Canadian Buffoon's Exhausted Vacation - Update 09/01 - New TR link!

@franandaj et al

I contacted Photobucket and they’ve had a power outage and are working to fix the issues. Hopefully photos will be up soon. photos are up I wonder why yours are affected. Now that I look at yours, now I see more images and where there should be some there are "this picture is unavailable" images. Weird....
Thanks for another thoroughly entertaining are raising the bar of TRs these days! Yes, I have been to Greg's Ice Cream but not for years. I used to live downtown but now am about 65 km northeast of the city in a nice small town. It's the best of both worlds! :) photos are up I wonder why yours are affected. Now that I look at yours, now I see more images and where there should be some there are "this picture is unavailable" images. Weird....
As an IT guy, I can explain what happened or is happening.

When you use a service like this, they have multiple servers. Your pictures may be spread across servers in NY, CA, AZ, etc.

So, a power outage or hardware failure will affect a specific server or set of servers, so some pictures will be affected, but not all. It's the same as when you're using Amazon or Google or may be contacting any of hundred of servers and to you, it looks like just one.
Wow such an adventure for a fellow from the north
The jungle trek included suspense, excitement, fear, and fun!
The mango pie looks very good. I have tried the cheaper version from the QS Yak and Yeti, it was very good.
AK is my favorite park. I love all the beautiful places to explore there, I don’t even need rides like I do at the other parks!
Well, it just continues to surprise me every time.
Great! I'm not predictable yet.
Or did you know I was going
to say that?
Now in your last update you said that you get ready in 20 minutes. This time it was an hour. Make up your mind!
That's because I had to.
I'd rather take a bit longer.

I thought it sounded more like wound care.
It does!
Did you hear about the guy who got arrested trying to take a firearm into Animal Kingdom last week?
I hadn't!
But I've Googled it now.
Wow. Do you really think

he "forgot" it? I highly doubt it.
I see what you did there... ;)
Now the first time I read this I could have sworn there was a picture of Kevin here....
I'm thinking there was a picture to go here with that joke too....
I hope you went back and looked,
they should all be back up now.

It's way too early to stop for the night.
That's right. There's still awakenings,
before... um... sleepenings.

Good shot!
Thanks! :)
I've actually never been to a value resort, so I wouldn't know. We've been DVC owners for so long, I've barely been to the moderates, although I've stayed at all but two.
The three All Stars are all identical
in layout and design.
Just the theming differs.
Really??? That sounds interesting!
I liked it, but... probably too
weak for you.

Now I want Chinese food!
Didja get some?
Huh. Sounds.....interesting. Not sure how much I like Mango.
It was like a Key Lime,
in texture.

Now, I feel that I am at a disadvantage since there were only 8 pictures total displayed to me. I have come back over the period of several days. There was the one day that there were little thingys saying "This item has been moved", then images came back later that day. Then both yesterday and today (both from my computer and my phone) I have refreshed the page multiple times, but where there should be images there is nothing. Not even a little nasty photobucket message. :headache:
They should be there now. photos are up I wonder why yours are affected. Now that I look at yours, now I see more images and where there should be some there are "this picture is unavailable" images. Weird....
As an IT guy, I can explain what happened or is happening.

When you use a service like this, they have multiple servers. Your pictures may be spread across servers in NY, CA, AZ, etc.

So, a power outage or hardware failure will affect a specific server or set of servers, so some pictures will be affected, but not all. It's the same as when you're using Amazon or Google or may be contacting any of hundred of servers and to you, it looks like just one.
Thanks, Doc. :)
Thanks for another thoroughly entertaining are raising the bar of TRs these days!
Wow! Thanks!
That's a very nice compliment!

Yes, I have been to Greg's Ice Cream but not for years. I used to live downtown but now am about 65 km northeast of the city in a nice small town. It's the best of both worlds! :)
But... no Greg's.

Wow such an adventure for a fellow from the north
I learned I didn't need my parka.
The jungle trek included suspense, excitement, fear, and fun!
I almost didn't make it
out alive!!! :scared:

The mango pie looks very good. I have tried the cheaper version from the QS Yak and Yeti, it was very good.
I would think it would be
the same at both?
I could be wrong.

But I did like it. :)
AK is my favorite park. I love all the beautiful places to explore there, I don’t even need rides like I do at the other parks!
It's really starting to grow on me.

Um... no pun intended.

I'm also finding I like it for

snacking instead of ADRing.
Do you really think
he "forgot" it? I highly doubt it.
I think it's highly possible. I ended up losing a knife because I forgot I had it on. I could have taken it back to the car, but didn't feel like a 30-45 min round trip.
I think it's highly possible. I ended up losing a knife because I forgot I had it on. I could have taken it back to the car, but didn't feel like a 30-45 min round trip.
The article I read said he had it
in a backpack but he tried to go
through the no-bag line.
As an IT guy, I can explain what happened or is happening.

Interesting that you are in IT guy. Did not know that before.

I hope you went back and looked,
they should all be back up now.

Yes, I did and the jokes all made more sense, but I'm lucky that I found the time to comment then. I still have a bunch more TRs to catch up on. And now my pictures at PB are down, so even if I had the time to catch up on my own report, I still can't post anything.

The three All Stars are all identical
in layout and design.
Just the theming differs.

Ah, OK. I doubt that I will ever stay at one. If we ever do stay at a value, it will probably be AoA.

Didja get some?

No, but tonight I'm making Hot n' Sour soup, Wontons, Egg Rolls, and Chow Mein. Of course none of it is from scratch, pretty much frozen, open the package kind of things. But when you're busy....

They should be there now.

Yes, thank you.

Wow. Do you really think
he "forgot" it? I highly doubt it.

