Canadian Buffoon's Hi Low Vacation - South Central Musings

My own WDW trip is coming up Oct. 28 - Nov. 8, so I might miss your next update(s) for a while. Have fun, everyone!
I essentially wrote about nothing
except my day spent in airports.

This is sounding vaguely familiar. Oh, I know!, Just like my droll start...

Then I left you all figuratively
standing with me at the bus stop.

Riveting. ;)

Once, when I had begun
one of my TRs in
the same manner,
I received notice that reading
about it was a complete
waste of time.

I can only wish this person would now miss every FiP Window they will ever make.

I feel that writing about that first day,
the trials and tribulations of merely
getting to Disney World,
sets the tone for the entire TR.
And it's my style.

As is mine. Getting there IS part of the trip. I mean, you're not at home or work anymore...

Despite having a pretty good idea
of where it was, I missed it.

Pretty much like 80% of every photo I tried to take this trip.

Seconds later, we were driving under water,

Did you see any of your mermaids?

My tripod, folded, exceeds 24".
But I can break it down to less
than that.
About 23".
But it won't fit into my
'non-standard' backpack.

Always pushing the envelope aren't we? :sad2:

I rented a locker.

OF course you did since that was what I thought of guessing first. I assumed you wouldn't want to waste time and that you had an imminent FiP to get to.


Pretty much hate you right now for that photo. You had your wide angle of for most of this day, didn't you?

Every time I first get to Magic Kingdom,
and I cross the threshold into the park
or see the castle for the first time...
I get goose bumps and I break out
into a silly grin.

Is there any other appropriate reaction?

And it was little things that did it.
Those bits and pieces of thoughtfulness
and surprise that make up
the Magic of Disney.

Unspoken and often executed without conscious realization, but with tangible results.

You know what the problem was?
Burn out.

Yeah, pretty sure I've been telling you that for months now.

You may be noticing a certain... theme
to the above photos.
I was only going to include one in the TR.
But then I thought... screw it.
Shove 'em all in.
So... Voila.

It's an author's prerogative.

On the list of things I never thought I'd say...

And on our list of things we thought we'd never have to respond to. What can one possibly say to that?

I arrived at Splash Mountain
at 5:20pm.
Four minutes!
And a whole five minutes 'til expiry!

You da man!

Is there any better feeling in the World
then walking by hundreds of
sweating, tired guests
as they stand in an unmoving line?

Well, yes, there was one. But that is now an historical scenario. It was when you got paper FiPs and you could wave them in those same peoples' faces as you sashayed by.

you'll find people watching you.
I had two separate instances of men
saluting me with their drinks.

BRAVO!! The definition of cool.

I must admit though,
the ride didn't start off too great.
Knowing one of my favourite rides, BTMRR,
was down for refurb was bad enough.
But to see it with scaffolding all over it?

I know this feeling well, having just suffered it myself.

I then sashayed back up Main St.


I pretty much never FP HM.
I will once my original FPs
are used up, if there's one available.
But it's too fast a loading ride
for me to worry about it.
Yes, there can be lines,
but usually, I don't have any issues.

That was not our experience. WE didn't ride it twice d/t stand by's being 45 minutes or more.

Aaaaand the 2nd photos that I'm green with envy over.
Next up, Seven Little Ones Ore-extraction Train!
(Or SLOOT for short.)

Clever, aren't we?

I stepped out of line.
This is as close as I got to it:

Looks like the SNOOT entrance was all boarded up in that photo.

I headed back to the FP entrance,
where the CM there had zero idea
what we were talking about.
Rather than argue the point
(and risk missing Wishes,)
I left.

WTH? That's just weird!

My tripod has a ball head on it
that connects to a quick release plate
that attaches to the bottom of the camera.
The plate that I, in my haste,
had left in the room.
The plate that, without which,
renders the tripod unusable.

Oopsies. I"ve done doofus moves like that too; sooooooooooooooo annoying.

They project on the sides of the castle too.
I don't know about the backside of the castle.
Ask the Jungle Cruise folks.


Which means now you have to suffer
through them.
Sucks. But it's my TR.
So there you go.

The option to not read is always available. But who'd not want to see 1,000 photos of MSEP?

