and the box didn't fit in her car so she asked dh to pick it up. It meant going out to her house, down and over to inlaws and then back home. I needed this like a hole in the head but we did and it is done.

Dh is out shopping for a few things for Christmas. I need to get out and get a couple of things for him. I think I am going to order a platter for Christmas so I don't have to cook a turkey and a ham and then make up my own platter. I am also working on my parents quilt and will alternate with writing out Christmas cards.

Have a happy and healthy day.
Good Saturday morning

Question of the Day

What are you doing today? Is it getting ready for the holidays or just normal housework.

A little bit of both here too.
My brother and his GF (I'll call her SIL from here on out) got the little girl last night and they needed help installing a car seat so I went and did that this morning. She is ADORABLE!!!
So now I'm back and we are busting a move on the living room. I want that tree up today!!
And I told my SIL that I have extra trees and decorations so they can do their house if need be. My brother hates Xmas but I told him it's not your kid so you have to do things the other foster families way.
OK, who got hungry and ate my posts????

Today has not been a good day so far. I got word of a dear DIS friends passing and it has shaken me harder then I thought it would. Live life to it's fullest everyone, we are not guaranteed a tomorrow. To my imaginary friend Robin (DELSWIFE), I will miss you. Love ya, Mean it.

DH has accrued 200 hours of vacation so he's taking the month of December off. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing yet. I'll let you know! LOL But he did finally fix the drawer in the kitchen I've been pestering him about for 6 months. Stupid thing fell off in his hand so he fixes it. OY!

I have been having a little trouble as well with the DIS, but mostly slooooow when I try to change a page - I hit the next page and get up to do something until it shows up. Managed to post:surfweb:, but have only had time to post once this week - still busy at work and not feeling great.

I never met Delswife on the DIS, but it seemed I read alot about her, and went back and read some of her stuff. So sad! From what I could gather, she was younger than I was. Very true about leaving each day to the fullest.

Give him the list of Honey Dos! DH is the same way - if it ain't broke, don't fix it :headache:- and usually will take care of something only when it gets in his way!

Thursday December 8, 2012 QOTD:
Lets reflect on how great we are! Tell me what are your best personality traits?

Like you, I am a great listner - better at listening than talking, but like to dole out advice if someone asks.

Also very empathetic, which kind of ties in with the listening.

It is really hard to list the good things:upsidedow! That has always been a problem of mine!

Rose's QOTD, Friday, December 9th
Have you had any setbacks this challenge? How have you handled them? What did you learn?

The big set back was the month of November. The passing of an aunt and favorite uncle depressed me and made it harder for me to stick with thingsI did manage, and I went back and forth, but was not really losing. But I kept on thinking about how I needed to be healthy and strong, and I finally broke through that plateau. It was a really sad month:sad1:, but determination got me through. I just need to continue believing in myself.

In case I don't have time between now and the end of the challenge - It has been a pleasure being the hostess for this thread. I don't have a lot of time to post - but you have all inspired me and kept me on track. I have lost about 25 pounds for the year and I am happy with that.

Wish me luck - I am going on a temporary detail for the Christmas season - longer hours, but more pay. Then I will be off for a week of training in Oklahoma - not looking forward to it - I will eat/sleep/attend school all in the same complex. Cafeteria style food. Yuck.

Thanks for being the hostess and getting this going. I am glad I found this thread. It helped keep me on plan more so than WW - the community here is alot friendlier and easier to talk to!

Good luck with your detail and then your training. I actually miss Oklahoma. but wouldn't want to be stuck in the same building for a week - where about will you be training at?

Question of the Day

What are you doing today? Is it getting ready for the holidays or just normal housework.

Normal housework. I have done most of our shopping, and since we are going away for the holidays, I am not going to deal with the tree this year. Have put somethings out, but do not decorate outside when we are going to be gone. So I guess we look like grinches from the outside;).

A couple more things for DS, and a bunch of gift cards for the nieces and nephews. A gift for DM fell right in my lap - stock for the Green Bay Packers went on sale, and I purchased a share - so now she can says she is a stockholder of her favorite team!