Well Fran had a money clip confiscated at airport security because it had a small blade contained inside of it and she didn't remember. And, if I ever get back to my TR, there are several funny ones in there, however one of them is a now funny, not at the time.
Yes, I know dressage is horse
riding, but it just sounds fancy!
Tell me if you caught that
or knew that.

I had no idea and was totally lost lol

I decided to leave the rifle with
the aide, calculating that I would
be able to survive on my wits,

Smart man or we'd be reading an article about you trying to bring a gun into the park next.

Using rudimentary gestures, involving
displaying my wrist jewelry and showing
them my fingers, I was able to gain their
trust and allowed to continue beyond
the gates.

Strange how we choose to trust people around here.


I love this! How did you do it?


Apparently, the cheetah had actually been hunting
and had pounced on a mouse or small bird.
Wish I'd seen that.

Wow! I've never really seen them do anything other than sleep.

See my question above and repeat.

This was not my encampment.
In my defense, all these jungle
camps of similar Value, look alike.

THIS happened to me when we were just there!! It was late and I was tired and I drove us to music instead of movies lol. Neither my sister or I noticed until we were walking up to the main building.
It wouldn't have been talking our ears off...we were talking just as much and enjoying every minute.

Clearly, but, I'm all too familiar with the female getting ready about as fast as a snail concept. ;)

So he can clearly not choose the cup in front of you. :laughing:
:rotfl2:Ha! Yes, you are surely well acquainted with the female snail-paced readying routine of ours. :laughing:

Everyone should always have
a cheesecake with them.

For emergencies.

The cameras show that it takes
you at least... uh... um...

I of course have no idea how

long it takes you to get ready.
Read and loved your chapter immensely. But, will have to return to comment as with everyone else's. Just not ready for DISsing again... more news hopefully later today...
Tell me if you caught that
or knew that.

I've never heard of it! I don't have much of a background with horses, though, so perhaps that's why.

Their animals, that
I presume they kept as a source
of food, mimicked their degenerate ways.

Poor Bambi, smushed at the bottom of the pile. :eek:

As I made my way forward,
I stopped in my tracks as a ferocious,
man-eating bird swept through the
villagers, seeking easy prey to
satisfy its gluttonous appetite.

Yay, Kevin! I'm impressed that she wandered out with that large of a crowd... unless you used you great Photoshop skills to insert her in?


I toad you so.


I was given a seat of honour...
Or was the empty seat upon which
I was the sole proprietor merely a
ruse to enable the carnivores easier
access to my defenseless self?

Wow, a whole row to yourself?! That's awesome!

Up ahead in the distance,
I saw some long-necked wild dogs.

Those are amazing pictures of the giraffes!

We were starting to relax when...
we were suddenly accosted by a
herd of Piranhagretes.

I just love Flamingos! I have no idea why, but I always laugh when they seem to randomly dunk their head underwater. I spent WAY too much time watching the flamingos when I stayed at the AKL a few years back.

Not once, not twice, but thrice
did they subject me to horrors
that I categorically refuse to describe.

Three rides on Everest - now that sounds like a great day!

They presented me with food, but my
keen eye immediately spotted its poisonous
nature and, much to their chagrin, I refused
to eat the vile victuals.

So, not a fan of coconut? :laughing:

I was forced to wait an unforgiving
five minutes before he finally arrived.

What?! Did you leave your VIP Bus Pass in your room as well?!

As I sat, finishing off my wonderful
meal, another couple of explorers
were ushered to seats alongside mine.

I'm so glad you had a better experience at Yak and Yeti!

And while the land was certainly
pretty enough, its true beauty
did not reveal itself until after

The pictures of Pandora and Animal Kingdom at night look amazing! I may not get a chance to see it at night on our next trip, but one day I will!

Ten minutes!!


Unacceptable! I think you need a refund on your VIP Bus Pass.
Yes, I did and the jokes all made more sense, but I'm lucky that I found the time to comment then. I still have a bunch more TRs to catch up on. And now my pictures at PB are down, so even if I had the time to catch up on my own report, I still can't post anything.
I got an email today from PB
saying that most people should
have their photos back but not

Ah, OK. I doubt that I will ever stay at one. If we ever do stay at a value, it will probably be AoA.
I don't think you're missing much
by not staying at a value.

No, but tonight I'm making Hot n' Sour soup, Wontons, Egg Rolls, and Chow Mein. Of course none of it is from scratch, pretty much frozen, open the package kind of things. But when you're busy....
All sounds good!
Well Fran had a money clip confiscated at airport security because it had a small blade contained inside of it and she didn't remember. And, if I ever get back to my TR, there are several funny ones in there, however one of them is a now funny, not at the time.
Hmmm... having a money clip confiscated
because you forgot there was a knife
in there is different from a heavy gun
in a backpack and trying to go through

the no bag line.
I'll try to watch it one day and let you know.
Okay! :)
:rotfl: :rotfl: Mike likes to say he's aged like fine wine in these situations 🤷‍♀️
I used to say that, until
I figured out I'm more... vinegar.

I had no idea and was totally lost lol
Now you know. :)
Smart man or we'd be reading an article about you trying to bring a gun into the park next.
Strange how we choose to trust people around here.
They knew not to mess
with the intrepid explorer.

I love this! How did you do it?
High speed shutter.
Multiple exposures.
Combine them all in
Photoshop and process

into a gif.
Wow! I've never really seen them do anything other than sleep.
Me too! Usually I don't even
see them.
Wish I could've seen it pounce.
THIS happened to me when we were just there!! It was late and I was tired and I drove us to music instead of movies lol. Neither my sister or I noticed until we were walking up to the main building.
At least you didn't try
to open "your" room.


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