Bonus points if you tell me.

Actually, I read before I looked at the picture. So, no I didn't miss them...

Ha! They spelled "Honour" wrong!

Awwww, just too cute.

I'll do 20, but no more.
Unless it's one of my top favourite rides.

I"m glad there are other people out there who have the same boundaries!

After the ride, I was a little sad.
I think that might be my last time.
It's just too rough on my back.

This too, will enter into my own TR.... a sad reality.

And while I was perhaps a tad tired,
I was also pleased that I'd made
the most out of my abbreviated MK day.

Isn't that a great feeling? Almost as good as waving a FiP in a Stand-byer's face.

A cat? I don't think I've ever seen
a cat at Disney.
I turned to look.
No. Not a cat.
An armadillo.
First one I've ever seen.

They're all over the place at Ft. Wilderness. Pretty cool, I think.

1. Well, I may have been awake
a fair bit recently. Do I sleep in?

I would disrespect you if you did.

2. What time do I wake up?


3. Which park am I first off to today?


4. It's a multi park day!
How many times do I visit the nice folks
at bag check? (Yes, I had a bag to check.)


5. How many times am I asked for directions?
I'll make it easy on you.
0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 times?


6. What time do I get to my room
at the end of the day this time?


7. I use a new method of getting
from one park to another. What is it?
(I've used bus, boat and monorail in the past.)

Walk to EPCOT

8. As a matter of fact I do have an ADR.
Two as a matter of fact.
Guess the one that’s not in any park or in Springs.

B&C at Boardwalk

9. What wild animal do I see today?
(On the way to that ADR.)


Bonus: Did you see it?
Be specifically vague.

Offering snarky service every time.

There was a minor mistake on your last tabulation... I failed to see any bonus points added for being your most faithful reader.
This is sounding vaguely familiar. Oh, I know!, Just like my droll start...

I don't know that yet.
I haven't read yours yet, remember?
I won't read it until I'm ready to comment.

Riveting. ;)

One must solder on.

I can only wish this person would now miss every FiP Window they will ever make.

:laughing: I don't want to get on your bad side.

What am I saying. You don't have one.

As is mine. Getting there IS part of the trip. I mean, you're not at home or work anymore...

For me, vacation starts the second
my last shift ends.

Pretty much like 80% of every photo I tried to take this trip.

Can't get 'em all.
Sometimes, you can't get

Did you see any of your mermaids?

Nah. They're all reading some TR.

Always pushing the envelope aren't we? :sad2:

Signed, sealed and delivered.

OF course you did since that was what I thought of guessing first. I assumed you wouldn't want to waste time and that you had an imminent FiP to get to.

Had to stash all the extra stuff
somewhere for a bit.

Pretty much hate you right now for that photo. You had your wide angle of for most of this day, didn't you?

:laughing: yes, as a matter of a fact I did.

Is there any other appropriate reaction?

Dropping to your knees
and kissing the ground
comes to mind.

Unspoken and often executed without conscious realization, but with tangible results.

Well said.
Hey! You should write a TR!

Yeah, pretty sure I've been telling you that for months now.

Yeah. You have.
But see?
I did something about it.
I took a vacation.

It's an author's prerogative.

It's my TR.
Take it or leave it!

Wait! Come back!

And on our list of things we thought we'd never have to respond to. What can one possibly say to that?

Really? There are soooo many things!

You da man!

Oh, yeah baby!

Well, yes, there was one. But that is now an historical scenario. It was when you got paper FiPs and you could wave them in those same peoples' faces as you sashayed by.

Interesting. I never did that.
I preferred to just let them
think I was a VIP.
Or rich.

Or both.

BRAVO!! The definition of cool.


I know this feeling well, having just suffered it myself.

Wasn't that horrible?

It took a while,
but you can't keep a good
sashay down.

That was not our experience. WE didn't ride it twice d/t stand by's being 45 minutes or more.

You need to purchase
the ponnzi HM VIP package.

Aaaaand the 2nd photos that I'm green with envy over.

Green? Was that you in there?
Clever, aren't we?

What's this "we" business??? :laughing:

Looks like the SNOOT entrance was all boarded up in that photo.