Planning a quiet weekend. Have not felt well all week - really tired, nausea and headachy. No overt symptoms of cold or flu, so not sure what is going on. Made it a little difficult to stay on plan, since I usually eat veges as an afternoon snack, and my stomach was not up to that. Lots of what I ate made me queasy, so lots of soup and crackers and bread with a little bit of peanut butter. Still within my plan though, and posted a loss for this week!

Yesterday, got to work realized I had forgot to prepare DS's medication for his ADHD, texted him to see if he remembered, but he must have just shut off his phone for school. Call to school nurse, she has his teacher sidle up and check if he took his meds. Of course, he did not, so had to leave work, run to the house, get it ready, run to school and drop it off. Since I was already feeling horrible, I just took the rest of the day off and spent it doing nothing. Not even on the computer. Hard to concentrate, I was feeling kind of spacy. DS did not need to be picked up a school since they do not run on Fridays, so he walked and I dozed off around 5 on the couch. Did not even wake up when DH came home. He let me stay there (because if I wake up very often I can't get back to sleep) and I woke up at 6 this morning and went to my beauty shop appt. Still feeling a little out of it, but better.

Hoping to feel better next week - hard to work when you are not feeling your best, and I have a lot to do in the next 10 days before we leave for vacation:goodvibes!

I am way behind on QOTDs! So let's see. A good thing about myself, I'm a pretty happy, see the good side of everything, the world is good kinda gal. What have I learned about myself, if I can start running I can do anything--so start paying attention to what goes in my mouth! What am I doing today, I think some holiday shopping and maybe baking. The day has nothing terribly huge scheduled so need to make a list (earn a HH point!) and get my act in gear.

Well, it was wonderful to lounge in bed this morning! Last night the boys had basketball games out of town so got home close to bedtime. Then they found Chittichitti Bang Bang (or however you spell it) on TV and watched that until 11:30 PM. Too funny to see these teenage boys laughing and humming along. :rotfl2: Well, then decided I might as well watch David Letterman in our room since I was still awake! DH and I laughed and laughed. Didn't watch the whole show, but DS2 was making fun of us from his bedroom. Yes, our house is that small.

Yesterday I went to the Y and ran a mile on the treadmill. Really, really didn't want to run, but forced myself--just one mile, you'll only be gone from home less than 45 min, squeeze in a set of weights while you're here, blah blah blah but it worked! :cool1:

PMS/perimenopause is killing me. No TOM and it seems like I've been feeling yucky for 2 weeks now! grrrr Guess I should just let that excuse go and move on. I'm sure next month will be truly delightful! I'm calling it a maintain (yet again) this week because the scale seems to move from barely on one side of the line to barely on the other, back and forth, back and forth. Hey! Maybe I'll have a whoosh next week. A girl can dream!

Hope everybody has a super weekend!
Question of the Day

What are you doing today? Is it getting ready for the holidays or just normal housework.

Just normal housework. It was my weekend to clean the bathroom, so that's all done. I also vacuumed the hallway, part of the stairs, and my room. I made my bed and cleaned my room up a bit, and started cleaning out my binders and notebooks. Now I'm going to start researching my sociolinguistics thesis, and alternate that with breaks to work on Mom's Christmas present (a photo album from our October trip). My housemates and I are going to Burger King later and then to the store, since I need milk.
Good Saturday morning

I have a lot to do but I thought I would come on and post a QOTD which leads to our QOTD

Question of the Day

What are you doing today? Is it getting ready for the holidays or just normal housework.

Let's see...I started my day with a 9 am grooming appt for our dog. Man, she looks and smells great! She absolutely loves getting groomed and she doesn't even get a cut. She's a shorter hair dog (Australian Cattle Dog~Red Heeler). While she was there, I went to Big Lots to get a cheap calendar since DS8 has 3 orthodontics appts in January and a dermatologist appt in February. I figured I better get those written down before I forget & lose the cards! After I picked the dog up, I went to my mom's to drop off some stuff and pick up other stuff. I made 94 cut out sugar cookies. Then, DSis and I went to Penney's to buy my mom another present. After dinner, I did a load of laundry and I iced the cookies. And, I did all the dishes from the cookie making. Now I am relaxing!!

