Calling All Whovians!


Try Everything!
Mar 30, 2014
Well, there are so many Whovians on here, I figured it was high time to create a thread dedicated to Doctor Who discussion! Favorite Doctors, favorite companions, episodes, monsters, whatever. Here's some of my opinions:
Doctors: ten is my fav, then nine, then eleven.
Companions: Donna is my fav, then Rose, then Martha, then Clara, then Amy.(Rory is kind of in his own ultimate companion category)
Favorite episode would probably be Empty Child or Blink. I like the creepy ones. And my favorite monsters are the weeping angels becuase they're so creepy and genius.
I'm excited to see twelve! He looks the part, from what I've seen.
Ok, so, official form to start then.....
Favorite -

Doctor: 10th
Companion: Amy
Episode: Blink or The Girl in the Fireplace
Alien: Daleks
Doctor: Eleven, then Ten. I liked Eleven's episodes better because they're lighthearted and my little sis doesn't complain when I turn it on
Companion: Amy and Clara are tied, and a close third is Donna. River Song is my favorite character, but she doesn't really count as a companion.
Episode: The Name of the Doctor and any episode with River Song.
Alien: The Silence and Weeping Angels. They're so creepy lol
Favorite -
Doctor: 10, though I think Im really gonna like twelve
Companion: Rose or Clara
Episode: The Day of the Doctor, The Lodger, or Journey's End
Alien: Weeping Angels
Favorite -

Doctor: 9, 11, 10
Companion: River Song, Rose, Clara, Donna, Amy/Rory, Martha
Episode: The Age of Steel. I also really liked Doomsday, The Empty Child, Daleks in Manhattan (Mostly because Andrew Garfield is in it XD), Last of the Time Lords, Turn Left, and Asylum of the Daleks.
I love the Russel T. Davies episodes. I also think the two parters are the best, and wish they did more like they used to. Doctor Who really is the best show ever! I've never been so captivated and felt transported by any other show.
Alien: The Master, Cybermen, Daleks
Doctor: Ten. I absolutely hate 11.
Companion: Rose.
Episode: The Empty Child.
Alien: Daleks.

Favorite -

Doctor: Tom Baker (4th), David Tennet (10th), Christopher Eccleston (9th)

Companion: K-9!, Sarah Jane Smith, Captain Jack

Episode: Genesis of the Daleks (4th doctor), Asylum of the Daleks (11th doctor), The Time of the Doctor (ALL OF THEM!)

Alien: Daleks, Sontarans, Weeping Angels (and an honorable mention for Boekind)

Same answers, least liked!

Doctor: Hard choice, because I like all of them in one way or another, but I'll go with the TV Movie Doctor (the 8th, Paul McGann), which is a shame because he did a rather decent job, but the movie itself was so bad.

Companion: Mickey Smith, and (I'm gonna get shallacked for this) Rose Tyler

Episode: Fear Her (bad acting, bad story), Aliens of London and WWIII, Daleks in Manhattan (though I did like the follow up Evolution of the Daleks).

Alien: Abzorbaloff (sorry to the kid who designed him,, Zocci, and (I'll probably spell this wrong) the Raxacoricofallapoatorians (though, the sister did sortof redeem their terrible earlier appearances later on in the series)
1elle2 said:
Doctor: Eleven, then Ten. I liked Eleven's episodes better because they're lighthearted and my little sis doesn't complain when I turn it on
Companion: Amy and Clara are tied, and a close third is Donna. River Song is my favorite character, but she doesn't really count as a companion.
Episode: The Name of the Doctor and any episode with River Song.
Alien: The Silence and Weeping Angels. They're so creepy lol

I actually agree with this I normally have trouble picking favorites

Favorite -

Doctor: 9, 11, 10
Companion: River Song, Rose, Clara, Donna, Amy/Rory, Martha
Episode: The Age of Steel. I also really liked Doomsday, The Empty Child, Daleks in Manhattan (Mostly because Andrew Garfield is in it XD), Last of the Time Lords, Turn Left, and Asylum of the Daleks.
I love the Russel T. Davies episodes. I also think the two parters are the best, and wish they did more like they used to. Doctor Who really is the best show ever! I've never been so captivated and felt transported by any other show.
Alien: The Master, Cybermen, Daleks

I love Russel T. Davies too!! I totally agree, it's pretty much the only TV show I really watch a lot...
Doctor: Sylvester McCoy or Tennant
Companion: Clara, Donna, and Adric
Episode: Waters of Mars and Closing Time (from new era, from the old era there are so many great episodes!)
Alien: Daleks

I'm going to brag a little here and say I go to a Doctor Who Convention every year and have met McCoy, Davison, McGann, and a few of the companions :lovestruc:lovestruc
Doctor: Sylvester McCoy or Tennant
Companion: Clara, Donna, and Adric
Episode: Waters of Mars and Closing Time (from new era, from the old era there are so many great episodes!)
Alien: Daleks

I'm going to brag a little here and say I go to a Doctor Who Convention every year and have met McCoy, Davison, McGann, and a few of the companions :lovestruc:lovestruc

Lucckkkyyy, where are these conventions?

doctor: Sylvester mccoy or tennant companion: Clara, donna, and adric episode: Waters of mars and closing time (from new era, from the old era there are so many great episodes!) alien: Daleks i'm going to brag a little here and say i go to a doctor who convention every year and have met mccoy, davison, mcgann, and a few of the companions :lovestruc:lovestruc
i want to go!!!!
Me too! I want to go to SDCC too if not more, because last year they had Matt Smith and Jenna Coleman were there last year! Plus they have so much other awesome stuff, espically Marvel.
Me too! I want to go to SDCC too if not more, because last year they had Matt Smith and Jenna Coleman were there last year! Plus they have so much other awesome stuff, espically Marvel.

I have to start going to some conventions, too. The Philadelphia Comic Con is going to have Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Evan Peters, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Nathon Fillon, and more.
I had a dream I met the 12th Doctor. It's probably not a good indicator, but if your worried about him don't because he was pretty awesome!
Qmaz246 said:
I have to start going to some conventions, too. The Philadelphia Comic Con is going to have Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Evan Peters, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Nathon Fillon, and more.

Oh my gosh!!!
That's a very impressive line up. You have to go you lucky kid.
Nathan Filion was at the Dallas one and he was awesome and so funny.


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