I wouldn't know.
Never got close enough to see!

WTH? That's just weird!

And I was in too much
of a rush to get to
the bottom of it.

Oopsies. I"ve done doofus moves like that too; sooooooooooooooo annoying.

Not my finest hour.

The option to not read is always available. But who'd not want to see 1,000 photos of MSEP?

I know right?!?


Actually, I read before I looked at the picture. So, no I didn't miss them...

Is that.... cheating?

Awwww, just too cute.

You spelled 'cute' with a 'u'.

I"m glad there are other people out there who have the same boundaries!

After standing in long lines
and then not?

I prefer not.

This too, will enter into my own TR.... a sad reality.

Oh really!
I wouldn't have thought that.

Isn't that a great feeling? Almost as good as waving a FiP in a Stand-byer's face.

It's a close one.

They're all over the place at Ft. Wilderness. Pretty cool, I think.

Oh really!

1. Well, I may have been awake
a fair bit recently. Do I sleep in?

I would disrespect you if you did.

2. What time do I wake up?


3. Which park am I first off to today?


4. It's a multi park day!
How many times do I visit the nice folks
at bag check? (Yes, I had a bag to check.)


5. How many times am I asked for directions?
I'll make it easy on you.
0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 times?


6. What time do I get to my room
at the end of the day this time?


7. I use a new method of getting
from one park to another. What is it?
(I've used bus, boat and monorail in the past.)

Walk to EPCOT

8. As a matter of fact I do have an ADR.
Two as a matter of fact.
Guess the one that’s not in any park or in Springs.

B&C at Boardwalk

9. What wild animal do I see today?
(On the way to that ADR.)


Bonus: Did you see it?
Offering snarky service every time.

And... yes we do.
It's guaranteed.

There was a minor mistake on your last tabulation... I failed to see any bonus points added for being your most faithful reader.

Well that just won't do
now will it?
Poor Ponzi! sorry about the back. I know all too well how that stinks. (two back surgeries) I was going to give you grief about going all the way to Vegas and not just driving a bit farther to see your west coast fans. what is a 4 or 5 hour detour anyway? :rolleyes:. Hope you are feeling better soon. Just popped in after a long week catch up on the banter. Finally got that my disneyexperience site to work (two calls to tech support over an hour each) ordered the magic bands (hoping they work better this trip, last trip they were new tech and took a full day to get them squared away) secured some mediocre prices on flights, son had his last chemo round,:yay::yay::yay: and today finishing up our costumes for a party tonight. (no not telling not dis appropriate... not THAT way, jeesh they are just politically themed pics will be on fb tho) everyone have a great weekend, stay safe
Poor Ponzi! sorry about the back.

Thanks Betsey!

I know all too well how that stinks. (two back surgeries)

Ouch! Yeah, I guess you would know.

I was going to give you grief about going all the way to Vegas and not just driving a bit farther to see your west coast fans. what is a 4 or 5 hour detour anyway? :rolleyes:.

It's only 5 hours?
Geez, that's nothing.

I won't do it with Ruby in tow,
plus it's just too quick a trip
to fit it in.

But maybe some other time.

Hope you are feeling better soon.

It's getting better every day.
Now just intermittent pain.
And the pain isn't that bad either.

Just popped in after a long week catch up on the banter. Finally got that my disneyexperience site to work (two calls to tech support over an hour each)

Two calls and an hour?!?!? :faint:

ordered the magic bands (hoping they work better this trip, last trip they were new tech and took a full day to get them squared away) secured some mediocre prices on flights,

So when are you going?

son had his last chemo round,:yay::yay::yay:

Now that is some excellent news!!!

and today finishing up our costumes for a party tonight. (no not telling not dis appropriate... not THAT way, jeesh they are just politically themed pics will be on fb tho)

That sounds... intriguing!

everyone have a great weekend, stay safe

You too! :)
glad the back is starting to feel better! we are going in January, taking a red eye out on New year's eve. super excited!
oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!:bday:
glad the back is starting to feel better!

Thanks! I was actually thinking of
taking the bike out today.
But the forecast was lousy,
so I didn't.

But that's a sure sign
that I'm feeling better!

we are going in January, taking a red eye out on New year's eve. super excited!