I *might* have eaten a few cookies while I was baking. I needed to make sure they tasted okay before I give them away!! The good news about eating a few sugar cookies is that I really don't feel so well now. I think it was just too much sugar. Granted, they tasted great, but I am so happy I feel ill! I guess my body isn't liking too much sugary stuff much anymore. That makes me estatic!

Now I need to stay strong through the holidays and try to convince myself to run outside. I still cannot bring myself to get out there. It was 33 and windy today, and I didn't even want to walk from my car to the mall. It's so cold! How can I run in this? I keep telling myself I can, but then I feel the cold and decide I can't. I have to get it together and either do it or get the gym. Btw-the trainer at my gym said it's actually not good to do cardio when it's too cold, but she couldn't remember the temp that qualifies as "too cold." Anyone have an idea? She said when it get's too cold, it's bad for your lungs to breath too cold of air? Thanks for any help.

Off to watch some Christmas cartoons we DVR'd. We have so many! I love this time of year (minus the cold)!

Happy Saturday!

So, I don't think we have a QOTD yet, so here is one from me.:goodvibes

Consider it a bonus if one gets posted later.:goodvibes

Rose's QOTD, Friday, December 9th
Have you had any setbacks this challenge? How have you handled them? What did you learn?

Thanks for stepping in and posting a QOTD. Any setbacks were of my own making. I realized there is no sense in looking back - can't change the past - so I try to look to the future.

Good Saturday morning

I have a lot to do but I thought I would come on and post a QOTD which leads to our QOTD

Question of the Day

What are you doing today? Is it getting ready for the holidays or just normal housework.

I have somethings to get done for Christmas. If I can get most of the shopping done this weekend and maybe the cards I will be very happy.

Off to make a couple of lists

Have a happy and healthy day.

What a shock - I had to work and DH was on call and was busy doing no heat calls all day. Poor DS had his first wrestling match - but it was in Dighton MA 1 1/2 hours each way so we couldn't go. Just found out today he is wrestling for the Varsity team. I guess there aren't many high schoolers that weigh 90 pounds and fit into that featherweight division.

Good luck with your detail and then your training. I actually miss Oklahoma. but wouldn't want to be stuck in the same building for a week - where about will you be training at?

Yesterday, got to work realized I had forgot to prepare DS's medication for his ADHD, texted him to see if he remembered, but he must have just shut off his phone for school. Call to school nurse, she has his teacher sidle up and check if he took his meds. Of course, he did not, so had to leave work, run to the house, get it ready, run to school and drop it off. Since I was already feeling horrible, I just took the rest of the day off and spent it doing nothing. Not even on the computer. Hard to concentrate, I was feeling kind of spacy. DS did not need to be picked up a school since they do not run on Fridays, so he walked and I dozed off around 5 on the couch. Did not even wake up when DH came home. He let me stay there (because if I wake up very often I can't get back to sleep) and I woke up at 6 this morning and went to my beauty shop appt. Still feeling a little out of it, but better.

Hoping to feel better next week - hard to work when you are not feeling your best, and I have a lot to do in the next 10 days before we leave for vacation:goodvibes!


I will be in Norman, OK. The Marriott runs the complex, which I am sure is very nice - but I hate the idea of being stuck there. I don't want to pay for a rental car out of pocket - when that money can go for vacation.

I defnintely want to do a class with the three of us. I'm trying to have consistent commands from me and ds so she'll learn, but I know ds will definitely learn more from someone else. :laughing: We are going to Petco today, so I'll check it out. The vet recommended a doggy day care nearby that does lots of classes too, so we want to check that out too. What kind of dog is yours? I was thinking of doing the dna thing, i heard it's only about 40 dollars now, and it's a mouth swab. Our puppy has some pointer/lab/maybe boxer. She's small, so I guess the boxer would bring her size down. It would be interesting to know, but on the other hand she is what she is.

We survived our week at work. I want the pup to sleep in the crate at night, but on my work days felt guilty since she was in all day too, so I slept on the couch and she on the floor. But yesterday I decided I need to have her sleep in the crate, for a while anyway until I know she won't be chewing the house up and getting in trouble, so last night I ignored the barking, and she did ok, barked off and on. We went to my friends house who's walking her during the day last night, and she was so good. The pup, not my friend. ;) My friend said she may have her come to the house some days when she has no plans rather than her be in the crate all day. I think we'll try to keep it consistent for a couple more weeks, and then do that.

Ds is up now, so Poko and I will go out for our long walk. We walked to ds's school to pick him up at after school care yesterday, and ds was so excited to show her off.

Enjoy the weekend everyone!!


This is Patches. He was adopted from a rescue in Arkansas that transported him and his sisters to NH where we picked him up. At the time he weighed 2 1/2 pounds. He will be 2 in January. His mother was a daschund/terrier mix. Dad was a shihtzu. Patches is weighing in around 10 pounds. I wish we had socialized him with other dogs more. It seems everyone around here has huge dogs - and Patches doesn't like them. He does have 2 friends that are daschunds. I noticed a Petsmart in Woburn as a Doggie Day Care. But it's indoors and there had to be a dozen dogs in there last weekend. All the dogs were lined up at the window looking into the store. I would like to find one of those agility courses for dogs. Patches would be great at that.


This is the picture I used for our Christmas photo. We were going for fun. It's not a flattering picture of DS - but he loved the card.

This is the picture I used for our Christmas photo. We were going for fun. It's not a flattering picture of DS - but he loved the card.


That's a cool card. I think next year when I'm (hopefully) officially on my own, I will send out cards, and I'd love to have a picture taken at Disney to put on them!

Only one month to go and I'm sure it's going to fly!
Lisa's QOTD, December 11th: If you celebrate Christmas and put up a Christmas tree do you have some Disney ornaments on it? If yes, what is your favorite one? If you don't have a favorite Disney ornament, what is your favorite?

This is actually a "recycled" question from donac from last year! Thanks, Dona! :santa:

We have a Disney tree that we put up in our sunroom. You've never seen so many Mickey heads! :rotfl: But I have to say my favorite is the Disney Vacation Club ornament -- because it reminds me of all our fun vacations. :santa:
We are hanging low this weekend and I'll do some cleaning and decorating for Christmas. I just went to the post office and mailed a couple packages and some cards to Ireland, so I feel productive already.

I did learn a lesson while out on my walk. Be sure the song on the radio is one I want to sing for the next 45 min before I leave the house. I was singing DOminic the DOnkey the whole time.:rotfl2:

Thanks for the qotd, Dona, and Rose for yesterday. We have a great group here, I think we could have a random qotd poster, anyone who feels like it each day.

I HATE Dominic the Donkey! I was lucky enough to live nearly 40 years without hearing it! I only heard it once I moved to NH and the kids were in school. I could easily live another 40 years without it!

Good morning all! :goodvibes

It's a bit of both. I'm going to run 14 miles this morning and tomorrow work on finishing my Christmas cards and making a list of the few things I have left to do for Christmas. :santa:

WOW! 14 miles makes me....:eek:

I was hoping to see the lunar eclipse but we are socked in with fog.

I haven't really had any setbacks this challenge thankfully. Mostly 'cause I'm :scared1: about the Tinker Bell Half coming up soon. But I've learned that fear isn't really too helpful so I have calmed down and worked hard and lost 10% of my body weight. Yay me! :yay:

10% is just amazing!