That's right around the corner!
I bet you're excited!

oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!:bday:

:laughing: I totally forgot that
it would show up on FB.


(Guess I'll have to log on there today.)
A little birdie told me it's someone's day of birth anniversary. So here's to you! Live it up---- as much as one can at work. XPXPXPXP
I'll say it here too, I hope you have a very Happy Birthday. And today you could possibly say that you've reached a full deck of cards.

I didn't say you were holding one, just that you have now amassed as many years!
:bday: I'm not on FB but did think this the other's almost Halloween ..& Pkondz's birthday!!
Hope the back is getting better everyday too.
Beware I'm feeling a little chatty because I have so many thing to comment on you update. (I made notes)
First of all I have to say that reading your TR gives me a totally different feeling now after having been there. I smile a little bigger..thanks!
You mentioned driving under water and we went over this for the first time when we went to WL. My hubby said he remembers on one of our early visits he saw a boat going over when we went to MK.
We learned on our ride over that the waterway was one of the first things built before anything to drain water where they wanted. And I always thought CP was the first resort and then Poly. But he said Poly was officially open so many mintues by Lucille Ball first because Bob Hope's driver was late to the CP. HA! LOVE your main street pictures. I took pics of the mickey pumpkins but yours with castle are postcard cool. Thanks for that good feeling again
But then I was truly heart broken when you said you wish you hadn't come! I felt so sad for you.
So glad you got your head cleared and got your Disney groove back. Yes, you needed this vacation, listening to your work schedule exhausts me!
I found myself wanting to pinch myself those first few days because I couldn't believed we finally made it to Disney! I mean my eyes would well up like I could cry I was so happy. I'd look at my husband and say "We did it!" But what made me feel even more special was he said "You did it babe, you work so hard and did good" Meaning he knows I worked a lot of hours for extra $$ and then all the research and planning to make this a great trip.

Splash picture was awesome. I appreciate the lengths you go to for us. Can't wait to see what you and Kay do. You know you will have's tradition. That bar gets higher and higher (just be safe and don't get in trouble)

Dole Whip! yes we do have a similar picture of this. It was the first time we EVER had one. We enjoyed this quickly as ours became a big melting mess. I also enjoyed a cup at AK with dark rum (didn't have to share either)

So wish we were daring enough to go see MSEP on its last day but that was the day we flew in and we got up @2:00Am. I heard it was packed and people got seats 2 hours before parade. So I was just enjoying pictures of a parade I probably not see that I didn't notice Goofy's eye till you said something. It did seem odd that everyone had one eye showing in that picture.

I also looked for the hairy legged pirate and pretty sure something changed. Some may be use to it but I think they have longer pants on him.

That was so nice of you to let those families ahead. That extra 16 mins. could have been harder for them. Plus this add to your wait time, which I'm sure I'm way off.
Speaking of, I didn't see my wait time listed. You said no one had it. I'm pretty sure it was a 184. Stupid amount for your short time, I just threw in 84 since it's my graduation year - so logically huh?

Before this gets longer I'll get in guesses:
1 Sleep in (what's this?) - heck no it's Disney
2 we got up (sometime) at 6:00 and you do too, you have limited days
3 Go to HS
4 two bag checks
5 ask directions twice
6 Back to room at 1AM (I have a story to tell about one of our late nights)
7 you walked
8 Beaches and Cream
9 Wild animal was a lizard

So wish I was back there. I might have to keep my eyes open for flights for a getaway so I can visit frontierland again.
A little birdie told me it's someone's day of birth anniversary. So here's to you! Live it up---- as much as one can at work. XPXPXPXP

Thanks Liesa! :goodvibes

But... I know what XO means (kiss and hug)
but what does XP mean?
(Other than a Windows OS.)

oooohhh! Tell me it's something naughty!

I'll say it here too, I hope you have a very Happy Birthday. And today you could possibly say that you've reached a full deck of cards.

I didn't say you were holding one, just that you have now amassed as many years!

Thanks Alison! :)

Funny, people keep telling me
I'm not playing with a full deck, so...

Personally, I think I need another year.
Considering a full deck with
Joker is 53 cards... :rolleyes:


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