Pamela, did you find something for your table setting? :cool2:

Sort of..... I bought silver chargers and I found some white plates and coffee cups at Dollar Tree that were pretty.... but I held off buying them until I did a bit more looking. So I will have to go back there tomorrow night for the white plates and cups (real ones, not paper). I will use a white paper tablecloth and the I bought blue paper napkins with white snowflakes. I bought some flat glittery silver snowflakes to use as napkin rings and to scatter on the table. And I will use the lanterns I talked about earlier to decorate the middle of the table with a bit of greenery and some blue and silver wired ribbon. Not perfect, but I think it will be pretty. I'll try to remember to take a picture to share. Thanks for asking.

I was a samer this week but I'm perfectly happy with that. It seems to be one of those weeks when things are shifting a bit. My body doesn't seem to lose when that happens so I'm hoping for a whoosh before the end of the challenge.

Everyone should give themselves a big old :yay: and woo hoo :woohoo: for sticking with this challenge all the way through. This is the last week! Pretend that you are getting ready for your own finale this week and figure out what you need to do to finish strong!

Don't forget you've had some big losses and are doing a lot of trainings, so I wouldn't be too surprised that you are a samer. But you have done AMAZING during this challenge so a big WOOHOO for you! Thanks for the cheers for all of us!

I heard that one the other morning on my way to work. I don't think it is Christmas until I hear that song and another. I heard the other, Snoopy and the Red Baron, last night when were out.

We spent 4 hours last night doing a favor for dh's family. His sister bought his parents a chair. She didn't want to take it out of the box and the box didn't fit in her car so she asked dh to pick it up. It meant going out to her house, down and over to inlaws and then back home. I needed this like a hole in the head but we did and it is done.

Dh is out shopping for a few things for Christmas. I need to get out and get a couple of things for him. I think I am going to order a platter for Christmas so I don't have to cook a turkey and a ham and then make up my own platter. I am also working on my parents quilt and will alternate with writing out Christmas cards.

Have a happy and healthy day.
oooooh... a prepared platter for Christmas sounds like a great idea! I hate cooking so much and cooking on Christmas day is so no my idea of fun! I'll have to look into something like that!

A little bit of both here too.
My brother and his GF (I'll call her SIL from here on out) got the little girl last night and they needed help installing a car seat so I went and did that this morning. She is ADORABLE!!!
So now I'm back and we are busting a move on the living room. I want that tree up today!!
And I told my SIL that I have extra trees and decorations so they can do their house if need be. My brother hates Xmas but I told him it's not your kid so you have to do things the other foster families way.

I'm sure having the kids around will bring out the Christmas spirit in your brother. And it is a WONDEFUL thing that they are doing for those kids.

The big set back was the month of November. The passing of an aunt and favorite uncle depressed me and made it harder for me to stick with thingsI did manage, and I went back and forth, but was not really losing. But I kept on thinking about how I needed to be healthy and strong, and I finally broke through that plateau. It was a really sad month:sad1:, but determination got me through. I just need to continue believing in myself.

It has been a rough challenge for you! I'm proud of you for sticking with it the whole way through!!

A couple more things for DS, and a bunch of gift cards for the nieces and nephews. A gift for DM fell right in my lap - stock for the Green Bay Packers went on sale, and I purchased a share - so now she can says she is a stockholder of her favorite team!

Oh my gosh! What a great idea for a gift! I wish I could think of something cool like that for my DH and maybe my kids. I've considered buying the kids one share each of Disney, but there seem to be a lot of fees involved in buying just one share of something.

Planning a quiet weekend. Have not felt well all week - really tired, nausea and headachy. No overt symptoms of cold or flu, so not sure what is going on. Made it a little difficult to stay on plan, since I usually eat veges as an afternoon snack, and my stomach was not up to that. Lots of what I ate made me queasy, so lots of soup and crackers and bread with a little bit of peanut butter. Still within my plan though, and posted a loss for this week!

Yesterday, got to work realized I had forgot to prepare DS's medication for his ADHD, texted him to see if he remembered, but he must have just shut off his phone for school. Call to school nurse, she has his teacher sidle up and check if he took his meds. Of course, he did not, so had to leave work, run to the house, get it ready, run to school and drop it off. Since I was already feeling horrible, I just took the rest of the day off and spent it doing nothing. Not even on the computer. Hard to concentrate, I was feeling kind of spacy. DS did not need to be picked up a school since they do not run on Fridays, so he walked and I dozed off around 5 on the couch. Did not even wake up when DH came home. He let me stay there (because if I wake up very often I can't get back to sleep) and I woke up at 6 this morning and went to my beauty shop appt. Still feeling a little out of it, but better.

Hoping to feel better next week - hard to work when you are not feeling your best, and I have a lot to do in the next 10 days before we leave for vacation:goodvibes!


WOW.... after that "nap" I would definitely say that your body is fighting something. Take care of yourself so you are well for your vacation!!

I am way behind on QOTDs! So let's see. A good thing about myself, I'm a pretty happy, see the good side of everything, the world is good kinda gal. What have I learned about myself, if I can start running I can do anything--so start paying attention to what goes in my mouth! What am I doing today, I think some holiday shopping and maybe baking. The day has nothing terribly huge scheduled so need to make a list (earn a HH point!) and get my act in gear.

Well, it was wonderful to lounge in bed this morning! Last night the boys had basketball games out of town so got home close to bedtime. Then they found Chittichitti Bang Bang (or however you spell it) on TV and watched that until 11:30 PM. Too funny to see these teenage boys laughing and humming along. :rotfl2: Well, then decided I might as well watch David Letterman in our room since I was still awake! DH and I laughed and laughed. Didn't watch the whole show, but DS2 was making fun of us from his bedroom. Yes, our house is that small.

Yesterday I went to the Y and ran a mile on the treadmill. Really, really didn't want to run, but forced myself--just one mile, you'll only be gone from home less than 45 min, squeeze in a set of weights while you're here, blah blah blah but it worked! :cool1:

PMS/perimenopause is killing me. No TOM and it seems like I've been feeling yucky for 2 weeks now! grrrr Guess I should just let that excuse go and move on. I'm sure next month will be truly delightful! I'm calling it a maintain (yet again) this week because the scale seems to move from barely on one side of the line to barely on the other, back and forth, back and forth. Hey! Maybe I'll have a whoosh next week. A girl can dream!

Hope everybody has a super weekend!

Noooooo! You CANNOT let that excuse go.... cause if you do, then I will be forced to as well!!!! And that excuse is the only thing keeping me going right now!!:laughing:

Just normal housework. It was my weekend to clean the bathroom, so that's all done. I also vacuumed the hallway, part of the stairs, and my room. I made my bed and cleaned my room up a bit, and started cleaning out my binders and notebooks. Now I'm going to start researching my sociolinguistics thesis, and alternate that with breaks to work on Mom's Christmas present (a photo album from our October trip). My housemates and I are going to Burger King later and then to the store, since I need milk.

The photo album for Mom is a nice idea!!

Let's see...I started my day with a 9 am grooming appt for our dog. Man, she looks and smells great! She absolutely loves getting groomed and she doesn't even get a cut. She's a shorter hair dog (Australian Cattle Dog~Red Heeler). While she was there, I went to Big Lots to get a cheap calendar since DS8 has 3 orthodontics appts in January and a dermatologist appt in February. I figured I better get those written down before I forget & lose the cards! After I picked the dog up, I went to my mom's to drop off some stuff and pick up other stuff. I made 94 cut out sugar cookies. Then, DSis and I went to Penney's to buy my mom another present. After dinner, I did a load of laundry and I iced the cookies. And, I did all the dishes from the cookie making. Now I am relaxing!!

I *might* have eaten a few cookies while I was baking. I needed to make sure they tasted okay before I give them away!! The good news about eating a few sugar cookies is that I really don't feel so well now. I think it was just too much sugar. Granted, they tasted great, but I am so happy I feel ill! I guess my body isn't liking too much sugary stuff much anymore. That makes me estatic!

Now I need to stay strong through the holidays and try to convince myself to run outside. I still cannot bring myself to get out there. It was 33 and windy today, and I didn't even want to walk from my car to the mall. It's so cold! How can I run in this? I keep telling myself I can, but then I feel the cold and decide I can't. I have to get it together and either do it or get the gym. Btw-the trainer at my gym said it's actually not good to do cardio when it's too cold, but she couldn't remember the temp that qualifies as "too cold." Anyone have an idea? She said when it get's too cold, it's bad for your lungs to breath too cold of air? Thanks for any help.

Off to watch some Christmas cartoons we DVR'd. We have so many! I love this time of year (minus the cold)!

Happy Saturday!


I'd love to hear more about the "too cold" temperature too. I absolutely hate walking/running outside in the cold.... I feel like I spend the rest of the day wheezing..... and I don't have asthma!! And I hate that feeling of my hands and ears freezing and my chest and back sweating.... yuck! I try to stick with the TM when the temps dip below 35 or so.

This is the picture I used for our Christmas photo. We were going for fun. It's not a flattering picture of DS - but he loved the card.


Loved the photos. The swim picture of DS will definitely be a memorable card! Bet most folks won't get one like that from anyone else!! Patches looks so sweet.

That's a cool card. I think next year when I'm (hopefully) officially on my own, I will send out cards, and I'd love to have a picture taken at Disney to put on them!

Only one month to go and I'm sure it's going to fly!

You bet this month is gonna fly! But it sounds like you are well prepared for the big move already!!


Morning friends! First of, let me say I am pretty proud of myself for staying nearly 100% OP yesterday. I had a large but healthy breakfast/brunch here at the hotel at 9:30.... some eggs, fruit, and a small bit of raisin bran with skim milk. Much larger breakfast than I eat normally, but I was calling it brunch and I knew I wouldn't be eating another real meal until very late.

I had a skim latte at about 1pm and a few nuts with lots of water throughout the afternoon. I had an apple at about 7pm and we went out to dinner at about 8pm. I ordered a 400 calorie meal (sirloin with mushroom and broccoli) plus a side salad with oil and vinegar on the side.

I did end my evening with a small splurge of a free cookie here at the Hampton Inn and a cup of decaf with a bit of real cream..... but overall I had a good day despite many, many temptations both at breakfast and during the day.

I am opting to skip the workout today. The hot workout room made me feel rather ill for a good portion of the morning yesterday. And Sunday is often an "off" day for me anyhow.

DD had some good swims yesterday, but only had a new PB in her 200 backstroke where she dropped 2 seconds. She had started commenting on feeling a bit dehydrated first thing in the morning and I think she didn't get herself properly hydrated until halfway through the meet. We will try to make sure that doesn't happen again today.

Tomorrow I am working, plus I will have to make the deviled eggs for Tuesday's brunch and I have to dash about an hour across the city to pick up those plate and cups at Dollar Tree while DD is at Rainbow Girls. Tuesday will be brunch and probably a bit more Christmas shopping. Not sure about the rest of the week yet.

Well.... I'm gonna get dressed and run to the lobby for some coffee and let DD sleep in a bit more. She doesn't get this chance very often.

I was gonna post a QOTD since I was on early, but I see that Lisa beat me to it! I'll go answer it and then get my coffee....TTYL................P
Lisa's QOTD, December 11th: If you celebrate Christmas and put up a Christmas tree do you have some Disney ornaments on it? If yes, what is your favorite one? If you don't have a favorite Disney ornament, what is your favorite?

This is actually a "recycled" question from donac from last year! Thanks, Dona! :santa:

We have a Disney tree that we put up in our sunroom. You've never seen so many Mickey heads! :rotfl: But I have to say my favorite is the Disney Vacation Club ornament -- because it reminds me of all our fun vacations. :santa:

We have many Disney ornaments.... some belong to the "family" and some belong to individuals. I love the one we bought at DL during the 50th anniversary year.... that was probably our best trip ever. But I also love the one that DD bought me a few years ago. It is a big red glass mickey head with the date on it. And when I was having tree "issues" a few years ago, it got broken. I was absolutely crushed.... but DD searched ebay and found it for me again! So it is doubly special!

I love the one that DS and I bought on our special trip on 2010 and I'm sure I will love hanging the one that DD and I bought this year!

Great question!....................P
Good morning losers and maintainers! :goodvibes

Another great HH week!!! This is terrific! And I really love the idea of writing a list.... I think that I will make a list of all of the positive changes I've made since starting this journey. I feel like I have been on it for so long that I am no longer making daily or weekly changes.... just trying to maintain most of the positive changes I've made over the long term. Did you want us to share the lists??

The first person that I thought of when I read this HH challenge was you, Pamela! Please do share your list 'cause I love me a Pamela list for sure! :thumbsup2 They are always so detailed. :cool2:

I heard that one the other morning on my way to work. I don't think it is Christmas until I hear that song and another. I heard the other, Snoopy and the Red Baron, last night when were out.

I don't think I've ever heard the donkey song. I'm kind of afraid to go look for it as I don't want it stuck in my brain for the rest of the day. :rolleyes1

Buffy, it's so nice of your DB and his GF to take care of that foster child. :love: I think that would be one of the hardest jobs because you are working to get the child back to their family and away from yours. She will get to see what a happy, fun family looks like when she is with your crew. :hug:

I have been having a little trouble as well with the DIS, but mostly slooooow when I try to change a page - I hit the next page and get up to do something until it shows up. Managed to post:surfweb:, but have only had time to post once this week - still busy at work and not feeling great.

Hope that you are feeling better soon! :flower3: Congratulations on coming back after tough, tough month even when you aren't feeling at the top of your game. You can do it -- we believe in you! :thumbsup2

Linda, way to exercise even when you didn't want to! :cool2: I'm hoping for a big whoosh this week too! :yay:

Gretchen, is this the last week of school? Good luck with getting through finals and getting ready to head off to WDW soon. :smickey:

Now I need to stay strong through the holidays and try to convince myself to run outside. I still cannot bring myself to get out there. It was 33 and windy today, and I didn't even want to walk from my car to the mall. It's so cold! How can I run in this? I keep telling myself I can, but then I feel the cold and decide I can't. I have to get it together and either do it or get the gym. Btw-the trainer at my gym said it's actually not good to do cardio when it's too cold, but she couldn't remember the temp that qualifies as "too cold." Anyone have an idea? She said when it get's too cold, it's bad for your lungs to breath too cold of air? Thanks for any help.

I'm having a hard time convincing myself to get outside to run, too. Some of it is the cold and some is worrying about slipping on frost or ice. Is there an indoor track near you?

I did a little research about running in the cold. There seems to be a lot of worrying about man parts getting too frosty. :rotfl: But I did find this Runners World article by Jeff Galloway that might be helpful,7120,s6-238-267-589-13389-0,00.html

I know for myself if it gets below the 30's I have to have a scarf or I start coughing.

It's darn tough to work out outside in the winter for sure but you will be so happy that you did when spring rolls around. :beach:

Janis, love the picture of your son! I think it is very representative of what our teenage boys actually look like most of the time, happy, silly, entertaining! :love: Patches is as sweet as he can be, too.

I see Pamela posted while I was writing this so I will BRB.

Have a great day all! :santa:
Pamela, thanks for the warning about the Dominic the Donkey song. :rotfl:

Sounds like a great day with DD and you so totally rock for staying OP while on the road! :rockband:

You are smart not to work out in the hot room again and your body really does get stronger on those rest days. :flower3:

I had forgotten about all the tree troubles you had that one year. :hug: Have you ever tried to see if you could find the ornament that broke on ebay? It might not have the date on it but you could customize it. :santa:

I think your table sounds lovely and elegant. I hope to see a picture later this week.

Sorry I beat you to the QOTD today -- can you do it tomorrow?

Safe travels and enjoy the rest of your day!


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